2' 'ư>HELPA\NhNN:lxCONTINUE n((EXIT&%p=lHALTމPlxdSTEP 1v4߉lg STOP߉X^F%EFSTOP ,,OFFg^w@߉UT߉WOdgp߉.OddAg|߉dA|ŻOdgdAModelsSchr2e.gpsLFeCFEO<+hL<+h.hE(((((((((({\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\fmodern Courier New;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \deflang1033\pard\tx1200\tx2400\tx4450\plain\f2\fs20 * Adapted from "Simulation Using GPSS", by Thomas J. Schriber \par * \par * Storage Capacity Definitions \par * \par Nowon STORAGE 50 ;50 Machines max \par * \par * Model Segment 1 \par * \par Cntrl GENERATE ,,,Machines ;Provide 53 machines (3 rented) \par Backplace ENTER Nowon ;Machine goes into production \par ADVANCE 157,25 ;Machine is running \par LEAVE Nowon ;Machine fails \par ENTER Men ;Capture repairman \par ADVANCE 7,3 ;Machine is being repaired \par LEAVE Men ;Free the repairman \par TRANSFER ,Backplace ;Go back to run again when needed \par * \par * Model Segment 2 \par * \par GENERATE Duration ;Timer \par TERMINATE 1 ;Shuts off the run \par * \par * Control Commands \par * \par * Duration is 3 years \par * \par Duration EQU 6240 \par * \par * \par Machines EQU 53 \par Men STORAGE 3 ;3 Repair men \par REPORT "Schr2E1.Rep" ;3 rented machines, 3 repair men \par START 1 ;Start the first run \par * \par * \par * \par CLEAR ;Remove old transactions \par Machines EQU 54 \par Men STORAGE 3 ;3 Repair men \par REPORT "Schr2E2.Rep" ;4 rented machines, 3 repair men \par START 1 ;Start the second run \par * \par * \par * \par CLEAR ;Remove old transactions \par Machines EQU 55 \par Men STORAGE 3 ;3 Repair men \par REPORT "Schr2E3.Rep" ;5 rented machines, 3 repair men \par START 1 ;Start the third run \par * \par * \par * \par CLEAR ;Remove old transactions \par Machines EQU 53 \par Men STORAGE 4 ;4 Repair men \par REPORT "Schr2E4.Rep" ;3 rented machines, 4 repair men \par START 1 ;Start the fourth run \par * \par * \par * \par CLEAR ;Remove old transactions \par Machines EQU 54 \par Men STORAGE 4 ;4 Repair men \par REPORT "Schr2E5.Rep" ;4 rented machines, 4 repair men \par START 1 ;Start the fifth run \par * \par * \par * \par CLEAR ;Remove old transactions \par Machines EQU 55 \par Men STORAGE 4 ;4 Repair men \par REPORT "Schr2E6.Rep" ;5 rented machines, 4 repair men \par START 1 ;Start the sixth run \par * \par * \par * \par CLEAR ;Remove old transactions \par Machines EQU 53 \par Men STORAGE 5 ;5 Repair men \par REPORT "Schr2E7.Rep" ;3 rented machines, 5 repair men \par START 1 ;Start the seventh run \par * \par * \par * \par CLEAR ;Remove old transactions \par Machines EQU 54 \par Men STORAGE 5 ;5 Repair men \par REPORT "Schr2E8.Rep" ;4 rented machines, 5 repair men \par START 1 ;Start the eighth run \par * \par * \par * \par CLEAR ;Remove old transactions \par Machines EQU 55 \par Men STORAGE 5 ;5 Repair men \par REPORT "Schr2E9.Rep" ;5 rented machines, 5 repair men \par START 1 ;Start the ninth run \par \par \par }