package datastructures; import java.util.AbstractQueue; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; public final class FibonacciHeap extends AbstractQueue { public static final class Node { int degree = 0; boolean mark = false; private Node parent = null; private Node child = null; private Node left = null; private Node right = null; private E element; public E getElement(){return element;} public void setElement(E element){this.element=element;} public Node (E elem) { this.element=elem; left = right = this; } } private class DefaultComparator implements Comparator { public int compare (Object o1, Object o2) { if(o1==null && o2 ==null) return 0; if(o1==null) return -1; if(o2==null) return 1; return ((Comparable) o1).compareTo(o2); } } private Comparator myComp = new DefaultComparator(); private int size=0; private Node min=null; public boolean offer(E e) { if (e==null) return false; Node x = new Node(e); if (min == null) { min = x; } else { min = mergeLists(min, x); } size++; return true; } public boolean isEmpty() { return min == null; } public Nide minimum() { return this.min; } public void merge(FibonacciHeap h2) { min=mergeLists(this.min, h2.min); this.size += h2.size; //destroy the added one h2.min=null; h2.size=0; } public E poll() { Node z = min; if (z!=null) { if(z.child!=null) { Node current =z.child; do { current.parent = null; current = current.right; } while(current != z.child); } mergeLists(min, z.child); if(z.right!=z) { z.right.left = z.left; z.left.right = z.right; min = z.right; consolidate(); } else min = null; } size--; return z.getElement(); } private void consolidate() { Object[] A = new Object[(int)(Math.log(size)/Math.log(2))+2]; Node current = min; HashSet> used = new HashSet>(); do { Node x = current; used.add(x); current = current.right; int d =; while(A[d] != null) { Node y = (Node) A[d]; if (, y.element)>0) { Node temp =x; x=y; y=temp; } fibHeapLink(y,x); A[d] = null; d = d+1; } A[d] = x; } while(!used.contains(current)); min=null; for (int i=0; i) A[i]; else min = (Node) (, ((Node) A[i]).element)<0 ? min : A[i]); } } } private void fibHeapLink(Nodey, Nodex) { //It cannot be than y is the only one in root list as x has to be too y.right.left = y.left; y.left.right = y.right; y.right=y; y.left=y; if(x.child!=null) { x.child = mergeLists(x.child, y); } else x.child = y; += 1; y.mark = false; } public E peek() { if(size==0) return null; return min.getElement(); } public int size() { return size; } private Node mergeLists(Node list1, Node list2) { if (list1 == null && list2 == null) { return null; } if ( list2 == null) { return list1; } if (list1 == null ) { return list2; } else { // Both non-null; actually do the splice. /* The idea is that we'll have two lists that look like this: * * +----+ +----+ +----+ * | |--R->| l1 |--R->|l1R | * | |<-L--| |<-L--| | * +----+ +----+ +----+ * * * +----+ +----+ +----+ * | |--R->| l2 |--R->| | * | |<-L--| |<-L--| | * +----+ +----+ +----+ * * And we want to relink everything to get * * +----+ +----+ +----+---+ * | |--R->| l1 | |l1R | | * | |<-L--| | | |<+ | * +----+ +----+<-\ +----+ | | * \ R | | * L \ R | * +----+ +----+ \->+----+ | | * | |--R->| l2 | | | | | * | |<-L--| | | | | L * +----+ +----+ +----+ | | * ^ | | | * | +-------------+ | * +-----------------+ * */ Node l1R = list1.right; list1.right = list2.right; list1.right.left =list1; list2.right = l1R; list2.right.left = list2; /* Return a pointer to whichever is smaller. */ return, list2.element)<0 ? list1 : list2; } } private void print(Node node, String prefix, boolean start) { if(node == null) return; System.out.println(prefix + node.getElement().toString()); print(node.child, prefix+"\t", true); if(start) { Node current=node.right; while(current!=node) { print(current, prefix, false); current = current.right; } } } public void print() { print(min); } private void print(Node e) { print(e, "", true); } public void decreaseKey(Node x, E val) { if(,x.getElement())>0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("New key is greater than current"); x.setElement(val); Node y = x.parent; if (y != null &&, y.getElement())<0) { cut(x,y); cascadingCut(y); } if(, min.getElement())<0) min=x; } private void cut(Node x, Node y) { if(x.right==x) y.child = null; else { x.left.right = x.right; x.right.left = x.left; if (y.child == x) y.child = x.right; x.right = x.left = x; } min = mergeLists(x, min); x.parent = null; x.mark = false; } private void cascadingCut(Node y) { Node z = y.parent; if (z != null) { if(y.mark == false) y.mark=true; else { cut(y,z); cascadingCut(z); } } } public Iterator iterator() { Iterator it = new Iterator() { public boolean hasNext() { return visited.size() current = min; LinkedList> stack = new LinkedList>(); HashSet> visited = new HashSet>(); }; return it; } public void delete(Node node) { decreaseKey(node, null); // We use null to indicate -Inf poll(); } }