Chapter 4 - GPSS Entities


GPSS is built around several elementary abstractions called entities. In order for you to be able to create complex simulation, you must acquire an understanding of these entities and of the rules by which they may be manipulated. GPSS entities are abstract objects that exist in a simulation. If you prefer a more concrete notion, you may think of a GPSS Entity as a set of numbers in the memory of your computer. The collection of all the entities is called the simulation. The most prominent entity types are Transactions and Blocks, because simulations, to a large extent, consist of many Transactions moving from one Block into the next. Transactions are the only entity types that can be deleted from the simulation. In all, there are a dozen or so entity types, and a simulation may contain many instances of any entity type. To be effective in creating simulations you must understand the properties of each of the GPSS entities and how to use GPSS Blocks in order to cause interactions among the entities.

GPSS entities are numbered. When you use a name to refer to an entity, the integer value associated with the name is used to find the entity. However you do not normally assign these integer values to names, although the EQU statement enables you to do so. GPSS World normally assigns a unique value greater than or equal to 10,000.

Most GPSS entities are created automatically when needed. For example, a reference to a Facility Entity using the name Barber will cause a Facility to be created if none existed before. This convenience can sometimes cause your simulation to use a lot of virtual memory due to a bug in your GPSS model. Your simulations can be extremely large. The use of virtual memory provides for simulations taking up to half a gigabyte (512 Megabytes).

Some entities must be specifically declared before they can be used. Generally these have an attribute, such as size, which must be made known to the Simulation Object. The name in the label field, called an Entity Label, is then used to refer to the entity.

The following entities must be declared before they can be used:

· Storage entities must be declared in STORAGE Statements.

· Arithmetic Variables must be declared in VARIABLE Statements.

· "Floating point" Variables must be declared in FVARIABLE Statements.

· Boolean Variables must be declared in BVARIABLE Statements.

· Matrices must be declared in MATRIX Statements, or Temporary Matrix PLUS Declarations.

· Tables must be declared in TABLE Statements.

· Qtables must be declared in QTABLE Statements.

· Functions must be declared in FUNCTION and Function Follower Statements.

· Transaction Parameters must be declared in ASSIGN, MARK, READ, SELECT, SPLIT, COUNT or TRANSFER SUB Blocks before they are referenced.


Some entity types bear one or more special relationships to Transactions. Storage and Facility Entities can be partially or wholly owned by Transactions. Other Transactions may then come to rest in the model while they wait for ownership. It is up to you to assure that ownership is eventually released by the original owners, by causing them to enter RELEASE, RETURN, or LEAVE Blocks. Otherwise, the simulation may not complete successfully. Some Blocks such as PREEMPT and FUNAVAIL have options that divert the path of the owning Transaction. However, it is still up to you to provide for the release of the owned entity.


    4.1. Transaction Entities

Transactions move from Block to Block in a simulation in a manner which represents the real-world system you are modeling. Once a Transaction begins to move in the simulation, it continues to enter Blocks as long as it can. During a simulation, the Transaction which is attempting from Block to Block is called the Active Transaction. If a Transaction fails to find favorable conditions when it attempts to enter a Block, it may come to rest. Then, another Transaction is chosen to begin to move through the simulation until it, in turn, comes to rest.

Transactions are numbered sequentially throughout a session starting with 1. A CLEAR statement begins the numbering of Transactions at 1 again.

The behavior of a Transaction is determined somewhat by several state variables called Transaction Attributes. The important attributes of Transactions are:

· Parameters - Transaction Parameters are a set of values associated with a Transaction. Each Transaction may have any number of Parameters. Each Parameter has a Parameter Number, by which it is referenced, and a value. The Parameter Number is a positive integer. The value of any Parameter of the active Transaction may be returned by the SNA PParameter where Parameter is the name or number of the Parameter. If a Block operand specifies Parameter name or number as the desired value, P$Parameter or PParameter should not be used, use only the Parameter Name or Number by itself.

For efficiency, you can allow GPSS World to directly access Parameters by using Parameter Blocks in your simulation. A Parameter Block is an array of contiguous Parameters that are allocated and freed as a single segment of memory. When you create the first Parameter, whose Parameter Number is in range, all the others Parameters in the segment are allocated as well. When you reference a Parameter in a Parameter Block, the Simulation Object can go directly to it, rather than having to check each Parameter individually. This can save a lot of time. All you have to do to use Parameter Blocks is to declare them in the Simulate Page of the Model Settings Notebook. This is discussed in Chapter 2.

Parameters are used in GPSS indirect addressing. When the number of the desired GPSS entity is kept as a Parameter value of the Active Transaction, the name or number of the desired GPSS entity specifier can be replaced with an indirect reference to the Transaction Parameter. There is a more detailed description of this in Section 3.4.

Transaction Parameters must be created and assigned values before they can be referenced. ASSIGN, MARK, and TRANSFER SUB, SELECT, SPLIT and COUNT Blocks create a Transaction Parameter if one does not exist.

· Priority - the priority of a Transaction determines the preference it receives when it and other Transactions are waiting for the same resource. Transactions with higher priority values receive preference. The most important priority queues in the simulation are the Current Events Chain, Facility Delay Chains, and Storage Delay Chains. The Future Events Chain is not a priority chain. These structures are explained in more detail in Chapter 9. The effect of priority is that a Transaction will be chosen ahead of lower priority Transactions when a new Active Transaction, or a new Facility or Storage owner must be chosen. Transactions within a priority are usually scheduled first come, first served.

· Mark Time - The absolute clock time that the Transaction first entered the simulation or entered a MARK Block with no A operand.

· Assembly Set - A positive integer kept internally in each Transaction. Assembly Sets are used to synchronize Transaction in ASSEMBLE, GATHER, and MATCH Blocks. When a Transaction is created by a GENERATE Block, its Assembly Set is set equal to its Transaction Number. When a Transaction is created by a SPLIT Block, its Assembly Set is set equal to that of the parent Transaction. A Transaction can modify its Assembly Set by entering an ADOPT Block.

· Delay Indicator  - A flag kept in each Transaction that is set by Block entry refusal, and is reset by entry into TRANSFER SIM Block. It is used by TRANSFER SIM Blocks to redirect Transactions.

· Trace indicator - A flag kept in each Transaction that causes a trace message to be generated each time the Transaction enters a Block. The Trace Indicator is set by a TRACE Block and reset by an UNTRACE Block.

· Current Block - The Entity Number of the Block which contains the Transaction.

· Next Block - The Entity Number of the Block which the Transaction will attempt to enter next.

· Chains  - The state of a Transaction is determined to some degree by the chains on which it resides. Chapter 9 contains a more detailed description of Transaction chains. A Transaction is said to be in exactly one of several states:

· ACTIVE - The Transaction is the highest priority Transaction on the Current Events Chain.

· SUSPENDED - The Transaction is waiting on the Future Events Chain or the Current Events Chain to become the active Transaction.

· PASSIVE - The Transaction has come to rest in the simulation on a User Chain, Delay Chain, or Pending Chain.

· TERMINATED - The Transaction has been destroyed and no longer exists in the simulation.


In addition, there is another state which is not mutually exclusive with the others:

· PREEMPTED - The Transaction has been preempted at a Facility and is on one or more interrupt Chains.



The Active Transaction

At any instant during the discrete phase of a simulation, one specific Transaction is attempting to enter a new GPSS Block. That Transaction is called the Active Transaction. Generally, the active Transaction moves as far as it can through the simulation. When it cannot move further, another Transaction is chosen to be the Active Transaction. There can be no more than one Active Transaction.

More specifically, the Active Transaction is the highest priority Transaction on the Current Events Chain when the last Block scheduling occurred. This is described in more detail in Chapter 9.


Related SNAs

The SNAs associated with Transactions are:

· A1 - Assembly Set. A1 returns the Assembly Set of the Active Transaction.

· MBEntnum - Match at Block. MBEntnum returns a 1 if there is a Transaction at Block Entnum which is in the same Assembly Set as the Active Transaction. MBEntnum returns a 0 otherwise. This SNA class should not be used in a Refuse Mode GATE or TEST Block condition test, you should use MATCH Blocks instead.

· MPParameter - Transit Time, Parameter. Current absolute system clock value minus value in Transaction Parameter Parameter.

· M1 - Transit Time. M1 returns the absolute system clock minus the "Mark Time" of the Transaction.

· PParameter or *Parameter - Parameter value. PParameter or *Parameter returns the value of Parameter Parameter of the Active Transaction.

· PR - Transaction priority. The value of the priority of the Active Transaction.

· XN1 - Active Transaction. The Transaction Number of the Active Transaction.


    4.2. Block Entities

The GPSS Block entity is the basic structural element of the simulation. It is useful to think of a GPSS model by its Block diagram. This is the connected network of Block symbols which correspond to the positions of Block entities in the simulation. Representations of the Block diagram can be viewed in the Block Input Window or a Blocks Window. Each Transaction in the model is contained in exactly one Block, but most Blocks may contain many Transactions.

The sequence of Blocks encountered by various Transactions determines the nature and much of the outcome of any simulation. Each Transaction enters one Block then the next, until it is TERMINATEd or the simulation ends. Transactions occasionally must wait in a Block until conditions are favorable for entry into the next Block. This may happen in any of several ways, the details of which are better described in Chapter 9.

Each type of Block is associated with an action that transforms other entities in the simulation. These actions are described in Chapter 7 and are supervised by the Transaction Scheduler, described in Chapter 9. In general, a Block first determines if the active Transaction can enter. If so, several Block, Transaction, and system wide statistics are updated. Then the Block-specific action occurs and the Transaction’s next Block is chosen. Usually, the "Next Sequential Block" (NSB) is scheduled.

The permanent Blocks in a simulation are created during the Initial Model Translation from the Block Statements in the model. The order of Blocks in the Translated simulation is the same as the order of Block Statements encountered by the Translator. Line numbers are ignored by GPSS World. The GPSS Block Statements may be created in the Model Object using the fullscreen text editor or through one or more Block Creation Dialogs, accessed through the Edit / Insert Block menu command.

Block Statements sent to an existing simulation create a one-time temporary Block in a mode called "Manual Simulation". Such interactive Statements cause the active Transaction to attempt a Block entry and then destroy the Block. In this way, Block statements can be used interactively to control the simulation. After the Block action occurs, the active Transaction resumes its old path in the model unless you had entered a TRANSFER statement or some other Block statement with an alternate destination. This is discussed further under manual simulation in Chapter 2.

Related SNAs

The SNAs associated with Blocks are:

· NEntnum - Block entry count. The total number of Transactions which have entered Block Entnum is returned.

· WEntnum - Current Block count. The current number of Transactions in Block Entnum is returned.


    4.3. Facility Entities

A Facility is an entity which has several attributes, the most important of which is ownership. A Facility may be owned by a single Transaction, in which case it is said to be busy. Or it may not be owned at all, in which case it is said to be idle. Unlike a Storage Entity, a Facility cannot be freed by a Transaction which never owned it. Transactions acquire ownership of a Facility by successfully entering a SEIZE or PREEMPT Block. A PREEMPT Block has the power to displace the existing owner of the Facility. If a Transaction cannot acquire ownership, it comes to rest on a Facility Transaction Chain.

A Facility has several waiting lines for Transactions which are waiting for some Facility-oriented event to occur. Each Facility has a Delay Chain for normally waiting Transactions, a Pending Chain for Interrupt Mode preemptions which were not allowed, and an Interrupt Chain for previously preempted Transactions. Transactions waiting on a Delay Chain, a Pending Chain, or an Interrupt Chain are said to be "in contention" for the Facility. Each Transaction which owns a Facility must eventually give up ownership by entering a RELEASE or a RETURN Block. Since a contending Transaction will generally become the owner of the Facility, contention for a Facility carries the obligation of eventually releasing the Facility.

Those Transactions which fail in their attempt to enter a SEIZE Block come to rest in priority order on the Delay Chain of the Facility. When a Facility is freed by an owning Transaction, the next owner is chosen from occupants of the Facility’s Transaction chains. The pending Interrupt Mode preemptors are chosen first, followed by previously preempted Transactions, followed by Transactions waiting normally in priority order on the Delay Chain.

Entity States

A Facility that is owned by a Transaction is in the "busy" state. If a Facility is not owned by a Transaction, it is in the "idle" state.

A Facility may be available or unavailable. When it is available, Transactions acquire and give up ownership of the Facility normally. When the Facility is unavailable, ownership is not given to newly arriving Transactions. FAVAIL Blocks are used to place a Facility in the available state, and FUNAVAIL Blocks are used to place it in the unavailable state. Any Transactions present at the Facility at the time it was made unavailable are disposed of as specified in the FUNAVAIL Block operands.

Related Blocks

There are several GPSS Blocks which can be used with Facilities:

· SEIZE Blocks attempt to take ownership of a Facility.

· RELEASE Blocks relinquish ownership of a Facility.

· PREEMPT Blocks attempt to take ownership of a Facility, possibly displacing the existing owner.

· RETURN Blocks relinquish ownership of a Facility.

· FAVAIL Blocks place a Facility in the available state.

· UNAVAIL Blocks place a Facility in the unavailable state.

Related SNAs

The SNAs associated with Facilities are:

· FEntnum - Facility busy. If Facility Entnum is currently busy, FEntnum returns 1. Otherwise FEntnum returns 0.

· FCEntnum - Facility capture count. The number of times Facility Entnum has been SEIZEd or PREEMPTed by a Transaction.

· FIEntnum - Facility Entnum interrupted. If Facility Entnum is currently preempted by a Transaction in an Interrupt Mode PREEMPT Block, FIEntnum returns 1. Otherwise FIEntnum returns 0.

· FREntnum - Facility utilization. The fraction of time Facility Entnum has been busy. FREntnum is expressed in parts-per-thousand and therefore returns a real value between 0 and 1000.

· FTEntnum - Average facility holding time. The average time Facility Entnum is owned by a capturing Transaction.

· FVEntnum - Facility in available state. FVEntnum returns 1 if Facility Entnum is in the available state, 0 otherwise.


    4.4. Function Entities

GPSS Function Entities are used to return a value derived from some argument, such as a random number. Actually, any SNA may be used as an argument. A Function is defined by a FUNCTION Command followed by one or more Function Follower Statements. The A operand of the FUNCTION Statement specifies the argument, and the B operand of the FUNCTION statement specifies the Function type and the number of data pairs to appear on the Function Follower Statements. It is the numbers, names, and/or SNAs in the Function Follower Statements that complete the definition of the function entity.

For many purposes, it is more convenient to use PLUS Procedures than Function Entities. The PLUS Language is described in Chapter 1. However, GPSS Functions are well suited for use as list based functions and empirical probability distributions. In addition, a GPSS Function may be much more efficient in terms of computer time than an equivalent Procedure.

There are 5 different types of function entities:

· Type C - "Continuous" valued Function. Performs a linear interpolation. A random argument is a special case.

· Type D - Discrete valued Function. Each argument value or probability mass is assigned an separate value. A random argument is a special case.

· Type E - Discrete, "attribute valued" Function. Each argument value or probability mass is assigned an SNA to be evaluated. A random argument is a special case.

· Type L - List valued Function. The argument value is used to determine the list position of the value to be returned.

· Type M - List valued Function. The argument value is used to determine the list position of the SNA. This SNA is evaluated and returned as the result of the function.

A Function used in operand B of an ADVANCE or GENERATE Block is called a "Function Modifier". The double precision floating point result of the function is multiplied by the evaluated A operand. The result is then used as the time increment required by the Block.

The values specified in a FUNCTION declaration, i.e. in Function Follower statements, are kept internally as double precision floating point values. These values have a precision limited to approximately 15 decimal digits and a magnitude limited to 306 decimal digits. Linear interpolation when evaluating a random function entity involves a random fraction from 0-.999999 taken from the specified random number generator. This random number is multiplied by the interpolation factor and added to the base of the interval.

The FUNCTION Command is discussed in more detail in Chapter 6

Related SNA

The SNA associated with functions is:

· FNEntnum - Function. Result of evaluating Function Entnum.


    4.5. Logicswitch Entities

A Logicswitch Entity is the simplest entity with only two states: "Set" or "Reset". There are BLOCKS which alter a Logicswitch and SNAs which return the state of a Logicswitch.

Logicswitches are given the value of 0 when created, or when a CLEAR Command (without the OFF option) is sent to the Simulation Object.

Related Block

· LOGIC Blocks set, reset, or invert the state of a Logicswitch Entity.

Related SNA

The SNA associated with Logicswitches is:

· LSEntnum - Logicswitch set. LSEntnum returns 1 if Logicswitch is in the "set" state, 0 otherwise.


    4.6. Matrix Entities

A Matrix Entity is an array of elements, each of which can take on a value. The size of a Matrix is limited by the Maximum Memory Request in the Simulate page of the Model Settings Notebook. You can adjust this if you need to increase the permitted matrix size.

Matrices can have up to 6 dimensions, and can be global and permanent, or local and temporary. A permanent Matrix Entity is defined by a MATRIX Command in the model, or one sent to an existing simulation. Such Matrix Entities have global scope, and can be referenced anywhere in the model.

The elements of global Matrices are given the value of 0 when created, or when a CLEAR Command (without the OFF option) is sent to the Simulation Object. A Matrix Element, or the whole Matrix, may be set in the UNSPECIFIED state by an INITIAL Command.

Temporary Matrices are defined by Temporary Matrix Declarations in PLUS Procedures. They are created when a Procedure is invoked, and destroyed afterward. They have local scope, and can be referenced only within the Procedure in which they are declared. Elements of Temporary Matrices are not initialized. You cannot use one in an Expression until you assign it a value.

Related Block

· MSAVEVALUE Blocks modify or assign a value to an element of a Matrix Entity.

Related Command

· INITIAL Commands assign a value to a matrix element, without the need for an Active Transaction.

Related PLUS Statements

· Temporary Matrix Declarations are used to create temporary Matrices in PLUS Procedures.

· Assignment Statements can assign a value to any element of any Matrix defined globally or local to the Procedure.


Related SNA

The SNA associated with matrices is:

· MXEntnum(m,n) - Matrix Savevalue. The value in row m, column n of Matrix Entity Entnum is returned. In Matrices of more than 2 dimensions, all other indices are assumed to be 1. Unlike MX class SNAs, PLUS Expressions can refer to any element of a higher dimension matrix.


    4.7. Queue Entities

Queue Entities must not be confused with QUEUE Blocks, which are instances of Block entities. Queue Entities are used primarily for the collection of statistics. An accumulation of current count, total entries, total entries finding a zero current count, the maximum count, and the count-time product. QUEUE and DEPART Blocks are used to update the statistics associated with a Queue Entity. The usual procedure is to "sandwich" a SEIZE, PREEMPT, or ENTER Block between QUEUE and DEPART Blocks. Then the queuing statistics for the associated Facility or Storage Entity are kept and reported automatically. Several basic Queue Entity statistics can be retrieved by SNA calls. Also, frequency distributions can be accumulated by the use of QTABLE Commands.

Entity States

The most important attribute of a Queue Entity is its content. The content of a Queue Entity changes when QUEUE and DEPART Blocks are entered. It can be thought of as the count of items in a waiting line. Several statistics related to the content are maintained automatically. These are accessible through the SNAs described below.

Related Blocks

There are several GPSS Blocks which can be used with Queue Entities:

· QUEUE Blocks increase the content of a Queue Entity.

· DEPART Blocks reduce the content of a Queue Entity.

Related SNAs

The SNAs associated with Queue Entities are:

· QEntnum - Current Queue content. The current count value of Queue Entnum.

· QAEntnum - Average Queue content. The time weighted average count for Queue Entnum.

· QCEntnum - Total queue entries. The sum of all Queue entry counts for Queue Entnum.

· QMEntnum - Maximum Queue contents. The maximum count of Queue Entnum. This is the "high water mark".

· QTEntnum - Average Queue residence time. The time weighted average of the count for Queue Entnum.

· QXEntnum - Average Queue residence time excluding zero entries. The time weighted average of the count for Queue Entnum not counting entries with a zero residence time.

· QZEntnum - Queue zero entry count. The number of entries of Queue Entnum with a zero residence time.


    4.8. Storage Entities

A Storage Entity is associated with a number of storage units which are allocated and returned by Transactions. Storage Entities can be used as "token pools" for controlling the flow of Transactions in the model.

When a Transaction ENTERs a Storage Entity, it utilizes or occupies one or more storage units of the Storage Entity. A Transaction is denied entry into an ENTER Block if its storage demand cannot be met. Such a Transaction comes to rest on the Delay Chain of the Storage Entity. Then it must wait until other Transactions free enough storage by entering LEAVE Blocks.

Storage capacity may be released by any Transaction, even if it had not previously ENTERed the Storage Entity. However, if more capacity is released than was declared in the STORAGE Command an Error Stop occurs.

When a Transaction enters a LEAVE Block and gives up one or more storage units, other Transactions are sought which can have their storage demands satisfied. A "first-fit-with-skip" discipline is used to schedule Transactions which are waiting. This means that each Transaction on the Delay Chain is tested for fit in the Storage Entity, starting with the highest priority. If a fit is found, the Transaction is removed from the Storage Delay Chain, allowed to enter the ENTER Block, and placed on the CEC behind its priority peers. Then the next Transaction on the Storage Delay Chain is tested.

ENTER and LEAVE Blocks are used to update the statistics associated with a Storage Entity and several SNAs are available which return derived statistics.

Storage entities must be defined by a STORAGE Command.

Entity States

A Storage Entity is empty when all storage units are allocatable and full when no storage units are allocatable. A Storage Entity may be neither empty nor full. In addition, a Storage Entity is either available or unavailable. Storage requests are granted only if the Storage Entity is in the available state.

Related Blocks

There are several GPSS Blocks which can be used with Storage Entities.

· ENTER Blocks attempt to increase the contents of (place tokens in) a Storage Entity.

· LEAVE Blocks decrease the contents of (remove tokens from) a Storage Entity.

· SAVAIL Blocks place a Storage Entity in the available state.

· SUNAVAIL Blocks place a Storage Entity in the unavailable state.

Related SNAs

The SNAs associated with Storage Entities are:

· REntnum - Unused storage capacity. The storage content (or spaces available for use by "tokens") available for use by entering Transactions at Storage Entity Entnum.

· SEntnum - Storage in use. SEntnum returns the amount of storage content (or "token" spaces) currently in use by entering Transactions at Storage Entity Entnum.

· SAEntnum - Average storage in use. SAEntnum returns the time weighted average of storage capacity (or "token" spaces) in use at Storage Entity Entnum.

· SCEntnum - Storage use count. Total number of storage units that have been acquired from Storage Entity Entnum.

· SEEntnum - Storage empty. SEEntnum returns 1 if Storage Entity Entnum is completely unused, 0 otherwise.

· SFEntnum - Storage full. SFEntnum returns 1 if Storage Entity Entnum is completely used, 0 otherwise.

· SREntnum - Storage utilization. The fraction of total usage represented by the average storage in use at Storage Entity Entnum. SREntnum is expressed in parts-per-thousand and therefore returns a real value between 0 and 1000, inclusively.

· SMEntnum - Maximum storage in use at Storage Entity Entnum. The "high water mark".

· STEntnum - Average holding time per unit at Storage Entity Entnum.

· SVEntnum - Storage Entity in available state. SVEntnum returns 1 if Storage Entity Entnum is in the available state, 0 otherwise.


    4.9. Savevalue Entities

A Savevalue Entity is associated with a variable that can take on any value. The value may be assigned or modified by Blocks and may be returned by an X class SNA.

Savevalues are given the value of 0 when created, or when a CLEAR Command (without the OFF option) is sent to the Simulation Object. A Savevalue may be set in the UNSPECIFIED state by an INITIAL Command.

Related Block

· SAVEVALUE Blocks assign or modify the value of a Savevalue Entity.

Related Command

· INITIAL Commands assign a value to a Savevalue Entity, without the need for an Active Transaction.

Related SNA

The SNA associated with Savevalue Entities is:

· XEntnum - Savevalue. The value of Savevalue Entity Entnum is returned.


    4.10. Table Entities

A Table Entity is a set of integers used to accumulate data for a histogram. Each integer represents a frequency class in a histogram.

A Table Entity is defined by a TABLE Command.

Related Blocks

· TABULATE Blocks update the histogram data accumulated in a Table Entity.

Related SNAs

The SNAs associated with tables are:

· TBEntnum - Nonweighted average of entries in Table Entity Entnum.

· TCEntnum - Count of nonweighted table entries in Table Entity Entnum.

· TDEntnum - Standard deviation of nonweighted table entries in Table Entity Entnum.


    4.11. Userchain Entities

A Userchain Entity contains is a special Transaction Chain, called a User Chain, that can be manipulated by LINK and UNLINK Blocks. Userchains are useful for modeling complex scheduling and queuing algorithms. They provide closer control of Transaction queuing than is available with entity Delay Chains.

A flag called a "Link Indicator" is part of each Userchain Entity. The Link Indicator is useful for using a User Chain to control the queuing of Transactions on a resource. It is discussed in detail with the descriptions of LINK and UNLINK Blocks in Chapter 7.

Related Blocks

There are two GPSS Blocks which can be used with Userchain Entities:

· LINK Blocks conditionally place a Transaction on a User Chain.

· UNLINK Blocks remove Transactions from a User Chain.

Related SNAs

The SNAs associated with Userchain Entities are:

· CAEntnum  - Average Userchain content. The time weighted average number of chained Transactions for Userchain Entity Entnum.

· CCEntnum - Total Userchain entries. The count of all Transactions that have been chained to the User Chain of Userchain Entity Entnum.

· CHEntnum - Current Userchain content. The current number of Transactions chained at Userchain Entity Entnum.

· CMEntnum - Maximum Userchain content. The maximum number of Transactions chained at Userchain Entity Entnum. The "high water mark".

· CTEntnum - Average Userchain residence time. The average duration of Transactions at Userchain Entity Entnum.


    4.12. Variable Entities

A Variable Entity is a complex expression which can be calculated on demand. All Variable Entities may be defined from Expressions which include constants, SNAs, arithmetic library functions and arithmetic and logical operators. Expressions are discussed in Chapter 8.

A variable is defined by a VARIABLE, FVARIABLE, or BVARIABLE Command.

· VARIABLE creates a GPSS arithmetic variable entity which, when evaluated by an SNA call, evaluates the Expression and returns the overall result. In GPSS/PC Compatibility Mode, intermediate results are truncated.

· FVARIABLE creates a GPSS "floating point" variable entity which, when evaluated by an SNA call, evaluates the Expression and returns the result.

· BVARIABLE creates a GPSS Boolean variable entity which, when evaluated by an SNA call, evaluates the Expression, then returns 1 if the result is non zero, 0 otherwise. BVARIABLES return 1 if true, 0 if false.

Related SNAs

The SNAs associated with variables are:

· BVEntnum - Result of evaluating Boolean Variable Entity Entnum.

· VEntnum - Result of evaluating arithmetic or floating point Variable Entity Entnum.


4.13. Numeric Group Entities

A Numeric Group Entity is a set of numeric values. Numeric Groups are useful for recording events or for describing the state of a process which you are simulating.

Numeric Group operations are faster for integers than for real values.

Related Blocks

There are several GPSS Block s which can be used with Numeric Groups Entities:

· JOIN Blocks place a value into a Numeric Group.

· REMOVE Blocks take a value out of a Numeric Group.

· EXAMINE Blocks test values in a Numeric Group.

Related SNA

The SNA associated with Numeric Groups is:

· GNEntnum - Numeric Group count. GNEntnum returns the membership count of Numeric Group Entity Entnum.


    4.14. Transaction Group Entities

A Transaction Group is a set of Transactions. There is no limit to the number of Transaction groups you may have, and no limit to the number of groups to which a single Transaction may belong. Transaction Groups are useful for classifying and accessing Transactions. The active Transaction can test the Transaction Parameters of the members of any Transaction Group.

Related Blocks

There are several GPSS Blocks which can be used with Transaction Groups:

· JOIN Blocks place the entering Transaction into a Transaction Group.

· REMOVE Blocks take some group members out of a Transaction Group.

· EXAMINE Blocks test members of a Transaction Group.

· SCAN Blocks test and/or modify members of a Transaction Group.

· ALTER Blocks test and/or modify members of a Transaction Group.

Related SNA

The SNA associated with Transaction Groups is:

· GTEntnum - Transaction Group count. GTEntnum returns the membership count of Transaction Group Entnum.


    4.15. Random Number Generators

The GPSS World random number streams are generated by a maximal period 32 bit multiplicative congruential algorithm. The period is 231-2 and does not include 0. You may include any number of random number generators in the simulation without declaring them. The initial seed of the random number generator is the same as the entity number of the random number generator entity. However, only random number generators numbered 1 through 7 can be controlled by an RMULT statement.

The GPSS World Pseudo-random number generation algorithm is based on Lehmer’s Multiplicative-Congruential algorithm, with a maximal period. The algorithm produces pseudo-random numbers in the open interval 0 to 2,147,483,647 and it generates 2,147,483,646 unique random numbers before repeating itself. There is an additional shuffling step used by GPSS World. The RN class SNA returns 0-999, inclusively and the evaluation of random functions uses a random number drawn from 0-.999999, inclusively.

The important attributes of random number generators are:

· Seeds. Unless changed by an RMULT statement, the initial seed is equal to the entity number of the random number generator. For example, RN2 starts with a seed of 2.

· System usage. GPSS World uses Random Number Generators in the scheduling of time ties, in Fractional Mode TRANSFER Blocks and to sample random numbers for GENERATE and ADVANCE Blocks. You can select which random number generator number is to be used as the source of the random number. This is set in the "Random" page of the Model Settings Notebook.

· SNA Values. When accessed as an SNA, a random integer value 0-999 is returned. You may build larger random numbers by using Expressions such as 1000#RN2+RN2 to define a new variable entity. The newly defined random numbers are returned by calls to a V class SNA. You may find it more convenient to use the built-in probability distributions in the Procedure Library. They are discussed in Chapter 8.

· Interpolation values. Fractional values 0-.999999 are drawn from the random number stream when used for interpolation in a continuous random Function.

Related SNAs

The SNAs associated with Random Number Generator Entities are:

· RNEntnum - Random number. RNEntnum returns a random integer 0-999 from Random Number Generator Entity Entnum.




    4.16. Data Streams

A Data Stream is a sequence of text lines used by a GPSS World simulation. Each Data Stream is identified by a unique number, so that many can be processed at the same time within in a single simulation. Data Stream numbers are arbitrary positive integers, assigned by you.

You can use a Data Stream to read and write to a file, or to maintain a set of directly accessible data in the memory of your computer. Open, close, read, write and seek operations exist both as GPSS Blocks and as PLUS library procedures. We denote the Blocks in all capital letters, and the Procedures only capitalizing the first letter. You can perform complex file input/output operations within your own PLUS Procedures or by using higher level GPSS Block Entities, and you may mix the two modes. The Blocks are discussed in Chapter 7 and the PLUS Procedures in Chapter 8. For simplicity, we consider only Blocks in the following discussion.

The basic unit of a Data Stream is the text line, which is a string of printable characters, including blanks. The built-in library of string Procedures can be used to manipulate text lines. When a string is used as a text line, unprintable characters encountered by a READ or WRITE operations cause the line to be truncated.

Elementary operations involving Data Streams, such as READ, WRITE, and SEEK each involve a single line of text. Data read from a file is stripped of any terminating CR or LF character before being brought into the simulation. Similarly, a CR/LF sequence is added automatically to any text string written by the simulation. Therefore, you do not need to add control characters within your simulation. You will pass a text string with no CR or LF to a WRITE Block, and you will receive a text string with no CR or LF from a READ Block.

There are two types of Data Streams:

1. Input/Output (or just, I/O, or "File") Streams for accessing files,

2. In-Memory Streams for testing, and for direct access of internal data.


Each Data Stream has a Current Line Position This is a 1-relative index to the next line position to be read or written. For example, if a READ is issued when the Current Line Position is 1, the first text line in the Data Stream is retrieved. The SEEK operation can be used to change the Current Line Position in I/O Streams and In-Memory Streams.

A WRITE to an I/O Stream or to an In-Memory Stream is operated in either Insert Mode or Replace Mode. The Current Line Position is used slightly differently in these two modes.

There are 5 Blocks used to process Data Streams: OPEN and CLOSE, which initialize and complete Data Stream processing, respectively. READ and WRITE, which add to and retrieve text lines from the Data Stream, respectively. SEEK is used to set the Current Line Position in I/O Streams and In-Memory Streams.


        4.16.1. Data Stream Operations

Each of the following operations can be performed as a GPSS Block or a PLUS library procedure call. The two methods are equivalent and interchangable, except that Replace Mode is available in the WRITE Block but not the Write() library procedure. In this section we describe primarily the use of GPSS Blocks.


The OPEN Block initializes the Data Stream and sets the Current Line Position to 1.

You determine which type of Data Stream is to be used by how you specify Operand A of OPEN. This operand requires a string constant to describe the Data Stream. Remember that String constants are PLUS Expressions. You must parenthesize any PLUS Expression when you use it as a GPSS Block Operand.

An I/O Stream is described by a file specification and an In-Memory Stream is described by a null string.

For example, in the OPEN Block Statement, you could specify


to open an I/O Stream, or

OPEN (" ")

to open an In-Memory Stream.

If, when you create an file type Data Stream, you use a file name without a path, the directory of the Simulation Object is assumed to be the location of the file. When an existing file is found, it is completely loaded into virtual memory during the processing of the OPEN Block. If no file is found, it is assumed that you are creating one, and processing continues.

If the Data Stream has already been opened, the open operation concludes without raising an error condition.

You can issue open operations within your PLUS Procedures by invoking the Open() library procedure.

After the open operation completes, all data is kept as part of the Simulation Object until the Data Stream is closed. Any changes to the data are returned to the file system only when the Data Stream is terminated by a CLOSE Block or a Close() library procedure.


The CLOSE Block releases resources used by the Data Stream, and returns the error code. For IO Streams, it writes the data from virtual memory to the disk file.

You can issue close operations within your PLUS Procedures by invoking the Close() library procedure.


The READ Block retrieves the next text line. In IO and In-Memory Streams it retrieves the text line at the Current Line Position, and increments the Current Line Position. If no text line is there, the Active Transaction takes the Alternate Destination but does NOT store an error code internally.

You can issue read operations within your PLUS Procedures by invoking the Read() library procedure.


The WRITE Block passes a line of text to the Data Stream.

The action depends on which mode the WRITE Block operates in. If Operand D of WRITE is ON, Insert Mode is used. This is the default. If Operand D is OFF, Replace Mode is used.

Although you can issue write operations within your PLUS Procedures, Replace Mode is not supported by the Write() library procedure.

Insert Mode

This is the default mode for WRITE operations.


1. Move all text lines at, or after, the Current Line Position down one position.

2. If the Current Line Position is after the last text line, set it to just after the last text line in the Data Stream.

3. Place a copy of the new text line at the Current Line Position.

4. Increment the Current Line Position.

Replace Mode (WRITE Blocks only)


1. If the Current Line Position is after the last text line, fill any intervening line positions with null text lines.

2. Delete any text line at the Current Line Position.

3. Place a copy of the new text line at the Current Line Position.

4. Increment the Current Line Position.


The SEEK Block sets the Current Line Position. The Current Line Position is never allowed to be less than 1. Attempts to do so, set it to 1.

You can issue seek operations within your PLUS Procedures by invoking the Seek() library procedure, which returns the previous Line Position that existed before the invocation. This return value is not available when the SEEK Block is used.


        4.16.2. Using Data Streams

You select the type of Data Stream by the way you specify Operand A of OPEN.

I/O Streams

If you specify a file specification in Operand A of OPEN, an I/O Stream is created. If you do not include a file path in the specification, GPSS World assumes you are using the Simulation Object's directory.

In an I/O Stream, when you issue an OPEN, the whole file is brought into the memory of your computer. When you CLOSE, the whole file is written out to disk. Actual file writing only occurs at CLOSE time.

No error occurs if a file cannot be found. In that case, GPSS World assumes you intend to create one. If you need to verify that the file existed, you should issue a READ before continuing.

Here’s a simple example using an I/O Stream. This is a small GPSS model segment that opens a file, reads the first text line from it, issues a SEEK to text line 20, writes a text line there, and closes.


* Read and Modify MYFILE.TXT 
        GENERATE  1,,,1
        OPEN      ("MYFILE.TXT"),1,Done     ;Copy the file to memory
        READ      Text_Parm,1,Done          ;Place text line in parm
        SAVEVALUE Opening_Line,P$Text_Parm  ;Text line to safeplace
        SEEK      20,1                      ;Access text line 20
        WRITE     ("New Line 20"),1,Done    ;Replace the line
Done    CLOSE     Error_Parm,1              ;Copy the file to disk
        SAVEVALUE File_Error,P$Error_Parm   ;Put in Standard Report
        TERMINATE 1


In-Memory Streams

If you use a null string in Operand A of OPEN, you create an In-Memory Stream. In an In-Memory Stream, all text lines are kept in memory. When you CLOSE, all lines are deleted.

In operation, an In-Memory Stream works exactly like an I/O Stream, except that no data is in the stream when you start to use it, and the data is not saved when you are done. The simulation must load the Stream with text lines before it can read from it.

In-Memory Streams provide the advantage of direct access to data utilizing the SEEK Block and allow you to test the use of Data Streams without actually accessing a file.


        4.16.3. How to Test For Errors

You can choose to handle Data Stream Errors yourself within the Simulation or you can force the Simulation to Error Stop when one is encountered. Normally no Error Stop occurs. This is controlled by a Setting on the Simulation Page of the Simulation's Settings. To change this setting choose the Edit / Settings menu item, and check the I/O Stream Error Stops checkbox.

Errors and other unexpected conditions cause a Data Stream Error Code to be stored internally, and cause the Active Transaction entering the Block to take the Alternate Block Destination, if any. A CLOSE Block can retrieve the Data Stream’s error code. Only the first non-zero Error Code is remembered. All others are discarded.

An Alternate Destination can be specified as Operand C in OPEN, CLOSE, READ, and WRITE Blocks. The Active Transaction will go to the Alternate Destination Block, instead of the Next Sequential Block, if an error condition occurs. If you do not use these operands, you are essentially ignoring error conditions, for the time being. Normally, you should use the Alternate Destination operands to send the Active Transaction to a CLOSE Block which retrieves the Error Code. You could then place the code in a Savevalue and terminate the simulation.

When the Active Transaction enters a CLOSE Block, the stored Error Code is placed in a Transaction Parameter. In addition, if the error code is non zero, and you have specified CLOSE Operand C, the Alternate Destination will be taken by the Active Transaction.

End of Data

A special case occurs when the Active Transaction enters a READ Block, but there is no text line at the Current Line Position. This happens normally when you have read all the text lines in a file. This condition causes the Alternate Destination to be taken by the Active Transaction, but does NOT cause an error code to be stored internally.

Error Codes

· 0 - No Errors.

· 10 - OPEN Error. Filename too long. Data Stream is not created.

· 11 - OPEN Error. Error while reading an external file. Data Stream is not created.

· 12 - OPEN Error. Memory request was denied while trying to read an existing file. Data Stream is not created.

·  21 - READ Error. A memory request was denied while trying to perform a READ.

             · 22 - READ Error. Data Stream has not been successfully opened.

· 31 - WRITE Error, A memory request was denied while trying to

perform a WRITE.

· 32 - WRITE Error. Data Stream has not been successfully opened.

· 41 - CLOSE Error. An I/O Error prevented the file from being written to disk.

· 43 - CLOSE Error. Data Stream has not been successfully opened.

· 51 - SEEK Error. Data Stream has not been successfully opened.




    4.17. Continuous Simulation

GPSS World can automatically integrate systems of ordinary differential equations. Integration of User Variables in GPSS World is extremely easy. One or more INTEGRATE statements, and variable initialization, is all that is needed. Integration is done automatically by a modified variable step 5th order Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method, RKF4(5).

Systems of ordinary differential equations, of any order, can be simulated. Plot and Epressions Windows are available for online viewing of the states of variables.


        4.17.1 How to Set up an Integration

There are two things to do in order to set up the automatic integration of a User Variable. You must assert an INTEGRATE Command and you must give the variable an initial value.

Let us assume you have a simple ordinary differential equation of the form

y’ = f(-)

where f(-) is an Expression, possibly involving the System Time, i.e. the AC1 System Numeric Attribute, and other User Variables. f(-) is the derivative of y with respect to time.

First, put the derivative in parentheses and set up the INTEGRATE Command as

Y_ INTEGRATE ( f(-) )

Second, make sure Y_ has a starting value, such as

Y_ EQU 100.3

Then, when the simulation advances the clock, it automatically sees to it that the value of the User Variable Y is kept current.

Since several single letter names clash with SNA classes, here we append an underscore to be sure that the name is unique. All other User Variables involved in the derivative, must be initialized, as well. PLUS Assignment Statements can also be used to assign values to User Variables.

Integrations are automatically begun in the active, or "enabled" state. However, you can turn an integration ON or OFF while a simulation is running by using one or more INTEGRATION Blocks. This is discussed in Chapter 7.


        4.17.2 Basic Concepts

A derivative states how fast a variable is changing. For example, if your inventory is building up at a rate of 2 units an hour, and your simulation is in units of seconds, all you need to do is add

Inventory INTEGRATE ( 2.0 / 3600 )


Inventory EQU 100

or whatever the starting Inventory value is.

The rate of change (the derivative) leads GPSS World to automatically increase the numeric value of Inventory throughout the simulation. When sales occur, you can simply decease the Inventory using a PLUS Procedure. The discrete sales event differs fundamentally in that it occurs with no simulated time duration, reducing the value of Inventory instantly.

Integration takes a lot more computer time than the evaluation of a closed form expression. In an example as simple as this one where the variable can be calculated as a function of time, it is much faster to simply calculate the value of the variable given the simulated time, than to integrate the User Variable. Integration should generally be reserved for those cases where you don’t have the solution of the differential equation.


        4.17.3 Thresholds

Integrated User Variables create Transactions when they cross thresholds. This makes it easy to use a continuously modeled value to trigger discrete events.

Each INTEGRATE Command may have zero, one, or two numeric thresholds. Operands B and C can be used to specify threshold 1, and/or operands D and E can be used to specify threshold 2. In either case, the first operand of the pair determines the value of the threshold, the second indicates the Block which will receive generated Transactions.

During the integration, if the value of the integrated variable crosses the value of a threshold, from either direction, a new Transaction is created. It is given a priority of 0, and is scheduled to enter the Block associated with that threshold in the INTEGRATE Command. The Transaction’s time of entry into the model is estimated by a linear interpolation. To improve accuracy, the integration ministep is decreased when a threshold is imminent.

Thresholds may be constants, parenthesized Expressions, or even Procedure Calls. In addition, the Transactions generated by a threshold crossing may be used to move the threshold.

Both thresholds behave identically; there is no need to specify one as upper and the other as lower. It is the crossing of the threshold (in either direction) that triggers a Transaction arrival. If the direction of crossing is meaningful to your model, you will have to either keep track of the state of the integrated variable, or test for the direction of crossing when the Threshold Event occurs.


        4.17.4 Higher Order Equations

You must reduce the order of higher order ordinary differential equations. If you have higher order differential equations, before you enter them into GPSS World, you should rewrite them as a system of first order equations. This is relatively easy, and requires that you introduce a new variable for each of the intermediate derivatives.

For example, if you have

25 y’’’ - 6 y’ + y = 0.

Let u = y ‘

v = u ‘ = y’’

For even higher orders, we would continue to introduce variables.

Then, substituting into the original equation and using only one first order derivative, we have

25 v’ - 6 u + y = 0.



Now we have the following system of equations:

y’ = u

u’ = v

v’ = 6/25 u - 1/25 y



In GPSS World, you could use the following Statements



V_ INTEGRATE ( (6/25) # U_ - (1/25) # Y_)

To these, you must add EQU Statements that initialize U_, V_, and Y_.




        4.17.5 Continuous Only

If you want to do a purely continuous simulation, you still need to create a termination condition by entry into a TERMINATE Block. Therefore, include a GPSS segment such as



In the model, which is begun by a





        4.17.6 Phases

Simulations run in alternate continuous and discrete phases. At any instant where events are scheduled, the simulation runs in a discrete phase. The clock does not advance within an instant in a discrete phase. Between instants, the simulation runs in a continuous phase, during which the integrations proceed in small time increments called ministeps. Plotted integration variables report intermediate values at the end of ministeps.

When a threshold crossing generates a Transaction, the simulation goes into a discrete phase. In this manner, the continuous and the discrete phases can be closely interrelated. Conversely, User Variables can be assigned new values in a discrete phase even if they are being integrated. You can do so using an EQU Command, or a PLUS Assignment Statement. If you want such assignments to occur within the running of the simulation, you must define a PLUS Procedure that makes the assignment. For example, if you defined a PLUS Procedure as

PROCEDURE SetPop(Pop_Level)Foxes = Pop_Level ;

you could reinitialize the FOXES User Variable by entering a PLUS Block, such as

PLUS (SetPop(200))

or by using a parenthesized Expression that invokes SetPop( ) in some other kind of Block.


        4.17.7 Integration Error

A Model Setting called the Integration Tolerance is used to limit the local truncation error of integrations. This setting applies to all integrations performed during the simulation. If you make the tolerance smaller, the integrations will take longer, but will be more accurate. This is set in the Simulate Page of the Model Settings Notebook.

CHOOSE Edit / Settings

Then select the Simulate page. Then fill in the desired value in the entry box marked "Integration Tolerance". The installation default is 10-6.


        4.17.8 Related Command

· INTEGRATE Commands set up automatic integrations.


4.17.9 Related Block

· INTEGRATION Blocks turn the integration of variables ON or OFF.


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