INSERT INTO SRI_Departaments (Name,Address,Foundation_date) select 'НИИЧАВО','ул. Братьев Стругацких д. 2',to_date('01.01.2001','DD.MM.YYYY') from dual union all select 'Линейного счастья','ул. Мира д. 1',to_date('01.01.1812','DD.MM.YYYY') from dual union all select 'Смысла жизни','ул. Мира д. 1',to_date('07.04.1612','DD.MM.YYYY') from dual union all select 'Абсолютного знания','ул. Войны д. 1945',to_date('22.06.1945','DD.MM.YYYY') from dual union all select 'ИЗНУКАРНОЖ','ул. Музейная д. 0',to_date('28.03.1953','DD.MM.YYYY') from dual union all select 'Вивариум','ул. Странная д. 17',to_date('01.01.2001','DD.MM.YYYY') from dual union all select 'Воинствующего атеизма','ул. НеЖанныДарк д. 666',to_date('6.06.666','DD.MM.YYYY') from dual; INSERT INTO Races (Race) select 'Человек' from dual union all select 'Джинн' from dual union all select 'Домовой' from dual union all select 'Чупакабра' from dual union all select 'Дубль' from dual union all select 'Химера' from dual union all select 'Бог' from dual union all select 'Вурдалак' from dual union all select 'Гигантохейер' from dual union all select 'Конь волшебный' from dual union all select 'Хлебобулочное изделие' from dual union all select 'Мышь' from dual; INSERT INTO Staff (Surname,Name,Middle_name,Birth_date,Placement_date,Departament_id,Race_id,Sex) select 'Киврин','Федор','Симеонович',to_date('01.12.1500','DD.MM.YYYY'),to_date('01.12.1501','DD.MM.YYYY'), (select id from SRI_Departaments where upper(Name)=upper('Линейного счастья')), (select id from Races where upper(Race)=upper('Человек')),'М' from dual union all select 'Хунта','Кристобаль','Хозеивич',to_date('11.11.1111','DD.MM.YYYY'),to_date('12.12.1212','DD.MM.YYYY'), (select id from SRI_Departaments where upper(Name)=upper('Воинствующего атеизма')) , (select id from Races where upper(Race)=upper('Человек')),'М' from dual union all select 'Ойра-Ойра','Роман','Петрович',to_date('18.08.1920','DD.MM.YYYY'),to_date('07.07.1949','DD.MM.YYYY'), (select id from SRI_Departaments where upper(Name)=upper('Смысла жизни')) , (select id from Races where upper(Race)=upper('Человек')),'М' from dual union all select 'Один','Саваоф','Баалович',to_date('21.11.1000','DD.MM.YYYY'),to_date('01.01.1325','DD.MM.YYYY'), (select id from SRI_Departaments where upper(Name)=upper('Абсолютного знания')) , (select id from Races where upper(Race)=upper('Бог')),'М' from dual union all select 'Эйты','Идисюда','Быстрович',to_date('01.01.0001','DD.MM.YYYY'),to_date('31.12.1311','DD.MM.YYYY'), (select id from SRI_Departaments where upper(Name)=upper('Воинствующего атеизма')) , (select id from Races where upper(Race)=upper('Джинн')),'М' from dual union all select NULL,'Альфред',NULL,to_date('02.02.1798','DD.MM.YYYY'),to_date('02.06.1917','DD.MM.YYYY'), (select id from SRI_Departaments where upper(Name)=upper('Вивариум')) , (select id from Races where upper(Race)=upper('Вурдалак')),'М' from dual union all select 'Сталин','Гермиона','Адольфовна',to_date('22.06.1941','DD.MM.YYYY'),to_date('09.05.1945','DD.MM.YYYY'), (select id from SRI_Departaments where upper(Name)=upper('НИИЧАВО')) , (select id from Races where upper(Race)=upper('Человек')),'Ж' from dual union all select 'Гитлер','Русь','Иосифовна',to_date('22.06.1941','DD.MM.YYYY'),to_date('09.05.1945','DD.MM.YYYY'), (select id from SRI_Departaments where upper(Name)=upper('Воинствующего атеизма')) , (select id from Races where upper(Race)=upper('Человек')),'Ж' from dual; INSERT INTO Positions (Position) select 'Заведующий отделом' from dual union all select 'Стажер' from dual union all select 'Научный сотрудник' from dual union all select 'Лаборант' from dual union all select 'Технический работник' from dual union all select 'Сторож' from dual union all select 'Дворник' from dual union all select 'Консультант' from dual union all select 'Младший научный сотрудник' from dual; INSERT INTO Degrees (Degree) select 'Бакалавр' from dual union all select 'Магистр' from dual union all select 'Кандидат наук' from dual union all select 'Доктор наук' from dual; INSERT INTO Scientists (Staff_id,Position_id,Degree_id) select (select id from Staff where upper(Surname)=upper('Киврин') and upper(Name)=upper('Федор') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Симеонович')), (select id from Positions where upper(Position)=upper('Заведующий отделом')), (select id from Degrees where upper(Degree)=upper('Доктор наук')) from dual union all select (select id from Staff where upper(Surname)=upper('Хунта') and upper(Name)=upper('Кристобаль') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Хозеивич')), (select id from Positions where upper(Position)=upper('Научный сотрудник')), (select id from Degrees where upper(Degree)=upper('Кандидат наук')) from dual union all select (select id from Staff where upper(Surname)=upper('Ойра-Ойра') and upper(Name)=upper('Роман') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Петрович')), (select id from Positions where upper(Position)=upper('Младший научный сотрудник')), (select id from Degrees where upper(Degree)=upper('Бакалавр')) from dual union all select (select id from Staff where upper(Surname)=upper('Один') and upper(Name)=upper('Саваоф') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Баалович')), (select id from Positions where upper(Position)=upper('Консультант')), (select id from Degrees where upper(Degree)=upper('Магистр')) from dual; INSERT INTO Service_Staff (Staff_id,Position_id) select (select id from Staff where upper(Surname)=upper('Эйты') and upper(Name)=upper('Идисюда') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Быстрович')), (select id from Positions where upper(Position)=upper('Дворник')) from dual union all select (select id from Staff where upper(Name)=upper('Альфред') and Middle_name is null and Surname is null), (select id from Positions where upper(Position)=upper('Сторож')) from dual union all select (select id from Staff where upper(Surname)=upper('Сталин') and upper(Name)=upper('Гермиона') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Адольфовна')), (select id from Positions where upper(Position)=upper('Технический работник')) from dual union all select (select id from Staff where upper(Surname)=upper('Гитлер') and upper(Name)=upper('Русь') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Иосифовна')), (select id from Positions where upper(Position)=upper('Технический работник')) from dual; INSERT INTO Doctypes (Doctype) select 'Заявление о приеме на работу' from dual union all select 'Заявление на отпуск' from dual union all select 'Жалоба' from dual union all select 'Отчет' from dual union all select 'Служебная записка' from dual union all select 'Объяснительная' from dual; INSERT INTO Documents_Flow (Doctype_id,in_Date,By_pers_id,To_pers_id) select (select id from Doctypes where upper(Doctype)=upper('Отчет')), to_date('07.08.2009','DD.MM.YYYY'), (select id from Staff where upper(Surname)=upper('Эйты') and upper(Name)=upper('Идисюда') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Быстрович')), (select id from Staff where upper(Surname)=upper('Киврин') and upper(Name)=upper('Федор') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Симеонович')) from dual union all select (select id from Doctypes where upper(Doctype)=upper('Отчет')), to_date('09.08.2007','DD.MM.YYYY'), (select id from Staff where Surname is null and upper(Name)=upper('Альфред') and Middle_name is null), (select id from Staff where upper(Surname)=upper('Один') and upper(Name)=upper('Саваоф') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Баалович')) from dual union all select (select id from Doctypes where upper(Doctype)=upper('Заявление на отпуск')), to_date('02.03.2004','DD.MM.YYYY'), (select id from Staff where upper(Surname)=upper('Ойра-Ойра') and upper(Name)=upper('Роман') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Петрович')), (select id from Staff where upper(Surname)=upper('Киврин') and upper(Name)=upper('Федор') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Симеонович')) from dual union all select (select id from Doctypes where upper(Doctype)=upper('Объяснительная')), to_date('02.03.2004','DD.MM.YYYY'), (select id from Staff where upper(Surname)=upper('Гитлер') and upper(Name)=upper('Русь') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Иосифовна')), (select id from Staff where upper(Surname)=upper('Хунта') and upper(Name)=upper('Кристобаль') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Хозеивич')) from dual; INSERT INTO Research_Topics (Topic) select 'Биологическая магия' from dual union all select 'Химическая магия' from dual union all select 'Счастье' from dual union all select 'Несчастье' from dual union all select 'Историческая магия' from dual union all select 'Мифология' from dual; INSERT INTO Research_Roles (Research_role) select 'Консультант' from dual union all select 'Автор исследования' from dual union all select 'Рецензиент' from dual union all select 'Научный руководитель' from dual; INSERT INTO Research (Departament_id,Title,Topic_id,Start_date) select (select id from SRI_Departaments where upper(Name)=upper('Линейного счастья')), 'Счастье идиотов и его ценность', (select id from Research_Topics where upper(Topic)=upper('Счастье')), to_date('07.11.1917','DD.MM.YYYY') from dual union all select (select id from SRI_Departaments where upper(Name)=upper('Смысла жизни')), 'Несчастье как повод задуматься', (select id from Research_Topics where upper(Topic)=upper('Несчастье')), to_date('24.08.0079','DD.MM.YYYY') from dual union all select (select id from SRI_Departaments where upper(Name)=upper('Воинствующего атеизма')), 'Роль огня в лечении шизофрении', (select id from Research_Topics where upper(Topic)=upper('Биологическая магия')), to_date('30.05.1431','DD.MM.YYYY') from dual; INSERT INTO Researchers (Research_id,Scien_id,Research_role_id) select (select id from Research where upper(Title)=upper('Роль огня в лечении шизофрении')), (select id from Staff where upper(Surname)=upper('Хунта') and upper(Name)=upper('Кристобаль') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Хозеивич')), (select id from Research_Roles where upper(Research_role)=upper('Автор исследования')) from dual union all select (select id from Research where upper(Title)=upper('Роль огня в лечении шизофрении')), (select id from Staff where upper(Surname)=upper('Ойра-Ойра') and upper(Name)=upper('Роман') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Петрович')), (select id from Research_Roles where upper(Research_role)=upper('Консультант')) from dual union all select (select id from Research where upper(Title)=upper('Несчастье как повод задуматься')), (select id from Staff where upper(Surname)=upper('Один') and upper(Name)=upper('Саваоф') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Баалович')), (select id from Research_Roles where upper(Research_role)=upper('Научный руководитель')) from dual union all select (select id from Research where upper(Title)=upper('Счастье идиотов и его ценность')), (select id from Staff where upper(Surname)=upper('Один') and upper(Name)=upper('Саваоф') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Баалович')), (select id from Research_Roles where upper(Research_role)=upper('Рецензиент')) from dual; INSERT INTO Food (Food) select 'Греча' from dual union all select 'Печень трески' from dual union all select 'Треска' from dual union all select 'Мясо на кости' from dual union all select 'Мозг млекопитающих' from dual union all select 'Яйца куриные' from dual union all select 'Каучук' from dual union all select 'Овес' from dual; INSERT INTO Vivarium (Race_id,Name) select (select id from Races where upper(Race)=upper('Хлебобулочное изделие')), 'Колобок' from dual union all select (select id from Races where upper(Race)=upper('Конь волшебный')), 'Конек Горбунок' from dual union all select (select id from Races where upper(Race)=upper('Вурдалак')), 'Дракула' from dual union all select (select id from Races where upper(Race)=upper('Химера')), 'Тёща' from dual union all select (select id from Races where upper(Race)=upper('Мышь')), 'Первый' from dual union all select (select id from Races where upper(Race)=upper('Мышь')), 'Второй' from dual union all select (select id from Races where upper(Race)=upper('Мышь')), 'Третий' from dual; INSERT INTO Ration (Food_id,Creature_id) select (select id from Food where upper(Food)=upper('Мясо на кости')), (select id from Vivarium where upper(Name)=upper('Дракула')) from dual union all select (select id from Food where upper(Food)=upper('Мозг млекопитающих')), (select id from Vivarium where upper(Name)=upper('Тёща')) from dual union all select (select id from Food where upper(Food)=upper('Овес')), (select id from Vivarium where upper(Name)=upper('Конек Горбунок')) from dual union all select (select id from Food where upper(Food)=upper('Овес')), (select id from Vivarium where upper(Name)=upper('Первый')) from dual union all select (select id from Food where upper(Food)=upper('Овес')), (select id from Vivarium where upper(Name)=upper('Второй')) from dual union all select (select id from Food where upper(Food)=upper('Овес')), (select id from Vivarium where upper(Name)=upper('Третий')) from dual; INSERT INTO Library (Title,Author,Subject,Box_number) select 'Хоббит туда и обратно','Дж.Р.Р. Толкиен', 'Фэнтэзи',3 from dual union all select 'Гнойные нарывы: методы лечения','Дж.Дж. Абрамс', 'Медицина',7 from dual union all select 'Роль Владиславов в мировой истории','Кудряшов А.А.', 'История',1 from dual union all select 'Мои 146%','Чуров В.Е.', 'Математика',146 from dual; INSERT INTO Books_Delivery_List (ISBN,Staff_id,Get_date,Return_date) select (select id from Library where upper(Title)=upper('Хоббит туда и обратно')), (select id from Staff where upper(Surname)=upper('Один') and upper(Name)=upper('Саваоф') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Баалович')), to_date('01.01.1325','DD.MM.YYYY'), to_date('07.12.1598','DD.MM.YYYY') from dual union all select (select id from Library where upper(Title)=upper('Хоббит туда и обратно')), (select id from Staff where upper(Surname)=upper('Ойра-Ойра') and upper(Name)=upper('Роман') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Петрович')), to_date('07.12.1598','DD.MM.YYYY'), to_date('08.12.1598','DD.MM.YYYY') from dual union all select (select id from Library where upper(Title)=upper('Гнойные нарывы: методы лечения')), (select id from Staff where upper(Name)=upper('Альфред') and Middle_name is null and Surname is null), to_date('07.12.1943','DD.MM.YYYY'), to_date('08.12.1965','DD.MM.YYYY') from dual union all select (select id from Library where upper(Title)=upper('Роль Владиславов в мировой истории')), (select id from Staff where upper(Surname)=upper('Гитлер') and upper(Name)=upper('Русь') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Иосифовна')), to_date('19.12.1985','DD.MM.YYYY'), to_date('01.01.1986','DD.MM.YYYY') from dual; INSERT INTO Dyte_Time (SS_id,Departament_id,Dyte_date) select (select as id from Staff join Service_Staff on where upper(Surname)=upper('Эйты') and upper(Name)=upper('Идисюда') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Быстрович')), (select id from SRI_Departaments where upper(Name)=upper('Линейного счастья')), to_date('31.12.1993','DD.MM.YYYY') from dual union all select (select from Staff join Service_Staff on where upper(Surname)=upper('Гитлер') and upper(Name)=upper('Русь') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Иосифовна')), (select id from SRI_Departaments where upper(Name)=upper('Абсолютного знания')), to_date('01.01.1994','DD.MM.YYYY') from dual union all select (select from Staff join Service_Staff on where upper(Surname)=upper('Сталин') and upper(Name)=upper('Гермиона') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Адольфовна')), (select id from SRI_Departaments where upper(Name)=upper('ИЗНУКАРНОЖ')), to_date('01.01.1994','DD.MM.YYYY') from dual; INSERT INTO Artifact_status (Status) select 'В наличии' from dual union all select 'Нет в наличии' from dual union all select 'Зарезервировано' from dual union all select 'Утерян' from dual; INSERT INTO Artifacts_Storage (Name,Description,Entrance_date,Creation_date,Status_id) select 'Меч кладенец','Лучшее произведение отечественной кузнечной промышленности', to_date('25.04.1329','DD.MM.YYYY'), to_date('31.01.1000','DD.MM.YYYY'), (select id from Artifact_status where upper(Status)=upper('В наличии')) from dual union all select 'Кольцо всевластия','СМ. Властелин колец', to_date('04.03.1001','DD.MM.YYYY'), to_date('31.01.1820','DD.MM.YYYY'), (select id from Artifact_status where upper(Status)=upper('Зарезервировано')) from dual union all select 'Ковер самолет','Подарок Самаркандских коллег, летает, может висеть на стене', to_date('07.03.0301','DD.MM.YYYY'), to_date('08.03.1969','DD.MM.YYYY'), (select id from Artifact_status where upper(Status)=upper('Нет в наличии')) from dual union all select 'Снитч','Бесполезный летающий шарик', to_date('09.11.1949','DD.MM.YYYY'), to_date('09.09.2006','DD.MM.YYYY'), (select id from Artifact_status where upper(Status)=upper('Утерян')) from dual; INSERT INTO Artifacts_Delivery_List (Artifact_id,Scien_id,Get_date,Return_date) select (select id from Artifacts_Storage where upper(Name)=upper('Меч кладенец')), (select from Scientists join Staff on Scientists.Staff_id where upper(Surname)=upper('Один') and upper(Name)=upper('Саваоф') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Баалович')), to_date('01.01.1025','DD.MM.YYYY'), to_date('07.12.1599','DD.MM.YYYY') from dual union all select (select id from Artifacts_Storage where upper(Name)=upper('Кольцо всевластия')), (select from Scientists join Staff on Scientists.Staff_id where upper(Surname)=upper('Ойра-Ойра') and upper(Name)=upper('Роман') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Петрович')), to_date('07.12.1668','DD.MM.YYYY'), to_date('08.12.2008','DD.MM.YYYY') from dual union all select (select id from Artifacts_Storage where upper(Name)=upper('Ковер самолет')), (select from Scientists join Staff on Scientists.Staff_id where upper(Surname)=upper('Ойра-Ойра') and upper(Name)=upper('Роман') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Петрович')), to_date('07.12.1118','DD.MM.YYYY'), to_date('08.12.2023','DD.MM.YYYY') from dual; INSERT INTO Hostel_Contracts (Staff_id,Room_Number,In_date,Out_date) select (select id from Staff where upper(Surname)=upper('Один') and upper(Name)=upper('Саваоф') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Баалович')), 23, to_date('01.01.1025','DD.MM.YYYY'), to_date('07.12.1599','DD.MM.YYYY') from dual union all select (select id from Staff where upper(Surname)=upper('Ойра-Ойра') and upper(Name)=upper('Роман') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Петрович')), 29, to_date('07.12.1668','DD.MM.YYYY'), to_date('08.12.2008','DD.MM.YYYY') from dual union all select (select id from Staff where upper(Surname)=upper('Гитлер') and upper(Name)=upper('Русь') and upper(Middle_name)=upper('Иосифовна')), 10, to_date('07.12.1118','DD.MM.YYYY'), to_date('08.12.2023','DD.MM.YYYY') from dual;