test.o: file format elf32-tradbigmips Disassembly of section .text: 00000000 : 0: 8c080200 lw t0,512(zero) 4: 00000000 nop 8: 01284824 and t1,t1,t0 c: ac090400 sw t1,1024(zero) 10: 8c080201 lw t0,513(zero) 14: 00000000 nop 18: 01485024 and t2,t2,t0 1c: ac0a0400 sw t2,1024(zero) 20: 8c080202 lw t0,514(zero) 24: 00000000 nop 28: 01284824 and t1,t1,t0 2c: ac090400 sw t1,1024(zero) 30: 01485024 and t2,t2,t0 34: ac0a0400 sw t2,1024(zero) 38: 8c080203 lw t0,515(zero) 3c: 00000000 nop 40: 01284824 and t1,t1,t0 44: ac090400 sw t1,1024(zero) 48: 01485024 and t2,t2,t0 4c: ac0a0400 sw t2,1024(zero) Disassembly of section .data: 00000000 <.data>: 0: 00010001 0x10001 4: 11011111 beq t0,at,444c 8: 00000000 nop c: 11111111 beq t0,s1,4454 Disassembly of section .reginfo: 00000000 <.reginfo>: 0: 00000700 sll zero,zero,0x1c ... Disassembly of section .MIPS.abiflags: 00000000 <.MIPS.abiflags>: 0: 00000100 sll zero,zero,0x4 4: 01010001 0x1010001 ... Disassembly of section .pdr: 00000000 <.pdr>: ... Disassembly of section .gnu.attributes: 00000000 <.gnu.attributes>: 0: 41000000 bc0f 4 <.gnu.attributes+0x4> 4: 0f676e75 jal d9db9d4 8: 00010000 sll zero,at,0x0 c: 00070401 0x70401