#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use CGI qw(:standard); use Image::Magick; # CHANGEME - location of image directories my @IMAGEDIRS = ('/dir1/dir2/', '/dir3/dir4' ... etc ...); # default maximum image sizes my $MAXWIDTH = 800; my $MAXHEIGHT = 600; my $TIMEOUT = 10; #### check the function my $p_function = defined(param('function')) ? param('function') : ''; my $p_device = defined(param('device')) ? param('device') : ''; if ($p_function eq 'picture') { my $maxWidth = $MAXWIDTH; my $maxHeight = $MAXHEIGHT; if ($p_device eq 'tablet') { $maxWidth = 800; $maxHeight = 405; } chdir $IMAGEDIRS[rand($#IMAGEDIRS)];; # change this section according to the hierarchy in which you store photos my @sub1Dirs = <*>; my $sub1Dir = ''; while ($sub1Dir !~ /^\d+\d+\d+\d+$/) { $sub1Dir = @sub1Dirs[rand($#sub1Dirs)]; } chdir $sub1Dir; my @sub2Dirs = <*>; my $sub2Dir = @sub2Dirs[rand($#sub2Dirs)]; chdir $sub2Dir; my @pictures = <*.jpg>; my $picture = @pictures[rand($#pictures)]; # get the image and scale it to suit my $image = new Image::Magick; my $imageError; #if (0) # for testing if (!($imageError = $image->Read($picture))) { my $imgWidth = $image->Get('width'); my $imgHeight = $image->Get('height'); my $scaleWidth = $maxWidth / $imgWidth; my $scaleHeight = $maxHeight / $imgHeight; my $scale = $scaleHeight < $scaleWidth ? $scaleHeight : $scaleWidth; my $imgNewWidth = int($imgWidth * $scale); my $imgNewHeight = int($imgHeight * $scale); $image->Resize(width=>$imgNewWidth, height=>$imgNewHeight); print "Content-type: image/jpeg\n\n"; binmode STDOUT; my @imageBlobs = $image->ImageToBlob(); print $imageBlobs[0]; } else { print "Content-type: text/plain\n\nERROR $imageError!\n"; print "sub1Dirs list is " . join (', ', @sub1Dirs) . "\n"; print "sub1Dir chosen was $sub1Dir\n"; print "sub2Dirs list is " . join (', ', @sub2Dirs) . "\n"; print "sub2Dir chosen was $sub2Dir\n"; print "picture list is " . join (', ', @pictures) . "\n"; print "picture file name is '$picture' \n"; #print "image was $imgWidth x $imgHeight\n"; #print "image should have been scaled by $scale to $imgNewWidth x $imgNewHeight\n"; } } else { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "
\n"; print ""; print "\n\n"; }