/** * This class is generated by jOOQ */ package classes.routines; import classes.Public; import java.sql.Date; import javax.annotation.Generated; import org.jooq.Parameter; import org.jooq.impl.AbstractRoutine; /** * This class is generated by jOOQ. */ @Generated( value = { "http://www.jooq.org", "jOOQ version:3.8.6" }, comments = "This class is generated by jOOQ" ) @SuppressWarnings({ "all", "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public class UpdatePerson extends AbstractRoutine { private static final long serialVersionUID = 786042838; /** * The parameter public.update_person.p_id. */ public static final Parameter P_ID = createParameter("p_id", org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.INTEGER, false, false); /** * The parameter public.update_person.lastname. */ public static final Parameter LASTNAME = createParameter("lastname", org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.CLOB, false, false); /** * The parameter public.update_person.firstname. */ public static final Parameter FIRSTNAME = createParameter("firstname", org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.CLOB, false, false); /** * The parameter public.update_person.secondname. */ public static final Parameter SECONDNAME = createParameter("secondname", org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.CLOB, false, false); /** * The parameter public.update_person.dateofbirth. */ public static final Parameter DATEOFBIRTH = createParameter("dateofbirth", org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.DATE, false, false); /** * The parameter public.update_person.in_sex. */ public static final Parameter IN_SEX = createParameter("in_sex", org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.CHAR, false, false); /** * The parameter public.update_person.placeofbirth. */ public static final Parameter PLACEOFBIRTH = createParameter("placeofbirth", org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.CLOB, false, false); /** * The parameter public.update_person.in_address. */ public static final Parameter IN_ADDRESS = createParameter("in_address", org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.CLOB, false, false); /** * The parameter public.update_person.in_phone. */ public static final Parameter IN_PHONE = createParameter("in_phone", org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.CLOB, false, false); /** * The parameter public.update_person.in_photo. */ public static final Parameter IN_PHOTO = createParameter("in_photo", org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.BLOB, false, false); /** * The parameter public.update_person.passport_serial. */ public static final Parameter PASSPORT_SERIAL = createParameter("passport_serial", org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.INTEGER, false, false); /** * The parameter public.update_person.passport_id. */ public static final Parameter PASSPORT_ID = createParameter("passport_id", org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.INTEGER, false, false); /** * The parameter public.update_person.in_timetable. */ public static final Parameter IN_TIMETABLE = createParameter("in_timetable", org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.CHAR.getArrayDataType(), false, false); /** * The parameter public.update_person.in_position_name. */ public static final Parameter IN_POSITION_NAME = createParameter("in_position_name", org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.CLOB, false, false); /** * Create a new routine call instance */ public UpdatePerson() { super("update_person", Public.PUBLIC); addInParameter(P_ID); addInParameter(LASTNAME); addInParameter(FIRSTNAME); addInParameter(SECONDNAME); addInParameter(DATEOFBIRTH); addInParameter(IN_SEX); addInParameter(PLACEOFBIRTH); addInParameter(IN_ADDRESS); addInParameter(IN_PHONE); addInParameter(IN_PHOTO); addInParameter(PASSPORT_SERIAL); addInParameter(PASSPORT_ID); addInParameter(IN_TIMETABLE); addInParameter(IN_POSITION_NAME); } /** * Set the p_id parameter IN value to the routine */ public void setPId(Integer value) { setValue(P_ID, value); } /** * Set the lastname parameter IN value to the routine */ public void setLastname(String value) { setValue(LASTNAME, value); } /** * Set the firstname parameter IN value to the routine */ public void setFirstname(String value) { setValue(FIRSTNAME, value); } /** * Set the secondname parameter IN value to the routine */ public void setSecondname(String value) { setValue(SECONDNAME, value); } /** * Set the dateofbirth parameter IN value to the routine */ public void setDateofbirth(Date value) { setValue(DATEOFBIRTH, value); } /** * Set the in_sex parameter IN value to the routine */ public void setInSex(String value) { setValue(IN_SEX, value); } /** * Set the placeofbirth parameter IN value to the routine */ public void setPlaceofbirth(String value) { setValue(PLACEOFBIRTH, value); } /** * Set the in_address parameter IN value to the routine */ public void setInAddress(String value) { setValue(IN_ADDRESS, value); } /** * Set the in_phone parameter IN value to the routine */ public void setInPhone(String value) { setValue(IN_PHONE, value); } /** * Set the in_photo parameter IN value to the routine */ public void setInPhoto(byte[] value) { setValue(IN_PHOTO, value); } /** * Set the passport_serial parameter IN value to the routine */ public void setPassportSerial(Integer value) { setValue(PASSPORT_SERIAL, value); } /** * Set the passport_id parameter IN value to the routine */ public void setPassportId(Integer value) { setValue(PASSPORT_ID, value); } /** * Set the in_timetable parameter IN value to the routine */ public void setInTimetable(String[] value) { setValue(IN_TIMETABLE, value); } /** * Set the in_position_name parameter IN value to the routine */ public void setInPositionName(String value) { setValue(IN_POSITION_NAME, value); } }