dseg at 0x20 x: ds 4 cseg at 0x00 mov SP, #0x27 jmp dec_to_float float_to_dec: ;(P0 & 0x0f) * 100 mov a, P0 anl a, #0x0F mov b, #0x64 mul ab mov x + 2, b mov x + 3, a ;(P1 & 0xf0) >> 4) * 10 mov a, P1 anl a, #0xF0 swap a mov b, #0x0A mul ab add a, x + 3 mov x + 3, a ;(P1 & 0x0f) mov a, P1 anl a, #0x0F add a, x + 3 mov x + 3, a ;y = y << 16 mov x, x + 2 mov x + 1, x + 3 clr a mov x + 2, a mov x + 3, a ;y = y / 1000 mov r4, x mov r5, x + 1 mov r6, x + 2 mov r7, x + 3 mov r3, #0x0A call ?fast_long_divide mov r3, #0x0A call ?fast_long_divide mov r3, #0x0A call ?fast_long_divide ;if (P0 & 0x10) y *= -1; mov a, P0 jnb ACC.4, skip mov a, r7 cpl a add a, #0x01 mov x + 3, a mov a, r6 cpl a addc a, #0x00 mov x + 2, a mov a, r5 cpl a addc a, #0x00 mov x + 1, a mov a, r4 cpl a addc a, #0x00 mov x, a skip: jmp prog_end dec_to_float: mov x, #0xFF mov x + 1, #0xFF mov x + 2, #0x08 mov x + 3, #0x73 ;if (y & 0x80000000) { ; y *= -1; ; P2 = 0xD0; ;} ;else P2 = 0xC0; mov P2, #0xC0 mov a, x jnb ACC.7, skip1 mov a, x + 3 cpl a add a, #0x01 mov x + 3, a mov a, x + 2 cpl a addc a, #0x00 mov x + 2, a mov a, x + 1 cpl a addc a, #0x00 mov x + 1, a mov a, x cpl a addc a, #0x00 mov x, a mov P2, #0xD0 skip1: ;y = y * 10; mov R6, x + 2 mov R7, x + 3 mov R5, #0x0a call MUL16_16 ; now y is r0, r1, r2, r3 mov a, R1 orl a, P2 mov P2, a ;y = (y & 0x0ffff) * 10; mov a, r2 mov r4, a mov a, r3 mov r5, a mov r7, #0x0a mov r6, #0x00 call MUL16_16; now y is r0, r1, r2, r3 ;P3 = (y & 0xf0000) >> 12; mov a, r1 swap a mov P3, a ;P3 |= ((y & 0xffff) * 10) >> 16; mov a, r2 mov r4, a mov a, r3 mov r5, a mov r7, #0x0a mov r6, #0x00 call MUL16_16; now y is r0, r1, r2, r3 mov a, r1 orl a, P3 mov P3, a jmp prog_end MUL16_16: ; ; R4_R5 * R6_R7 = R0_R1_R2_R3 ; ; Byte 4 Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 ;* R6 R7 ; R4 R5 ;= R0 R1 R2 R3 ; ;Multiply R5 by R7 MOV A,R5 ;Move the R5 into the Accumulator MOV B,R7 ;Move R7 into B MUL AB ;Multiply the two values MOV R2,B ;Move B (the high-byte) into R2 MOV R3,A ;Move A (the low-byte) into R3 ;Multiply R5 by R6 MOV A,R5 ;Move R5 back into the Accumulator MOV B,R6 ;Move R6 into B MUL AB ;Multiply the two values ADD A,R2 ;Add the low-byte into the value already in R2 MOV R2,A ;Move the resulting value back into R2 MOV A,B ;Move the high-byte into the accumulator ADDC A,#00h ;Add zero (plus the carry, if any) MOV R1,A ;Move the resulting answer into R1 MOV A,#00h ;Load the accumulator with zero ADDC A,#00h ;Add zero (plus the carry, if any) MOV R0,A ;Move the resulting answer to R0. ;Multiply R4 by R7 MOV A,R4 ;Move R4 into the Accumulator MOV B,R7 ;Move R7 into B MUL AB ;Multiply the two values ADD A,R2 ;Add the low-byte into the value already in R2 MOV R2,A ;Move the resulting value back into R2 MOV A,B ;Move the high-byte into the accumulator ADDC A,R1 ;Add the current value of R1 (plus any carry) MOV R1,A ;Move the resulting answer into R1. MOV A,#00h ;Load the accumulator with zero ADDC A,R0 ;Add the current value of R0 (plus any carry) MOV R0,A ;Move the resulting answer to R1. ;Multiply R4 by R6 MOV A,R4 ;Move R4 back into the Accumulator MOV B,R6 ;Move R6 into B MUL AB ;Multiply the two values ADD A,R1 ;Add the low-byte into the value already in R1 MOV R1,A ;Move the resulting value back into R1 MOV A,B ;Move the high-byte into the accumulator ADDC A,R0 ;Add it to the value already in R0 (plus any carry) MOV R0,A ;Move the resulting answer back to R0 ;Return - answer is now in R0, R1, R2, and R3 RET ?fast_long_divide: ; // dividend in: R4,R5,R6,R7 // divisor in: R3 only 0..16 // uses: R0, R1, R2, A, B and DPL // quotient returned in: R4,R5,R6,R7 // remainder returned in: R0,R1,R2,R3 PUSH DPL ; ; MOV A,PSW ;Get the base address of ANL A,#0x18 ; the current register bank. ORL A,#0x04 ;Point to register R4. MOV R0,A ;R0 is a pointer to R4. ; MOV DPL,#04 ;load loop counter. ; MOV R2,#00 ;Clear the running remainder. ; ?fast_long_divide_loop: ; ; MOV A,@R0 ;Get the MS nibble of the SWAP A ; dividend into the accumulator. ANL A,#0x0F ; ORL A,R2 ; ; MOV B,R3 ;Divide MS nibble by the divisor. DIV AB ; ; SWAP A ;Save partial result (which must be MOV R1,A ; in the range 0...15) shifted 4 bits. ; MOV A,B ;Save remainder (which must be in SWAP A ; the range 0...15) shifted 4 bits left. MOV R2,A ; ; MOV A,@R0 ;Get next nibble of the dividend into ANL A,#0x0F ; the accumulator. ORL A,R2 ;Or in the remainder from previous ; partial division. MOV B,R3 ;Divide by the divisor. DIV AB ; ; ORL A,R1 ;Or in the previously saved partial result. MOV @R0,A ;Save the MSB of the quotient ready ; to be returned. MOV A,B ;Save remainder shifted 4 bits left. SWAP A ; MOV R2,A ; ; INC R0 ; DJNZ DPL,?fast_long_divide_loop CLR A ;Sort out the registers so that MOV R0,A ; the remainder ends up in MOV R1,A ; R3 with the other registers XCH A,R2 ; (R0,R1,R2) being zero. MOV R3,A ; ; POP DPL ; ; RET prog_end: nop END