# cgi_get_iplayer.pm # parameters for the cgi_get_iplayer.pl script $dbgLevel = 0; #$ENV{HOME} = '/var/www'; # debian #$ENV{HOME} = '/usr/share/httpd'; # fedora $ENV{HOME} = '/var/lib/wwwrun'; # suse $cgiDir = '/srv/www/public/cgi-bin'; #$cgiDir = '/usr/lib/cgi-bin'; # debian #$cgiDir = '/var/www/cgi-bin'; # fedora #$cgiDir = '/srv/www/cgi-bin'; # suse $JwPlay6Key = 'insert_your_key_here=='; $httpProxy = ''; #$httpProxy = ''; #$smbLocation = '\\\\myserver\iplayer'; $smbLocation = '\\\\myhost\\3rdpc\\Movies\\iplayer'; $baseURL = '/iplayer'; # URL / URI where files can be downloaded by browser or the jW player $cgiWrapper = '/cgi-bin/cgi_get_iplayer.pl'; # URL / URI of this script $iplayerDir = '/home/iplayer'; # the directory where iplayer files get downloaded $getIplayer = $cgiDir . '/get_iplayer'; # the full path to the get_iplayer program $uriFlv6 = '/jwplayer-6-3242'; # URI where the JW "longtail" FLV player was unpacked $uriFlvJS6 = 'jwplayer.js'; #$uriFlv5 = '/jwmediaplayer-5.6'; # URI of the swf dir - i.e where JW player was unpacked $uriFlv5 = '/jwmediaplayer-5.8'; # URI of the swf dir- i.e where JW player was unpacked $uriFlvSWF5 = 'player.swf'; # URI of the swf $uriFlvJS5 = 'swfobject.js'; $flashWidth = 832; # standard flashvhigh BBC video $flashHeight = 468; $getIplayer = $getIplayer . ' --proxy=' . $httpProxy if (defined $httpProxy) && ($httpProxy ne ''); $listerTv = $getIplayer . ' -l'; $listerRadio = $getIplayer . ' -l --type radio'; $updater = $getIplayer . ' --nopurge --refresh --tree --type radio,tv'; $downloader = $getIplayer . ' --nopurge --nocopyright --tvmode best --radiomode best --flvstreamer ' . $cgiDir . '/rtmpdump --rtmptvopts "--swfVfy http://www.bbc.co.uk/emp/releases/iplayer/revisions/617463_618125_4/617463_618125_4_emp.swf" --raw --thumb --ffmpeg /usr/bin/ffmpeg --aactomp3 --versions default,signed,audiodescribed '; $flvCommand = ' --command "/usr/bin/ffmpeg -i -f avi -vcodec mpeg4 -qscale 4 -b:a 256k -vtag divx -s 720x576 .avi"'; # end cgi_get_iplayer.pm