'  2' '75ư>%HELPNA\NhNN:l|CONTINUE n((pxEXIT&%p=lHALTމPl|dSTEP 1r4߉lg STOP߉X^F%EFSTOP ,,OFFg^w@߉U T߉W O9gp߉.Od9?g|߉CONDUCT BestLines(1,4,1)gSHOW (FillMatrix())psLFeCFSHOW (ANOVA(MainResult,0,1))E(((((((((({\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\fmodern Courier New;}{\f3\fswiss\fprq2 System;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \deflang1033\pard\tx1200\tx2400\tx4450\plain\f2\fs20 ; GPSS World Sample File - Latin Square 4 A.GPS \par *********************************************************************** \par * * \par * Latin Square Experimental Design (for 4 levels) * \par * * \par * Efficient Design for * \par * 1. Three Factors * \par * 2. Invariant # levels across factors * \par * 3. All Interactions Ignored * \par * 4. No replicates * \par * * \par * Use ANOVA(-,0,1) For Latin Squares * \par * * \par * Function Key Assignments in Latin Square 4 A.gps: * \par * F11 - SHOW (FillMatrix()) * \par * F12 - SHOW (ANOVA(MainResult,0,1)) * \par * * * \par *********************************************************************** \par \par * Define the Global Experimental Result Matrix * \par * 4 Level Latin Square: Max of 4 Levels of Factors A, B, and C. * \par MainResult MATRIX ,4,4,4 \par \par * Initialize matrix elements to UNSPECIFIED instead of 0.0 \par INITIAL MainResult,UNSPECIFIED \par \par * Define a Table to receive the ANOVA residuals. \par MainResult_Residuals TABLE ,-10,1,20 \par \par *********************************************** \par * Latin Square Experimental Design \par * (adapted from Box, Hunter, & Hunter (1978), p248) \par * \par * Factor A (Row) 1 - 4 \par * Factor B (Col) 1 - 4 \par * Factor C a, b, c, d \par * \par * 1 2 3 4 \par * 1 a 21 b 26 d 20 c 25 \par * 2 b 23 c 26 a 20 b 27 \par * 3 c 15 d 13 c 16 a 16 \par * 4 d 17 a 15 b 20 d 20 \par * \par *********************************************** \par \par \par \par \par PROCEDURE FillMatrix() BEGIN \par \par \tab MainResult[1,1,1] = 21; \par \tab MainResult[1,2,2] = 26; \par \tab MainResult[1,3,4] = 20; \par \tab MainResult[1,4,3] = 25; \par \tab MainResult[2,1,4] = 23; \par \tab MainResult[2,2,3] = 26; \par \tab MainResult[2,3,1] = 20; \par \tab MainResult[2,4,2] = 27; \par \tab MainResult[3,1,2] = 15; \par \tab MainResult[3,2,4] = 13; \par \tab MainResult[3,3,3] = 16; \par \tab MainResult[3,4,1] = 16; \par \tab MainResult[4,1,3] = 17; \par \tab MainResult[4,2,1] = 15; \par \tab MainResult[4,3,2] = 20; \par \tab MainResult[4,4,4] = 20; \par \par END; \par \par \par }