2' 'ư>HELPRA\NhNN:l@kCONTINUE n((}jEXIT&%p=lHALTމPl@kjdSTEP 14߉lg STOP߉X^F%EFSTOP ,,OFFg^w@߉UhT߉WhO$gp߉.Od$Ag|߉$A|ŻOdg$AModelsTextile.gpsLFeCFEO#hL#h~hE(((((((((({\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\fmodern Courier New;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \deflang1033\pard\tx1200\tx2400\tx4450\plain\f2\fs20 ; GPSS World Sample File - TEXTILE.GPS, by Gerard F. Cummings \par *********************************************************************** \par * * \par * Production System in a Textile Factory * \par * * \par *********************************************************************** \par Reducers STORAGE 5 ;Represents 5 reducer \par ; frames \par Spinners STORAGE 40 ;Represents 40 spinning \par ; frames \par Winders STORAGE 8 ;Represents 8 winding \par ; frames \par Reducing TABLE X$Reduced,20,20,20 ;Inventory reduced material \par Spinning TABLE X$Spun,20,20,20 ;Inventory spun material \par Winding TABLE X$Wound,20,20,20 ;Inventory wound material \par INITIAL X$Reduced,50 \par INITIAL X$Spun,25 \par INITIAL X$Wound,25 \par ********************************************************************** \par GENERATE 0.334,,1 ;Time unit is one hour \par QUEUE One ;Enter queue for reducing \par ENTER Reducers ;Get a machine \par DEPART One ;Depart the queue \par ADVANCE 0.634,0.334 ;Process time \par LEAVE Reducers ;Leave the machine \par ********************************************************************** \par SAVEVALUE Reduced+,1 ;Reduced inventory up by 1 \par QUEUE Two ;Queue for spinning process \par ENTER Spinners ;Get a spinning machine \par DEPART Two ;Depart the queue \par ADVANCE 5.334,0.334 ;Process time \par LEAVE Spinners ;Free a machine \par SAVEVALUE Reduced-,1 ;Reduced inventory down 1 \par ********************************************************************** \par SAVEVALUE Spun+,1 ;Spun inventory up by one \par QUEUE Three ;Queue for winding process \par ENTER Winders ;Get a winding machine \par DEPART Three ;Depart the queue \par ADVANCE 1.067,0.067 ;Process time \par LEAVE Winders ;Free a winding machine \par SAVEVALUE Spun-,1 ;Spun inventory down by 1 \par ********************************************************************** \par SAVEVALUE Wound+,1 ;Wound inventory up by 1 \par TERMINATE ;Xact is finished \par ********************************************************************** \par GENERATE 8 ;One xact every day \par TABULATE Reducing ;Record inventory of \par ; process \par TABULATE Spinning ;Record inventory of spun \par ; material \par TABULATE Winding ;Record inventory of wound \par ; material \par TERMINATE 1 ;One day has passed \par *********************************************************************** \par GENERATE 16 ;A xact every 2 days \par TEST GE X$Wound,200,Notthere ;If not done don't dispatch \par SAVEVALUE Wound-,200 ;200 Kgs produce delivered \par TERMINATE ;Xact is finished \par Notthere TERMINATE ;Xact is finished \par *********************************************************************** \par \par \par }