=========================================================================== AdvanXed Menu - Siemens x65/x75 ver. 1.1.4 =========================================================================== Notes: °°°°°° This 18-icons menu is working on Siemens phones with display resolution 132x176 (maybe on others). I have used various icons from various authors. In icons creation I often had to combine with other icons. This whole work took me almost half a year (I had not much time for it). Feel free to use this menu but DO NOT MODIFY IT except if you want to change text labels to your language. ALWAYS include this text document with menu and NEVER change author's info & version info both placed in lower right corner. How to install: °°°°°°°°°°°°°°° 1. Unlock hidden directories with some "open disk" patch or with program "OpenDisk_x65" (e.g. ver. 0.2). 2. Start some file manager for Siemens phones (I recommend SiMoCo). 3. Open phone directory "config\japp\FlexMenu", backup "main.fs" file and after backuping delete it in phone. 4. Copy all PNG files + file "main.fs" from this directory to phone directory "config\japp\FlexMenu". 5. Restart your phone How to uninstall: °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° 1. Unlock hidden directories with some "open disk" patch or with program "OpenDisk_x65" (e.g. ver. 0.2). 2. Start some file manager for Siemens phones (I recommend SiMoCo). 3. Open phone directory "config\japp\FlexMenu" and delete all PNG files + file "main.fs". 4. Copy your backuped "main.fs" to phone directory "config\japp\FlexMenu". 5. Restart your phone =========================================================================== by BKF.1 (bkf1@centrum.cz) ===========================================================================