Release 14.7 - xst P.20131013 (nt64) Copyright (c) 1995-2013 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. --> Parameter TMPDIR set to D:/Xilinux/Lab4/UART/xst/projnav.tmp Total REAL time to Xst completion: 2.00 secs Total CPU time to Xst completion: 1.54 secs --> Parameter xsthdpdir set to D:/Xilinux/Lab4/UART/xst Total REAL time to Xst completion: 2.00 secs Total CPU time to Xst completion: 1.54 secs --> WARNING:Xst:3164 - Option "-debug" found multiple times in the command line. Only the first occurence is considered. ========================================================================= * HDL Compilation * ========================================================================= Compiling verilog file "fifo.v" in library work Module compiled