Simulation of NC tape preparation.


Problem Statement

A computer services company prepares computer numerical control part program tapes for metal-cutting manufacturing industries. Drawings of components are supplied by the manufacturers. A part programmer studies the drawings, and writes a part program manuscript to control the machine tool in cutting the workpiece. The programming takes 90 minutes, exponentially distributed. The manuscript is then typed onto a computer file, processed, and a tape is punched for the computer numerical control machine tool. This process takes 60 minutes on average, exponentially distributed. The tape is then loaded onto an appropriate machine tool for testing and editing. This process takes 70 minutes, exponentially distributed.

The computer services company’s policy is to provide a fast, reliable service to industry. The company wishes to test several queuing disciplines for the processing of orders for the best overall service to customers.

Three possible disciplines of processing waiting jobs have been proposed.

1. First, process those jobs which have the shortest overall processing time.

2. First, process those jobs which have the longest overall processing time.

3. First, process the jobs which have the shortest due-date i.e. those jobs which are required soonest.

The flowtime for jobs is the total processing times (P4=P1+P2+P3), plus 3±1 days. The due-date is the relative clock time when the job arrives plus the allowed flow-time. Lateness is defined as the relative clock time when the job is completed, minus the due-date.

Simulate the processing of 100 orders by the computer services company.

1. Investigate the shortest processing time queue discipline.

2. Find the utilization of the facilities of manuscript writing, tape preparation, and editing.

3. Tabulate the lateness of orders and their transit times.



; GPSS World Sample File - TAPEPREP.GPS, by Gerard F. Cummings
* *
* Computer Numerical Control *
* Tape Programming, Loading and Editing *
* *
* Queue Discipline — Shortest Processing Time (SPT)
* P1 = Process Time for Programming
* P2 = " " " Punching
* P3 = " " " Editing
* P4 = Shortest Processing Time
* P5 = Due Date
* P6 = Longest Processing Time
RMULT 66753
Schedparm EQU 4 ;Start with short time
; process first
Var2 VARIABLE P4+AC1+RN1@160+80
Var3 VARIABLE 10000-P4
Lateness VARIABLE AC1-P5
Transit TABLE M1,100,100,20 ;Tabulate flow times
Late TABLE V$Lateness,-1000,200,20 ;Lateness
        GENERATE  (Exponential(2,0,120)) ;Create new arrivals
        ASSIGN    1,(Exponential(3,0,90) ;Programming time
        ASSIGN    2,(Exponential(4,0,60)) ;Tape punching time
        ASSIGN    3,(Exponential(5,0,70)) ;Tape load and edit time
        ASSIGN    4,V$Var1      ;Total processing time
        ASSIGN    5,V$Var2      ;Due date time in P5
        ASSIGN    6,V$Var3      ;Longest processing time
        LINK      Program,P$Schedparm,Wrte ;Overall Shortest
Wrte    SEIZE     Manuscript
        ADVANCE   P1            ;Part program time
        RELEASE   Manuscript
        UNLINK    Program,Wrte,1 ;Unlink one xact
        LINK      Tape,P$Schedparm,Punch ;Link into chain
Punch   SEIZE     Tapepunch
        ADVANCE   P2            ;Punching time
        RELEASE   Tapepunch
        UNLINK    Tape,Punch,1  ;Unlink one xact
        LINK      Edit,P$Schedparm,Loadedit ;Link into chain
Loadedit SEIZE    Edit
        ADVANCE   P3            ;Load and edit time
        RELEASE   Edit
        UNLINK    Edit,Loadedit,1 ;Unlink one xact
        TABULATE  Late
        TABULATE  Transit
        TERMINATE 1             ;Job leaves the shop

After the Functions, Tables, and Variables are defined, the model is composed of a single segment. Transactions represent jobs, in various stages of completion. Each Transaction tabulates its own completion time, then decrements the Termination Count.

The Table Transit is used to tabulate a histogram of job completion times, and the Table Late tabulates the completion time minus the scheduled time. A late job, completed after its scheduled time, will register a positive value in the Late Table. An early job will register a negative value.

The named value Schedparm is used to specify which parameter, and therefore which scheduling policy, is to be used.


Running the Simulation

To run the simulation and create a Standard Report,

CHOOSE    File / Open

and in the dialog box

SELECT      Tapeprep

and then

SELECT      Open

Next, create the simulation.

CHOOSE      Command / Create Simulation


CHOOSE      Command / START

and in the dialog box, replace the 1.

TYPE      100


The simulation will end when 100 Transactions have entered the "TERMINATE 1" Block. This represents the completion of 100 tapes.

When the simulation ends, GPSS World writes a report to the default report file, Tapeprep.1.1. As discussed in Chapter 1, the Report extension will vary depending on saved simulations and previously existing reports. For our purposes, we will assume that this is the first time the simulation has been created and run giving an extension of 1.1.

This report will be automatically displayed in a window. If you close the window, you can reopen it by using the GPSS World File / Open in the Main Menu. Then you should choose Report in the "Files of type" drop down box at the bottom of the window. GPSS World reports are written in a special format. If you wish to edit the report, you will have to copy its contents to the clipboard and from there into a word processor. You will not be able to open the file directly in a word processor.


Discussion of Results

The shortest time first policy led to a mean completion time of 433.5 minutes. However, 70% of the jobs were late. Perhaps the method of assigning due times should be investigated.

The utilizations of the Facilities of manuscript writing, tape punching, and editing were 74%, 46%, and 65%, respectively.


Inside the Simulation

Let's now explore the ending condition of the simulation which generated the Standard Report above. If you are not at the end of the simulation, please Retranslate the model and run it again.

First, look at the average lateness.

CHOOSE      Command / SHOW

and in the dialog box

TYPE      TB$Late

Next, the standard deviation of lateness.

CHOOSE      Command / SHOW

and in the dialog box

TYPE      TD$Late

Now, let’s open some graphics windows.

CHOOSE      Window / Simulation Window / Table Window

and in the drop-down box in the dialog box

CLICK ON      The Down Arrow at the Right End of the Box



This is the Table Window for the Transit Table which shows the distribution of job completion times.

CHOOSE      Window / Simulation Window / Table Window

and in the dialog box you will see that LATE is the selected Table


Now, we see the histogram of late times.

Let’s open the Expression Window on some simulation values.

CHOOSE      Window / Simulation Window / Expression Window

The Edit Expression Window opens. When you enter the value in the second box in this dialog box, you should place the mouse pointer in the small box and click once. Do not press [Enter] to go from the first to the second box as GPSS World then assumes that all values have been entered. You can, instead, use [Tab] to move from box to box. Now, in the dialog box for the Label field

TYPE      Clock

and in the Expression field

TYPE     AC1

CLICK ON      View


CLICK ON      Memorize

If we memorize all the expressions, we'll be able to close the window and open it again later with easy retrieval of all the values. Also if you save the simulation the values in the Expression Window will be saved with the simulation if they have been memorized. We're going to close this window and reopen it later so please memorize this expression and the ones that follow.

In the dialog box for the Label field replace the current value

TYPE      # Left

and in the Expression field, replace the current value

TYPE      TG1

CLICK ON      View

CLICK ON      Memorize

Finally, let’s keep track of the transactions on the Userchains.

In the dialog box for the Label field, replace the current value

TYPE      # on Chain

and in the Expression field, replace the current value

TYPE      CH$Tape

CLICK ON      View

CLICK ON      Memorize


Let’s run a short simulation, observing the Facilities and the values in the Expression Window. First, close all the other graphics windows that we are not going to observe. Make sure to leave open the Journal / Simulation Window.

CLICK ON      The X-Upper Right of Each Window

CHOOSE      Window / Simulation Window / Facilities Window

Open the Window to a comfortable viewing size and place it and the Expression Window so each can be seen.

Figure 16—1. Facilities and Expression Windows



CHOOSE      Command / START

and in the dialog box, replace the 1.

TYPE      25,NP


When the simulation completes, close both windows.

CLICK ON      The X-Upper Right of Each Window

It is a simple matter to shift the simulation to an earliest due date first policy. Notice that there are ASSIGN Blocks after the first GENERATE Block that put the various processing times into parameters. The named value Schedparm has been set equal to 4 which indicated the parameter to be looked at in order to know which scheduling policy to use. Let’s use the due date policy this time.

CHOOSE      Command / Custom

and in the dialog box

TYPE      Schedparm EQU 5


Then, use RESET to zero the statistics, but leave Transactions in the simulation. This will allow us to eliminate startup effects from the simulation. You should be sure when you do statistical comparisons with other runs that you have eliminated startup effects.

Now, from the Main Window menu,

CHOOSE      Command / RESET

CHOOSE      Command / START

and in the dialog box, replace the 1.

TYPE      100


Now, the average completion time for the new policy is given by

CHOOSE      Command / SHOW

and in the dialog box

TYPE      TB$Late


Similarly, we can change to a longest process time first policy by changing Schedparm to equal 6 and resetting the statistics with a RESET, as we did above.

Before we report the results of these simulations, we must show that the observed effects are not due to random variation. The RESET and ANOVA Commands are provided for that purpose. They are discussed in Chapter 6 of the GPSS World Reference Manual.

Please feel free to modify the scheduling policy of the company, and simulate the effects. You may want to review the use of the LINK and UNLINK Blocks before you proceed.

Let's take a look at one final graphics window before we conclude this lesson. We'll view the Userchains. These are available to view in a Snapshot Window. When you first ran the model, at the end of the run, there were no transactions on the Userchains. At this point, we'll see some. We will expand the Chains only one level. You can expand them all the way if you wish by clicking on the additional plus signs.

CHOOSE     Window / Simulation Snapshot / Userchains Window


Figure 16—2 Userchains, Expanded One Level


These chains represent the waiting lines for each of the three processes.

If you wish to go on to the next lesson, close all windows related to this model.

CLICK ON      The X-Upper Right of Each Window

Otherwise, to end the session

CLICK ON      The X-Upper Right of Main Window.





Simulation of traffic at a T-junction.


Problem Statement

Cars arrive at a T-junction every 6.28 seconds hyperexponentially distributed (standard deviation = 8.40 seconds). The cars then make a left turn northbound onto a highway. When cars cross the southbound lanes, they must wait in a center aisle which can accommodate a maximum of 8 cars. Each car takes 3.6 seconds (Erlang k=4 ) to cross the traffic lanes. It takes 4 seconds (Erlang k=5 ) to merge with northbound traffic. Southbound traffic arrives every 55±5 seconds and takes 15±5 seconds to pass the T-junction. Northbound traffic arrives every 60±5 seconds and takes 15±5 seconds to pass.

Simulate the traffic at the T-junction for 10 minutes.

1. Determine the transit time of northbound cars turning at the T-junction.

2. Tabulate the actual Erlang service times.

3. Find the maximum number of cars queuing in the lane, waiting to make a left turn.



; GPSS World Sample File - TRAFFIC.GPS, by Gerard F. Cummings
* *
* Traffic at a T-Junction *
* Erlang Service Times ...Hyperexponential Arrivals *
* Time Unit is 1/100 Second *
* A Hyperexponential Probability Distribution Follows
Hyper FVARIABLE (410+((RN2’L’234)#(1343-410)))#(Exponential(2,0,1))
* f(t) = .234(1/4.10) exp(-t/4.1) + .766(1/13.43) exp(-t/13.43)
Mergetime TABLE MP2,100,100,20
Crosstime TABLE MP1,100,100,20
Transit TABLE M1,1000,1000,9
Arrivals TABLE V$Hyper,200,200,20
        GENERATE V$Hyper,,300   ;Hyperexponential
        QUEUE    First
        GATE SNF Aisle          ;Is there room in the aisle?
        SEIZE    Southlane      ;Crosses highway
        DEPART   First
        MARK     1
*———Erlang Distribution——————————————————————
        ADVANCE  (Gamma(3,0,4,90)) ;Erlang K=4 waiting time
*                                  ;Mean = 360 time units
        TABULATE Crosstime      ;Record crossing time
        ENTER    Aisle          ;Stand in center aisle
        RELEASE  Southlane
        QUEUE    Two            ;Queue for northlane
        SEIZE    Northlane
        DEPART   Two
        LEAVE    Aisle
        MARK     2
* ————Erlang Distribution————————————————————
        ADVANCE  (Gamma(4,0,5,80)) ;Erlang K=5 waiting time
*                                  ;Mean = 400 time units
* ——————————————————————————————————
        RELEASE   Northlane
        TABULATE  Mergetime     ;Merge time to north flow
        TABULATE  Transit
        TABULATE  Arrivals
        GENERATE  5000,500,,,10 ;Southbound traffic
        SEIZE     Southlane
        ADVANCE   1200,300 ;Time to pass junction
        RELEASE   Southlane
        GENERATE  6000,500,,,10 ;Northbound traffic
        SEIZE     Northlane
        ADVANCE   1200,300      ;Time to pass junction
        RELEASE   Northlane
        GENERATE  6000          ;Xact every minute
        TERMINATE 1

There are 100 time units in a second. After the Functions, Tables, and Variables are defined, the model is composed of three segments. Transactions in the top segment represent traffic arriving at the T-junction, Transactions in the second segment represent southbound traffic on the highway, Transactions in the third segment represent northbound traffic on the highway, and Transactions in the bottom segment time the simulation by decrementing the Termination Count once per simulated minute.


Running the Simulation

To run the simulation and create a Standard Report,

CHOOSE     File / Open

and in the dialog box

SELECT     Traffic

and then

SELECT      Open

Next, create the simulation.

CHOOSE      Command / Create Simulation


CHOOSE      Command / START

and in the dialog box, replace the 1.

TYPE      10


The simulation will end when 10 minutes of traffic has been simulated.

When the simulation ends, GPSS World writes a report to the default report file, Traffic.1.1. As discussed in Chapter 1, the Report extension will vary depending on saved simulations and previously existing reports. For our purposes, we will assume that this is the first time the simulation has been created and run giving an extension of 1.1.

This report will be automatically displayed in a window. If you close the window, you can reopen it by using the GPSS World File / Open in the Main Menu. Then you should choose Report in the "Files of type" drop down box at the bottom of the window. GPSS World reports are written in a special format. If you wish to edit the report, you will have to copy its contents to the clipboard and from there into a word processor. You will not be able to open the file directly in a word processor.


Discussion of Results

The transit times of northbound cars turning at the T-junction are tabulated in Table Transit. The average time was nearly 25 seconds. Times are in units of 0.01 seconds.

The actual Erlang service times were tabulated in Tables Crosstime and Mergetime. The crossing times had a mean of 3.63 seconds and a standard deviation of 0.39 seconds. The merging times had a mean of 4.05 seconds and a standard deviation of 0.47 seconds.

From the Queue Entity First we see that the maximum number of cars queuing in the lane, waiting to make a left turn was 8. The average time spent waiting was about 11.5 seconds.


Inside the Simulation

Let 's now explore the ending condition of the simulation which generated the Standard Report above. If you are not at the end of the simulation, please translate the model and run it again.

First, look at the average transit time.

CHOOSE     Command / SHOW

and in the dialog box

TYPE      TB$Transit

Next, the standard deviation of transit times.

CHOOSE     Command / SHOW

and in the dialog box

TYPE      TD$Transit

Now let’s open some graphics windows.

CHOOSE      Window / Simulation Window / Table Window

and in the drop-down box in the dialog box

CLICK ON      The Down Arrow at the Right End of the Box



This is the Table Window for the Transit Table which shows the distribution of total times to travel through the intersection.

CHOOSE      Window / Simulation Window / Table Window

and in the drop-down box in the dialog box

CLICK ON      The Down Arrow at the Right End of the Box



This is the Table Window which collects the times taken to cross the highway. If you wish, you may open the other Table Windows, MERGETIME, and ARRIVALS, in the same manner. When you are done looking at the various Table Windows, close them.

CLICK ON      The X-Upper Right of Each Window

One way to watch the dynamics at the intersection is to view through the Facilities Window and the Storages Window.

CHOOSE      Window / Simulation Window / Facilities Window


CHOOSE     Command / START

and in the dialog box, replace the 1.

TYPE      1000


Now, we can see cars queuing for passage through the intersection. While the simulation is running, watch the delay chain for each Facility.

CHOOSE      Window / Simulation Window / Storages Window

Now, we can see cars ready to turn.

When you are done observing the simulation, Halt it if it has not completed.

PRESS     [F4]

If you wish to go on to the next lesson, close all windows related to this model.

CLICK ON     The X-Upper Right of Each Window

Otherwise, to end the session

CLICK ON     The X-Upper Right of Main Window.





Simulation of customer brand loyalty.


Problem Statement

A survey was carried out to assess the brand loyalty of customers to 7 brands of soap powder. The probability of change from one type of powder to another, is given in the table below. It is assumed that the customer will purchase either the same brand of powder again (most likely), or change to some other powder (less likely). Therefore the sum of the probabilities in each row of the matrix is equal to 1. The probability of the market share distribution depends on the number of transitions which have taken place (i.e. the number of successive purchases) and the initial market share of each product.

The purpose of the model is to estimate the market share each powder will achieve, in the long term, assuming that the transition probability matrix will remain the same, and assuming that initially all powders have an equal share of the market.

This process of system changes occurring in sequence is called a Markov Chain.


                    Probability of Customer Changing From Row to Column

            SUDS      BUBBLES     CLEANPLUS    SOAPY
                         BRANDX     CLEARSHINE    MARVEL       TOTAL

SUDS        .39   .12   .17   .13   .10   .04   .05   1.0

BRANDX      .13   .32   .10   .15   .12   .09   .09   1.0

BUBBLES     .15   .14   .25   .14   .17   .08   .07   1.0

CLEARSHINE  .11   .10   .09   .40   .08   .09   .13   1.0

CLEANPLUS   .05   .12   .16   .09   .37   .14   .07   1.0

MARVEL      .16   .13   .08   .05   .16   .28   .14   1.0

SOAPY       .08   .10   .09   .10   .07   .13   .43   1.0


Since the table of transition probabilities has no zeroes, we know that all states are in a single chain, and are aperiodic. This assures the convergence of state probabilities in the theoretical Markov Chain, and assures that the simulation will not be trapped in a proper subset of states.

1) Run the model for 500 Transactions.

2) Determine the market share achieved by each product.



; GPSS World Sample File - POWDER.GPS, by Gerard F. Cummings
* *
* Brand Loyalty by Customers *
RMULT 98851
Check TABLE X$Brand,1,1,8
Transitions MATRIX ,7,7 ;State transition table
Powder FUNCTION X$Brand,M7 ;Pick brand transition
Suds FUNCTION RN1,D7 ;Transition from Suds

BrandX FUNCTION RN1,D7 ;Transition from BrandX
Bubbles FUNCTION RN1,D7 ;Transition from Bubbles
Clearshine FUNCTION RN1,D7 ;Trans from Clearshine
Cleanplus FUNCTION RN1,D7 ;Transition from Cleanplus
Marvel FUNCTION RN1,D7 ;Transition from Marvel
Soapy FUNCTION RN1,D7 ;Transition from Soapy
Record FUNCTION X$Brand,L7 ;Records numbers

        GENERATE   1,,,,2      ;One xact every minute
        TABULATE   Check
        SAVEVALUE  Oldbrand,X$Brand ;Save old brand
        SAVEVALUE  Brand,FN$Powder ;Find new brand
        SAVEVALUE  FN$Record+,1 ;Savevalue of chosen brand
                                ; up by one
        MSAVEVALUE Transitions+,X$Oldbrand,X$Brand,1 ;Update
        TERMINATE  1

The model is organized into several segments. Transactions represent purchases. Each Transaction tabulates the current brand, chooses a new brand, and updates the count of purchases for the new brand.


Running the Simulation

To run the simulation and create a Standard Report,

CHOOSE     File / Open

and in the dialog box

SELECT     Powder

and then

SELECT      Open

Next, create the simulation.

CHOOSE      Command / Create Simulation


CHOOSE      Command / START

and in the dialog box, replace the 1.

TYPE      500


The simulation will end when 500 Transactions have entered the TERMINATE 1 Block. This represents 500 purchases.

When the simulation ends, GPSS World writes a report to the default report file, Powder.1.1. As discussed in Chapter 1, the Report extension will vary depending on saved simulations and previously existing reports. For our purposes, we will assume that this is the first time the simulation has been created and run giving an extension of 1.1.

This report will be automatically displayed in a window. If you close the window, you can reopen it by using the GPSS World File / Open in the Main Menu. Then you should choose Report in the "Files of type" drop down box at the bottom of the window. GPSS World reports are written in a special format. If you wish to edit the report, you will have to copy its contents to the clipboard and from there into a word processor. You will not be able to open the file directly in a word processor.


Discussion of Results

The approximate market shares are given in the Table Check. However, the results include startup effects.


Inside the Simulation

Let's now explore the ending condition of the simulation which generated the Standard Report above. If you are not at the end of the simulation, please Retranslate the model and run it again.

Now, let’s open some graphics windows.

CHOOSE      Window / Simulation Window / Table Window

and in the drop-down box in the dialog box CHECK is already selected.


This shows the histogram representing market shares. Let 's now remove the statistics dependent on the startup conditions. In the Main Window menu,

CHOOSE      Command / RESET

Now, continue the simulation for 100 more Transactions and suppress the Standard Report.

CHOOSE      Command / START

and in the dialog box, replace the 1.

TYPE      100,NP


If we are truly at steady state conditions, you should not see any significant change in the market shares as the simulation runs. This means that although all columns in the histogram are growing, their relative sizes should not change significantly.

Close the Table Window.

CLICK ON      The X-Upper Right of Table Window

Now, let’s watch the dynamics of the model. Open a graphics window on the state transition matrix.

CHOOSE      Window / Simulation Window / Matrix Window

and since TRANSITIONS is already selected in the drop-down box of the dialog box


Now, continue the simulation for 100 more Transactions.

CHOOSE      Command / START

and in the dialog box, replace the 1.

TYPE      100,NP


Each row in the matrix represents transitions out of any single state. Use the slide bar, if necessary, to see additional columns. Each column represents transitions into any single state. Every state change causes a cell in the transition matrix to be incremented.

If you wish to go on to the next lesson, close all windows related to this model.

CLICK ON      The X-Upper Right of Each Window

Otherwise, to end the session

CLICK ON      The X-Upper Right of Main Window.






Simulation of a solvable queuing network.


Problem Statement

When feasible, an analytical solution to queuing systems provides a useful means of estimating the performance of simple systems.

This program simulates a system for which the queuing parameters are calculated using the appropriate Pollaczek and Khintchin (P-K) equations. The objective is to verify the results obtained by simulation using GPSS World.

The program simulates an interarrival time of 5 seconds( 500 time units), exponentially distributed, and a single service channel. The mean service time is 3 seconds( 300 time units). The average utilization of the server is consequently 60%.

Three modes of service times are investigated.

1. Constant service time.

2. Exponentially distributed service time.

3. Erlang (k=2) service time.


1. Run the simulation for 500 minutes.

2. Determine the queue statistics for each type of service.

3. Compare the simulation results with the predictions of queuing theory.



; GPSS World Sample File - QTHEORY.GPS, by Gerard F. Cummings
* Queuing Theory Verification *
* Time Unit Is 1/100 Of a Second *
Transit TABLE M1,250,250,20
Number TABLE Q$Expon,0,1,20
Qconstant QTABLE Constant,200,200,20
Qexpon QTABLE Expon,200,200,20
Qerlang QTABLE Erlang,200,200,20
        GENERATE  (Exponential(1,0,500)) ;Interarrival 5 seconds
        QUEUE     Constant
        SEIZE     Facility1
        ADVANCE   300                    ;Service constant 3 secs
        RELEASE   Facility1
        DEPART    Constant
        GENERATE  (Exponential(1,0,500)) ;Interarrival 5 seconds
        QUEUE     Expon
        SEIZE     Facility2
        ADVANCE   (Exponential(1,0,300)) ;Service time 3 secs Expon
        RELEASE   Facility2
        DEPART    Expon
        TABULATE  Transit
        GENERATE  (Exponential(1,0,500)) ;Interarrival time 5 secs
        QUEUE     Erlang
        SEIZE     Facility3
        ADVANCE   (Exponential(1,0,150)) ;Erlang K=2 Service 3 secs
        ADVANCE   (Exponential(1,0,150))
        RELEASE   Facility3
        DEPART    Erlang
        GENERATE  (Exponential(1,0,6000)) ;Random sample,
                                          ; Ave. 1 per minute
        TABULATE  Number
        TERMINATE 1

The model is organized into several segments. After the Storage Entities are defined and Savevalues initialized, there are three model segments for Transactions encountering Constant, Exponential and Erlang-2 service times, respectively.

Transactions in the bottom segment take random samples of the number of "exponential" Transactions in the system. These Transactions time the simulation and decrement the Termination Count once per simulated hour, on average.


Running the Simulation

To run the simulation and create a Standard Report,

CHOOSE    File / Open

and in the dialog box


and then

SELECT    Open

Next, create the simulation.

CHOOSE    Command / Create Simulation


CHOOSE   Command / START

and in the dialog box, replace the 1.

TYPE    500


The simulation will end when 500 Transactions have entered the TERMINATE 1 Block. This represents 500 minutes of operation.

When the simulation ends, GPSS World writes a report to the default report file, Qtheory.1.1. As discussed in Chapter 1, the Report extension will vary depending on saved simulations and previously existing reports. For our purposes, we will assume that this is the first time the simulation has been created and run giving an extension of 1.1.

This report will be automatically displayed in a window. If you close the window, you can reopen it by using the GPSS World File / Open in the Main Menu. Then you should choose Report in the "Files of type" drop down box at the bottom of the window. GPSS World reports are written in a special format. If you wish to edit the report, you will have to copy its contents to the clipboard and from there into a word processor. You will not be able to open the file directly in a word processor.


Discussion of Results

The mean and standard deviations of queue time, queue length, and waiting time are calculated using the P-K formulae and tabulated below in table 1. Queue time is the sum of waiting time and service time. Results from GPSS World model QTHEORY.GPS are shown in parentheses.


                                        Solutions Using Pollaczek and Khintchin Formulae

                            Constant   Exponential Erlang
                            Service     Service    Service

Mean Queue Time               525         750       637.5
                             (526.7)     (757.5)   (649.4)

Mean Queue Length            1.05        1.50       1.275
                         (1.05)        (1.50)      (1.29)

Mean Waiting Time             225         450        337.5
(Mean Queue Time -          (226.7)     (453.5)     (349.7)
Mean Service Time)
(Facility Ave. Time)

Std Dev Queue Time            319         750         415
                             (287)       (739.9)     (595)

Std Dev Queue Length          1.43        1.94        1.57

Std Dev Wait Time             130         276         195


For exponentially distributed service times, the probability of the number of Transactions in the system is calculated using the formula


where l is the mean arrival rate, and m is the mean service rate. These probabilities are tabulated in Table 2. Results from the GPSS World model QTHEORY.GPS are shown in parentheses.


        Table 2. Cumulative Probability of N Transactions in System

     Number in System       Cumulative          QTHEORY.GPS

            0                 .4000             (.4060)

            1                 .6400             (.6320)

            2                 .7840             (.7740)

            3                 .8704             (.8660)

            4                 .9222             (.9160)

            5                 .9533             (.9560)

            6                 .9720             (.9660)

            7                 .9787             (.9820)

            8                 .9828             (.9840)

            9                 .9852             (.9960)


As the length of the simulation increases, the simulated values tend to approach the theoretical values. In the present case, we would normally run the simulation much longer to obtain more precision. This would cause our simulated results to converge to the theoretical values.

Let’s observe the convergence to the average queue time for the exponential service time distribution. The theoretical value is 750 (7.50 seconds).

CHOOSE   Window / Simulation Window / Table Window

and in the drop-down box in the dialog box

CLICK  ON     The Down Arrow at the Right End of the Box

CLICK ON    Qexpon



CHOOSE    Command / Clear



CHOOSE    Command / START

and in the dialog box, replace the 1.

TYPE    10000,NP


When you are satisfied that the simulated result is converging toward the theoretical value (750), interrupt the simulation. Incidentally, the PLOT Window is useful for observing convergence, and for determining when startup transient effects are no longer significant. In your simulation projects, you will often want to exclude startup effects. Normally, you would enter a RESET Command to start the measurement period after startup effects had subsided.

If the simulation is still running, halt it now.

PRESS     [F4]

If you wish to go on to the next lesson, close all windows related to this model.

CLICK ON     The X-Upper Right of Each Window

Otherwise, to end the session

CLICK ON    The X-Upper Right of Main Window.





Simulation of a supermarket.


Problem Statement

Customers arrive by car to shop at a supermarket. The parking lot has space for 650 parked cars. If a customer fails to find a parking space, that customer leaves immediately without shopping. On average a customer can walk to the supermarket from the parking lot in 60 seconds. Shoppers purchase between 5 and 100 items, uniformly distributed. A customer buying 10 items or less, will generally use a basket (70 provided). A customer buying more than 10 items will generally use a cart (650 provided).

Shopping time per customer depends on the number of items purchased (10 seconds per item). Customers select items and then join the shortest queue at one of 17 checkouts. Customers purchasing less than 10 items may choose the express checkout. Checkout time takes 2 seconds per item purchased, plus a time of 25, 30, or 35 seconds. This time depends on the method of payment (cash, check or credit card which are assumed equally likely or probable). After checking out a customer walks to the car (60 seconds), loads goods and leaves the parking lot.

The arrival rate of customers is exponentially distributed, starting at 600 per hour for half an hour, 900 per hour for one hour, 450 per hour for one hour and 300 per hour thereafter.

1. Run the simulation for 3 hours.

2. Determine the transit time of customers.

3. Determine the utilization of the parking lot, carts, baskets and checkouts.

4. Tabulate the number of customers in the supermarket at one minute intervals.



; GPSS World Sample File - SUPERMRK.GPS, by Gerard F. Cummings
* *
* Supermarket Simulation Model *
* Time Unit = 1/10 Of a Second *
RMULT 1187
First EQU 2
Last EQU 18
Qty VARIABLE (RN1@96+5)
Finance VARIABLE (RN1@3+1)#50+200
Transit TABLE M1,10000,10000,7 ;Time in system
Items TABLE P$Quantity,10,10,10 ;No. of items bought
Shoppers TABLE X$Customers,100,50,12 ;No. of shoppers
Baskt STORAGE 70
Cart STORAGE 650
Park STORAGE 650
Checkout VARIABLE (P$Quantity)#20+P$Payment
Tshop VARIABLE P$Quantity#100
INITIAL X$Customers,0
Beg     TRANSFER  Both,,Los   ;Tries to park or leaves
        ENTER     Park        ;Park in parking lot
        ADVANCE   600         ;Time to walk from car
        SAVEVALUE Customers+,1 ;One more customer
        ASSIGN    Quantity,V$Qty ;Param quantity = No. items bought
        ASSIGN    Payment,V$Finance ;Param payment = Method
        TEST LE   P$Quantity,10,Qcart ;Items >10 Get cart
        GATE SNF  Baskt,Qcart ;Check basket available
        QUEUE     Basket      ;Queue for a basket
        ENTER     Baskt       ;Get a basket
        DEPART    Basket      ;Leave queue
        ASSIGN    Carrier,Baskt ;Param carrier assigned baskt
        TRANSFER  ,Shop       ;OK to shop
Qcart   QUEUE     Carts       ;Queue for a cart
        ENTER     Cart        ;Get a cart
        DEPART    Carts       ;Depart carts queue
        ASSIGN    Carrier,Cart ;Param carrier assigned cart
Shop    ADVANCE   V$Tshop     ;Shopping time elapses
        TEST LE   P$Quantity,10,Norm ;Items < 10 go to express
        COUNT L   Where,First,Last,1,Q ;Any empty checkouts?
        TEST E    P$Where,0,Norm ;Some empty checkouts?
        QUEUE     Xpress      ;Queue at express
        SEIZE     Xpres       ;Get express checkout
        DEPART    Xpress      ;Depart express queue
        ADVANCE   V$Checkout  ;Checkout time
        RELEASE   Xpres       ;Free express checkout
        LEAVE     P$Carrier   ;Leave the basket
        TRANSFER  ,Fin
Norm    SELECT MIN Minque,First,Last,,Q ;Find minimum queue
        QUEUE     P$Minque    ;Join the min queue
        SEIZE     P$Minque    ;Get the checkout
        DEPART    P$Minque    ;Depart the queue
        ADVANCE   V$Checkout  ;Checkout time
        RELEASE   P$Minque    ;Free the checkout
        LEAVE     P$Carrier   ;Leave the cart
Fin     TABULATE  Transit     ;Record transit time
        TABULATE  Items       ;Record items bought
        SAVEVALUE Customers-,1 ;One customer leaves
        ADVANCE   600         ;Walk to the car
        LEAVE     Park        ;Leave the car park
Lost    TERMINATE             ;One customer lost
* Arrivals for 0 - 30 min.
        GENERATE  (Exponential(1,0,60)),,,300 ;A Customer
                                                ; arrives
        TRANSFER  ,Beg
* Arrivals for 30 - 90 min.
        GENERATE  (Exponential(1,0,40)),,18000,900 ;Arrival rate
                                                    ; after .5 hours
        TRANSFER  ,Beg
* Arrivals for 90 - 150 min.
        GENERATE  (Exponential(1,0,80)),,54000,450 ;Arrival rate
                                                ; after 1.5 hrs
        TRANSFER  ,Beg
* Arrivals for 150 min +
        GENERATE  (Exponential(1,0,120)),,90000 ;Arrival after
                                                ; 2.5 hours
        TRANSFER  ,Beg
        GENERATE  600              ;Xact each minute
        TABULATE  Shoppers         ;Record number of customers
        TERMINATE 1

The model is organized into several segments. After the Variable Entities and Storage Entities are defined and Savevalues initialized, there are three more model segments.

Transactions in the top segment represent customers who have arrived at the parking lot. If a Transaction finds that the Storage Entity named Park is full, the Transaction leaves the simulation. This represents a customer leaving without entering the store. Customers who enter the store acquire a cart or basket and proceed to shop. If the customer has more than 10 items, he/she joins the smallest checkout queue. The TEST Block in the third model segment performs this test, and sends any such Transactions to the Block labeled Normal. The minimum queue is determined by the SELECT Block in the fourth model segment, which puts the appropriate Queue Entity number into the Transaction’s parameter named "Minque".

For those Transactions with 10 items, or less, the COUNT Block in the third model segment checks GPSS Queue Entities numbered 4 through 20 for an empty checkout station. If none is found, the Transaction gets into line for the express checkout station.

The next to last segment contains several GENERATE Blocks which turn on and off at the appropriate times to vary the arrival rate. One could also use a single GENERATE Block with a function modifier which depends on the system clock. The Transactions in the bottom segment time the simulation; tabulate the number of customers at the end of each minute; and decrement the Termination Count.


Running the Simulation

To run the simulation and create a Standard Report,

CHOOSE     File / Open

and in the dialog box

SELECT      Supermrk

and then

SELECT      Open

Next, create the simulation.

CHOOSE      Command / Create Simulation


CHOOSE     Command / START

and in the dialog box, replace the 1.

TYPE      180


The simulation will end when 180 Transactions have entered the TERMINATE 1 Block. This represents 3 hours of operation.

When the simulation ends, GPSS World writes a report to the default report file, Supermrk.1.1. As discussed in Chapter 1, the Report extension will vary depending on saved simulations and previously existing reports. For our purposes, we will assume that this is the first time the simulation has been created and run giving an extension of 1.1.

This report will be automatically displayed in a window. If you close the window, you can reopen it by using the GPSS World File / Open in the Main Menu. Then you should choose Report in the "Files of type" drop down box at the bottom of the window. GPSS World reports are written in a special format. If you wish to edit the report, you will have to copy its contents to the clipboard and from there into a word processor. You will not be able to open the file directly in a word processor.


Discussion of Results

From the Table Transit, we see that the average shopping time was 23641 seconds, or 394 minutes. From the Storage Entity subreport we see that the max content never reached the available capacity. Therefore, there were always enough parking places, baskets, and carts. However, a very large number of customers (397) are waiting in the checkout lines. They are, on average, spending more time waiting in line than they are shopping.

The Table Shoppers gives a histogram of customers in the supermarket, sampled at the end of every minute. There were, on average, 398.7 shoppers. Nearly all of these were waiting to check out.


Inside the Simulation

Now, let's now explore the ending condition of the simulation which generated the Standard Report above. If you are not at the end of the simulation, please Retranslate the model and run it again.

Let’s use the SHOW Command to look at some System Numeric Attributes. These will be expressed in parts per thousand. First, the average utilization of baskets.

CHOOSE      Command / SHOW

and in the dialog box

TYPE      SR$Baskt

Next, the utilization of carts.

CHOOSE      Command / SHOW

and in the dialog box

TYPE      SR$Cart

Next, the utilization of parking places.

CHOOSE      Command / SHOW

and in the dialog box

TYPE      SR$Park

The easiest way to view these utilizations is to open the Storages Window.

CHOOSE      Window / Simulation Window / Storages

This shows the Storage Entities representing the carts, baskets, and parking places. From the maximum in use, we see that none of these resources were exhausted during the simulation. The histogram of shopping times can be viewed next.

CHOOSE      Window / Simulation Window / Table Window

and in the drop-down box in the dialog box

CLICK ON      The Down Arrow at the Right End of the Box



You can also view the histograms of items purchased and shoppers in the supermarket. Those Tables are named Shoppers and Items.

Let’s take a look at where Transactions are.

CHOOSE      Window / Simulation Window / Blocks Window

Notice that many Transactions are in the QUEUE Block (Block 30) following the SELECT Block, waiting to enter a SEIZE Block. Transactions here represent customers trying to check out.

Let’s turn now to the checkout lines.

CHOOSE      Window / Simulation Window / Facilities Window

Use the slide bar on the side of the window to move to the Facility representing the express checkout line or make the window full screen.


Figure 20—1. The Facilities Window showing the express checkout


Notice that all checkout stations are heavily utilized and have large queues except for the express checkout. Clearly, this situation must be avoided by the management of the supermarket. Before we go on let’s close up the graphics windows that we have opened up until now.

CLICK ON      The X-Upper Right of Each Window

Let’s see if adding 10 more checkout stations will solve the problem. Go ahead and change the value of Last to 28. This increases the number of checkout lines from 17 to 27.

CHOOSE     Command / Custom

and in the dialog box

TYPE      Last EQU 28



CHOOSE      Command / CLEAR

Now, start the simulation running with the new number of lanes.

CHOOSE      Command / START

and in the dialog box, replace the 1.

TYPE      180


When the simulation ends, look at the important statistics as before. Do you think 10 more checkout lines will suffice? Perhaps fewer would do. Management decisions such as the configuration of checkout lines are complex tradeoffs involving costs, revenues, and customer satisfaction.

Please feel free to modify the parameters and Blocks of this simulation.

If you wish to go on to the next lesson, close all windows related to this model.

CLICK ON      The X-Upper Right of Each Window

Otherwise, to end the session

CLICK ON      The X-Upper Right of Main Window.



[Table of Contents]