Chapter 10 - Performance Tips

This chapter contains a few tips that may enhance the performance of your simulations. Debugging and troubleshooting are treated in Chapter 13.

Simulations always proceed slowly when one or more online windows are open upon them. If speed is important, keep the dynamic windows closed as much as possible.

GPSS World is designed for multitasking operation. However, the message related task switching can sometimes cause window update delays. You can alleviate this by opening fewer online windows, by Halting the simulation before opening multiple views, and by running one simulation at a time.


    10.1. Memory Allocations

No entity allocations are required by GPSS World. All are automatic. For this reason there is no REALLOCATE statement.

Since GPSS World utilizes virtual memory, you can use more memory for your simulations than exists in your computer. This generally causes extra disk accesses to occur. If you find that your simulations are taking longer to run because of this, you can remedy the situation by adding more physical memory to your computer.

For safety sake there is a limit to the size of virtual memory requests which occur during a simulation. This prevents the inadvertent access to a large amount of virtual memory causing performance degradation. If you need to change this limit, you can do so in the Simulate Page of the Model Settings Notebook.


    10.2. Identifying Congestion Points

A common cause of performance problems is an unlimited creation of Transactions inside your simulation.

It may be useful to view the simulation through each of the graphics windows. This will often show you the reason that your simulation is growing. Look in the Blocks window for congestion points where Transactions are accumulating. Look at the details view of each of the other entity windows and check the size of the Retry Chain. This indicate the number of Transactions blocked on a state change of each entity.

You may want to produce a Standard Report to study the state of the simulation. To force GPSS World to produce a report, you can simply type:


A buildup of Transactions may be an indication of what would really happen under the conditions you have simulated. For example, if your arrival rates exceed the capacity of the simulated resources, queues will build up indefinitely. In this case, you would expect to run out of memory eventually. Your simulation is telling you that a system so designed would be inadequate to handle the simulated load


10.3. Operating Tips.

1. Simulations run MUCH slower when one or more dynamic windows are open. A large number of messages must be sent continually to update the windows. You can speed performance immensely by closing all online windows.

2. Generally, simulations without Data Stream I/O run faster when only one simulation is run at a time. This avoids additional task switching overhead.

3. If performance is important, be sure that you have a hardware math coprocessor capability. You may be able to find a coprocessor which runs on a faster clock than exists on the motherboard of your personal computer.

4. If all these methods fail to improve performance satisfactorily, you should consider a CPU upgrade. Be sure to get hardware math coprocessor capabilities. All GPSS World products can benefit from symmetric multiprocessing. The Intel variants are optimized for Pentium.


    10.4. Modeling Tips

The following changes to your models may speed up the running of your simulations.

1. If your simulation is behaving in an unexpected manner, you should HALT the simulation and determine if Transactions are building up anywhere. Start with the Blocks Window and look for red Blocks which indicate a blocking condition. More information is available in the Detailed view. Begin STEPping through the simulation so you can see the dynamics of the Transaction flow. Open the Detailed View of each Window type and look for large Retry Chains. That would indicate an unsatisfied blocking condition.

2. A performance problem can result from retesting blocked Transactions. Several of the most powerful GPSS blocks carry with them the danger that much computer time will be wasted on unsuccessful testing. When a Transaction is blocked, the Simulation Object places it on one or more Retry Chains so that a retest may be scheduled when conditions change. If you use GATE, TEST, TRANSFER BOTH, or TRANSFER ALL blocks and there are large Retry Chains , chances are that a lot of computer time is spent in unsuccessful tests. You should arrange your model to minimize unsuccessful testing in these Blocks.

3. If you have Transactions waiting for a specific condition and there is no chance of a successful test, it is more efficient to place blocked Transactions on a User Chain until there is a possibility of success.

4. GPSS is a powerful simulation language unlike FORTRAN and other programming languages. Transactions do not have to be GENERATEd on every clock tick. GPSS schedules future events and unblocks Transactions automatically, you do not have to keep testing.

5. Replace Refuse Mode GATE and TEST Blocks with alternate constructs. If this is not possible, test conditions which change infrequently.

6. Use a GPSS FUNCTION statement to define probability distributions instead of a complex expression using library functions.

7. COUNT and SELECT blocks can generate a lot of testing. Try to replace these with less powerful Blocks closely matched to your model.

8. You can force the Simulation Object to use a one-day calendar for implementation of the Future Events Chain. This is a performance tuning option that may improved the performance of simulation with a small FEC.

9. You can set aside a block of contiguous Transaction Parameter numbers and cause Simulation Object to allocate them all at once and to access them by direct addressing. This eliminates a serial search for Transaction Parameters. Such allocations are called Parameter Blocks, and are specified in the Simulate Page of the Model Settings Notebook, and are discussed in Chapter 2. You can use the EQU Command to cause named Parameters to reside in a Parameter Block.

10. Data Stream Blocks can be computationally expensive. You can speed processing by using a large amount of data on a small number of text lines. For example, use text lines that contain many data items. You can parse these structures using the string procedures in the Procedure Library.

11. You should keep Transaction Priorities contiguous. Use 1, 2, 3, not 12789, -30977, 22. This speeds up the overhead related to priority queues. Zero is the default.

12. At the expense of some interactivity, the simulation Poll count can be increased to reduce the polling overhead in the Simulation Object. This causes message polling to be less frequent. To do so enter a higher number in the Simulate Page of the Model Settings Notebook.

13. Integrations are generally slow. If you know the analytic solution to the ordinary differential equation, using it in an FVARIABLE, or PLUS Procedure, is much faster than actually playing out the integration numerically using one or more INTEGRATE Statements.

14. A larger Integration Error Tolerance will make integrations run faster, at the expense of some accuracy. The Integration Tolerance is set in the Simulate Page of the Model Settings Notebook. The default is 10-6.

15. Using parts-per-thousand in Fractional Mode TRANSFER blocks instead of a decimal fraction is a little faster.

16. MIN and MAX operators in GPSS Blocks are time consuming. It may be faster to create a PLUS Procedure to select entities.

17. Turn off sections of the Standard Report that you do not need. You can do this in the Report page of the Model Settings Notebook.

18. Real numbers in Numeric Groups are searched much more slowly than integers. If real numbers must be used, consider using a coding algorithm so that only integers are actually used as Group members.


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