package mathSecondStub; import java.util.*; import*; import java.util.function.*; import math.*; import stub.*; /** * Created by skyD9 on 09.04.2017. */ class Commands { public ArrayList> ops; public enum Opcodes { LN, LB, LOG3, LOGEXPR, SIN, COS, TAN, COT, SEC, TRIGEXPR, SYSTEM } private LogarithmicFunctions lfn; private LogarithmicExpression lexpr; private TrigonometricFunctions tfn; private TrigonometricExpression texpr; private SystemSolver syssolve; public Commands() { lfn = new LogarithmicFunctions(); lexpr = new LogarithmicExpression(new LogBaseStub()); tfn = new TrigonometricFunctions(); texpr = new TrigonometricExpression(new TrigBaseStub()); syssolve = new SystemSolver(new LogFunStub(), new TrigFunStub()); ops = new ArrayList>(); ops.add(x -> lfn.ln(x)); ops.add(x ->; ops.add(x -> lfn.log_3(x)); ops.add(x -> lexpr.eval(x)); ops.add(x -> tfn.calcSin(x)); ops.add(x -> tfn.calcCos(x)); ops.add(x -> tfn.calcTan(x)); ops.add(x -> tfn.calcCot(x)); ops.add(x -> tfn.calcSec(x)); ops.add(x -> texpr.eval(x)); ops.add(x -> syssolve.solve(x)); } } public class Main { private Logger l = new Logger(); public void logResults(Logger l, String name, Function f, Double min, Double max, Double step) { for (Double i = min; i < max; i = i + step) { this.l.log(i, f.apply(i), name); } } public void evalResults(Function f, Double min, Double max, Double step) { System.out.println("["); for (Double i = min; i < max; i = i + step) { System.out.println("(" + i + "," + f.apply(i) + ")"); } System.out.println("]"); } public int getExprIndex(String name) { switch (name) { case "ln" : return (int)Commands.Opcodes.LN.ordinal(); case "lb" : return (int)Commands.Opcodes.LB.ordinal(); case "log3" : return (int)Commands.Opcodes.LOG3.ordinal(); case "logexpr" : return (int)Commands.Opcodes.LOGEXPR.ordinal(); case "sin" : return (int)Commands.Opcodes.SIN.ordinal(); case "cos" : return (int)Commands.Opcodes.COS.ordinal(); case "tan" : return (int)Commands.Opcodes.TAN.ordinal(); case "sec" : return (int)Commands.Opcodes.SEC.ordinal(); case "cot" : return (int)Commands.Opcodes.COT.ordinal(); case "trigexpr" : return (int)Commands.Opcodes.TRIGEXPR.ordinal(); case "system" : return (int)Commands.Opcodes.SYSTEM.ordinal(); default : return -1; } } public void run() { String[] tokens = null; String line = null; Commands cmd = new Commands(); Scanner sc = new Scanner(; while (true) { System.out.print(">> "); try { if (sc.hasNext()) line = sc.nextLine(); else return; } catch ( IOError e ) { System.err.println("I/O Error."); continue; } if (line == null) continue; tokens = line.split(" "); if (tokens.length == 0) { continue; } switch (tokens[0]) { case "help": { usage(); continue; } case "eval" : { if (tokens.length != 5) { System.err.println("Not enough arguments."); continue; } int index = getExprIndex(tokens[1]); if (index == -1) { System.err.println("Not such function."); continue; } Double min = Double.valueOf(tokens[2]); Double max = Double.valueOf(tokens[3]); Double step = Double.valueOf(tokens[4]); Function fn = cmd.ops.get(index); evalResults(fn, min, max, step); break; } case "log" : { if (tokens.length != 6) { System.err.println("Not enough arguments."); continue; } int index = getExprIndex(tokens[2]); if (index == -1) { System.err.println("Not such function."); continue; } Double min = Double.valueOf(tokens[3]); Double max = Double.valueOf(tokens[4]); Double step = Double.valueOf(tokens[5]); Function fn = cmd.ops.get(index); logResults(l, tokens[1], fn, min, max, step); break; } default: { System.err.println("No such command."); continue; } } } } public void usage() { System.err.println("command [help]\n" + "help -- print this message\n" + "Commands:\n" + "eval name min max step -- evaluate function from `min` to `max` with `step`\n" + "log filename expr min max step -- log results of evaluation to the `filename`\n" + " Functions: sin, cos, tan, cot, sec,\n" + " ln, lb, log3, logexpr, trigexpr, system\n" ); } /* main [help|options] */ public static void main(String[] args) { Main m = new Main(); if (args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("help")) { m.usage(); return; }; } }