2' 'ư>HELPA\NhNN:lCONTINUE n((EXIT&%p=lHALTމPldSTEP 1 4߉lg STOP߉X^F%EFSTOP ,,OFFg^w@߉UT߉WO|gp߉.Od|Ag|߉|A|ŻOdg|AModelsSchr3b.gpsLFeCFEOT/hLT/hZiE(((((((((({\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\fmodern Courier New;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \deflang1033\pard\tx1200\tx2400\tx4450\plain\f2\fs20 * Adapted from "Simulation Using GPSS", by Thomas J. Schriber \par * \par Number EQU 4 \par * \par * Model Segment 1 \par * \par GENERATE (Exponential(1,0,500)) ;Cars arrive \par TRANSFER Both,,Bybye ;Leave if no room to wait \par ENTER Space ;Enter waiting area \par SEIZE Washr ;Capture wash facility \par LEAVE Space ;Leave waiting area \par ADVANCE (Exponential(1,0,400)) ;Car is being washed \par RELEASE Washr ;Free the wash facility \par Bybye TERMINATE ;Leave the system \par * \par * Model Segment 2 \par * \par GENERATE 48000 ;Timer arrives at end of day \par TERMINATE 1 ;Shut off the run \par * \par * Control Statements \par * \par Space STORAGE 1 ;One waiting space \par REPORT "Schr3B1.Rep" ;One waiting space \par START 1 ;Start the first run \par CLEAR \par Space STORAGE 2 ;Two waiting spaces \par REPORT "Schr3B2.Rep" ;Two waiting spaces \par START 1 ;Start the second run \par CLEAR \par Space STORAGE 3 ;Three waiting spaces \par REPORT "Schr3B3.Rep" ;Three waiting spaces \par START 1 ;Start the third run \par \par \par }