Chapter 14. Error Messages
There are many conditions that can prevent the normal completion of an operation. They can occur from operation of the menus, during Translation of a Model, or during the running of a Simulation.
Errors that occur as you initiate Commands and environmental operations appear immediately and prevent the operation from beginning. They require you to correct a condition or select a different operation. The other two categories of error generally are fixed by alterations in your Model.
Syntax errors can occur when you translate a Model or Command. To fix ones that occur in a Model translation you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If an error occurs in an Include-file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing those statements in a Model Object.
Errors that occur within the Simulation are called Error Stops. They cause the Simulation to enter the Halted state, and if an Experiment is in progress it is aborted. Usually Error Stop messages tell you where the error is to be corrected in the Model, but the Search / Next Error feature is not available for them. Instead, the Include-file number (the Model is file number 0) and the text-line number is given in the error message. The Edit / Goto menu command can usually be used to find and correct these errors.
Sometimes you will need to do some investigation in order to find the error. If the source of the error is not apparent, you may want to stop the simulation at a specific place and then use the SHOW Command and open Windows and Snapshots to see what happened.
For troublesome Error Stops you may want to use the Blocks window and the debug toolbar. Then you can place a Stop condition that causes a stop just before when the error condition occurs, Then use interactive SHOW commands to evaluate all suspected operands. When a condition occurs late in a simulation, you may find it convenient to save the Simulation object just before the simulated time when the error is due to occur. This can save time when you must rerun a late part of the simulation a few times in the diagnostic process. You can keep reopening that saved Simulation instead of rerunning the simulation to the error point.
The major error messages are listed next in alphabetic order with an additional explanation. Where you see XXX in the message it means that the error message contains a phrase that depends on the details of the error condition. Admittedly some messages arise from more than one context. In that case the explanation is based on what we think is the most common way the message can occur.
"A Simulation Data Stream failed. "
A Data Steam operation failed. The details have been given in a previous message. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"A Transaction is blocked on an impossible condition."
The Active Transaction is attempting to wait for a condition that can never occur. Such a Transaction would never be able to enter the Block. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition. Do not attempt to block on an Integrated User Variable. Use the Transaction generation thresholds in the INTEGRATE Command instead.
"A Transaction tried to seize or preempt its own Facility."
The Active Transaction already owns a Facility that it again tries to seize or preempt. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"A Transaction which owns a Facility is attempting to terminate."
The simulation is attempting to terminate a Transaction that owns one or more Facility Entities. Transactions must release Facilities before they can be destroyed. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"A Transaction which was preempted at a Facility tried to seize or preempt it."
The Active Transaction is preempted at a Facility that it is attempting to seize or preempt again. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Access is denied. "
A read or write operation was disallowed because another process is using the file.
"Add not defined for this data type. "
The calculation failed because an operand has taken on a value which cannot be coerced to an arithmetic value. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Addition overflow."
The result of the operation exceeds the maximum allowable value. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Alias Group Generator XXX cannot be Identity (i.e. null). "
You cannot use the given expression as an Alias Group Generator. See Chapter 13 of The GPSS World Reference Manual on how to specify them.
"An attempt to enlarge the event calendar failed. "
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"An Experiment cannot be called by a Procedure. "
Although an Experiment is a kind of PLUS Procedure, you must use a CONDUCT Command to invoke one.
"Argument B must be greater than Argument A. "
When the arguments were evaluated, Argument B was not greater than Argument A. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Argument cannot be used as a TEMPORARY MATRIX: XXX"
You cannot use the same name for both arguments and local variables.
"Argument cannot be used as a TEMPORARY: XXX"
You cannot use the same name for both arguments and local variables.
"Arithmetic overflow."
The result of the operation exceeds the maximum allowable value. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Array ordinal error. "
The element of the array does not exist. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Assembly Count was not positive."
The evaluation of an Assembly Count resulted in a 0 or negative value. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Attempt to release an idle Facility."
The Active Transaction is attempting to release a Facility that it neither owns nor has been preempted from. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Attempt to release an unowned Facility."
The Active Transaction is attempting to release a Facility that is not owned. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Attempt to release more storage than existed."
The Active Transaction is attempting to cause a Storage Entity to have more available capacity than was defined in the STORAGE Command. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Block index is not positive."
An incremental value used to calculate Block locations is 0 or negative. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Block index is too big."
A Block location was calculated that exceeds the number of Blocks in the Model. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Block labels cannot be used elsewhere."
Block labels cannot be used as the names of non-Block entities.
"Block limit is too small."
The Block limit location comes before the starting Block location. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Call stack overflow. Possible circular reference. Increase Stack Size in Settings. "
The nesting depth of Procedure calls exceeded the maximum allowed. The maximum can be set in the Settings Notebook. It is possible that one of your PLUS Procedures gets called by one of the Procedures it calls, forming an endless cycle.
"Can’t get local PLUS array. "
A memory request was denied. The maximum memory request can be set in the Simulate Page of the Settings Notebook. Be sure you have enough swap space on your hard disk drive.
"Can’t get memory for text string. "
A memory request was denied. The maximum memory request can be set in the Simulate Page of the Settings Notebook. Be sure you have enough swap space on your hard disk drive.
"Can’t get Numeric Group Element. "
A memory request was denied. The maximum memory request can be set in the Simulate Page of the Settings Notebook. Be sure you have enough swap space on your hard disk drive.
"Can’t get Parameter Block. "
A memory request was denied. The maximum memory request can be set in the Simulate Page of the Settings Notebook. Be sure you have enough swap space on your hard disk drive.
"Can’t get Transaction Parameter. "
A memory request was denied. The maximum memory request can be set in the Simulate Page of the Settings Notebook. Be sure you have enough swap space on your hard disk drive.
"Can’t get Transaction queuing element. "
A memory request was denied. The maximum memory request can be set in the Simulate Page of the Settings Notebook. Be sure you have enough swap space on your hard disk drive.
"Can’t get Transaction. "
A memory request was denied. The maximum memory request can be set in the Simulate Page of the Settings Notebook. Be sure you have enough swap space on your hard disk drive.
"Cannot find that function in the specified module."
A dynamic function call found the desired executable file but did not find the function within it. Please consult Chapter 8 for the details on using Call() and related library procedures.
"Character error in statement. "
An invalid character was found in a text line. Please correct it with the text editing capabilities of GPSS World.
"Circular reference in expressions."
The nesting depth in expression evaluation exceeded the maximum allowed. The maximum can be set in the Simulation Page of the Settings Notebook. It is possible that the GPSS Variable Entities and Procedure calls form an unending sequence that you must prevent.
This error is usually caused by a circular reference during the evaluation of an expression. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition. You might want to assign an intermediate value to a Savevalue or Transaction Parameter.
"Comma needed between coordinates."
Matrix element coordinates must be separated by commas.
"Conjugate block is not a MATCH Block."
The Active Transaction is attempting to test for a match condition in a Block that is not a MATCH Block. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Cumulative probability Must be 1.0 at the last point. "
The last cumulative probability in the Function Follower Statement must be 1.0.
"Data Stream Numbers must be strictly positive."
You cannot use a nonpositive number for a Data Stream. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Datum has not been initialized. "
You are attempting to use a variable in an operation before it has been given an initial value. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Decrement not defined for this data type. "
The calculation failed because an operand has taken on a value which cannot be coerced to an arithmetic value. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Divide not defined for this data type. "
The calculation failed because an operand has taken on a value which cannot be coerced to an arithmetic value. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Division overflow."
The result of an operation exceeded the maximum value allowed. The result of the operation exceeds the maximum allowable value. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Division range error."
One of the operands has a value for which the operation is not defined. An attempt to divide by zero can cause this error. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"DoCommand received an invalid command."
The string passed to the DoCommand() library procedure did not contain a valid GPSS World Command. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Duplicate Alias Group Generators are not allowed. "
You cannot use the given expression as an Alias Group Generator. It is a duplicate. See Chapter 13 of The GPSS World Reference Manual on how to specify them.
"Entity is not a BVariable."
The Active Transaction caused an attempt to evaluate a Variable Entity that does not exist. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Entity is not a Variable."
The Active Transaction caused an attempt to evaluate a Variable Entity that does not exist. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Error in derivative evaluation found while integrating: "
An error was detected evaluating the derivative while attempting to integrate the User Variable given in the message. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Error in Operand A of QUEUE."
The evaluation of Operand A of a QUEUE Block resulted in a nonpositive value. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Error in threshold evaluation found while integrating: "
An error was detected evaluating a Transaction-generation threshold while attempting to integrate the User Variable given in the message. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Error occurred opening the Simulation."
An error occurred when GPSS World tried to read the file associated with the Simulation Object. Retry the operation. If it persists, you may have a hardware problem or one associated with the operating system. The file may be corrupt.
"Error occurred saving the simulation."
An error occurred when GPSS World tried to write the file associated with the Simulation Object. Retry the operation. If it persists, you may have a hardware problem or one associated with the operating system. The file may be corrupt.
"Error placing data on Clipboard. Please Try again. "
A clipboard operation failed. Retry the operation. If it persists you may have a problem associated with the operating system.
"Error priming GENERATE Block with its first Transaction. "
GPSS World was not able to initialize the GENERATE Block with its first Transaction. There is an error in the calculation of the arrival time, or in one of the other operands of the GENERATE Block.
"Error reading plain text Include-file."
An error occurred when GPSS World tried to read the file associated with the Text Object. Retry the operation. If it persists, you may have a hardware problem or one associated with the operating system. The file may be corrupt.
"Error Stop."
An error condition has stopped the operation. Additional details can be found in accompanying messages.
"Error: corrupt Simulation Object. "
An error occurred when GPSS World tried to read the file associated with the Simulation Object. The data in the file is of unknown format.
"Error: decreasing cumulative probabilities. "
The cumulative probability in the Function Follower Statement cannot be decreasing.
"Expecting = ."
A syntax error occurred. In its present state, the Translator is expecting to find a decimal point or period. If this is a Model translation you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Expecting Label."
A syntax error occurred. In its present state, the Translator is expecting to find a label. If this is a Model translation you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Expecting `DO’."
A syntax error occurred. In its present state, the Translator is expecting to find ‘DO’. If this is a Model translation you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Expecting `THEN’."
A syntax error occurred. In its present state, the Translator is expecting to find ‘THEN’. If this is a Model translation you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Expecting a ‘/’. "
A syntax error occurred. In its present state, the Translator is expecting to find a forward slash. If this is a Model translation you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Expecting a GPSS Verb. "
A syntax error occurred. In its present state, the Translator is expecting to find a Verb. If this is a Model translation you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Expecting a Label or GPSS Verb. "
A syntax error occurred. In its present state, the Translator is expecting to find a label or a Verb. If this is a Model translation you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Expecting a PLUS Statement."
A syntax error occurred. In its present state, the Translator is expecting to find a PLUS Statement. See Chapter 8 of The GPSS World Reference Manual. If this is a Model translation you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Expecting a Y value. "
A syntax error occurred. In its present state, the Translator is expecting to find a Y value in a Function Follower Statement. If this is a Model translation you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Expecting a comma. "
A syntax error occurred. In its present state, the Translator is expecting to find a comma. If this is a Model translation you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Expecting a formal argument."
A syntax error occurred. In its present state, the Translator is expecting to find an argument in a Procedure call. If this is a Model translation you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Expecting a numeric value or Identifier. "
A syntax error occurred. In its present state, the Translator is expecting to find a numeric value or identifier. If this is a Model translation you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Expecting a numeric value. "
A syntax error occurred. In its present state, the Translator is expecting to find a numeric value. If this is a Model translation you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Expecting a right parenthesis."
A syntax error occurred. In its present state, the Translator is expecting to find a ‘)’ character. If this is a Model translation you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Expecting an EXPERIMENT, PROCEDURE or GPSS Statement."
A syntax error occurred. In its present state, the Translator is expecting to find one of the items in the error message. If this is a Model translation you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Expecting an expression factor."
A syntax error occurred. In its present state, the Translator is expecting to find a valid factor of an expression. The formal grammar is given in the Appendix of The GPSS World Reference Manual. If this is a Model translation you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Expecting left parenthesis."
A syntax error occurred. In its present state, the Translator is expecting to find a ‘(‘ character. If this is a Model translation you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Expecting left square bracket ([)."
A syntax error occurred. In its present state, the Translator is expecting to find a ‘[‘ character. If this is a Model translation you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Expecting right parenthesis."
A syntax error occurred. In its present state, the Translator is expecting to find a ‘)’ character. If this is a Model translation you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Expecting right square bracket (])."
A syntax error occurred. In its present state, the Translator is expecting to find a ‘]’ character. If this is a Model translation you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Expecting semicolon."
A syntax error occurred. In its present state, the Translator is expecting to find a ‘;’ character. If this is a Model translation you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Experiment aborted."
A simulation was interrupted while a PLUS Experiment was under way. Usually this means that the Result Matrix does not have all the data intended. You must complete the remaining runs and then the Analysis of Variance. The Experiments generated automatically by GPSS World test for the completion of runs and may be restarted with a CONDUCT Command.
"Experiments cannot be nested. "
PLUS Experiments can only be called directly by a CONDUCT Command.
"Exponent too large."
The exponent exceeds the maximum allowable value. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Exponentiation overflow."
The result of the operation exceeds the maximum allowable value. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Expression memory is full."
There is no more room for memorized expressions. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Factors must be consecutive beginning with A. "
Experimental factors are denoted consecutively A, B, C, D, E, and F.
"Failure loading the specified module."
A dynamic function call could not find the desired executable file. Please consult Chapter 8 for the details on using Call() and related library procedures.
"File close error. "
An attempt to close a file failed. This can be caused by a hardware error.
"File error. "
An error prevented a file operation from completing properly.
"Floating point exception during integration. "
A floating-point arithmetic operation encountered an overflow or underflow. You must scale the values of your variables so they don’t exceed numerical limits.
"GPSS Verb cannot be used as operator or operand."
Syntax error. The Translator is expecting an operator or operand, but instead, encountered a GPSS Verb.
"GPSS World Student Version GPSS Block limit was exceeded. "
You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Goodness of fit test fails."
The preliminary experimental response surface did not fit the data. Normally, an experiment generated by GPSS World will attempt to acquire more data, and continue, or apply a higher order model. Otherwise, you will need to apply a more sophisticated analysis to the data.
"Help system failure. "
A failure occurred initializing the online Help system. The GPSS World Help file may be missing.
"Identifier has not been defined."
A reference occurred to a name that has not been defined. You must add the appropriate definition to the Model and/or Simulation Object.
"Illegal attempt to make Queue entity content negative."
A Transaction tried to enter a QUEUE or DEPART Block, which would have caused the content of a Queue Entity to be negative. This is not allowed. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Illegal character."
The Translator has encountered an invalid character. Your Statement has a syntax error. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Illegal combination of operands in ALTER block."
You have used an illegal combination of operands in an ALTER Block. Please consult Chapter 7 of this manual for details on using ALTER Blocks.
"Illegal combination of operands in REMOVE Block."
You have used an illegal combination of operands in a REMOVE Block. Please consult Chapter 7 of this manual for details on using REMOVE Blocks.
"Illegal combination of operands in UNLINK block."
You have used an illegal combination of operands in a REMOVE Block. Please consult Chapter 7 of this manual for details on using REMOVE Blocks.
"Illegal operator combination."
You have used an illegal combination of operands in a Block. Please consult Chapter 7 of this manual for details on using Blocks
"Illegal SNA class in COUNT or SELECT block."
You have used an illegal SNA class in operand E of a COUNT or SELECT Block. Please consult Chapter 7 of this manual for details on using these Blocks.
"Include-file files must be Text Objects (.txt)."
Include-file files must be plain text files with a .txt filename extension.
"Incompatible formats. The archive and this version of the GPSS World software are using different object formats. "
You are attempting to read a file associated with a GPSS World Object of a different format than the GPSS World software you are using.
For Simulation or Report Objects, you should recreate them from the Model Object using the new version of GPSS World.
For Model Objects, use the Windows clipboard with the old version of GPSS World to create plain text files for each Model. Then, use the Windows clipboard with the new version of GPSS World to create new Model Objects from the plain text files.
"Incorrect Keyword."
You have used a keyword that does not belong where you tried to use it. Your Statement has a syntax error. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Incorrect Matrix shape."
GPSS World has encountered a Matrix of the wrong shape as it attempts to fit a response surface to data.
If the MATRIX Statement was generated by a GPSS World Automatic Experiment Generator and has not been altered, please report this problem. To do so, please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"Increment not defined for this data type. "
The calculation failed because an operand has taken on a value which cannot be coerced to an arithmetic value. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Indirect SNA not allowed here."
You cannot use a System Numeric Attribute with an indirect entity specifier as this operand. Your Statement has a syntax error. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
Indirect addressing is discussed in Section 3.4.2 of The GPSS World Reference Manual.
"Integer division overflow."
The result of the operation exceeds the maximum allowable value. Possible division by zero. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Integer division range error."
One of the operands has a value for which the operation is not defined. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition. This error is caused by an attempt to divide by integer zero.
"Integration tolerance cannot be maintained for: XXX"
During the integration of the variable given in the error message, a reduction in integration ministep size was not sufficient to bring the local error below the error tolerance. You must either increase the Error Tolerance in the Simulate Page of the Settings Notebook, or you must create your own integration method using PLUS Procedures. It is possible that a derivative of integration variables is too large in magnitude.
"Integration variable was not initialized: XXX"
When an attempt was made to integrate the variable named in the error message it was found to have no initial value. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Internal compiler error. Unknown source type."
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"Internal depth error."
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"Invalid $ character in name."
Your Statement has a syntax error. An invalid character was detected in an identifier. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
Names are discussed in Section 3.5 of The GPSS World Reference Manual.
"Invalid attempt to enter a GENERATE Block."
Transactions are not allowed to enter GENERATE Blocks, except for those created by the Block itself. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Invalid attempt to skip a required operand."
Your Statement has a syntax error. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid character in GPSS Statement."
Your Statement has a syntax error. An invalid character was encountered. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid character in exponent."
Your Statement has a syntax error. An invalid character was encountered. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid character in number."
Your Statement has a syntax error. An invalid character was encountered. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid character."
Your Statement has a syntax error. An invalid character was encountered. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid column coordinate. Must be name or integer."
Your Statement has a syntax error. Matrix element indices must be names or integers. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid data type."
The operation failed because an operand has taken on a value which cannot be coerced to an appropriate data type. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition. .
"Invalid decimal point in number."
Your Statement has a syntax error. An extraneous decimal point was encountered. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid delimiter. "
Your Statement has a syntax error. An invalid delimiter character was encountered. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid delimiter in GPSS Statement."
Your Statement has a syntax error. An invalid delimiter character was encountered. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid dollar character."
Your Statement has a syntax error. An invalid ‘$’ character was encountered. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid E character in number."
Your Statement has a syntax error. An invalid ‘E’ character was encountered. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid expression."
An expression was not correctly formed using defined syntax. You must correct the syntax. The formal grammar is given in the Appendix of The GPSS World Reference Manual.
"Invalid Function pair count. "
You have broken one of the rules regarding the definition of GPSS Function Entities. Please review Section 4.4 of The GPSS World Reference Manual and Chapter 6 on FUNCTION Statements and Function Follower Statements.
"Invalid Function type."
You have broken one of the rules regarding the definition of GPSS Function Entities. Please review Section 4.4 of The GPSS World Reference Manual and Chapter 6 on FUNCTION Statements and Function Follower Statements.
"Invalid handle. "
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"Invalid identifier. "
Your Statement has a syntax error. An invalid identifier was encountered. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid indirect addressing."
Your Statement has a syntax error. The indirect addressing is invalid or out of place. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
Indirect addressing is discussed in Section 3.4.2 of The GPSS World Reference Manual.
"Invalid indirect identifier."
Your Statement has a syntax error. The indirect addressing is invalid or out of place. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
Indirect addressing is discussed in Section 3.4.2 of The GPSS World Reference Manual.
"Invalid indirect identifier in GPSS Statement."
Your Statement has a syntax error. The indirect addressing is invalid or out of place. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
Indirect addressing is discussed in Section 3.4.2 of The GPSS World Reference Manual.
"Invalid indirect integer in GPSS Statement."
Your Statement has a syntax error. The indirect addressing is invalid or out of place. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
Indirect addressing is discussed in Section 3.4.2 of The GPSS World Reference Manual.
"Invalid indirect operand."
Your Statement has a syntax error. The indirect addressing is invalid or out of place. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
Indirect addressing is discussed in Section 3.4.2 of The GPSS World Reference Manual.
"Invalid indirection character"
Your Statement has a syntax error. The indirect addressing is invalid or out of place. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
Indirect addressing is discussed in Section 3.4.2 of The GPSS World Reference Manual.
"Invalid integer in GPSS Statement."
Your Statement has a syntax error. The integer is invalid or out of place. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid keyword for this operand."
Your Statement has a syntax error. The keyword is invalid or out of place. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid keyword. "
Your Statement has a syntax error. The keyword is invalid or out of place. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid list sequence number. "
The List sequence number on the Function Follower Statement is incorrect. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid name in GPSS Statement."
Your Statement has a syntax error. The name is invalid or out of place. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
Names are discussed in Section 3.5 of The GPSS World Reference Manual.
"Invalid negative number in GPSS statement."
Your Statement has a syntax error. The negative number is invalid or out of place. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid number of Matrix indices. "
The dimension of the matrix implied by the number of indices in the matrix element specifier does not match that of the MATRIX Command. The two statements must imply the same Matrix dimension.
"Invalid number of procedure arguments."
The procedure invocation does not have the number of arguments required by the PLUS Procedure definition. The two statements must agree.
"Invalid number. "
Your Statement has a syntax error. The number is invalid or out of place. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid operator. "
Your Statement has a syntax error. The operator is invalid or out of place. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid PLUS Procedure."
Your Statement has a syntax error in the Procedure definition. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid procedure definition."
Your Statement has a syntax error in the Procedure definition. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid procedure identifier."
Your Statement has a syntax error. The procedure identifier is incorrect or out of place. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid quoted operator."
Your Statement has a syntax error. The quoted operator is incorrect or out of place. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid real number in GPSS statement."
Your Statement has a syntax error. A real number cannot be used in this position. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid row coordinate."
Your Statement has a syntax error. Matrix element indices must be names or integers. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid SNA Class. "
Your Statement has a syntax error. The System Numeric Attribute Class is invalid or out of place. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
SNA Classes are discussed in Section 3.4 of The GPSS World Reference Manual.
"Invalid SNA entity specifier."
Your Statement has a syntax error. The System Numeric Attribute is invalid or out of place. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
SNAs are discussed in Section 3.4 of The GPSS World Reference Manual.
"Invalid SNA in GPSS Statement."
Your Statement has a syntax error. The System Numeric Attribute is invalid or out of place. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
SNAs are discussed in Section 3.4 of The GPSS World Reference Manual.
"Invalid SNA. "
Your Statement has a syntax error. The System Numeric Attribute is invalid or out of place. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
SNAs are discussed in Section 3.4 of The GPSS World Reference Manual.
"Invalid string in GPSS Statement."
You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Invalid string. "
Your Statement has a syntax error. The string is invalid. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid threshold arrival block found while integrating: "
An error occurred during the integration of the variable named in the message. A threshold crossing occurred but the destination Block number was not in the valid range. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Invalid use of SNA Class Specifier."
Your Statement has a syntax error. The System Numeric Attribute is invalid or out of place. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
SNAs are discussed in Section 3.4 of The GPSS World Reference Manual.
"Invalid XXX character in YYY. "
Your Statement has a syntax error. The character given in the message is invalid or out of place in the expression. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Invalid XXX expression. "
Your Statement has a syntax error. The expression given in the message is invalid or out of place. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
Expressions are discussed in Section 8.2 of The GPSS World Reference Manual. .
"Invalid XXX name. "
Your Statement has a syntax error. The expression given in the message is invalid or out of place. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
Names are discussed in Section 3.5 of The GPSS World Reference Manual.
"Invalid Y value. "
The Y value in the Function Follower Statement is invalid or out of place. Function Follower Statements are discussed in Chapter 6.
"Line number must be a strictly positive integer."
Your Statement has a syntax error. The number is invalid or out of place. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Line numbers must begin in the first column."
Your Statement has a syntax error. The number is invalid or out of place. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"List Function argument is too large."
When the argument of a list function was evaluated it exceeded the size of the list. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Lock violation. "
A file sharing violation has occurred. Retry the operation when the file is available.
"Logarithm range error."
The operand cannot be nonpositive. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"MAPI failure. Email was not sent. "
Your MAPI System could not be initialized or an error occurred when a message transmission was attempted. The message was not sent.
"MAPI initialization failed. Email was not sent. "
Your MAPI System could not be initialized or an error occurred when a message transmission was attempted. The message was not sent.
"Manual Simulation failure."
The Manual Simulation Statement encountered an Error Stop. Additional details follow this message.
"Matrix column cannot be system-assigned or Block label."
The matrix column is not correctly specified. Change the Matrix element specifier in the offending Statement.
"Matrix inversion failure."
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"Matrix row cannot be system-assigned or Block Label."
The matrix row is not correctly specified. Change the Matrix element specifier in the offending Statement.
"Maximum depth exceeded: possible circular reference. Increase Max Depth in Settings. "
The nesting depth in an expression evaluation exceeded the maximum allowed. The maximum can be set in the Simulate Page of the Settings Notebook. It is possible that the GPSS Variable(s) and/or procedure calls form an unending sequence that you must change.
This error is usually caused by a circular reference during the evaluation of an expression. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition. You might want to assign an intermediate value to a Savevalue or Transaction Parameter.
"Memory error."
A memory request was denied. The maximum memory request can be specified in the Simulate Page of the Settings Notebook. Be sure you have enough swap space on your hard disk drive(s).
"Memory request denied. "
A memory request was denied. The maximum memory request can be specified in the Simulate Page of the Settings Notebook. Be sure you have enough swap space on your hard disk drive(s).
"Minimum and maximum must be numeric."
A minimum or maximum must have a numeric value. Please correct the Statement and retry the operation.
"Maximum must be greater than minimum."
You cannot have a minimum value greater than the maximum. Please correct the Statement and retry the operation.
"Missing GPSS operand."
Your Statement has a syntax error. The Translator is expecting to find the item in the message. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Missing GPSS operator."
Your Statement has a syntax error. The Translator is expecting to find the item in the message. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Missing SNA entity specifier."
Your Statement has a syntax error. The Translator is expecting to find the item in the message. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Missing Statement Label."
Your Statement has a syntax error. The Translator is expecting to find the item in the message. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Missing coordinates for MX Class SNA."
Your Statement has a syntax error. The Translator is expecting to find the item in the message. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Model translation failed; out of memory."
A memory request was denied. The maximum memory request can be specified in the Simulate Page of the Settings Notebook. Be sure you have enough swap space on your hard disk drive(s).
"Modulo division not defined for this data type. "
The calculation failed because an operand has taken on a value that cannot be coerced to an arithmetic value or an attempt was made to divide by zero. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Modulo division range error."
You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Multiplication overflow."
The result of the operation exceeds the maximum allowable value. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Multiple defined Block label definitions."
Your Statement has a syntax error. A Block Label can only be used for one Block. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Multiple label definitions: XXX"
Your Statement has a syntax error. The label given in the message was not uniquely defined. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Multiple argument definitions: XXX"
Your Statement has a syntax error. The argument given in the message was not uniquely defined. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Multiply not defined for this data type. "
The calculation failed because an operand has taken on a value which cannot be coerced to an arithmetic value. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Multiway Experiment is Not Orthogonal. No F Statistic is available."
The run results in the Result Matrix do not form an orthogonal experiment. You must either complete the experiment, or redefine it if the experiment itself is not orthogonal.
"Name has not been given a value."
An unitialized identifier was encountered. If you do not assign a value to a name in an EQU Statement, GPSS World assigns a distinct "system" number for use in defining GPSS Entities. Names with system assigned values may be used to name entities, but may not be used by themselves in expressions.
Do not confuse the value of a name with the result of an SNA. For example, if you define a Variable Entity named VAR1, you evaluate it by a reference to V$VAR1 and not to VAR1. Here VAR1 serves as the entity specifier.
"Name too long."
Your Statement has a syntax error. Names cannot exceed 200 characters. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
Names are discussed in Section 3.5 of The GPSS World Reference Manual.
"Negative A operand in SPLIT Block."
The Active Transaction has caused the A Operand of a SPLIT Block to be evaluated with an invalid negative result. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Negative Storage request."
When Operand B of an ENTER or LEAVE Block was evaluated, the storage amount requested was less than 0. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Negative time increment."
The Active Transaction has caused a negative time increment to be calculated. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"No data. An error occurred in the User Dialog."
You must complete the required data field in the dialog.
"No room for conversion to floating point number. "
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"Nonpositive List Function argument."
When the argument of a list function was evaluated it was nonpositive. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Nonpositive modulus."
The modulus must be positive. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Not enough memory for Model translation"
An internal memory request was denied. Be sure you have enough swap space on your hard disk drive(s).
"Object code is corrupt."
Please retranslate the Model. If the error persists please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"Operand B of QUEUE or DEPART is negative."
The Active Transaction has caused the B Operand of a QUEUE or DEPART Block to be evaluated with an invalid negative result. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Operation has not been defined for this data type. "
The calculation failed because an operand has taken on a value which cannot be coerced to an arithmetic value. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Optimum could not be predicted."
A second order model could not be fitted to the data. Consequently the analysis has failed to predict an optimum value.
"Out of memory. "
A memory request was denied. The maximum memory request can be set in the Simulate Page of the Settings Notebook. Be sure you have enough swap space on your hard disk drive.
"Parameter number must be a positive integer."
A nonpositive Transaction number was specified. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Path not found. "
An input of output operation attempted to use a path that does not exist in your file system. Please correct the situation and retry the operation.
"Plot limit exceeded. "
You cannot add more plots to this Plot Window. You can open additional PLOT Windows.
"PLUS Array has not been defined."
A reference was made to PLUS Array that was not defined.
"PLUS Procedure cannot be found."
You must define a PLUS Procedure before you invoke it.
"Probability cannot be less than 0. "
The probability cannot be less than 0 or greater than 1. Some probabilities are in parts-per-thousand. This is described in the associated Statement description in The GPSS World Reference Manual.
"Probability cannot exceed 1.0. "
The probability cannot be less than 0 or greater than 1. Some probabilities are in parts-per-thousand. This is described in the associated Statement description in The GPSS World Reference Manual.
"Procedure Statement limit exceeded. "
The Procedure is too large. You must break it into multiple procedures.
"Procedure replaced. Multiple definition. "
You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Reference to a non-existent Block entity."
The Active Transaction has caused a reference to a Block entity that does not exist. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Reference to a non-existent Block entity."
The Active Transaction has caused a reference to a Block entity that does not exist. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition. You may have neglected to define the Block entity.
"Reference to a non-existent Function entity."
The Active Transaction has caused a reference to a Function entity that does not exist. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition. You may have neglected to define the Function entity.
"Reference to a non-existent Matrix entity."
The Active Transaction has caused a reference to a Matrix entity that does not exist. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition. You may have neglected to define the Matrix entity.
"Reference to a non-existent Parameter."
The Active Transaction has caused a reference to a Transaction Parameter entity that does not exist. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition. Transaction Parameters are created in ASSIGN, MARK, SPLIT, and TRANSFER SUB Blocks.
"Reference to a non-existent Savevalue entity."
The Active Transaction has caused a reference to a Savevalue entity that does not exist. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition. You may have neglected to define the Savevalue entity.
"Reference to a non-existent Storage entity."
The Active Transaction has caused a reference to a Storage entity that does not exist. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition. You may have neglected to define the Storage entity.
"Reference to a non-existent Table entity."
The Active Transaction has caused a reference to a Table entity that does not exist. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition. You may have neglected to define the Table entity with a TABLE or QTABLE Statement.
"Reference to a non-existent Variable entity."
The Active Transaction has caused a reference to a Variable entity that does not exist. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition. You may have neglected to define the Variable entity with a VARIABLE, BVARIABLE, or FVARIABLE Statement.
"REmove option was not specified."
You have specified a destination Block without using the required RE option. Please consult the Block Statement description in Chapter 8 for more details.
"REmove option was used with no destination."
You must specify a destination Block location when you use the RE option. Please consult the Block Statement description in Chapter 8 for more details.
"Saddle point detected. Critical point is not optimal."
A second order model was fitted to the data but a saddle point was detected. Consequently, the analysis has failed to predict an optimum value.
"Second order model fails. Failure to calculate optimum."
A second order model could not be fitted to the data. Consequently the analysis has failed to predict an optimum value.
"Second order model fails. Saddle point detected."
A second order model was fitted to the data but a saddle point was detected. Consequently, the analysis has failed to predict an optimum value.
"Setup error. "
An error occurred during GPSS World initialization. If it persists, please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"Share.exe was not loaded, or a shared region was locked. "
This is an operating system error. If the problem persists, please consult the vendor of your operating system.
"Sorry the Text Object Open failed. "
An error occurred when GPSS World tried to read the file associated with the Text Object. Retry the operation. If it persists, you may have a hardware problem or one associated with the operating system. The file may be corrupt.
"Sorry, the Model open failed. "
An error occurred when GPSS World tried to read the file associated with the Model Object. Retry the operation. If it persists, you may have a hardware problem or one associated with the operating system. The file may be corrupt.
"Sorry, the Model save failed. "
An error occurred when GPSS World tried to write the file associated with the Model Object. Retry the operation. If it persists, you may have a hardware problem or one associated with the operating system.
"Sorry, the Report open failed."
An error occurred when GPSS World tried to read the file associated with the Report Object. Retry the operation. If it persists, you may have a hardware problem or one associated with the operating system. The file may be corrupt.
"Sorry, the Report save failed."
An error occurred when GPSS World tried to write the file associated with the Report Object. Retry the operation. If it persists, you may have a hardware problem or one associated with the operating system.
"Sorry, the Simulation has no Matrices defined."
You cannot open a Matrix Window on the simulation because there are no Matrix entities in the Simulation Object.
"Sorry, the Simulation has no Tables defined."
You cannot open a Table Window on the simulation because there are no Table or Qtable entities in the Simulation Object.
"Sorry, the Simulation open failed."
An error occurred when GPSS World tried to read the file associated with the Simulation Object. Retry the operation. If it persists, you may have a hardware problem or one associated with the operating system. The file may be corrupt.
"Sorry, the Simulation save failed."
An error occurred when GPSS World tried to write the file associated with the Simulation Object. Retry the operation. If it persists, you may have a hardware problem or one associated with the operating system.
"Sorry, the Text Object Save failed. "
An error occurred when GPSS World tried to write the file associated with the Text Object. Retry the operation. If it persists, you may have a hardware problem or one associated with the operating system.
"Square root not defined for this data type. "
The calculation failed because an operand has taken on a value which cannot be coerced to an arithmetic value or which is negative. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Square root range error."
The argument cannot be negative. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Standard Error is 0. Cannot perform F test."
The calculation for the F test cannot be completed because the Standard Error of the experiment is 0. This makes all related statistical differences significant.
"Storage request exceeds total capacity."
When Operand B of an ENTER Statement was evaluated, the storage request exceeded the total capacity of the Storage entity. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition. You may wish to redefine the Storage entity.
"Subtract not defined for this data type. "
The calculation failed because an operand has taken on a value which cannot be coerced to an arithmetic value. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Subtraction overflow."
The result of the operation exceeds the maximum allowable value. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Syntax error in Label. "
Your Statement has a syntax error. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Syntax error in Operand A. "
Your Statement has a syntax error. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Syntax error in Operand B. "
Your Statement has a syntax error. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Syntax error in Operand C. "
Your Statement has a syntax error. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Syntax error in Operand D. "
Your Statement has a syntax error. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Syntax error in Operand E. "
Your Statement has a syntax error. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Syntax error in Operand F. "
Your Statement has a syntax error. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Syntax error in Operand G. "
Your Statement has a syntax error. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Syntax error in Operand H. "
Your Statement has a syntax error. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Syntax error in Operator. "
Your Statement has a syntax error. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Syntax error. "
Your Statement has a syntax error. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Syntax error. XXX "
Your Statement has a syntax error in the expression given in the message. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Syntax error. Illegal use of Library Procedure name."
Your Statement has a syntax error. The name of a PLUS library procedure occurred in an invalid way. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Syntax error. Incorrect argument count."
Your Statement has a syntax error. A PLUS Procedure invocation has an argument count that does not match that of the Procedure definition. The name of a PLUS library procedure occurred in an invalid way. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Syntax error. Invalid PLUS Statement."
Your Statement has a syntax error in a PLUS Statement. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Syntax error. Invalid TEMPORARY MATRIX Identifier."
Your Statement has a syntax error in a PLUS TEMPORARY MATRIX Statement. An identifier is invalid. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Syntax error. Nonpositive dimension size."
Your Statement has a syntax error. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Syntax error. Too many matrix dimensions."
Your Statement has a syntax error. You have specified more dimensions in a Matrix entity than really exists. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Syntax error. Unexpected end of file."
The Translator expected to find more language elements but ran into the end of the Model. This error can occur when you have a string with unclosed double quotes.
"Syntax error. Unidentified character."
Your Statement has a syntax error. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"System error translating the interaction. "
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"System error. A workable set for the principle block could not be found. "
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"System error. An exception error occurred saving the Simulation."
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"System error. Bad DEQ call."
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"System error. Bad ENQ call."
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"System error. Bad FEC."
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"System error. Bad token string."
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"System error. Corrupt chain in DEQ."
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"System error. Corrupt chain in UnQQE. "
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"System error. Dangling QQE."
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"System error. FEC corrupt."
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"System error. FUNCTION setup error. "
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"System error. Internal exception."
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"System error. Internal overflow."
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"System error. Invalid indirect pointer."
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"System error. Invalid operand."
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"System error. No Next Block."
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"System error. No QQE."
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"System error. QCB cache failure."
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"Tab stops must be nonzero and increasing."
Tab stops must be specified as positive strictly increasing integers.
"Test expression does not have numeric or logic value. "
You can only use a numeric value as the result of a TEST Block expression. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"The XXX field is required. "
Your Statement has a syntax error. The field specified in the message is invalid. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"The command is not valid. "
Your Statement has a syntax error. Commands are discussed in Chapter 6 in The GPSS World Reference Manual.
"The disk is full. "
An attempt was made to write a file to a disk that did not have enough space.
"The dynamic call must pass 0 or 1 argument."
The dynamic call did not have the correct number of arguments. Call() and related library procedure invocations are described in Chapter 8 of The GPSS World Reference Manual.
"The end of file was reached. "
Your Statement has a syntax error. The Translator ran out of text before a statement was completed. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
This error can be caused when a string does not have a closing double quote character.
"The entity label is missing."
Your Statement has a syntax error. The Translator is expecting to find the item in the message. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"The exit code must be -1, 0 or +1. "
The Exit Command takes only these values as its argument.
"The expression is not valid."
You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"The expression must have a label."
An expression cannot be viewed, plotted, or memorized without a label.
"The file could not be found. "
An error occurred when GPSS World tried to read a file that the operating system could not find. The location of files is discussed in Chapter 2 of The GPSS World Reference Manual, and that associated with dynamic call invocations in Chapter 8 of The GPSS World Reference Manual.
"The generators must be independent w.r.t. modulo multiplication. None can be the product of others. "
You have specified an Alias Group Generator that can be created from a combination of the other generators. They must be independent. Alias Groups are discussed in Chapter 13 of The GPSS World Reference Manual.
"The j argument must be greater than the i argument. "
A procedure invocation used arguments that were not valid. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"The location argument must be greater than 0.0. "
A procedure invocation used arguments that were not valid. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"The Matrix has too many dimensions. "
You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"The Matrix index is not positive."
The Active Transaction has caused a Matrix index to be evaluated that is 0 or is negative. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"The Matrix index is too large."
The Active Transaction has caused a Matrix index to be evaluated that exceeds the size of the dimension of that Matrix. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"The Matrix offset is too big."
You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"The max argument must be greater than the mode argument. "
A procedure invocation used arguments that were not valid. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"The mean must be greater than 0.0. "
A procedure invocation used arguments that were not valid. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"The mode argument must be greater than the min argument. "
A procedure invocation used arguments that were not valid. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"The numeric conversion is not defined. "
An operation was attempted which required a numeric conversion that could not be done. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"The nesting of Include-file files is too deep."
Include-file files may be nested only to a maximum depth of 5.
"The optimum type must be -1 for minimum or +1, for maximum"
You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"The p argument must be strictly between 0 and 1. "
A procedure invocation used arguments that were not valid. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"The Random Stream number must be positive. "
A nonpositive Random Number stream was requested. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"The redirection limit must be between 0 and 10, inclusively. "
You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"The replicate dimension is out of range. "
You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"The result Matrix has an invalid shape."
You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"The result Matrix is incompatible with the Defining Contrasts. "
You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"The results of the Fractional Factorial Experiment are not complete. "
You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"The scale argument must be greater than 0.0. "
A procedure invocation used arguments that were not valid. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"The shape argument must be greater than 0.0. "
A procedure invocation used arguments that were not valid. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"The Simulation is still running and could not be saved."
You must Halt the Simulation before saving it.
"The Simulation was created by a GPSS World Commercial Version. "
The Student Version of GPSS World cannot open Simulation Objects created by the Commercial Version.
"The Simulation was created by an upgraded version of GPSS World. This version cannot read it. "
You must create a new Simulation object with your current version of GPSS World.
"The Simulation was not created by a Student Version. "
The Student Version of GPSS World cannot open Simulation Objects created by the Commercial Version.
"The standard deviation must be greater than 0.0. "
A procedure invocation used arguments that were not valid. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"The string of Defining Contrasts is invalid. "
An invalid argument was passed to the Effects procedure. If the string was created by a GPSS World generated experiment, please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"The system was unable to serialize part of the Simulation. "
Internal error. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"The t argument must be greater than 0.0. "
A procedure invocation used arguments that were not valid. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"The upper count limit is too low."
The Active Transaction has caused an operand to be evaluated that resulted in an entity number lower than the starting number. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"The User Key is not valid for this product. Please register to receive a new Key. "
You need to acquire a valid User Key from Minuteman Software. The registration dialog can be accessed through File / Register Software in the menu of the Main Window of GPSS World.
"There are no Transactions. Check Transaction limits and blocking."
Either you have entered a statement that requires an Active Transaction and there is none, or all GENERATE statements have reached their creation limits.
If you limit the number of Transaction created by using Operand D in all GENERATE Statement returns to zero. You must provide another source of Transactions in the Simulation (SPLIT or GENERATE), you must increase the Termination Count in one or more TERMINATE Blocks, or you must reduce the Termination Count in the START Statement.
"There are no errors in the list."
The list of errors is empty. You may need to retranslate the model.
"There are no more directory entries. "
There are no more files in this directory (folder).
"There are not enough runs defined in this Experiment. "
The analysis program does not have enough data points to continue the analysis. You must complete the runs in the e You must complete the runs in the experiment before analyzing the results.
"There is no Stop here. Do you want to remove all Stops? "
There is no stop condition on the currently selected Block. You have the option to remove all stop conditions, however.
"There is no Transaction for the Parameter reference."
A Statement was encountered which needed one or more Parameters of the Active Transaction for its evaluation. However, there is no Active Transaction.
"There is no Transaction for this SNA evaluation."
An SNA which a Transaction for its evaluation and there is none. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"There is no experiment. DoCommand() is Invalid."
The DoCommand() library procedure cannot be invoked unless an Experiment is underway — i.e. started by a CONDUCT Command. During an Experiment, even regular PLUS Procedures called directly or indirectly by the PLUS Experiment can invoke DoCommand().
"There is no such Transaction. "
The Transaction specified does not currently exist in the Simulation Object.
"There is not enough computer memory to continue."
A memory request was denied. The maximum memory request can be set in the Simulate Page of the Settings Notebook. Be sure you have enough swap space on your hard disk drive.
"There must be an arrival block for the threshold expression."
You must specify a Block that is to receive Transactions to be generated when the threshold is crossed.
"There was a Simulation address translation error. "
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"There was a Simulation translation initialization Error. "
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"There was a hardware error. "
Your operating system has reported that a hardware error prevented GPSS World from completing the operation.
"There was an error opening XXX. "
An error occurred when GPSS World tried to read the file identified in the message. If it persists, you may have a hardware problem or one associated with the operating system. The file may be corrupt
"There was an error processing XXX, in IO Stream Number YYY. "
An error occurred when GPSS World tried to read or write the file identified in the message on behalf of the Data Stream, also in the message. Retry the operation. If it persists, you may have a hardware problem or one associated with the operating system. The file may be corrupt
"There was an error trying to set the file pointer. "
The operating system has reported that an error occurred when GPSS World tried to set a file pointer. Retry the operation. If it persists, you may have a hardware problem or one associated with the operating system. The file may be corrupt
"This feature has not yet been implemented. "
The feature is not functional in this version of GPSS World.
"Time range must be numeric greater than 0."
The time range must be a positive number.
"Tolerance must be between 0.000000001 and 0.1, inclusively."
The integration tolerance must be in the given range.
"Too many Block Entities for the Student Version. "
The Student Version supports only 150, or fewer, GPSS Blocks.
"Too many open files. "
Your operating system is limiting the number of files that can be open at one time. You should close other applications and continue.
"Too many significant digits."
You have exceeded the maximum number of significant digits in a number. Real values are kept as double precision floating point numbers.
"Trigonometric function domain error. "
The value of the operand is not in the range permitted for this function. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Truncate not defined for this data type. "
The calculation failed because an operand has taken on a value which cannot be coerced to an arithmetic value. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Unable to Stop the Simulation."
Please close all other applications. Retry the operation. If this error persists, please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"Unable to set up expression."
An internal error has occurred. Please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"Unclosed double quote."
You must terminate the string with a closing double quote. Two consecutive double quotes within a string denote a double quote internal to the string.
If this is a Model translation you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Undefined Label: XXX"
Your Statement has a syntax error. The label in the message has not been defined. Check spelling. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Unexpected Delimiter."
Your Statement has a syntax error. In its present state the Translator expects to find a delimiter character such as a comma. In the Model Window, you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"Unknown token."
The Translator has encountered a symbol it could not recognize. Possible corrupt file. If the problem persists, please complete an error report on the GPSS World Internet Web site at
"Use of a nonpositive entity number."
You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"Windows sockets initialization failed."
GPSS World was unable to initialize its Internet interface. This could be a problem in your operating system.
"You cannot use GENERATE in Manual Simulation. Use SPLIT. "
To create Transactions interactively you must use a SPLIT Block not a GENERATE Block.
"You cannot use UNSPECIFIED to initialize a Logicswitch Entity. "
A syntax error occurred. Logicswitch Entities cannot take on a value of UNSPECIFIED. If this is a Model translation you can use Search / Next Error or Search / Previous Error to move the cursor directly to the faulty Statement. If the error occurred in an Include-file file, you can get better diagnostic messages by temporarily placing the statements in a Model Object.
"You cannot wait on this SNA."
The Active Transaction is attempting to wait for a condition that can never occur. Such a Transaction would never be able to enter the Block. You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition. Do not attempt to block on an Integrated User Variable. Use the Transaction generation thresholds in the INTEGRATE Command for that purpose.
"You must Halt the Experiment first. "
The operation attempted requires that the current simulation be Halted first.
"You must specify an SNA."
You must specify an operand that is a valid System Numeric Attribute.
SNAs are discussed in Section 3.4 of The GPSS World Reference Manual.
"You must specify arguments for this Experiment. "
You must change values, operands, or the flow of Transactions in the simulation to prevent this condition.
"You must use a CONDUCT Command to invoke an Experiment. "
PLUS Experiments can only be started by a direct CONDUCT Command.