2' 'ư>HELPA\NhNN:l@JCONTINUE n((IEXIT&%p=lHALTމPl@JIdSTEP 1v4߉lg STOP߉X^F%EFSTOP ,,OFFg^w@߉UT߉WO2gp߉.Od2Bg|߉2B|ŻOdg2BModelsSchr4a.gpsLFeCFEObiLbidiE(((((((((({\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\fmodern Courier New;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \deflang1033\pard\tx1200\tx2400\tx4450\plain\f2\fs20 * Adapted from "Simulation Using GPSS", by Thomas J. Schriber \par * \par * Function Definitions \par * \par Mean FUNCTION Q$Wait,D4 ;Mean service time distribution \par 0,330/2,300/5,270/6,240 \par * \par * Model Segment 1. \par * \par GENERATE (Exponential(1,0,300)) ;Customers arrive. \par QUEUE Wait ;Enter the line \par SEIZE Survu ;Capture the surver. \par DEPART Wait ;Leave the line \par ADVANCE FN$Mean,(Exponential(1,0,1));Use the server \par RELEASE Survu ;Free the server \par TERMINATE 1 \par \par \par }