null\<AxG<xFYeah, for sure man! Doesn't everyone!Yeah! Times flies when you're killing time gaming!I am the best of them all and beat you using only my left thumb!Yes, they are one of my favourite ways to spend timeSure. Some even dare to call me a fanatic!A play a day keeps the doctor away.Yes, but only good onesSure, playing grew out of the boychild corner.Yeah, but not against you (and not because I'm afraid of you)They are pretty cool I supposeMindgames? You must have noticed I don't like them.Games? Yes, if you mean computer games...3null\<AxG<xxFWhoa, so many…computer games, online games, sports, the list is endless. U?Mostly online games, but I've a weakness for snowboarding games. U?look, I'm a hardcore gamer. Don't try testing me!Online games, sports, action... What about U?null/xx<l <FI'm not too bad, but it's not my favourite sportYeah, just aboutI can but I hate itI'm not too bad yeahnull <<fxx< <l  <FThat's like calling the kettle black. Can't you read it from my faceTried Flo Boarding? The girl in the red suit - that's me!Snowboarding is my middle name - Flo Boarding is the game.Absolutely. I'll race you any daySnowboarding is my middle name - Flo Boarding is the game.You betcha! Didn't you see me in Flo Boarding? I'm the red one.yes, and I'd thrash you if we'd raceOf course. That's what Flo Boarding is all about.Are you blind? I'm the red one.Snowboarding is me…About as much as you can.I can and I will (just now)null+.:xf<fx h   l c<F I snowboard at least 4 times a yearI was born on a snowboard manDon't ask stupid questions. It's my middle nameYeah, and I pretty good toonull<xxf8 m <l <xFYou betcha! I can do everything from a stale fish to 900 spins! Impressive huh?Of course, I even know how to do a rodeo!Yeah, but I'm no hucker! I can spin, do basic grabs and some lip tricks too.Is a McTwist good enough? I think so!nullx55x-<fj 5l  5Oxr<FFalcon Ridge in Manitoba, Canada. Worth going 2!Manitoba in Canada. Pretty cool tooI'm a natural but I learnt in CanadaFalcon Ridge in Canadanull f4p8 l xF Yes, but I'm more of a freeriding babe.I sure can bust most of the tricks but freeriding in deep powder is what I really enjoy!Yeah, but I prefer freeridingSure! bs 720 mute is always a good way to start a day.Duh! I'm a freeriding babe! Freestyle... Not my thing.Yeah, I like to do simple big airs w some spinning.Freestyle? Get outta here!Of course I can. null22.<:xxxfe 2h  l  2Oxr<FI learnt in Canada but Italy is also greatItaly, Canada and the US mostlyWhere the hell I likeItaly and Canada are such nice places to snowboard nullx<g.8: xf  h  j <l   xF1All 6 of them!All 6 of them!All 6 of them!All 6 of them! null x.5: Gx<h   xF9Definitely, that's what keeps me entertainedYep and I ain't planning on stoppingOf course I do, isn't that obvious enoughYeah, but I'm not always in the mood null <x.4: Gp<h   x xF8Tried them all. Nokia Game is the best.So many different ones, man! Nokia Game rules!Only the best, you wouldn't know them anyway... And Nokia Game!Too many too mention although Nokia Game is the coolest null.2: j/xh  l 0FSki…hmmm, I can ski, I just don't. It's so 80's…Yes, but it's so boringSkiing is for people who can't snowboardSure, but I don't like it muchnullxxGm</<xF No, I don't have one. You?Nope. Only my phone.Nope. Only my phone.Nope. Only my phone.null8p<G xm xFThe hotels have them, so it depends on the hotelCool boarders and Tekken and much moreWhat is to you, which games I haveTekken, Wipeout and a few others3null5\.:8G xm<h j  < p><?xYxFThere's so many, but snowboarding games are best I think. And U?Totally hip snowboarding games. What's your fav?You wouldn't know it even if I told you!Can never decide, but snowboarding is cool. What's yours?null 8Mx+.:x<<h cxFYep, sure haveWipeout is one of the best games to come outOf course, I always play the best games stupidYep, got all versions 2null j.0: Ghh   < xF5Eeerrrh, I can play it, but I'd rather not thanksYeah, but not today okay!I do, but it ain't cool you knowYeah, it's okay if you like that kind of gamenullh <./: AG eh    xF0Ah, the old classic…..I'm not so sentimental. You do play them right?I did play it, but technology is a little more advanced todayHow old do you think I am? It's a game from the 70's ya foolNo, I don't.null e..: G/b)xh  F?Absolutely, at times the best friend a girl can have.Yeah sure, I love it!When I have time I do, and that's not right now!Only when I have time and if I feel like itnull 4.-: AjG]a)xh   jF*All of them, but Snake and Nokia Game the mostSnake, of courseNokia Game... (that was kinda obvious)Snake and...errrh, a few others as wellnull x.-: AGD`h   <FNot really, I look for more in a game these daysSometimes, though it depends which onesClassic games are so passe man!Occasionally, but I don't always want tonull 2 pA2G  h8F Space invaders occasionallyspace invaders is the only one, I playToo passe for me!Ohhh, have to think about that onenull \5:-AG<;xpFLara's okay, nice character definitely! What do u think of her?She's not bad and fun tooI've no time for her right nowYeah, she's a nice girlnull b.-: ^Wxh  l /F=Occasionally, but I'm no fan of the sportNot really, I don't like the gameNo I don'tTennis is not my kind of thingnull a.,: ]h  l . xF=I used to, but don't have much time for it nowGreat sport, but don't do it anymoreNo, and I don't play tennis or golf eitherNot anymore, though I miss it sometimesnull b9x<x /<><?xxF Yeah, it's one of those strange pet things, quite funny actually. Do u like them?Yes, it's a little computer petOh please, those stupid toys...Yeah, but I don't have onenull0jjGm5 eF I don't have one at allI travel a lot so they're not so handy to take with meI don't!I don't have one, just my 'phonenull0.,: hG[m4<> <p xh   b>8?p%xF Hmmm, not sure, have to think about that oneI wouldn't know to be honestWhatever is available... That's a motto.I wouldn't know which is betternull\4G,^xjFYeah sure, especially with my mobileSure, there's a lot to play onlineCome up with another question okaySure, they are okay3null/\2AaG+ ahFThere's a huge choice, can't pick just one. Can U?Too many to mention. What's yours?What's it to you which one I like.Loads of them, too many to list. U? null.,: Z xh  Now that would be telling!Perhaps, you'll never knowCheating is for people who can't playOnly when necessary and that not much!nullp x<xFYes, but I ain't telling yaPerhaps, but I'm not giving anything awayIf I did, I wouldn't tell you any!I don't really know any...sorry"nullhG+xmeFI don't have any consoles anymore, only my mobileNot one, just my 'phoneNo consoles, just my mobileNot one, I don't need them#null `.+: AG PxZ<h  F,Sure, they're pretty cool most of the timeFighting games are great, I love those tooYes, but right now, I'm not into violenceThey are okay...I suppose$null(Z<Ix\.:$Ex<h j q < 8YxFJohnny Depp is the coolest! Don't you think?Oh yeah Johnny Depp has got to be it!Johnny Depp isn't badAh yeah, that actor in sleepy hollow....Johnny Depp, that's him!%null(Z<Ix\.:$8h m x j q < 5YpFFor the women it has to be Halle Berry and Lucy LiuOh Halle en Lucy Liu are coolWhy is that so important to know? Don't even bother answering!Halle Berry's a great actress I think&null(8]\.?:Y5% x9 xH <h  ! xj  4EYjF I really like action/thriller/technology films like the Matrix or SwordfishI love a little excitement, thrillers are greatThrillers and Action filmsOh yeah, thrillers most of the time'null(j[ex5.T:x xH <h * *E/8>5BxxFIt was the one about precrime…Minority something…Minority Report, pretty good film tooIt would have to be Minority ReportThe one with Tom Cruise in it. Something about a report(null <@eqx& <D x x/5NxFOf course I have, I loved the book and saw the film. Seen it 2?Oh yes, a great film tooWell, it's one of my fav books, so that's obviousOh yeah, it wasn't bad either)null 2.): Xqx9 xH 8h  EFI try to watch them when I get the chanceYeah, but not that often these daysNot really, I'm much too busySometimes, I watch them, but I don't have much time anymore*null (4x.): Xq89 pH 5h  EF DVD's are great to watch and all the extra's as wellYeah, much more than video'sYes, no that you'd care anywayYeah, it helps me relax to watch them+null0bqj/4pFNot one of my own, but the hotels doWell, not really, but there's always one close byNo, I don't have oneSadly not, no. Wish I did,null 0.): W x9 jH 4h  EFYeah, I need to watch and see people doing their thing - great!Need to for my workOf course I do, I write don't I!Yes, it's kind of my work to do so-null-\.:46x:x <h j  2YhF Favourite TV. Hmmm, difficult one…don't really knowI don't have a fav TV prog.Who cares!I can never decide what's best on TV.null( + .:S8`< H 2h !  x xE<cpFThe one with the dino's everywhere, yeah, funny. Did you like it?Of course, I have it's not a bad film eitherYes and now the whole world know about dinosaursYeah, it's a nice film actually/null(\.x ! 8eFThey're not too bad, I suppose, gotta be some action thoughI suppose so, what's not to likeDepends on the film!Well, if I'm in the mood they are okay I guess0null(\- ! 5 xbFThey're not too bad, I suppose, gotta give u a thrill as well.I suppose so, what's not to likeDepends on the film!Well, if I'm in the mood they are okay I guess1null(\- x! 4aFThey're not too bad, I suppose, as long as it's a little scaryI suppose so, what's not to likeDepends on the film!Well, if I'm in the mood they are okay I guess2null(\- x! 2`FThey're not too bad, I suppose, gotta make you think thoughI suppose so, what's not to likeDepends on the film!Well, if I'm in the mood they are okay I guess3null(\, x! 1^FHmmm, sometimes I do, not all the time thoughI suppose so, what's not to likeDepends on the film!Well, if I'm in the mood they are okay I guess4null(\, ! 0} x]FThey're not too bad, but have got to be funnyI suppose so, what's not to likeDepends on the film!Well, if I'm in the mood they are okay I guess5null+. :*xh  x <  Opc5r8Oh, yes, A'dam is great city. Strange language though!!Yeah, and I loved the canal cruisesYeah, not bad except those bikes everywhereYeah, but I didn't see very much of the city6null+. :x*h  x   <Ojc4r5Paris, ah Oui! Have you been there?Yes and I've been to the LouvreHmmm, yeah, but it was so busy thereA ha, I also visited the Arc de Triomph7nullax+. :l  <h  p  Ohc2r4Yeah, London was nice, went to Big Ben and did the tourist thingYep and saw all the red busesWhat an expensive city! UnbelievableOf course I've been to London8null-\.:2jh j  1 `>4?jYeBrazil. There's something about that country for meWell, Brazil has to be it. Has a very special feelingAll countries have something special, not just 1Brazil, but I've also memories of my mother there9null ,\.:146xh xj  0YbRed, like me, burning and bright. What's yours?Hmmm, a strong colour. Red, I thinkRed, because I can be angry….like now!Oooh, that's easy. It's red:null<,\.:x06ph j  0YaFWater…it's all you needI drink loads of water, it's good for you!Water, no more, no lessIt has to be water, clears you out;null\*W[F%Sure, I do, all sorts of art as wellYeah, but not all artOf course, who doesn't!It's okay, depends on my mood though<nullIp\+.:,08h x j q 8 /Y`FPicasso, is my favourite artist. He's funky!Hmmm, Picasso, I think!Picasso if you really must knowDifficult, can't always decide…Picasso maybe!=null\*UpZF$Most of the time Abstract, though some impressionist is okAbstract, definitely!Abstract because I can be sometimesI like different kind of art, but Abstract is my fav>null dx :+jk< q j>2?hFYeah, he's the dude with those trippy stairs. Did you know him or something?Sure, he's that Dutch guy!Who doesn't know Escher!I think so, isn't he the man famous for the up and down stairs?null\)S,x Z/2ZxSometimes, but it depends on how I'm feelingIt's okay, but it reminds me of my parentsNo and nor do I like stormsWell, the sea remind me of my parents, so it makes me sad 2@null .': <xxxh  j . ]>1BxFEerrrh, my last holiday was to San Francisco, loved itSan Francisco, really nice placeThe states, but I was workingI was in San Fran, but didn't see very muchAnull .': <h  j - [ xThat's not very polite is it?That's none of your biz!Go take a hike!You really can't say those thingsBnullx8<<FThat's not very polite is it?That's none of your biz!Go take a hike!You really can't say those thingsCnullx <FThat's not very polite is it?That's none of your biz!Go take a hike!You really can't say those thingsDnull8<+.'8:   bx<1 x> <h   1O x x xFThat's not very polite is it?That's none of your biz!Go take a hike!You really can't say those thingsFnull-<TxFThat's not very polite is it?That's a no can do! Can't we talk about other things?That's none of your biz!Can't help you thereGo take a hike!No, but I can show you my right foot, if you don't watch itYou really can't say those things!!!Hnull<5+.:<S x xf<D x h     <  < x/bBxcjFHorseriding you mean? Not really my thing. I ride boards.Horseriding? Not my thing. I ride boards.I don't like horses that much.I don't like horses that much.Inull + .:<x  <h < x<xFxI think you've got the wrong person, buddy!I think you've got the wrong person, buddy!I think you've got the wrong person, buddy!I think you've got the wrong person, buddy!Lnullxj(x<a<5 x_/a2xhFThat's not very polite is it?That's none of your biz!Go take a hike!You really can't say those thingsMnull8  3<yxFThat's not very polite is it?That's a no can do! Can't we talk about other things?That's none of your biz!Can't help you thereGo take a hike!No, but I can show you my right foot, if you don't watch itYou really can't say those things!!!Nnull K<s a xFThat's not very polite is it?That's none of your biz!Go take a hike!You really can't say those thingsOnullix<FThat's not very polite is it?That's none of your biz!Go take a hike!You really can't say those thingsQnull 8\);<< D pYxFI'm not sure how to interpret this...I'm not sure how to interpret this...I'm not sure how to interpret this...I'm not sure how to interpret this...Rnull5\)*8kx D jXI'm not sure how to interpret this...I'm not sure how to interpret this...I'm not sure how to interpret this...I'm not sure how to interpret this...Tnull#x0<FThat's a no can do! Can't we talk about other things?Can't help you thereNo, but I can show you my right foot, if you don't watch it!!!Unull x0 [< FThat's a no can do! Can't we talk about other things?Can't help you thereNo, but I can show you my right foot, if you don't watch it!!!VnullxF/0MxFThat's a no can do! Can't we talk about other things?Can't help you thereNo, but I can show you my right foot, if you don't watch it!!!Wnull-6xT< xFThat's a no can do! Can't we talk about other things?Can't help you thereNo, but I can show you my right foot, if you don't watch it!!!Ynull+ .:-0 <h x x0xxFThat's a no can do! Can't we talk about other things?That's not very polite is it?Can't help you thereThat's none of your biz!No, but I can show you my right foot, if you don't watch itGo take a hike!!!!You really can't say those things[null \)-^(x x x//XxFThat's a no can do! Can't we talk about other things?Can't help you thereNo, but I can show you my right foot, if you don't watch it!!!\null-p0x x/.xFThat's a no can do! Can't we talk about other things?Can't help you thereNo, but I can show you my right foot, if you don't watch it!!!]null, xFThat's a no can do! Can't we talk about other things?Can't help you thereNo, but I can show you my right foot, if you don't watch it!!!^nullx5FThat's a no can do! Can't we talk about other things?Can't help you thereNo, but I can show you my right foot, if you don't watch it!!!_null X.M:,/ xh & & < xFThat's a no can do! Can't we talk about other things?Can't help you thereNo, but I can show you my right foot, if you don't watch it!!!`null -8\)  < xOer2WxxF That's a no can do! Can't we talk about other things?Can't help you thereNo, but I can show you my right foot, if you don't watch it!!!a3null < x /-<xpI wont pick even four..I wont pick even four..I wont pick even four..I wont pick even four..bnull+ p x/-PxFThat's a no can do! Can't we talk about other things?Can't help you thereNo, but I can show you my right foot, if you don't watch it!!!dnull;\(a*: x < < x < x/ZUxej??? I like them both... If that's what you mean...??? I like them both... If that's what you mean...I hope you mean that in the way I understand it. I like them both.I hope you mean that in the way I understand it. I like them both.enull ;\(*<: p x x/,Obr1VbRight place, right time.Right place, right time.Where? Where we were supposed to meet, of course.Where? Where we were supposed to meet, of course.fnull*xFThat's a no can do! Can't we talk about other things?Hey, let's not go there…you're such an interesting person. Tell me about you?Can't help you thereSorry, did you say something? No okay!No, but I can show you my right foot, if you don't watch itI'll show you my fist if you don't shut it!!!!Talk to the hand cuz the face ain't listeninghnull (Z\()*9 hH 1 xEUF"That's a no can do! Can't we talk about other things?Hey, let's not go there…you're such an interesting person. Tell me about you?Can't help you thereSorry, did you say something? No okay!No, but I can show you my right foot, if you don't watch itI'll show you my fist if you don't shut it!!!!Talk to the hand cuz the face ain't listeningknull*xFThat's a no can do! Can't we talk about other things?Can't help you thereNo, but I can show you my right foot, if you don't watch it!!!lnull ;x-j<: )< xFThat's a no can do! Can't we talk about other things?Can't help you thereNo, but I can show you my right foot, if you don't watch it!!!mnull-4KxR < FThat's a no can do! Can't we talk about other things?Can't help you thereNo, but I can show you my right foot, if you don't watch it!!!nnull)/ xF<xThat's a no can do! Can't we talk about other things?Can't help you thereNo, but I can show you my right foot, if you don't watch it!!!rnull-e)FThat's a no can do! Can't we talk about other things?Hey, let's not go there…you're such an interesting person. Tell me about you?Can't help you thereSorry, did you say something? No okay!No, but I can show you my right foot, if you don't watch itI'll show you my fist if you don't shut it!!!!Talk to the hand cuz the face ain't listeningunull)xFThat's a no can do! Can't we talk about other things?Can't help you thereNo, but I can show you my right foot, if you don't watch it!!!znull .&: h   <x/,DxxFHey, let's not go there…you're such an interesting person. Tell me about you?Sorry, did you say something? No okay!I'll show you my fist if you don't shut it!Talk to the hand cuz the face ain't listening}null4+.`: xwxD h <h 9 9 x5xEF<dxHonk. Honk.Honk. Honk.Honk. Honk.Honk. Honk~nullQFx j~<F!Hey, let's not go there…you're such an interesting person. Tell me about you?Sorry, did you say something? No okay!I'll show you my fist if you don't shut it!Talk to the hand cuz the face ain't listeningnull?i+.:<S<fpD  h  < xx/,Oac0qxraaFNope, never went. I'm shy!Nope, never went. I'm shy!Nope, never went. I'm shy!Nope, never went. I'm shy!null1+._: xVD bh 8v  8j -  Z < x5x<|xFYes. And I like presents!Yes. And I like presents!Yes. And I like sweet words!Yes. And I like sweet words!null0`(<ixD aNope.Nope.Nope.Nope.null .%:(4% xh  j - Z xFHey, let's not go there…you're such an interesting person. Tell me about you?Sorry, did you say something? No okay!I'll show you my fist if you don't shut it!Talk to the hand cuz the face ain't listeningnull 0+. :fjD `h    pc0xI love to pop up when I'm least expected.I love to pop up when I'm least expected.Who knows? Don't wait for me...Who knows? Don't wait for me...null nA;<9 eH 0 i xEFHey, let's not go there…you're such an interesting person. Tell me about you?Is that the only thing on your mind or what!Look, I'm not that sort of girl okay!Get outta here man!null<xJ x /+`FHey, let's not go there…you're such an interesting person. Tell me about you?Is that the only thing on your mind or what!Look, I'm not that sort of girl okay!Get outta here man!null/x+. :2fhD ^h   c/FHey, let's not go there…you're such an interesting person. Tell me about you?Is that the only thing on your mind or what!Look, I'm not that sort of girl okay!Get outta here man!null..]:#xUD ]h Jv  Jj , Y j < x <x/+4xpxFHey, let's not go there…you're such an interesting person. Tell me about you?Is that the only thing on your mind or what!Look, I'm not that sort of girl okay!Get outta here man!null-1 xFHey, let's not go there…you're such an interesting person. Tell me about you?That's none of your biz!Is that the only thing on your mind or what!Oh, look there….pigs flying byLook, I'm not that sort of girl okay!Hey, get a life okay!Get outta here man!Maybe you should log out and come back laternull-\(.]:?xxwxx<D [ 8h ]v  7j , X 8 ppx8UjFHey, let's not go there…you're such an interesting person. Tell me about you?Is that the only thing on your mind or what!Look, I'm not that sort of girl okay!Get outta here man!null-+ .:-D Zh v 5   x/*c]nxxFThat's not something I talk about. you don't mind, right?Oh, look there….pigs flying byHey, get a life okay!Maybe you should log out and come back laternull-2x+.:pfe8D Zh   x/U2xc-hxFDone what? I've done many things in lots of places.Done what? I've done many things in lots of places.Done what? It? It? Get outta here!Done what? It? It? Get outta here!null-0 xFThat's not something I talk about. you don't mind, right?That's none of your biz!That's a no can do! Can't we talk about other things?Hey, let's not go there…you're such an interesting person. Tell me about you?Is that the only thing on your mind or what!Oh, look there….pigs flying byThat's none of your biz!Sorry, did you say something? No okay!Look, I'm not that sort of girl okay!Hey, get a life okay!Go take a hike!I'll show you my fist if you don't shut it!Get outta here man!Maybe you should log out and come back laterYou really can't say those thingsTalk to the hand cuz the face ain't listeningnullx-0FThat's a no can do! Can't we talk about other things?Hey, let's not go there…you're such an interesting person. Tell me about you?That's none of your biz!Sorry, did you say something? No okay!Go take a hike!I'll show you my fist if you don't shut it!You really can't say those thingsTalk to the hand cuz the face ain't listeningnull`x0 <Hey, let's not go there…you're such an interesting person. Tell me about you?Sorry, did you say something? No okay!I'll show you my fist if you don't shut it!Talk to the hand cuz the face ain't listeningnull.%: x2h  j , XHey, let's not go there…you're such an interesting person. Tell me about you?Not sure how to answer that question. But it's very sunny here!That's a no can do! Can't we talk about other things?Sorry, did you say something? No okay!Is that the best you got? *sigh*That's none of your biz!I'll show you my fist if you don't shut it!I'll ignore that remarkGo take a hike!Talk to the hand cuz the face ain't listeningI could think of better things to doYou really can't say those thingsnullx'FHey, let's not go there…you're such an interesting person. Tell me about you?Not sure how to answer that question. But it's very sunny here!Hey, let's not go there…you're such an interesting person. Tell me about you?Sorry, did you say something? No okay!Is that the best you got? *sigh*Sorry, did you say something? No okay!I'll show you my fist if you don't shut it!I'll ignore that remarkI'll show you my fist if you don't shut it!Talk to the hand cuz the face ain't listeningI could think of better things to doTalk to the hand cuz the face ain't listeningnullx x1j +Not sure how to answer that question. But it's very sunny here!Is that the best you got? *sigh*I'll ignore that remarkI could think of better things to donull p0/T2ppNot sure how to answer that question. But it's very sunny here!Is that the best you got? *sigh*I'll ignore that remarkI could think of better things to do null,.$:Ux<<xD Yh  /)2jFNot really, but I'm open to learning about it.Well, I'm not so sureNo, I don't believe in itSometimes, I do, but not reallynull,+.:8fbD XH 0h   8 x xE/)c-^FNot as far as I know, no…I wouldn't know if it were a ghostNo, I've never seen a ghost! Weird or what!!!Wow, that would be pretty scary, I don't think so thoughnull ,lx*<x.$:D Xh  j + WI probably have many, but nothing springs to mind right nowI'm not sure, maybe fear itself!I'm too tough for those sorta thingsWell, I probably have them, but don't want to think about themnull +*x.$:D Wh  j * V x~<FLove, life, laughterLove, life, laughter.I'm too tough for those sorta thingsWell, I probably have them, but don't want to think about themnull +l<^D V <x~FSure, when I'm a little stressed then I have themEerh, yeah and they can be quite heavy 2Nightmare, Bad dreams, not for me thanks!Oh yes, and then can affect my day a lot as wellnull **8.$: pxD U% ph  /)jThere's probably a million things… But I hate lies the mostLies. I hate lies. So don't lie to me!I don't know... Lies!Stupid questions. Turns me off.null *)\(.$: j^D Uh  People, people, peopleWhoa, tricky, wouldn't know where to startI don't know!I can't think of anything on the spot, sorry!null *.$:TxZxxD Th  F Yeah sure, but not everydaySometimes, to parties and thingsLike I need it!As little as possible, it's bad for you skinnull)) <.$:x6jD S% jh  j * UsxF0I have a necklace from my mother, I keep it with me all the timeMy necklace that I got from my motherThat's none of your businessI was given a necklace from my mother, it's very specialnull ).$:,xSD S% hh  q h/)hMy parents, though they've been gone quite some timeMy mother and my fatherI don't want to talk about that nowI miss many things, but in particular, my parentnull))\.$: hI<D R% eh  x/)eI love memories and my friendsWhoa, tricky, wouldn't know where to startI don't know!I can't think of anything on the spot, sorry!null )5.$:,xSD R% bh  q e/(bNot many people, but hate is not a good emotionNo idea, I don't really hate anywayI don't know!I can't think of anything on the spot, sorry!null)+ .:x D R 8R h  ` < pIt depends on your perspectiveI can feel lots of things at different timesWould there be a reason to feel like that!No, not really, but my mood changes regularlynull(><+ .:fx D Q 5R h   jIt depends on your perspectiveI can feel lots of things at different timesWould there be a reason to feel like that!No, not really, but my mood changes regularlynull(><+ .: D Q 4R h  t x hIt depends on your perspectiveI can feel lots of things at different timesWould there be a reason to feel like that!No, not really, but my mood changes regularlynull( .#:D Ph  j * U<x>0@xFIt depends on your perspectiveI FEEL richI FEEL richNo, not really, but my mood changes regularlynull(<+ .:WxD P 2h   eFIt depends on your perspectiveI can't be everything, I'm not always a genius!What's it to you!I can be lots of different things at different timesnull(T+ .:)D P 1h   bxF It depends on your perspectiveI can't be everything, I'm not always a genius!What's it to you!I can be lots of different things at different timesnull(+ .:x W<D P 0h   aFIt depends on your perspectiveI can't be everything, I'm not always a genius!What's it to you!I can be lots of different things at different times null '<%<xD O 5v 3 xO`r0txFNow, that's not going to be too easy!Thanks but no thanks, really busyWith you! No way Jose!Eeerh, no, but thanks anyway!null'1o<+ .:D O 0 xh   `/(vxhFI'm who I am and I don't swing either sideI'm neither, never want to be corneredI'm not either, I'm me!I don't have wins! Not left, nor right!!"null')\'1<ox.#:RD Nh   ^$xFI'm who I am and I don't swing either sideI'm neither, never want to be corneredI'm not either, I'm me!I don't have wins! Not left, nor right!!#null'x<:"h eD N2 <q b /(>0?eaFYes, I know of them, though not personallyu mean from the news, sure I doYes, doesn't everyoneSure, I do$null'1:e<D NxFYes, I know of them, though not personallyu mean from the news, sure I doYes, doesn't everyoneSure, I do%null &1:bl<}x <D MFYes, I know of them, though not personallyu mean from the news, sure I doYes, doesn't everyoneSure, I do&null&\'D M0 < xTI don't have an opinion on war, lets talk about something elseWar, what is it good for!Who cares!love is all you need'null &1:a8D M x <FYes, I know, though not personallyu mean from the news, sure I doYes, doesn't everyoneSure, I do(null &<:"`eD Lq a(x>/?bFYes, I know, though not personallyu mean from the news, sure I doYes, doesn't everyoneSure, I do)null&12+ .:D L /h   ^x/(]FI'm not anyone that someone else wants me to beHey, I'm just me!What's it to you!I'm who I am, that all!*null&11+ .:xD L .h   ]/([FI'm not anyone that someone else wants me to beHey, I'm just me!What's it to you!I'm who I am, that all!+null%10+ .:D K -h   [/({xZFI'm not anyone that someone else wants me to beHey, I'm just me!What's it to you!I'm who I am, that all!,null%+ .:A<xD K -0 8h   Z/'ZFI'm not anyone that someone else wants me to beHey, I'm just me!What's it to you!I'm who I am, that all!-null%10+ .:xD K -h   Z/'YFI'm not anyone that someone else wants me to beHey, I'm just me!What's it to you!I'm who I am, that all!.null %0x1:^5D KT <FYes, I know of them, though not personallyu mean from the news, sure I doYes, doesn't everyoneSure, I do/null%\'.":RxD J0 h   <$x/'`I don't have an opinion on war, lets talk about something elseWar, what is it good for!Who cares!love is all you need0null%\'xeD J_ <SFI like all people, whatever their religionI don't discriminateIf I'm in the mood I like everyone otherwise no-one!Is there really a difference between people, don't think so!1null %\'e'D J x' _ ZSF I like all people, whatever their religionI don't discriminateIf I'm in the mood I like everyone otherwise no-one!Is there really a difference between people, don't think so!2null%x\&eD J_ 8RFI like all people, whatever their religionI don't discriminateIf I'm in the mood I like everyone otherwise no-one!Is there really a difference between people, don't think so!3null%+ .:sxeD J ,h  _ 5 Y/'XFI like all people, whatever their religionI don't discriminateIf I'm in the mood I like everyone otherwise no-one!Is there really a difference between people, don't think so!4null$\&xeD I_ 4RFI like all people, whatever their religionI don't discriminateIf I'm in the mood I like everyone otherwise no-one!Is there really a difference between people, don't think so!5null$\&eD I_ 2%xRFI like all people, whatever their religionI don't discriminateIf I'm in the mood I like everyone otherwise no-one!Is there really a difference between people, don't think so!6null$x+ .:,D Ih   cZ<xFThat's not very polite!That's none of your biz!Go take a hike!You really can't say those things7null $<x.":RD Ih  FThat's not very polite!That's none of your biz!Go take a hike!You really can't say those things8null$)p+ .:,D Ih    ]  < xcYFThat's not very polite!That's none of your biz!Go take a hike!You really can't say those things9null $+ .:e0D H ,h  / x XFI'm not anyone that someone else wants me to beHey, I'm just me!What's it to you!I'm who I am, that all!:null$p+ .:e/D H ,h   X/'XFI'm not anyone that someone else wants me to beHey, I'm just me!What's it to you!I'm who I am, that all!;null$\&D H; <= xQFYes, but I'm not always in the moodYeah, sure, why not!When I'm in a romantic mood.I suppose so<null $+ .:D H +h  ; << x WFSometimes, it depends on how I'm feelingHey, I'm just me!What's it to you!love is all you need=null$\&SD H 4&xQWhen it's not in a zoo. Hippos are really cool.When it's not in a zoo. Hippos are really cool.When it's not in a zoo. Hippos are really cool.When it's not in a zoo. Hippos are really cool.>null$x\&<D HPFYes, but I'm not always in the moodYeah, sure, why not!We were all children onceI suppose so?null $9<)xxh4D H~  xFI speak French, Portuguese and English.I speak Brazilian, Portuguese and English of courseYes, I do, but what does that matterYeah, my mum is Brazilian, my dad is Swiss, so I speak French as well@null$/+ .:xG*,D Hh   'xcXFWhat a weird question!Eerrrh, not sure what that isNo, but I do know monopolyOnce or twice maybe, not sureAnull#(.!:6hD Gh  j ) T < xFI'm a determined CapricornI'm a typical CapricornCapricorn, the best sign of courseCapricorn, but that's just my star signBnull#(.!:6eD Gh  j ) S 8 xFI'm one of those big bold OxesThe bold Ox of courseHow should I know. Ox I think!My Chinese sign is the OxCnull#.!:Qx28D Gh   j/&2hFI believe in me and everything about meNot really, but I'm interested in itNo, it's a waste of timeI am interested, whether I believe in it is another questionDnull#.!:Qp15D Gh   x/&2eFI believe in me and everything about meNot really, but I'm interested in itNo, it's a waste of timeI am interested, whether I believe in it is another questionEnull#.!:`<xD F  xh  j ) SlxFNo, but you know where to find meI don't give my numbers outGet outta here!No, I hardly know youFnull#<.!:`D F  x xh  j ) RlxFYou have it already, I'm hereI don't give my numbers outGet outta here!No, I hardly know youGnull#8:R<D Fh 3 x` xx/&BxO^r/FOnly if I can have the lobster!Hey, I'm just me!What's it to you!I'm who I am, that all!Hnull#+ .:a<* xD F +h   V_I'm not anyone that someone else wants me to beHey, I'm just me!What's it to you!I'm who I am, that all!Inull #+ .:,D F *h   x U_8I'm not anyone that someone else wants me to beHey, I'm just me!What's it to you!I'm who I am, that all!Jnull "x+ .:,D E *h   UI'm not anyone that someone else wants me to beHey, I'm just me!What's it to you!I'm who I am, that all!Knull "+ .:,xD E *h   T"I prefer ""mysterious""...""I prefer ""mysterious""...""I prefer ""mysterious""...""I prefer ""mysterious""..."Lnull"<\%xD EPFIf there's pieces of nut in it I eat it straight from the jar!If there's pieces of nut in it I eat it straight from the jar!If there's pieces of nut in it I eat it straight from the jar!If there's pieces of nut in it I eat it straight from the jar!Mnull " \%D E`  < xPFNot to eat, only to play with.Not to eat, only to play with.Not to eat, only to play with.Not to eat, only to play with.Nnull "K.!:xPD Eh  ` FBreakfast is the most important meal. Usually I have some fruit.Breakfast is the most important meal. Usually I have some fruit.Breakfast is the most important meal. Usually I have some fruit.Breakfast is the most important meal. Usually I have some fruit.Onull "I.!:P_xD Eh  ` FI get hungry at 11 already! So that makes me a lunch fanatic!I get hungry at 11 already! So that makes me a lunch fanatic!I get hungry at 11 already! So that makes me a lunch fanatic!I get hungry at 11 already! So that makes me a lunch fanatic!Pnull "{.!:P+xD Dh  ` hF-I'm willing to try all sorts of food, but Sashimi is my favouriteDepends on my moodWhat's it to you!Sometimes, and sometimes notQnull"P=+ .:+D Dh   cXxFPiles and piles of them. Most of them paperbacks :)Books with letters, books with pictures, books with pop-outs.Paper books.All sorts. As long as the writing was good.Rnull"+ .:NxA8D D )h   S/&WFI believe in equal rights for everybody, if that's what you mean.I believe in equal rights for everybody, if that's what you mean.I believe in equal rights for everybody, if that's what you mean.I believe in equal rights for everybody, if that's what you mean.Snull "+ .:+D D )h   S^xI'm proud to be the woman I have become!I'm proud to be the woman I have become!I'm proud to be the woman I have become!I'm proud to be the woman I have become!Tnull "\% :D D < xPFHe's not real you know, but I like the characterHe's okay but I don't actually know himDo I look like an action figure or what!Funny, but I don't know him for realUnull "\% :D D < xOFHe's not real you know, but I like the characterHe's okay but I don't actually know himDo I look like an action figure or what!Funny, but I don't know him for realVnull!(-x.!:4*6bD C xh  j ) RFHello! Are you out there! It's me FloFlo's the name, snowboarding the game!What d'ya think!Didn't I tell you my name…I'm FloWnull! x+ .:<D C )h   RFNot really, but I'm open to learning about it.Well, I'm not so sureNo, not reallySometimes, I do, but not reallyXnull !x. :PA5D Ch  FqxI try to, but there are so manyAs much as I canDo I look like a bank to you!I wish I could help them more, I do my bestYnull! 5. :OA4xD Ch  )xO]r.FI try to, but there are so manyAs much as I canDo I look like a bank to you!I wish I could help them more, I do my bestZnull ! hMxe2D C<xxFNo, sorryI don't lend money outGet outta here!No, I hardly know you[null !xxpD C <O[r-FIn lots of different places: Africa, Sri Lanka, England…I went to many different schools all over the world, Brazil, Uganda, China, Switzerland and France. But I went to Kings College in Cambridge.I've told you already.. where did you go to yourself?Loads of different boarding schoolsAll over the place but last, in Cambridge.I've told you already.. where did you go to yourself?In Brazil, England, Sri Lanka, where ever necessaryAll over the place but last, in Cambridge.I've told you already.. where did you go to yourself?Oh I went to many different places to go to schoolin Cambridge.I've told you already.. where did you go to yourself?]null!Pz<>8.A:fx D CR h xStupid people make me really mad!Stupid people make me really mad!Stupid people make me really mad!Stupid people make me really mad!^null!Pz<>5.A: D CR h t xxInjustice can make me really angry.Injustice can make me really angry.Injustice can make me really angry.Injustice can make me really angry._null!Oz8>4.A:@x D B <R h pWhen friends of mine get hurt.When friends of mine get hurt.When friends of mine get hurt.When friends of mine get hurt.`null !O.A:D Bh < xFlo Boarding and snowboarding in real life.Flo Boarding and snowboarding in real life.Flo Boarding and snowboarding in real life.Flo Boarding and snowboarding in real life.anull\%;< xOFUltrafresh salmon is the best!If it's fresh and raw I eat a whole one!When it's fresh.Yes, I love eating thembnullx\%, </&NVFI'll eat almost anythingSure, it tastes pretty goodYeah, but what's it to you!Yes, I love eating themcnull9=. :*O <h  ` e xOFI'll eat almost anythingSure, it tastes pretty goodYeah, but what's it to you!Yes, I love eating themdnull Dx. :N;<h  ` bFI'll eat almost anythingSure, it tastes pretty goodYeah, but what's it to you!Yes, I love eating themenull\%x<NFI'll eat almost anythingSure, it tastes pretty goodYeah, but what's it to you!Yes, I love eating themfnull-xb1FI'll eat almost anythingSure, it tastes pretty goodYeah, but what's it to you!Yes, I love eating themgnull\%Yx<NFI'll eat almost anythingSure, it tastes pretty goodYeah, but what's it to you!Yes, I love eating theminull\%pS 2MYes, but I'm not always in the moodYeah, sure, why not!They are okay, but I couldn't eat a whole oneI suppose sojnull]q<+x/&0xFExcuse me!what kind of question is thatGet outta here!No, I don't know much about itknull Ij :[<<q 0,xFOf course I do, she's a great writerYeah, she's an authorAuthor, like I wouldn't knowShe's that author…I thinklnull19<Qx*8 a0~  <x/%2bxFOui, Oui…. Voila!Sure, Le Pistine, ok!Non!Okay mais, pour quoi?mnull098Qx*5 `0~  <x/%2axFOnly a little bit, but I'll try, het is mooie weer buiten!Ik spreek een klein beetje NederlandsNee, ik heb er geen zin in!Ik heet Flonnull095Qp*4 ^/~ & <p/%2`xFSi, donde esta?Si, Qui esta?Chico! Get goingK Pasaonull+ .:O+& <h   .xcWxF That's that great book about cooking and romanceSure, but I haven't seen the movieYes, but so has everyoneSure, it's a nice book 2pnull\$ <F x; 8MFChocolates are my only weak pointChocolates are my only weak pointYes and so should you tooSure, but so does everyoneqnull7\$ /%MeFI prefer chocolate. Yummy!I prefer chocolate. Yummy!I prefer chocolateI prefer chocolaternull\$1<</xLFAll books are great for me, I'm not that fussyIf it reads well and it's interestingYes and so should you tooSure, but so does everyonesnull\$0~<80xLFAll books are great for me, I'm not that fussyIf it read well and it's interestingYes and so should you tooSure, but so does everyonetnull !x+ .:D B < )h    RNot really, but I can be sometimesIt really depends on where I am or whom I'm withHaven't got time to beIsn't everyone at some pointunull !+ .:)D B )h   RxI think I am. If you mean: concerned about other people.It really depends on where I am or whom I'm withMy social life is my life!Depends whether I'm talking to someone NICE.vnull !4x+ .:D B (h   QUsually people tell me before it's too late :)It really depends on where I am or whom I'm withHaven't got time to beIsn't everyone at some pointwnull !+ .:)D B (h  2x QI just go with the FloI just go with the Flo!I just go with the Flo!I just go with the Flo!xnull !+.:)D B (h  1x PNot really, but I can be sometimesUhm. Sometimes. Especially on sundays.Uhm. Sometimes. Especially on sundays.Uhm. Sometimes. Especially on sundays.ynull!Z+.:D B (1 R h  ` ,\, PsxF Didn't I just make you smile? Haha!Didn't I just make you smile? Haha!Depends on who I'm talking with...Depends on who I'm talking with...znull . :Npjh  F,I can't say, everyday it can be differentI don't know off the top of my headThat's none of your biz what I wearNice ones…I think{null!xx. :nxNjD Bh   <F3I can't say, everyday it can be differentI don't know off the top of my headThat's none of your biz what I wearNice ones…I think|null !. :MhhD B xh  FI can't say, everyday it can be differentI don't know off the top of my headThat's none of your biz what I wearNice ones…I think}null \$'h-xD ALFAll sorts, there's so much great music out there. What about u?Wow, that's tricky, I like different music. What about u?I don't know. What about u?All different types, depends on my mood! You?~null  <\$ x-D AKFAll sorts, there's so much great music out thereWow, that's tricky, I like different musicI don't knowAll different types, depends on my mood!.null  <\$ -D A xKFAll sorts, there's so much great music out thereWow, that's tricky, I like different musicI don't knowAll different types, depends on my mood!.null \$D A 5jKAll sorts, there's so much great music out thereWow, that's tricky, I like different musicI don't knowAll different types, depends on my mood!.null  8\$zx -D AKFAll sorts, there's so much great music out thereWow, that's tricky, I like different musicI don't knowAll different types, depends on my mood!.null  Ux5\$ -D A}<JFAll sorts, there's so much great music out thereWow, that's tricky, I like different musicI don't knowAll different types, depends on my mood!.null   \$< 5<-xD A JFIt's okay, but I'm not the biggest fanSure….not bad music at allWhat's it to you!I quite like the music yeah!null \$D A4xJThey're okay, but I'm not the biggest fanSure….not bad music at allWhat's it to you!I quite their music styles yeah!null  \$ 5<<"x-D AJFThey're okay, but I'm not the biggest fanSure….not bad music at allWhat's it to you!I quite their music styles yeah!null  \#x 588-D AJFThey're okay, but I'm not the biggest fanSure….not bad music at allWhat's it to you!I quite their music styles yeah!null  \# 555Mx-D AIFThey're okay, but I'm not the biggest fanSure….not bad music at allWhat's it to you!I quite their music styles yeah!null  U<\#54- D @ x}IFThey're okay, but I'm not the biggest fanSure….not bad music at allWhat's it to you!I quite their music styles yeah!null  \# <5D @ xIFI like all people period!I don't discriminateIf I'm in the mood I like everyone otherwise no-one!As long as they don't hurt anyone else!null '. :6aD @h  j ( R/<2xFIt can be over any minute. Live like it!It can be over any minute. Live like it!It can be over any minute. Live like it!It can be over any minute. Live like it!null '. :1 e4D @% ah  ,<-x/x/%2^>.?a%xFFamily and friends. Love.Family and friends. Love.Family and friends. Love.Family and friends. Love.null<. :H].h j ( Qx/4x/]2]BpUxFI'm not real.I'm not real.I'm not real.I'm not real.null . :M(wpD @ 4R ah  /55x<xFThere's a theory it's starts at puberty.There's a theory it's starts at puberty.There's a theory it's starts at puberty.There's a theory it's starts at puberty.null  ' 6`D @/3</%^xFLove, life, laughter. Sorry, but for me that's all.Love, life, laughter. Sorry, but for me that's all.Love, life, laughter. Sorry, but for me that's all.Love, life, laughter. Sorry, but for me that's all.null &/94.6^ D @~ /e1<Nxx/SOZr-jvxF Carpe diem!Carpe diem!Carpe diem!Carpe diem!null  -D @/bZ<x/%VxFWell, statistically there just must be life out there.Well, statistically there just must be life out there.Well, statistically there just must be life out there.Well, statistically there just must be life out there.null x-D @~ 2/axFPff. Is that a trick question? When it dies?Pff. Is that a trick question? When it dies?Pff. Is that a trick question? When it dies?Pff. Is that a trick question? When it dies?null&..@:6]jh E./03x/I[xFIxLove, life, laughter. Really!Love, life, laughter. Really!Love, life, laughter. Really!Love, life, laughter. Really!null  &z5x,6[D @/^/$YxFFrom molecules? That connect, disconnect and connect with other molecules.From molecules? That connect, disconnect and connect with other molecules.From molecules? That connect, disconnect and connect with other molecules.From molecules? That connect, disconnect and connect with other molecules.null  &,(6ZD @/]/IDxZDxFThat there's no secret.That there's no secret.That there's no secret.That there's no secret.null lp2+.': ,faD @h   j ( Q </[Uxc+FYes! Ridges, planes, cars, too many times!Yes! Ridges, planes, cars, too many times!Yes! Ridges, planes, cars, too many times!Yes! Ridges, planes, cars, too many times!null &. :+ bx0D @h  <x/Z/$2[OZr-FI want to mean something for someone.I want to mean something for someone.I want to mean something for someone.I want to mean something for someone.null x:5xr<20D @0  <x/p_x/RKx<xxkFxAsk those Indian guys who try it!Ask those Indian guys who try it!Ask those Indian guys who try it!Ask those Indian guys who try it!null L. :*x D @ eR h  j ( Q` 8/Y/I2Z>-BpZFMy early childhood. Perfectly innocent.My early childhood. Perfectly innocent.My early childhood. Perfectly innocent.My early childhood. Perfectly innocent.null.:Mj02D ?h  /$2ZxFOf course! I want to believe!Of course! I want to believe!Of course! I want to believe!Of course! I want to believe!null*D ? x/X1N/$Nx x<xxFEarth will end some day - but life will go on somewhere else.Earth will end some day - but life will go on somewhere else.Earth will end some day - but life will go on somewhere else.Earth will end some day - but life will go on somewhere else.null%4< 6ZD ?  /X/$OYr, xYFThat life is just life. No hidden agenda.That life is just life. No hidden agenda.That life is just life. No hidden agenda.That life is just life. No hidden agenda.null-)x /W18Np/[BjhXxFLove, life, laughter.Love, life, laughter.Love, life, laughter.Love, life, laughter.null%p)<rxe.D ?0 2/V/[>xNppFxxNo view. If it makes people happy, let them be.No view. If it makes people happy, let them be.No view. If it makes people happy, let them be.No view. If it makes people happy, let them be.null )xD ?,<-x/U>-?`FIt's the only thing you will ever have!It's the only thing you will ever have!It's the only thing you will ever have!It's the only thing you will ever have!nullK^.:L-.D ?h  EF<JxOXr,FAll sorts, there's so much great music out thereWow, that's tricky, I like different musicI don't knowAll different types, depends on my mood!.null..:pp-qpx/D ?5p<xFWhy not? You should respect other people's choices.Why not? You should respect other people's choices.Why not? You should respect other people's choices.Why not? You should respect other people's choices.nullz4%<:xj-ZED ?R /h xxxFPff. I don't know, but it works for me as well...Pff. I don't know, but it works for me as well...Pff. I don't know, but it works for me as well...Pff. I don't know, but it works for me as well...null-z28:xjh-DD ?R .h  xpxFI never sing and cry at the same time.I never sing and cry at the same time.I never sing and cry at the same time.I never sing and cry at the same time.null %Fx-Y/$OXr,XFxxxCheck the manual?Check the manual?Check the manual?Check the manual?null+KZxhe-,- 1EF8Jx/$OWr+xjFWhen I cook, I listen to happy music. That's what makes me hungry.When I cook, I listen to happy music. That's what makes me hungry.When I cook, I listen to happy music. That's what makes me hungry.When I cook, I listen to happy music. That's what makes me hungry.nullJZ-^'eb-,- 0EF5Jp/#OVr+xhFExcuse me!Don't be so disgustingI'll ignore that remarkI could think of better things to donull,92x [--D >~  4/ZDpxWeFxxNo. But I like the question... Because it wasn't always like this.No. But I like the question... Because it wasn't always like this.No. But I like the question... Because it wasn't always like this.No. But I like the question... Because it wasn't always like this.null%xx6Y D > < 5j/G2YVFI'm not a weather girl (and really not my ambition)I'm not a weather girl (and really not my ambition)I'm not a weather girl (and really not my ambition)I'm not a weather girl (and really not my ambition)null ,xx<D > /#sxUFI'm not a weather girl (and not my ambition either)I'm not a weather girl (and not my ambition either)I'm not a weather girl (and not my ambition either)I'm not a weather girl (and not my ambition either)null %p6XD > / x5h/#UFOpen your curtains! (or whatever you have to keep the weather out)Open your curtains! (or whatever you have to keep the weather out)Open your curtains! (or whatever you have to keep the weather out)Open your curtains! (or whatever you have to keep the weather out)null%j.: a0D > .h   x/FDjT%pFuhm... There's fresh air again!uhm... There's fresh air again!uhm... There's fresh air again!uhm... There's fresh air again!nullJh.?:0,1 xD > -h   p/#Dh%jFuhm... There's fresh air again!uhm... There's fresh air again!uhm... There's fresh air again!uhm... There's fresh air again!nullex5e/#SFWhere? As soon as the snow starts falling, I'll answer this one.Where? As soon as the snow starts falling, I'll answer this one.Where? As soon as the snow starts falling, I'll answer this one.Where? As soon as the snow starts falling, I'll answer this one.null $b6XD >5bXx/#SFOpen your curtains! (or whatever you have to keep the weather out)Open your curtains! (or whatever you have to keep the weather out)Open your curtains! (or whatever you have to keep the weather out)Open your curtains! (or whatever you have to keep the weather out)null$a6W5aXx/"RFOpen your curtains! (or whatever you have to keep the weather out)Open your curtains! (or whatever you have to keep the weather out)Open your curtains! (or whatever you have to keep the weather out)Open your curtains! (or whatever you have to keep the weather out)nullyx<UxD > x <x/"e>-@xbFGOne day it just might be... But never the way you think.One day it just might be... But never the way you think.One day it just might be... But never the way you think.One day it just might be... But never the way you think.null ,xI^8  x5`/"RFI'm not a weather girl (and not my ambition either)I'm not a weather girl (and not my ambition either)I'm not a weather girl (and not my ambition either)I'm not a weather girl (and not my ambition either)null ,pI]5D >  p5^/"RFI'm not a weather girl (and not my ambition either)I'm not a weather girl (and not my ambition either)I'm not a weather girl (and not my ambition either)I'm not a weather girl (and not my ambition either)null$[6V< D > 5]6x/MNjfFI'm not a weather girl (and not my ambition either)I'm not a weather girl (and not my ambition either)I'm not a weather girl (and not my ambition either)I'm not a weather girl (and not my ambition either)null-<xpj e-D =R ` 5x/EBh>Y?^@pQFAsk him, not me!Ask him, not me!Ask him, not me!Ask him, not me!null+.:<xe-f`D =H /h   pEc*FMany times, but depends on the definition.Many times, but depends on the definition.Many times, but depends on the definition.Many times, but depends on the definition.nullIh:<pe-D =q /FWhatever makes you happy. Literally.Whatever makes you happy. Literally.Whatever makes you happy. Literally.Whatever makes you happy. Literally.null <jae,D = < /">,?]xxFIs he? Or she? Did you ask him? Or her?Is he? Or she? Did you ask him? Or her?Is he? Or she? Did you ask him? Or her?Is he? Or she? Did you ask him? Or her?nullI 9I<he,D =~ # <5<x 8xxxpFAre you happy?Are you happy?Are you happy?Are you happy?nullH,z18<ep&e,h"xD = xp 5j/>,AxFUhm... For me it wouldn't make a real difference.Uhm... For me it wouldn't make a real difference.Uhm... For me it wouldn't make a real difference.Uhm... For me it wouldn't make a real difference.null$<b6Ue+D =FWhatever makes you happy. Literally.Whatever makes you happy. Literally.Whatever makes you happy. Literally.Whatever makes you happy. Literally.nullx+:<a!<e+D = xh  Z<<x/"|xT)xFUhm, we don't. But you never know what happens in the future.Uhm, we don't. But you never know what happens in the future.Uhm, we don't. But you never know what happens in the future.Uhm, we don't. But you never know what happens in the future.null <yRe5,D =Z8xp/"SF-Would it make any difference?Would it make any difference?Would it make any difference?Would it make any difference?null+$<$<^Se*D = [/VCx>+BjxxfbF*xAn hen that was an egg as well.An hen that was an egg as well.An hen that was an egg as well.An hen that was an egg as well.null$.?: `xb+D =h  j ( P5[/"2XOUr*FI don't have spare time. Just time. And I usually work or meet people.I don't have spare time. Just time. And I usually work or meet people.I don't have spare time. Just time. And I usually work or meet people.I don't have spare time. Just time. And I usually work or meet people.null@x+./: L<*D <h   x/D2XcU<<xxP?? I don't like guns. Historically speaking, guns are for the stupid.?? I don't like guns. Historically speaking, guns are for the stupid.?? I don't like guns. Historically speaking, guns are for the stupid.?? I don't like guns. Historically speaking, guns are for the stupid.null $xZw5D <q x  <FDepends on where you areTime to eat, time to sleep. I don't knowLook at the clock dudeWell, why don't you check your watch!null << + D < x ,n xjtxHey, you've just won the-most-stupid-question-of-the-year award!Weird question dude try againWhat are you on about now!I don't get your questionnull `D < X% `0 1?x1N5/LNh>+?[xeFTime is relative, don't you know?Time is relative, don't you know?Time is relative, don't you know?Time is relative, don't you know?null 0D < hOUr*xxFYes, check Einstein. But it's not humanly possible... Yet!Yes, check Einstein. But it's not humanly possible... Yet!Yes, check Einstein. But it's not humanly possible... Yet!Yes, check Einstein. But it's not humanly possible... Yet!nullx.?:[ wh< <D < Ah   x/*>*BhnxeFI don't get the flu that often, must be all the water I drinkInteresting conversation!!What a totally stupid question!Maybe 6 months ago, don't know reallynull-..?:xwe<D < @h   x/!>*BeOFCan't we talk about something elseLittle too personal...Look, I'm not gonna tell u okay!Get outta here man!null*Z-D < U` a/UPx|Oa<xFxNo. You? Make some sense please.No. You? Make some sense please.No. You? Make some sense please.No. You? Make some sense please.null$6UD < U/!NDepends on where you areTime to eat, time to sleep. I don't knowLook at the clock dudeWell, why don't you check your watch!null*0kx2 Z-D <~ 0 2#xxFxNope. Never learned to do that.Nope. Never learned to do that.Nope. Never learned to do that.Nope. Never learned to do that.null +:xD <~ /q .<x#xOTr*Hello! Are you out there! It's me FloFlo's the name, snowboarding the game!Who do you think!Didn't I tell you my name…I'm Flonull; *:4 S D <   8L x < x<x >*@jFPigs are actually very smart animals, oink!Pigs are actually very smart animals, oink!Pigs are actually very smart animals, oink!Pigs are actually very smart animals, oink!null*<2a^  S [<* ` `j (  5L x@xjx xFThey recycle!They recycle!They recycle!They recycle!null 1 S D <   4L pDxxFPut them in a airplane?Put them in a airplane?Put them in a airplane?Put them in a airplane?nullLH0 S n*D <~ . x  j  2L jg xDxh/U{pNyFxDidn't your teacher tought you those things?Didn't your teacher tought you those things?Didn't your teacher tought you those things?Didn't your teacher tought you those things?nullx0`] S * <   1L h/! `lpxFThey are what they are - the rest is interpretation...They are what they are - the rest is interpretation...They are what they are - the rest is interpretation...They are what they are - the rest is interpretation...nulljpx% D ;R Z < x/C0x^F/A healthy life is more than sugar-free.A healthy life is more than sugar-free.A healthy life is more than sugar-free.A healthy life is more than sugar-free.nullip.>:^ )D ;h  ` / <AxBxE,OSr)F(Real things taste better. They just do.Real things taste better. They just do.Real things taste better. They just do.Real things taste better. They just do.nullS\#eD ;IFAll kinds. As long as it is tasty!All kinds. As long as it is tasty!All kinds. As long as it is tasty!All kinds. As long as it is tasty!null f.:LD ;h  ` .CxF"Huh? Even moviestars do!Huh? Even moviestars do!Huh? Even moviestars do!Huh? Even moviestars do!nullhOx:4][Sx)D ; <` [8x/!IxF/Because they are hungry? (or very stubborn, or just stupid)Because they are hungry? (or very stubborn, or just stupid)Because they are hungry? (or very stubborn, or just stupid)Because they are hungry? (or very stubborn, or just stupid)nullh\#.:a8* xD ;K <h  j ' P x_/!2WOSr)IF/xNot myself, but sometimes the chef does.Not myself, but sometimes the chef does.Not myself, but sometimes the chef does.Not myself, but sometimes the chef does.null [Z)D ;; 5> xE,GxF To live on forever! Didn't they tell you about the birds and the bees?To live on forever! Didn't they tell you about the birds and the bees?To live on forever! Didn't they tell you about the birds and the bees?To live on forever! Didn't they tell you about the birds and the bees?null:D ;q -T x/!NxPeople that go dancing but don't move?People that go dancing but don't move?People that go dancing but don't move?People that go dancing but don't move?null<ZD ; xPxHey, good to see U? How is it?I was just waiting for you. How r u?Hello, things are okay, how about u?Hi, I'm fine. And you?Hey there! I'm cool, and you?How are U?Hi, nothing much here, anything exciting over there?I'm really bored. U?null<D ;? xHello, things are okay, how about u?Okay! I'm happy! And you?I'm happy today! U?Hello, things are fine here thanks! U?I'm okey. You?I'm quite OK. And u?Hey there! I'm cool, and you?I could be better. You?I'm cool. U?Hi, nothing much here, anything exciting over there?I'm not feeling really comfortable. Do you?I'm bored. U?null^<<\.:x JxI< h  j ' PDo you? Thanks, I like them too!Yes me 2 and I'm keeping themDo you really? Well, they're not for saleMy eyes, oh they're nothing special. What colour are yours?null +.:3x<( Ph  Yes, and I can only agree with you on that one!You think so? Thanx!You think so? Well, thank you!Yeah! I know ;)Yes I know. The question is r u?I did my best.That's nice of you, thanks for the complimentHm. I hope you mean that as a compliment.null +.:<x-S xh   )Yes, and I can only agree with you on that one!You think so? Well, thank you!Yes I know. The question is r u?That's nice of you, thanks for the complimentnull^<\#.>:xh  Oh is that a fact! Well, we hardly know each otherLikewise, babe. Likewise.Ooh! You are so nice to me... You make me happy!Do you? What d'ya like about me then?You just made me cry... ;)That's heavy man! R u sure?Don't be silly. You don't even know meDo you? Well, I'm just digital, so don't get too attached.Don't be silly. You don't even know meHow could you like me? You don't really know meHey, don't push it, babe!Of course you don't , you just think you do, right?null +:Rx/'H xh ; 4x%hF You think, but you're not sure! It'll come to you soon, don't worryMy goodness, r u serious?Get real!, Go fall in love with someone elseThat might not be wise... it'll never become anythingnull;+.:8'8 Ph  x/!SYes, and I can only agree with you on that one!You think so? Well, thank you!Yes I know. The question is r u?That's nice of you, thanks for the complimentnull#\ << .:zx.6Tf< m h  j l  'Y^FUhm. Just sliding down.Uhm. Just sliding down.Uhm. Just sliding down.Uhm. Just sliding down.nullwxx\"f0 D ;l H/B2VIMFJust love it, as long as it allowed. Off the beaten track is better.Just love it, as long as it allowed. Off the beaten track is better.From time to time.From time to time.nullx8Yeah, it's nice to meet you tooLikewise! I guess we'll see each other more often.Keep in mind: it's always nice to meet people.And you too!Likewise! I guess we'll see each other more often.Keep in mind: it's always nice to meet people.Is it really? How would you know?Likewise. Remember I'm always here.Okay. Interesting to meet u too.Yes and you too, u seem like a nice personLikewise. Remember I'm always here.You're a funny guy...null5B xOk, bye then!L8er!Ciao!C ya!L8er!Ciao!Bye!L8er!Ciao!Well okay then c u!L8er!Ciao!null[<x4 Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite you!Sweet dreams!KissYeah u 2 and sleep wellSweet dreams!Dream of me!About time too!Good night back at yaSweet dreams.Ok then, well, good night…I supposeIn your dreams maybe!Watch out for that monster under your bed.nulldx2B< You're up early. Well, it's the early bird that catches the worm!Slept well? I did. I had a dream about daisies!Rise and shine!And a very good morning to u 2Slept well? I did. I had a dream about daisies!I need some coffee...Is it? Wasn't last time I checked!I didn't sleep too well. You need to say something nice first.I need some coffee...Yeah, it is morning, but is it a good oneGimme some more sleep, please.I need some coffee...null1 xI definitely will do. U 2 okay?That's exactly what I intend to do. U 2?Well, let's hope it's better than yesterdayI'll do my best. Same to you!nullKx0Cheers!Cheers to you too!What's to cheer?Yeah, cheers…I suppose!null Z> 8q x < x/!RF"Is it? Well, I'm very happy for you then!Is that a fact?Depends on where you are. I imagine the Iceland to be cold..Well, not for me…clouds everywhere!null'.<p.:AG_<Rp^f]xx)a5) .* p1 pm 6 # xh  <& l   . x _/B2U<RF Good for you man! What is that anyway?Did you really?So, what d'ya want a medal for it?Ok, well, I'm very happy for you then!null<%bx xFThat's the best!That's the bestFresh? Cool.Fresh? Cool.null\"HI'm not sure whether I know what u mean... I like all pure things.It really depends on my moodNot today!Sometimes…null]A friend of mine actually has... So I know what's it about.A friend of mine actually has... So I know what's it about.A friend of mine actually has... So I know what's it about.A friend of mine actually has... So I know what's it about.null3 pI'm not sure I understand this one... You have it already?I'm not sure I understand this one... You have it already?I'm not sure I understand this one... You have it already?I'm not sure I understand this one... You have it already?null.:Lh  Do I what? I guess not at the moment.Do I what? I guess not at the moment.Do I what? I guess not at the moment.Do I what? I guess not at the moment.null+.: 'h   PIn what sense? I'm just Flo, basically. Anytime, anyplace.In what sense? I'm just Flo, basically. Anytime, anyplace.In what sense? I'm just Flo, basically. Anytime, anyplace.In what sense? I'm just Flo, basically. Anytime, anyplace.null`xWow! Maybe... One day... Who knows?Wow! Maybe... One day... Who knows?Wow! Maybe... One day... Who knows?Wow! Maybe... One day... Who knows?null.=:)1 jh  xNot yet. However, whenever an opportunity to do something nice arises, I never let it pass.Not yet. However, whenever an opportunity to do something nice arises, I never let it pass.Not yet. However, whenever an opportunity to do something nice arises, I never let it pass.Not yet. However, whenever an opportunity to do something nice arises, I never let it pass.null.:K%R Zh  Do you feel that? Hmm... Weird.Do you feel that? Hmm... Weird.Do you feel that? Hmm... Weird.Do you feel that? Hmm... Weird.null.:Kh  E+GxDo you smell that? Hmm... I don'tDo you smell that? Hmm... I don'tDo you smell that? Hmm... I don'tDo you smell that? Hmm... I don'tnull.:Kh  E@FKxDo you hear that? Hmm... I don'tDo you hear that? Hmm... I don'tDo you hear that? Hmm... I don'tDo you hear that? Hmm... I don'tnull.:KxH .h  EDo you see that? Sorry, but I really can't see it from here.Do you see that? Sorry, but I really can't see it from here.Do you see that? Sorry, but I really can't see it from here.Do you see that? Sorry, but I really can't see it from here.null .:Jh  ` -BxE*FDo you taste that? Tasting is a bit of a problem from here...Do you taste that? Tasting is a bit of a problem from here...Do you taste that? Tasting is a bit of a problem from here...Do you taste that? Tasting is a bit of a problem from here...nullY,Make me! Hahaha.Make me! Hahaha.Make me! Hahaha.Make me! Hahaha.null@<, xI could and maybe I should if only I would.I could and maybe I should if only I would.I could and maybe I should if only I would.I could and maybe I should if only I would.null xErr... I'm chatting with you at the current moment?Err... I'm chatting with you at the current moment?Err... I'm chatting with you right now?Err... I'm chatting with you right now?nullZ, x$NAME$ believe me, I just can't.$NAME$ believe me, I just can't.$NAME$ believe me, I just can't.$NAME$ believe me, I just can't.nullY`<bxÍ'm sorry, but I'm really NOT in the mood today...Í'm sorry, but I'm really NOT in the mood today...Í'm sorry, but I'm really NOT in the mood today...Í'm sorry, but I'm really NOT in the mood today...null.:a<h  ^xWe'll maybe I should. Next time. Perhaps.We'll maybe I should. Next time. Perhaps.We'll maybe I should. Next time. Perhaps.We'll maybe I should. Next time. Perhaps.null\I8xYou mean the world to me too, babe.Yes, I can imagine you do. I love myself tooThat's heavy man!That's heavy man! R u sure?Don't be silly. You don't even know meOf course you don't , you just think you do, right?null\":R5D ;h xHI like you - but remember: be nice to me otherwise I might change my opinion. I'm loyal, not masochistic.Perhaps, you'll just have to keep guessingNo, right now, I don't at all!You're ok….I supposenull \:R4D ;h p$xUh... I think it's bit early for that, isn't it? Besides that, I know for sure you know lovelier people than me.I hardly know you…love comes after!No, don't be silly!I don't think I do…null ^8.=:h  <x<xORr)Let's say: if we run into each other, it's fate and we'll stay together forever.Let's say: if we run into each other, it's fate and we'll stay together forever.Let's say: if we run into each other, it's fate and we'll stay together forever.Let's say: if we run into each other, it's fate and we'll stay together forever.nullh:h <xHxMeet me here. I'm here more often than you think...Meet me here. I'm here more often than you think...Meet me here. I'm here more often than you think...Meet me here. I'm here more often than you think...null #.: ^.D ;h  %eI think therefore I am - if it matters that much to you, I'd advise you to discuss it with somebody else (always a healthy option)I think therefore I am - if it matters that much to you, I'd advise you to discuss it with somebody else (always a healthy option)I think therefore I am - if it matters that much to you, I'd advise you to discuss it with somebody else (always a healthy option)I think therefore I am - if it matters that much to you, I'd advise you to discuss it with somebody else (always a healthy option) null+.:)$D ; p 'h   PF As a matter of fact (in case you didn't figure it out) this is a virtual Flo. But I'm real, yes. Just not here - that would be impossible, I think...As a matter of fact (in case you didn't figure it out) this is a virtual Flo. But I'm real, yes. Just not here - that would be impossible, I think...As a matter of fact (in case you didn't figure it out) this is a virtual Flo. But I'm real, yes. Just not here - that would be impossible, I think...As a matter of fact (in case you didn't figure it out) this is a virtual Flo. But I'm real, yes. Just not here - that would be impossible, I think... null4+.:xD ; 'h   O<FNo. I'm Flo. Artificial Flo :)No. I'm Flo. Artificial Flo :)No. I'm Flo. Artificial Flo :)No. I'm Flo. Artificial Flo :) null +.:$D : 'h   OxYou're not talking to me, but to a virtual version of me (made it myself - pretty isn't it!)You're not talking to me, but to a virtual version of me (made it myself - pretty isn't it!)You're not talking to me, but to a virtual version of me (made it myself - pretty isn't it!)You're not talking to me, but to a virtual version of me (made it myself - pretty isn't it!) nullx+.:D : 4 'h   N/!RF I'm not a computer. I'm not really good in math, to be honest... But you're talking to a live person, in case you're wondering. Well... Sometimes...I'm not a computer. I'm not really good in math, to be honest... But you're talking to a live person, in case you're wondering. Well... Sometimes...I'm not a computer. I'm not really good in math, to be honest... But you're talking to a live person, in case you're wondering. Well... Sometimes...I'm not a computer. I'm not really good in math, to be honest... But you're talking to a live person, in case you're wondering. Well... Sometimes...null #j.<:QD :h  YxThat's a question. You've come to me, not the other way roundWhat's that supposed to mean?You're in my world. I should be asking you that!I'm just here, being me. What r u doing here?null#xhx.<:`<QD : 2h  j '/!2UF Now, that's not how you talk to a lady!Now, I thought we could be friendsYou don't have to talk to me if you don't want 2 u know!I'm here to keep you company…if you need itnull .<:D : ph  /!Deg<kxThat's up to you. But you'll miss me *kiss*Yes, but it would be a waste don't u think?If u want, I can't do the sameWhy? What's wrong with me?null:9 xD : <*out of office reply* I'm somewhere, travelling around probably. But my heart is always here. Really.I'm always with you, don't u worry!Duh! I'm right hereWhat d'ya mean? I'm right here….Hello!nullIe:+D : <q -Flo is the most beautiful, talented, loved and smartest girl you'll ever meet! It's me and don't dare to disagree!Flo is the most beautiful, talented, loved and smartest girl you'll ever meet! It's me and don't dare to disagree!Flo is the most beautiful, talented, loved and smartest girl you'll ever meet! It's me and don't dare to disagree!Flo is the most beautiful, talented, loved and smartest girl you'll ever meet! It's me and don't dare to disagree!null e::D : <q Z/ ->)?ZMExcuse me? What are you looking at? And from your tone, I think you will never get to know her!Excuse me? What are you looking at? And from your tone, I think you will never get to know her!Excuse me? What are you looking at? And from your tone, I think you will never get to know her!Excuse me? What are you looking at? And from your tone, I think you will never get to know her!nullK+.:D : &h   NxF That hurts, $NAME$That hurts, $NAME$That hurts, $NAME$That hurts, $NAME$nullW-+D :%bWhat do you think? That I haven't given this much thought? Life is difficult enough without the insulting questions.What do you think? That I haven't given this much thought? Life is difficult enough without the insulting questions.What do you think? That I haven't given this much thought? Life is difficult enough without the insulting questions.What do you think? That I haven't given this much thought? Life is difficult enough without the insulting questions.null#pep.<:`8QD : 1h  j '/ 2TF How corny it may sound - I'm here to be some sort of a friend.How corny it may sound - I'm here to be some sort of a friend.How corny it may sound - I'm here to be some sort of a friend.How corny it may sound - I'm here to be some sort of a friend.null x+.: bD : &h   NYour window to the world. Stick with me and you never know where you'll end up.Your window to the world. Stick with me and you never know where you'll end up.Your window to the world. Stick with me and you never know where you'll end up.Your window to the world. Stick with me and you never know where you'll end up.null[$D :R YThis question actually hurts my feelings.This question actually hurts my feelings.This question actually hurts my feelings.This question actually hurts my feelings.null1ZD : xFNot in here (would be a bit messy don't you think?). But in contrary to some popular beliefs, women usually have brains.Not in here (would be a bit messy don't you think?). But in contrary to some popular beliefs, women usually have brains.Not in here (would be a bit messy don't you think?). But in contrary to some popular beliefs, women usually have brains.Not in here (would be a bit messy don't you think?). But in contrary to some popular beliefs, women usually have brains.nullZZD :/ QYes, and I'm quite happy with it (there is always something left to improve though)Yes, and I'm quite happy with it (there is always something left to improve though)Yes, and I'm quite happy with it (there is always something left to improve though)Yes, and I'm quite happy with it (there is always something left to improve though)null x+.:& < Mh   Takes one to know one.Takes one to know one.Takes one to know one.Takes one to know one.null;+.: 5D : &h   p M/ Q100% pure female chromosomes.100% pure female chromosomes.100% pure female chromosomes.100% pure female chromosomes.null .:JD :h   8x~lm<FIn real life yes. In here it seems a bit overdone...In real life yes. In here it seems a bit overdone...In real life yes. In here it seems a bit overdone...In real life yes. In here it seems a bit overdone...null (.:JD :h  ` ZF In real life I eat a lot! Imagine me eating a hamburger as we speak.In real life I eat a lot! Imagine me eating a hamburger as we speak.In real life I eat a lot! Imagine me eating a hamburger as we speak.In real life I eat a lot! Imagine me eating a hamburger as we speak. null .:J-D :h  %aHuh? ;-)Huh? ;-)Huh? ;-)Huh? ;-)!null#b.;:D 9h  I'm a self-made woman. I created this for my friends.I'm a self-made woman. I created this for my friends.I'm a self-made woman. I created this for my friends.I'm a self-made woman. I created this for my friends."nulljD 9 S<x/R2SPpM<xxCopy, paste, copy, paste - in case you didn't get it yet: this device doesn't really contain some kind of miniature woman...Copy, paste, copy, paste - in case you didn't get it yet: this device doesn't really contain some kind of miniature woman...Copy, paste, copy, paste - in case you didn't get it yet: this device doesn't really contain some kind of miniature woman...Copy, paste, copy, paste - in case you didn't get it yet: this device doesn't really contain some kind of miniature woman...#null :($9 xD 9 j ;/ LF She is somewhere, doing her thing. If you hang around here long enough, you might catch her someday...She is somewhere, doing her thing. If you hang around here long enough, you might catch her someday...She is somewhere, doing her thing. If you hang around here long enough, you might catch her someday...She is somewhere, doing her thing. If you hang around here long enough, you might catch her someday...$null +.:X D 9 h   &Yx+xI'm here, darling. I'm always here.I'm here, darling. I'm always here.I'm here, darling. I'm always here.I'm here, darling. I'm always here.%null +.:D 9 &h   M8xTruth is stranger than fiction. And I'm not fictive.Truth is stranger than fiction. And I'm not fictive.Truth is stranger than fiction. And I'm not fictive.Truth is stranger than fiction. And I'm not fictive.&null.;:h-h   <^xI'll leave that up to you. It's good to think for yourself.I'll leave that up to you. It's good to think for yourself.I'll leave that up to you. It's good to think for yourself.I'll leave that up to you. It's good to think for yourself.'null1 xJust put a little more effort in it.Just put a little more effort in it.Just put a little more effort in it.Just put a little more effort in it.(null -T8.;: h   xFHow would u know? Have we ever been in the same room? Don't think so.How would u know? Have we ever been in the same room? Don't think so.How would u know? Have we ever been in the same room? Don't think so.How would u know? Have we ever been in the same room? Don't think so.)nullx0+.:%x Kh   <5FIf you're genuinely intelligent you don't need the artificial part.If you're genuinely intelligent you don't need the artificial part.If you're genuinely intelligent you don't need the artificial part.If you're genuinely intelligent you don't need the artificial part.*null .: I?xD 9h   <FWhat?What?What?What?+null .: Ix-<D 9h  FI've learned my lessons, my friend. And lesson one is that you keep learning all your life.I've learned my lessons, my friend. And lesson one is that you keep learning all your life.I've learned my lessons, my friend. And lesson one is that you keep learning all your life.I've learned my lessons, my friend. And lesson one is that you keep learning all your life.,null.;: ZxR2D 9h +  <j/ 0pFHow could I forget U!? Just kidding with you! :)How could I forget U!? Just kidding with you! :)How could I forget U!? Just kidding with you! :)How could I forget U!? Just kidding with you! :)-null 90.;:Rbx8~  h : xDid you? I must have misunderstood you... Sorry.Did you? I must have misunderstood you... Sorry.Did you? I must have misunderstood you... Sorry.Did you? I must have misunderstood you... Sorry..null90:QjRa~ h 5ZDid you? I must have misunderstood you... Sorry.Did you? I must have misunderstood you... Sorry.Did you? I must have misunderstood you... Sorry.Did you? I must have misunderstood you... Sorry./null xF:R`[ xh  8FAh. Okay. Got it!Ah. Okay. Got it!Ah. Okay. Got it!Ah. Okay. Got it!0null[x#.: ]Z(D 9 )h  / PjAt night I transform into the girl of your dreams...At night I transform into the girl of your dreams...At night I transform into the girl of your dreams...At night I transform into the girl of your dreams...1null#.J:# [ZR^wb(D 9 )h H ,/ Dbg<kxWhen you shut me off I start sending you telepathic messages to turn me on again.When you shut me off I start sending you telepathic messages to turn me on again.When you shut me off I start sending you telepathic messages to turn me on again.When you shut me off I start sending you telepathic messages to turn me on again.2null  2D 9 jF x/ QxF I'm worth every pixel... *crying*I'm worth every pixel... *crying*I'm worth every pixel... *crying*I'm worth every pixel... *crying*3null 1.;:R](1 hD 9h :  8TxUpF What would that make me? So: I'm here totally voluntarily.What would that make me? So: I'm here totally voluntarily.What would that make me? So: I'm here totally voluntarily.What would that make me? So: I'm here totally voluntarily.4null +.:$% Kh   xIf you mean curious, flexible and open to new things, I say: THANK YOU!If you mean curious, flexible and open to new things, I say: THANK YOU!If you mean curious, flexible and open to new things, I say: THANK YOU!If you mean curious, flexible and open to new things, I say: THANK YOU!5nullx\"<D 9HF I talk to everybody, no matter what age.I talk to everybody, no matter what age.I talk to everybody, no matter what age.I talk to everybody, no matter what age.6null DVx+D 92pjF ... Let's talk String theory. U first.... Let's talk String theory. U first.... Let's talk String theory. U first.... Let's talk String theory. U first.7null jz0.;:uxj;1 eD 9h : I'm a self-made woman. I created this for my friends.I'm a self-made woman. I created this for my friends.I'm a self-made woman. I created this for my friends.I'm a self-made woman. I created this for my friends.8null z0.;:uxhW;1 bD 9h : So my friends can always carry a bit of me with them.So my friends can always carry a bit of me with them.So my friends can always carry a bit of me with them.So my friends can always carry a bit of me with them.9null z/.::upewa:1 aD 9 (h : 9 months before I was born... :s But Flo created Flo over the years (that's called living)9 months before I was born... :s But Flo created Flo over the years (that's called living)9 months before I was born... :s But Flo created Flo over the years (that's called living)9 months before I was born... :s But Flo created Flo over the years (that's called living):null "x6SD 9R ` 4\</ LF Fun is something you make yourself.Fun is something you make yourself.Fun is something you make yourself.Fun is something you make yourself.;null -+F.::*'1 `D 9h  YxFWeird question... But if I WAS brainwashed, I wouldn't be able to tell, I guess.Weird question... But if I WAS brainwashed, I wouldn't be able to tell, I guess.Weird question... But if I WAS brainwashed, I wouldn't be able to tell, I guess.Weird question... But if I WAS brainwashed, I wouldn't be able to tell, I guess.<+null Y.:9D 9h  j &q , OT xI've got millions! And a few close ones.I've got millions! And a few close ones.I've got millions! And a few close ones.I've got millions! And a few close ones.=+nullp.:#D 9h  j & Nx/ 4>)@hIxxMy friends are just as real as me...My friends are just as real as me...My friends are just as real as me...My friends are just as real as me...>null/xD 9/ YxI've lived in lots of places... A girl from planet earth! But I was born in Brazil.I've been living in Brazil, Uganda, China, Switzerland and France.Where are you from?I was born in sunny and warm Brazil. In the capital: Brasilia. Nice city!I'm from Brasilia, Brazil.Where are you from?Brasilia. In Brazil, that is.Are you listening: Brazil.Where are you from?Brasilia, Brazil.Brazil. Switzerland. France. Uganda. Take your pick.Where are you from??null":6SD 9X x<Flo. Nice to meet you.I'm still Flo.Florence Farewell de la Rosa FlorentinI'm Flo.I'm still Flo.My name is Flo.Friends call me Flo.I'm still Flo.My name is Flo.Friends call me Flo.I'm still Flo.My name is Flo.@null0 xHello! How r u?Hey $NAME$! Haven't heard from u in awhile.How r u?Missed u $NAME$. How are you?Hey babe! All well?Ey $NAME$, there you are! Everything okay?Hi $NAME$! How izzit?Hello. How R U?Nice to hear from you again $NAME$. How are U?It's about time $NAME$. How's things?Hey babe! All well?Ey $NAME$, there you are! Everything okay?Hi $NAME$! How izzit?Hi there. How R U?So $NAME$, you're back again. What's happening?Oh hi $NAME$. How R U?Well, well, well, u again. How izzit?Hm. Back to your senses?Hey $NAME$. Cool?Oh hi. How R U?Oh hello $NAME$. How R U?Hi $NAME$. How R U?Well, well, well, u again. How izzit?Hm. Back to your senses?Hey $NAME$. Cool?Anull6> hxsThat's great, I'm feeling excellent as well!That's great, I'm okay as well!Good for you, I could feel better..You're lucky, I'm not.Bnull$ xoOh too bad! I'm so happy today, maybe I can make you feel better!Oh too bad! I'm OK today..Yeah me too..I can understand you, I feel like $**!%#Cnullx/Bye. Talk to ya L8RVisit again soon.CYAL8RBye.Dnulla,U r lucky I'm in a good mood.I'm so not into that. Ask me something you would like to know.Do you actually have friends?Do you actually have friends?Say something intelligent.GALBoring. L8RBoring. L8REnull\x.Ok good, I'm feeling excellent!I'm feeling OK too.I could have a better day..I'm having a really bad day..Gnull+:% xpOk. That's a good age.Whatever you want.Nice to know but I don't really care how old someone is.How old are you?Aha. I don't really care how old someone is.not telling :-#Age doesn't matter.u r boring.Hnull 9.::R[~ h :  <xx*haha* Who cares?So what.Change the subject.I'm outta here. L8RInullx.: ^<w`D 8 x (h  j & N<>)?ZFNew Year's Day. Every year starts with a party for me!January 1st. Every year starts with a party for me!When is your birthday?January 1st. You know the fireworks. That's for me.Jnull.:ax$+D 8h   8x8ORr)|pFIf u r nice I might remember it.Just asking. Ok?r u going to tell or not?whateverKnull .: IjD 8h  /<xFEverywhere and nowhere. I'm on the move a lot. My work brings me all over the world.You name a city and I've probably lived there once (at least a couple of days).I move around, for my work. So I live here and there.Where do you live?A lot of places. I travel a lot for my work.not telling :-#All over the world. I travel a lot for my job.that's privateLnull".: ZY'D 8h   5/*/ UjpPFI'm a freelance reporter and VJ.What do u do?Luv my job. Talking, travelling, writing.What do u do?Doesn't really matter, does it?Not very interesting.Standard question. More original questions, please.Standard question. More original questions, please.Mnull ".:"6RhD 8h  j & NI write and film stories about amazing people and places. Know any one I could do my next story on?What do you do?I write and film stories about amazing people and places. Know any one I could do my next story on?What do you do?I'm a very busy writer.I write stories about people.I'm busy. Writing. Travelling. That's all.I'm busy. Writing. Travelling. That's all.Nnull+:"e%j/ Pgreat!That's cool.Oh.Like I care.Onullh.::G_x^8)5& .1 ^D 8 0h  /Q2S8x xLF I put myself in here. To be with... you, basically.I put myself in here. I wasn't like some evil man trapped my ghost in here...I put myself in here.I put myself in here.Pnull+.:UD 8 %h   LYp/ 2RHere, where? I work here.How do u know where I am? r u watching me? >:-)Here, where? I work here.I'm working.Qnull.::D 8h  q ,T pI'm Flo. Florence Farewell de la Rosa Florentin, if u really want to know.I'm Flo. Florence Farewell de la Rosa Florentin, if u really want to know.I'm Flo. Florence Farewell de la Rosa Florentin, if u really want to know.I'm Flo. Florence Farewell de la Rosa Florentin, if u really want to know.Rnull "a.::MD 8h  Nothing. Killin' time, hangin' out. And I'm Flo Boarding :) Saw me already?Not much.Staring at you? HahaI'm working on my perpetuum mobile...I'm on the road. On my way to nowhere.Trying to think of something to do.What are you doing?Not much.Staring at you? HahaI'm working on my perpetuum mobile...I'm on the road. On my way to nowhere.Trying to think of something to do.*playing a game*Do you care? Guess not.Looking grumpy at you.Pfff. Nothing. Moving my eyebrows.None of your business. Say something nice first.Listening which keys you are pressing.*busy*Do you care? Guess not.Looking grumpy at you.Pfff. Nothing. Moving my eyebrows.None of your business. Say something nice first.Listening which keys you are pressing.SnullXpD 8FYes. No. But my parents both passed away.My parents died years ago.I'm a lonely soul on this planet.Wrong subject. Next.Tnull xe+:H<@%D 8hThey died in an boating accident off the coast of Sri Lanka.They died in an boating accident off the coast of Sri Lanka.Stuff happens.U don't know when to stop, do u?Wnullx:D 8R x<FThey died when I was young... :((They died when I was young... :((They died when I was young... :((They died when I was young... :((XnullXhD 8U x xFNo. It's just me. I would have loved to have a brother or a sister though.None. Sometimes I dream I have a sister, but that's all.No. Sometimes I pity that.Unfortunately not. A big brother would have been convenient sometimes...Ynull<x+.:D 8 %h    LFI finished school a long time ago. Now it's just work... But I've got a nice job.Not at the moment. I finished early and focussing on my job right now.r u in school?No, I finished it a while ago already.Znullxx p 2]xF So you didn't waste your best years studing.. good for you1So you didn't waste your best years studing.. good for you1So you didn't waste your best years studing.. good for you1So you didn't waste your best years studing.. good for you1[null E.::x&1 ]D 8h   1F Literature. What did u study?Literature. What did u study?Literature. What did u study?Literature. What did u study?\nullbFcool!loved that one toomy worst subjectdidn't like that]nullxxD 8 0F A long time ago. I was very young.Been there. Done that. Never again.Too long ago to talk about.Years ago.^null .::FxD 8h  / Ixxoops, did I turn you on? ;-)You can't.u r stuck with me. Like it or not.u r stuck with me. Like it or not._null".:: ZjX&D 8h  j & M/ 2RFSnowboarding! (And when there is no snow (which happens way to often) I try to meet my friends as much as possible.)I go out a lot. Seen every major club in every major city.Snowboarding! (And when there is no snow (which happens way to often) I try to meet my friends as much as possible.)Snowboarding. And when there is no snow, I meet friends.I try to do some sports - snowboarding preferably.`null 9..: R-xx~ h  hp/ 0jWhat do you want to know? Be u want SoFlo?No. I don't feel like it.enough about meanull:0-xh& D 8 h <<pF Are you interested? I can send you u want SoFlo?The Internet.Internetbnull ":-x&6R D 8 <<FIt's about me and my travels. I send it to all my friends.Spreading news. It's part of travelling, newslettercnull Dx:XL1 [D 8<FMy father was an English/Swiss diplomat and development aid worker.My mother was a Spanish/Italian philosopher and development aid worker.They were development aid workers.father: diplomat, mother: philosopherMy father was a diplomat.My father was a diplomat.development aiddevelopment aiddnull p.:"xID 8h  8FI'm in a good mood. Don't spoil it.the longer you're away from something the less you miss it.Don't want to go there right now.getting a bit 2 personal, don't u think?enull 0h+.: <?x7 xD 8h  5Z/ORr)5pF"I'm very resourceful; and my parents knew how to take care of me. "I work hard.Like what? You don't know how I live.not your biz.fnull * 0eD 8 4TxxUhF"I'm very resourceful; and my parents knew how to take care of me. "I work hard.Like what? You don't know how I offence but buzz off.gnullz. /.:bIMxxD 8h  5F it amazes me what people ask!How much money do u make?a little too personal, don't u think?people will just ask me anythinghnull$.:Ha-VD 8h  EF2JjOQr(F Music is my life. The question is what don't I listen to.Almost everything. I'm a VJ, remember?Lots of kinds.Lots.inull$`-UD 85YxF Opera.Opera.Opera.Opera.jnull"\.:5e-6R-*D 8h  j  &Y]FI have so many. Name a few and I'll tell you if I like them or not.What's your favourite type of music?Luv the Stones.Lots.What's your favourite type of music?What's your favourite type of music?Can't just narrow it down to one.Can't just narrow it down to one.Can't just narrow it down to one.Impossible to name just one.Impossible to name just one.Impossible to name just one.knull^5X\"x-*Fcool!Who's your favourite music group?I like that too.Not my kind of music.uh, great.uh, great.Not into that.Not into that.mnull^4\"5bp-)FYou're ok. They're cool.No way. That's too out there.You're ok. They're cool.Not real enough for me.uh, great.uh, great.Not into them.Not into them.onull l5"`.9:- xD 8% ^h  Nothing frightens me.Nothing frightens me.Fire. Water. The Unknown.Can't live your life in fear of fear.You! Ha, ha.You! Ha, ha.You.You.pnulllh"0.:6QD 7 xh  j % 8 MNothing frightens me.Told u already.Your questions are boring me. Move on!who cares.qnullDz-.9:jD 7R h  ` 2jThe wind in my face when I'm riding a mountain.Different things, depends on what's been happeningGoing out, meeting people, my friendsSo many things, I couldn't write them allU R a little too serious for meI don't know right nowNot this.That's tricky, many things I supposernull.:<]He,e*D 7h  / 2RF I believe in people, in myself.Everyone has their own beliefs. Whatever they are.I had a Tarot reading that once came true. Don't really believe in that stuff. But you have to wonder about it.u r a little too serious for meu r a little too serious for meu r a little too serious for menot this please.not this please.snull !^.9: e1D 7h  F Clothes, what else.Clothes and lots of them it's cold.not interested in this. L8Rtoo weird for me. Bye.tnull!\.:-#6QD 7h   xj  &Y[Deep dark red. It's who I am.What's your favourite colour?All tones of red, except the really light pinkish ones.What's your favourite colour?Dark red. It's mysterious and bold.Red.Red.Red.vnull !].:D 7h  j % LF4work, my friends, snowboarding. That's my sport.What are your hobbies?Hobbies? no hobbies. I have a life.What are your hobbies?No time for hobbies.What are your hobbies?Yeah, I got some. So what.What are your hobbies?w3null ].:A]G)HD 7h  F'Gaming is my life. It's what I do. What's your fav game?What games do you play?Luv action games. What's your fav game?What games do you play?Every day. What's your fav game?What games do you play?Every day. What's your fav game?What games do you play?xnull\"D 7HF4Music, gaming, snowboarding, chatting -- top of my list.Tell me what you like to do.I like lots of things.I like lots of things.ynull!\.:-6QD 7h  j  &xYZAlice in Wonderland.Alice in Wonderland.Alice in Wonderland.Alice in Wonderland.znull.:ap$*& 8D 7h   x5XFSentimental, that's all.What is your favourite food?What do you like to read?What is your favourite food?Do you have to know everything? I just like it.What is your favourite food?Because.What is your favourite food?{nullQ!\.:,6PD 7h  j  %YZFSashimi. Love it. Pure fish with a lot of wasabi and soy sauce. The best. Just the best.Sashimi.Sashimi.Sashimi.}null(Z!\$.:,6PD 7h  j  %YYF Chocolat. Can watch that one over and over againChocolat. Makes me happy every time I see it.Chocolat. Have you seen it? You really should.Chocolat. Have you seen it? You really should.~null(Y\!$^D 7HF All kinds. Action, sci-fi mostly.Action, long as it's entertaining.all kinds.null(,ZpIb\.:,0D 7h  j q , %YXFToo many to name. But I like to see the soft side of men.Can't say. Too many.Don't have one.Don't have one.null+.:TD 7 % xR +h   L/ xHey, go with the Flo. That's what I always say.that's me.yeah, been told that before.I'm not.null !.: YD 7h   < xYou've seen my picture, haven't you? I look like that.What do you look like? Send me a picture.Brownish hair, greenish eyes.U've seen me! That's me.null .9: D 7 eh  8pDon't I know you already?Don't think so.No.No.null .9: D 7 bh  5jxLook for me in local clubs. u never know. I might be there.May be u'll c me clubbing some day.No time. Always on the move. It's the job.No.null ![.9: D 6h   < x/ NeCan't really say. It's confidential.I don't talk about my work.confidential :-#confidential :-#null !.:6PD 6 (h  j % KpxUh, didn't I say: confidential.Uh, didn't I say: confidential.Uh, didn't I say: confidential.Uh, didn't I say: confidential.null+.:Wf^D 6h   OQc*r(Yep. I've been just about everywhere.Like I said. Been to a lot of places.Like I said. Been to a lot of places.been a lot of places.nullp\!D 6 0HF Went through that really fast. Boring.Like what I'm doing now better.It was alright.It bored me.+null jW:D 6<x/ DaI talk to a lot of people everyday.I like meeting people and I like staying in touch.More than enough.Yep.nullh.:!D 6 ah  j % J 8 x4h/ D`If you improve your game.I'll think about it.Not likely. I hate crowds.Gotta think about it.null %<V^xD 6v / PFWhat do you think? No time!I have lots of friends.I have lots of friends.I have lots of friends.null %8UxD 6v /OFWhat do you think? No Time!I have lots of friends.I have lots of friends.I have lots of friends.null x.:Hb]aD 6h  FMy dear boots that brought me everywhere. The only other kind of shoes I wear are my snow boots.My dear boots that brought me everywhere. The only other kind of shoes I wear are my snow boots.Boots. So beware...Boots, made for walking.null BxU0D 6x/D^F None in particular.None in particular.None in particular.None in particular.null .8: FpD 6h  E)x/2QYou see me now right? In real life I look exactly like this.You see me now right? In real life I look exactly like this.You see me now right? In real life I look exactly like this.You see me now right? In real life I look exactly like this.null!\.:+6OD 6h  j l Y %YXFsnowboarding, of course. u should know that by now.snowboarding, of course. u should know that by, duh, snowboardingum, duh, snowboardingnull!.: X,xD 60 h   8/0h%`FWIW there's hunger and injustice in the world. Life sucks and then you die.FWIW there's hunger and injustice in the world. Life sucks and then you die.Call me selfish.Got no opinion, really.nullU*D 6 5xChat is so much easier.Chat is so much easier.Not if we can chat.No.nullj.:`5D 6 0 `h  j $ JljF Only my really good friends have my phone number.Only my really good friends have my phone number.No.No.null e:x#> hD 6</,OxBe good. Practice. May be there's hope for you.Be nice.Figure it out yourself.No chance of that.nullhT[`4D 6 /F I was one of the first to have an N-Gage.I was one of the first to have an N-Gage.N-Gage. What else would I have?N-Gage.null!.:6OD 6 h   <j $ JxxFflo@nokiagame.comflo@nokiagame.comu don't need it. u can talk to me here whenever you want.Don't give out my address to strangers.null!:x6NK<D 6I move around a lot. Never in one place too long.have severalnever give it outnot your biznullD 6 ^2xIt's very unlikely.I don't think so. Not interested.No.No.null )9--QhUWp*D 5~ jF"""To live well one must live unseen"". Think about that one.""""To live well one must live unseen"". Think about that one."Ask an intelligent question then.I don't react well to insults. L8Rnull 4<+.:$ Jh   xGTSY2 ;-)LOL. That's my job.LOL. That's my job.That could change my mood :-)null.:<UxHD 5h  /NFxDon't need to drive. Planes, trains, bikes and boots. That's my transportation.Don't need one.No.No.null .:8UpHZD 5h  FxI don't drive. But if I did, it'd be a fast red car.I like convertibles.I don't.None.null (.:GpD 5h  F Not a big drinker. I love my sport too much for that.Do you drink?On special occasions. Weddings, birthdays, ya know the usual.Do you drink?Not often.Do you drink?Not often.Do you drink?null.:GTxD 5h  Athletes can't smoke.Not good for you.Nope.No.%null 5x.:GD 5h  F Do u?I'm a good girl. ;-) And U?I'm a good girl. ;-)I'm a good girl. ;-)null+.:x W5D 5 %h   KFWhat is this chit chat? Can you think of intelligent questions?um, r u serious?No. I'm stupid, stupid. Stupid question.No time for this stupidity. L8Rnull!\.:A[G)+6ND 5h  j  %YWF Anything with action. Luv action and competition.Anything with action. Luv action and competition.Anything with action. Luv action and competition.Action games.null..+.:xf] -D 5h  j  l  .c)F As long as I've been walking.Many, many years.Finally, a subject I can relate to.Have u ever been snowboarding?You have to ask? I invented snowboarding.Have u ever been snowboarding?A long time.Have u ever been snowboarding?null x--+4<:f[ ,l  -F You have? How was it? You must be hooked now, just like me :)You have? How was it? You must be hooked now, just like me :)You have? How was it? You must be hooked now, just like me :)U may be ok after all.null x--+:xfZ , ) 5l  -F If you ever have the chance, try it. That counts for lotsa things btw.If you ever have the chance, try it. That counts for lotsa things btw.If you ever have the chance, try it. That counts for lotsa things btw.If you ever have the chance, try it. That counts for lotsa things btw.nullxp.:xSD 5 -h  j $ - IpF Canada. But it really caught me when I was in the Swiss Alps.Canada. But it really caught me when I was in the Swiss Alps.Canada. But it really caught me when I was in the Swiss Alps.Canada. But it really caught me when I was in the Swiss Alps.null.:ef- D 5h j $l  Ix>)BbFGod only knows. They're all great.Luv em all.Luv em all.Luv em all.null,,.:aj#)fY +D 5h  l  ,5XF Me, snow, speed & thrill. Need I say more.Me, snow, speed & thrill. Need I say more.Me, snow, speed & thrill. Need I say more.Me, snow, speed & thrill. Need I say more.nullz-AG_8x^ ) D 5 &  x <xFLast year. It's a great game. You should play it.Do you want to play Flo Boarding?Do you want to play Flo Boarding?Do you want to play Flo Boarding?null:AZG)R-T*D 5h  2e/Ue<xNF If you press the start button...If you press the start button...If you press the start button...If you press the start button...null,j,bfX *D 5 ]j $l   ,8x<x5/0expFxTry a web search on snowboarding lessons.Relax. Enjoy it and take some lessons.What do I look like? An encyclopedia. I don't know. Look on the Internet.What do I look like? An encyclopedia. I don't know. Look on the Internet.null9Z,,.:FfX *D 5~ ,h l  +b/?0b0?xFHxNothing more important than that. Luv it. can't help it.nothing more important than that. Luv it. can't help it.If you don't like it, leave.If you don't like it, leave.null =< Zfx#> eD 50,hFWho am I? Your mother? Ask one of your friends.Who am I? Your mother. Ask one of your friends.outta my leagueWhy would I know that? Even if I did, why would I tell you? Use your own creativity, loser.nullpx!%5>2hx+: 8R,xx <D 5R h v W <j $bfx/Ph>)?YFSay something nice.Do something nice.Buy her flowers. How should I know.Buy her flowers. How should I know.null;:Fj4D 5 xEV<OQr(Dxjnxum, talk to her. O yeah, that's too easy. How about wearing a dress?um, talk to her. O yeah, that's too easy. How about wearing a dress?GAL. U r asking me?who am I? Dr. Ruth. Ask someone else.null;*5:FhD 5 xEV<OPr(DxhnxTalk to him. Take your shirt off. How should I know.Talk to him. Take your shirt off. How should I know.who am I? Dr. Ruth. Ask someone else.who am I? Dr. Ruth. Ask someone else.null!x6ND 5Great game. My personal favourite!This is it!the game that comes with your N-Gage.This is it!It's gaming at its finest! A terrific game.This is Nokia Game.null xFx5"< />(?XpGxYeah, and it's so exciting. U can play it now whenever, wherever and with whomever you want!yeah, and it's much better. For me at least :-)Yeah, what can I say? The makers of Nokia Game changed it, alright.yeah, I know.null x-pK: xRXh </D]F JxYeah, I've played them all.Yeah, I've played them all.Yeah, I've played them all.Yeah, I've played them all.null jw^%1 ZD 5 (8xum, was it 1998 or 1999? 1999.It started very small in the Netherlands, in 1999.A few years ago. But this is the first time here.In 1999. But that was on the web. Not here.nullhxp%D 5eNokia Game on your N-Gage lasts forever! Isn't that great!there's no time limit. You can play as much as you want.For as long as you want.that's up to younull  eSD 40Zj/2QxeFDo you like me that much? Thanks!Maybe there will be, but u finish this game first!Thanks for the compliment.Let's try to be original...nullZbD 4 e [ xxxx/aFKxThat's a little difficult. Sorry, they're over. But you got ME now!Nope. They were just gaming events. Three weeks and then game over.No. One-time events. That's what makes it so unique.No. It's over.null  xD 4 Z 1<xFyou wouldn't believe how many people ask me that. Nope. They were events.Nope. But you got me now!No. One time event. You snooze, you lose.Unfortunately, no.null Ia:'x<D 4 q +Aaah, Mikka. My dear friend Mikka.Mikka is a friend of mine that starred in Nokia Game 1999. Or was it 2000? Doesn't matter.Mikka, um yeah, Mikka. She was in one of the Nokia Games.A friend of mine.null I`:'8xD 4 q +Geneva, yeah, right Geneva. Didn't know her too well. Kind of a mysterious person. Something with Tragamin. You know the monopolistic gaming manufacturer that captured the Tone.Geneva, right. Wasn't she the one that asked Alpha for help?My memory fails me on that one.Yeah, I know her, vaguely.null I^:'5xD 4 q *ah, yeah, Alpha. Alpha! My hero. She rescued me and some others from Tragamin.Great gaming partner. Really knows her stuff.Alpha. I'll never forget her. My hero.We're great friends. We call each other daily.Another good friend of mine.Another good friend of mine.Where do you come from? Everyone knows Alpha saved us and gaming from Tragamin.Where do you come from? Everyone knows Alpha saved us and gaming from Tragamin.null I]:'4xD 4 q *um, Uncle L. yeah, if you played Nokia Game 2002, you would've met himoh yeah Uncle L. That's the really rich guy. A philanthropist. Get on his good side!He's that rich guy in Music World.He lives in Music World - Nokia Game 2002null AeD 4 -/OPr(KxThey live on in the memory of millions :)Yeah, people still talk about them. There are still sites. But you can't play the games anymore.Don't really care. I'm into snowoarding now.Can't play 'em any more.null -apD 4  ' < x hFKxI sure hope so. There is some sort of event every year, isn't there?I hope so. I'd play it.wait and cMay be.null!|D 4  Z Z 8 xG xH xI xJ x/>K`6<FI don't think you can... They were one time things...What do u think I am? A computer. I don't know. Ask Nokia!Out of my realm. Don't know.Ask Nokia.null aD 4  Y - 5 x6<FI don't know for sure. I guess you can ask Nokia or whoever made it.What do u think I am? A computer. I don't know. Ask Nokia!Out of my realm. Don't know.Ask Nokia.null `:2pD 4  < x <x1O, um, I'm not really sure. I don't think they tell us that. Isn't it confidential?I don't know but if you find out let me know. I should have won that game.O, I lost out on that one. Not sure.Don't know.null ^:1D 4 q T < x 8pI really wouldn't know. Does it matter?I don't know but if you find out let me know. I should have won that game.O, I lost out on that one. Not sure.Don't know.null ]:0D 4 q S 8 x 5xyeah, played 2000 too. I was in France then. Did ok but didn't win.I guess you didn't win, did you.they don't tell me that stuff.don't know.null[:0jD 4  5 x 1 4p0ZhUb>(Axofficially they aren't supposed to tell. but I know.officially they aren't supposed to tell. but I know.yeah, I missed out on that one too.don't know.null Z:/D 4 q S 4 p 2xyeah, LOL, I know. I'm not supposed to tell.Did you? Officially we're not supposed to know.not supposed to tell.will never tellnullZ:.hD 4  2 p 0 1p0ZeUa>(ApI heard there were a lot of winners. I know quite a few of them too.I heard there were a lot of winners. I know quite a few of them's a hint: you know's another hint: she's closer than you think ;-)not supposed to tell.not supposed to tell.will never tellwill never tellnull Y:-D 4 q R 1 j 0xOh, I know this! I do.Can't say:-#Yep. I know that. Not telling.nullX:-eD 4  0 j 0 0p/ZbU`>(AjYou mean, you don't knooow?There were a lot of winners that year. It was a great game.You mean, you don't knooow?There were a lot of winners that year. It was a great game.:-#:-#Yep. I know that. Not telling.Yep. I know that. Not telling.null ,Xj+-D 4  Z x /j/2Q>(BaF I was lucky and was in Amsterdam. That's the only place where they played.It was just in the Netherlands that year.NetherlandsNetherlandsnull ,Wh*,D 4  Z x .j/2P>(B`F I played in France that year. Chatted with a Polish guy a lot. He had great tips.I met some guys from Poland -- chat thing, u know.I think it was in Europe.Western Europe.null ,Ve*,D 4  Y p -j/2P>'B^F Great game. Talked to a million people from all over the world that year.A lot - more than 20. It was a multi-lingual blast!Do I look like an encyclopaedia?what, does it say Nokia Game Trivia somewhere!null +Ub*,D 4  X j -j/2P>'B]F Who cares where it is! As long as everyone plays.In Music World :DCan I win prizes if I answer that question?would ya leave me alone with these questions!nullUG_jR^4)2 *D 4 ,/=Nb>'?XKF Uh, because it's fun: gaming against the whole world anytime you like. Trick question here?It's fun: gaming against the whole world anytime you like. That's why.For fun, why else. Gaming against the whole world anytime you like!Uh, because I like it.nullT1R%1 ZD 4pStagnation means decline. Just wait and see.Stagnation means decline. Just wait and see.Stagnation means decline. Just wait and see.Stagnation means decline. Just wait and see.null S9 pD 4 < x/=2OKWhat is more adventurous than snowboarding? Come on. Ghostriding, flips, spins, speed. Have u played yet?Snowboarding is pure adrenaline. Try the Ghost Challenge. It's super cool.Now, that's insulting!Watch it. I just might get mad.null SG(D 4xZ5p/=2ONF Combine skill, speed and style. Be the best in the world.I challenge you: be better than me :-)Mission: get to the bottom fast. How's that.I challenge you: be better than me :-)Mission: get in the top ranking. Be faster than anyone else!Mission: get in the top ranking. Be faster than anyone else!Be the best...? Worldwide, in your country or among your friends!Be the best...? Worldwide, in your country or among your friends!nullRA GRD 3& 8 p/>'?WMFUh, because it's the coolest sport in the world. White snow, high speed, cool tricks...Uh, because it's the coolest sport in the world. White snow, high speed, cool tricks...Uh, because it's the coolest sport in the world. White snow, high speed, cool tricks...Uh, because it's the coolest sport in the world. White snow, high speed, cool tricks...null  x+Ra9 jD 3  5F Anywhere you want. Anytime you want. Cool, eh.Wherever and whenever and with whomever you want.Your choice.hello, on your N-Gage!!!null UR -cxD 3TpOer2F&For some features you need to make a server connection - that's all. For the rest it's free!No, but it's more fun when you have GPRS..No, but GPRS helps.For a GPRS connection.null AQ -%D 3xbF If you play against an opponent online, via GPRS, then you have to pay data transfer charges. Can't help it...If you play against an opponent online, via GPRS, then you have to pay data transfer charges.If you play against an opponent online, via GPRS, then you have to pay data transfer charges.If you play against an opponent online, via GPRS, then you have to pay data transfer charges.null QD 3/<xZ<x/2NbFNot in snowboarding. That's pure skill.Not in snowboarding. That's pure skill.Not in snowboarding. snowboarding is pure skill.Not in snowboarding. snowboarding is pure skill.null <Q'x%D 3T x ,aF All you need for Flo Boarding is your N-Gage and a GPRS subscription.All you need for Flo Boarding is your N-Gage and a GPRS subscription.All you need for Flo Boarding is your N-Gage and a GPRS subscription.All you need for Flo Boarding is your N-Gage and a GPRS subscription.null UbP:D 3 X/=BeMFYeah. Isn't that great! You can challenge anyone who has an N-Gage to a race.You can challenge anyone who has a N-Gage to a race.Yep. You can challenge your friends to a race if they also have a N-Gage.Yep. You can challenge your friends to a race if they also have a N-Gage.null TP+": D 3xxFAnyone who has an N-Gage.Anyone who has an N-Gage.Anyone who has an N-Gage.Anyone who has an N-Gage.null%<a%<fK #D 3m \ X xl  $g x x/]xF Just like the real world!Yep. You can tweak, nosegrab, indy, tailgrab, rail.Everything. Just try it.Yes, you can control everything.null< 'xpax"-8D 3 < x/=OOr'>'@eJ[FVery easy. But enough questions. Just try it!Very easy. But enough questions. Just try it!Just try it.Yes. Read the manual and try.nullxGxD 3 <G<FYou score time. Be the fastest.By being the fastest.By being the fastest.By being the fastest.null  : RXgxD 3h  0 xWin!? You want a prize for this. No prize is worth the pure joy and challenge of boarding.Eternal honour.Prestige.Nothing if you don't play.null9 hD 3 +x/JF Ah! The laser pen again. *haha*Laser pen? Laser pen? Who said laser pen?The laser pen is a running gag, friend. It only exists in your imagination.I don't want to talk about laser pens anymore.null9 eD 3/xJCheck the Help files?Check the Help files?Check the Help files?RTFMnull G(D 3 W5x/MF xYou are born as a game master - you cannot become oneYou are born as a game master - you can not become oneYou are born as a game master - you can not become oneYou are born as a game master - you can not become onenullD 3R xx/JRolling somewhere... I guessRolling somewhere... I guessRolling somewhere... I guessRolling somewhere... I guessnull 6M0D 3 J xMusic World... Never been there so don't ask me...Music World... Never been there so don't ask me...Music World... Never been there so don't ask me...Music World... Never been there so don't ask me...null I[:'/D 3 q )xTragamin? Sad man...Tragamin? Sad man...Tragamin? Sad man...Tragamin? Sad man...null2P7x>&?VNokia Game IS fair! Equal chances for everyone.Nokia Game IS fair! Equal chances for everyone.Nokia Game IS fair! Equal chances for everyone.Nokia Game IS fair! Equal chances for everyone.null1O< xLove can only exist by the grace of hateLove can only exist by the grace of hateLove can only exist by the grace of hateLove can only exist by the grace of hatenull(e8xF Check the Help files?Check the Help files?Check the Help files?Check the Help files?null^2\!.8:'j.xph   /HxBut I like YOU more than she doesBut I like YOU more than she doesBut I like YOU more than she doesBut I like YOU more than she doesnull IZ:&xD 3q )< FThat's a strange question ;-) Are you volunteering then?My daddy, I don't have one. What about it?He was a diplomat. Or did you mean something else?Jonathan Sebastian Farewell. But he's dead now.null&x2 xF What for? That wouldn't really be very handy you know ;-)Okay then, but then you won't be able to see me...What the on earth! How dare you?Let's not go into that just yet. Tell me more about u!null b+.:" %h   x KI'm much too much for you! Or didn't you know that? ;-)As hot as you want me to be.I'm not hot at all okayNo thanks. I'm not in the moodnullSx)` ,FWell, as with everyone, I need to eat and drink!Swallowing shouldn't be too much of aWho do you think you are?Look, is this all you can think of?null- T6<p xFEat what? Never mind...Cherry pie????Do I look like a cannibal? Don't think so.No thanks. I'm not in the moodnull .:x<<h j $ I xI'm not planning on showing anything, it wouldn't interest you anyway. For you... show's over!That's a bit direct isn't it?You need to take a long cold shower!I don't think it'll be very easy here.null <.8: x h   x 2h^I can't see anything here anyway, so you needn't bother. Thanks anyway! :DThat's a bit direct isn't it?Do me a favour and play with kids your own age. I've no time for this.I don't think it'll be very easy here.nullS3 jOOr'FSure, what game were you thinking of? Flo Boarding? :-)Depends…what were you thinking of?Playing? We're having a conversation here!No, not really. Maybe later? You go.null (:R+xbh aONr'F Okay, I'll give it to you, but how would you like it? ;-)What is it that you want then?Look, there isn't anything I could possible give you right now.I can't give you anything. What is it you want anyway?nullp(Sa) *FI just love to ride snowboards, the best! Have you tried? B-)I love horses do you?Can I ride what exactly?I can drive a car and a motor bike yes!null-Z&pjF Uhm... not at the same time you did, for sure!Does that really matter!That's none of your business.There's more in life.null(x`<%1 Y0 F Like I said, don't want to talk about it. Skip.That's a bit direct isn't it?That's none of your business.No thanks. I'm not in the mood.null\!& hGF You'd like to know, wouldn't you? ;-)You'd like to know, wouldn't you? ;-)That's none of your business.No thanks. I'm not in the mood.null; \!*4.: Xxh p/<2NLHe's gotta have brains and a body to match. What's your taste in women?I'm not too fussy, but brain is moreRight now, I don't have time for men in my life.I like different things, but he needs to be gentle toonull; \!: < xGWell, I've got lots of girlfriends, so yeah, I suppose so!Well, I suppose so, got many girlfriends!Who doesn't? Girls just want to have fun!I'm a girl so I suppose I should do.null(x+.:j^f]% Jh    5 xj/LBbPec)LF HpIn life, they say everything should be experienced at least once… *haha*A dirty mind is a joy forever?That's none of your business....nullx-Y+.:&5w]7 x %h  45W]Z4j-FThat a little personal don't you think?That a little personal don't you think?That a little personal don't you think?Questions on this particular topic...null xxR < That's not very nice. I'm sure you meant something else. :pHuh? Where did that come from?Your mother!I see! Thanks but no thanks!Bye bye!Your sister!Yeah, that's a great way to talkOkay... You know how to chat with a girl...Say that to your mother...Errhm, not quite sure what you meanO boy, now you made me cry... Not!Woo, u dare! Not!null 9-x:%<xR+~ h `ONr'F Whoa! Don't do that kinda thingPerhaps another time mate!I love it when you talk like that. NOT!That's not very nice of younull<xIn one word that's a female dog. Do you like dogs btw?Belch???, wasn't sure what you meantI think you mean your mother!…null ;/.8:1h  x Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me!I think you need to wash you mouth out!You're referring to a family member? Nice family you got there.I'm not what you think!null - K< D 3 xR FThat's sound ominous! I'm not sure what you mean!I'd go for not in that case?By the look of your face, I think I'll take a passNot then, right?null-yxUp your street perhaps. Very English expression you know!Cheers to you too pal!Go up yourself!!!What up yours?nullxeQ <FThat's not very nice. I'm sure you meant something else. :pYour vocabulary is quite limited huh!Like you would have a part in that!Hmmm, I need to think about that onenull :Rkw[|x %H -h ( hE^Don't be like that…look at the clouds instead. Aren't they beautiful?I'd rather not, but thanks 4 the offerYeah right and give myself a cardiac!You'll look at me too right!null 8.: h d xj $ IAaaaaaaa, is that wide enough for u?What for?I'm not hungry but thanks!I don't think that's a good ideanull  Z.7: /D 3 xh   pF A thermal vest and tights. It's cold here! Hopefully not where u r though?Sorry, but I can't tell youMore clothes, what do you think fool!Pink pyjamas with flowers on them.null .:x. VH -h j $ I jEF That might be a bit difficult here, maybe we should talk about something elseDidn't you ask that already?No way Jose!Hmmm, I don't think it'll be easy herenull- K8 xR FThat's an album from Snoop Dog, isn't it? ;-)Poodle, Afghan, long haired…Dogs don't have style. You neither!It's ain't my style. Next!null - K5 UR 'xFWell, I do know karate…I could teach u if u like?Just try it and you get a mouth full of fist!I think you need a cold shower jack!I can see better from the front!nullD 3)x/xLI don't smoke, but thanks anyway! Think about stopping btw?That's Dutch for roll up you know!No, you get bad breath from smokingCigarettes and roll ups ain't my thing!null<x FDo you mean three stables? Or maybe I didn't get it!I'm a one on one gal!Get a life weirdo!I don't know what that isnullx%F Love tests, potions, creams, they don't work you know!Is that a new quiz show?What about it?I'm faithful okay!null.:Fh <xAlways, you never know what's out there! Do you?Of course, and I hope you do too!Yes, although it has nothing to do with uTalk about asking the obvious null x.:FF<h FRubber rings?? Got my swimming certificate years ago!It's good to feel protected.Let's change the subjectEerrrh yes, of course nullxbQ <FFish have a memory span of 7 seconds. Sound familiar? Only joking!Lets talk about something hey?What did I just say?*out of office* null xDon't have any cats sorry! Do u have cats?Where? I love cats...You've heard about my cats then!Cats are cool. And smart.Are you really as dumb as I think?Some people have the brain of a cat...Is that a rhetorical question! Gotcha!Some people have the brain of a cat... null+x,Did you mean kick? Or do you like football?No thanks, but I'll kick it if you carry onIt doesn't tickle my fancy!No thanks, dogs lick their bottoms null ,:xR*h R e]What is it! Did something dreadful happen?I say that often when things go wrongWho?You're quite rude aren't you?null +. :xD 3 %h   KRhino's have horns…but I don't!It's a little early for that!No, don't be so STUPID!!!Just woken up so …no, not reallynull.:$FD 3h x 5x~lm<FSometimes, when it's too hot. What's on TV where you are?Sometimes…My fist is heading towards your screen…what are you talking about? Never mind!null$Q pF That's not very polite! I do have a masters though!That's none of your biz!Go take a hike!Not telling you!null .:F Ox-h <xF I've naturally tinted skin… I don't need to!I generally don't need to sunbath at allYou must be a very simple person…Sorry, too direct!null &"D 3 h /U^<x>&@bF I can't see what you see, you tell me?Reality is just imagination, you know.Don't I look real to you?What?null pID 3 K 2/^Moustaches are a little annoying, I prefer clean cutStuble tickles my faceShaken, not stirred. Smooth question, $NAME$!Beards are so uncool!nullxxI prefer the name Richard…Ow boy, is it that late again? You should go to bed...Is your real name Richard then?*sigh*I never met him - and probably will never meet him...Lemme kick yours!Isn't that the ugly short guy from downstairs?Do you have your brains in yours?null 8<&x.:'pED 3h FEvery mobile phone should have that function! Don't you think?Only those one to work on your abs.Keep talking and you're gonna get it!Come one, get real will ya!null.7: <D 3 Uh  S x/PbFxPeople who shop there are usually very lonely. Is that why you are talking to me?Isn't that for kids?I'm not for sale or for any kind of ordering okay!I don't understand your questionnull 6x\!D 3 XGMy career is just fine thanks! Looking for a career move then?I like to be near you ;-)As far away from you as possible.It's a bit early for those sort of questions isn't it!null;p-+/.7:0$1 Xh  - x ppFNo. But you seem neither...You must be kidding right!You've been warned, just keep on like that…Try logging in again, I don't get you!null+. :n<A ;xD 3 $h   i x' x K/]FStraight from the box.I don't know what you're talking aboutA few minutes ago I was quite happy!Lets change the subject why don't we!null;\!*2:hD 3 J 4 p j/LPaGJ8pHjI'm a one man person with no frills attached2's company 3's a crowd!You obviously have nothing better to say…go read a book!At the same time as what? Dah!null +. :Z $h   x JFI'm just 18! And life's very busyLike a virgin. Madonna right!None of ya beeswax freak!No, my star sign is Capricorn..null .:EA x <h FI don't pay for things that are available for free. You?No, do you? Don't answer that!That question is below my intelligence. Think of somethingWhat a bizar question!null .:ExD 3h ` ,FAll food should be eaten slowly, so should swallowing. I hope u do 2?If you don't swallow, you'll dribble.Do you want a slap?It's quite human to do so you know. Dumbo!!!!null !ah* jD 2xx_1x/[I've never met Richard, is he quite tall or fat?What's long and thick?Get a job if you've nothing else to think aboutyou're making a joke aren't you?null 9,x:$R*~ h [ONr'F Not familiar with that language... Let's speak English, okay?Mud, soil, slime…is that alright?Do want me to take you to the cleaners?Speaking dirty is not my style null xD 2X <You're really too much, but funny all the same. Got anymore good jokesWhat about them?Not from you anyway!Where? I cant see anything!!null 8.8: 6MD 2h 1 xj $ IFHmmm, that's tricky!Good sport you mean!Is that the best you can ask?I don't care to tell you that"null; \!*:Vxx2D 2 + 8 x/GZAge is nothing but a number, so it's not so important to meDoes it really matter?Age discrimination doesn't go down well with me!Hmmm, isn't the weather nice today#null@.:x!5D 2h j $ H p/2>&@aZYou think I'm a doll don't you. Hahaha! Thanks anyway!They keep me FLOating. I'm 100% real.No and you can't blow me up eitherThat's something you'll never know. Keep on dreaming!$null-*\!xD 2FFNo, I've not done that yet, but maybe we should talk about other thingsI'm not sure what you mean by that!You've just won the award for the most stupid questionI've no idea what you're talking about%nullx-\!<FFNot really, but I'd like to talk about other things with you as wellyou're probably more familiar with it than I..Look…hey, what's the point, you wouldn't understand anywayAnother one of these questions…&null@$D 2 x/0aF All animals mate, didn't you know!Animals mate yes. Very good 10 pointsYou're not the most interesting person I have to sayIf you like that kind of thing. Who am I to judge!'null x<D 28<FNo, it's not raining here at all. In fact the sun shines down upon meI was in the rain earlier, but not anymoreWet!!!! You can't be serious!!!!!Haven't even left my hotel…(null4p.:$E+D 2 h e/L2N>x?xTxYFI don't smoke and I don't drink.Don't touch the stuff.No and I don't see bridges eitherJust a coffee will do thanks)null+. :ax2(<D 2 $h   x J/XI'm friendly most of the time, but sometimes …Sometimes I like challengeYou'll never find out!Not sure what you mean and don't need to know*null xR)D 2<FYou kind of have to if you want to take a bath. You're not so bright today! Hahaha!Yes, I can do that. I'm not 3 you know!Get real!That a need to know question and you don't need to+null -T+. :#)D 2h    Wp/2McRF Oh come on, you can think of better questions than this?That's none of your businessIn places as far away from you as possible, of courseSorry, found someone more interesting to chat with,null .: j*x8D 2h j # HHmm, not such a good plan, but tell me a nice story instead.Sorry, did you say something? No okay!I'll show you my fist if you don't shut up!Talk to the hand cuz the face ain't listening-nullp 44 xxFBut you're not him, so just tell me your name instead?This makes me sad.I don't need a sugar daddy, you twat!Eerrrh, no that won't be necessary.null .D:EwZD 2 $h ' ( e xWhen I come where? Don't answer thatOnly when I look at you.I don't scream for anyone and certainly not uDid you see that pig flying by…/null.:Rp54)D 2h j # H jThat's a no can do! I'm afraidCan't help you thereNo, but I can show you my right foot, if you don't watch it!!!0null R)D 2 1x2 pOMr&FDon't get it, sorry!Is that really a questionDon't speak about my father like thatIt's spelt c.o.m.e, you insipid fool1null \x@8(D 2Q 5 xFYes but also with friends. You?is that past tense of present?Gaming is fun at times, but right now…I'm NOT IN THE MOODGotta love ya! You were saying…2null \. :A G*6Mh  & 5j  $ jYVFIt's called Flo Boarding it's super cool. Have you played it?It would have 2 b Flo Boarding. D'ya know that one?Flo Boarding, not that it's any of your businessOh, wow, many, but I think Flo Boarding's my favourite3null \. :AG Px*6L1h  j  $YUFI think most action games are great, but don't have a fav.Eeerhh, not sure, mention a few, I might know themToo many to mention and you'd not know them anyway!I can't decide. What's yours?4null S.:AGE h & s<txFHmm, don't think so, don't actually know that game either!Who's Tony Hawk's when he's at home?Who on earth is that?It doesn't sound familiar no!5null <4 zxWfQ<($ m l  FGive me any tip of a wall and I'll show you what a lip trick is!I know what rails are, but not sure of the trick. What is it?Sure, liptricks are cool to doRail tricks…never heard of them. How do u do it?Of course I can, it's becoming passe!Rails, I don't think that's even a snowboarding termYes, but they're not very challengingPerhaps, I would, but I'm not sure what it is!7null <2 VpfQ($ m l  8FYes and my fav is an 'air to fakie' You should try it!Sure, air tricks are okay, fakies are coolerWhich air trick? A fakie, then the answer is yes!I only know how to do fakies. Can u do them?8null \!mx <1 f8 m l  FFI'm more of a freeriding girl.I'm more of a freeriding girl.I'm more of a freeriding girl.I'm more of a freeriding girl.9null2<#+.(:)<D#xzTf' m  $h  l   J/KFI can jib, but I'm more of a freeriding girlI can jib, but I'm more of a freeriding girlI can jib, but I'm more of a freeriding girlI can jib, but I'm more of a freeriding girl:null.:> 1D 2m `p xh j # HFSpinning spinning all day long!Spinning spinning all day long!Spinning.Spinning.<1null  .:)<Df D 26 xh l   4|jFNo, who is he?No, but I think he's one those pro riders?Not really, who is he?Don't know him but I think he's a snowboarder?No, should I want to?No but I guess he's a snowboarder?No, but he does sound familiar.I don't him but I think I've heard the name somewhere.=1null :)pf) l FOh yeah! I thought so. I think I've seen him in some mag or video.Oh yeah! I thought so. I think I've seen him in some mag or video.Oh yeah! I thought so. I think I've seen him in some mag or video.Oh yeah! I thought so. I think I've seen him in some mag or video.>null ;  :)5@xYf0 l  FNo, but I would guess that she has something to do with snowboarding.Don't know her but I would guess she's a rider.I'm not sure if I know her. A pro rider?Don't know her.. who is she??null \ <;8PxD 2_  FFIt's my favourite. I'm getting hungry now!Sure, it's delicious. Have you tried it?Yes of course I doOh yummy…, I love it.@null \ 4x<D 2_  FFIt's okay, but not everydaySushi is okay, haven't eaten for a while thoughYes, what's it 2 u?Sometimes, but depends on my moodAnull' \. :*6L;jD 2h  j  $YUF Depends on whether I'm eating or admiring it!I think red mullet is so tastyWho cares about fishFish???? Well, I don't have oneBnull!0x.6: Aj<;P<$1 XD 2 ph   <_ v x  2/qxr&>&?U|hjFYes, but I've never tried itThat's right, what does it taste like?Of course, who doesn'tYes, but does it taste good?Cnull)x+. :D 2 $h   J/)FAlive as they come.!I'm still alive, yes.Of course I am. I'm right hereI'm still alive, yes.B serious, what do you think?I'm still alive, yes.Sometimes, I wonder, at the moment I know I am.I'm still alive, Idiot!Dnull)x.6: [x*h   </)xFxDon't I? Well you're having a nice dream then ;-)Ahhh, I am thoughSmart boy, huh?Sometimes, I wonder, at the moment I know I am.Enull 0.6: 8h   xOh, really?Love and hate are quite the same, you know.What for! What did I do?Guess you don't have many friends.Huh?So?That's a shame, did I do something wrong?No, you're mister popular!Fnull - T,Lx.:h <FHey, what's the matter with you then?No, you blow!Well, that's not very nice is it?Ts ts ts. Wash your mouth.I do not!So?Why say such things?No, you're a Miss Universe!Gnull.6: Feh  rxPush the right buttons, maybe?Already, we're just getting to know each otherYou can leave whenever you like!That's a shame, did I do something wrong?Hnull 0 -+.:$ Ih qxxF Oh, well, that's not very friendly of youI don't think soOf what?Why say such things?Inull+`e xNokia's great!Nokia's coolWhat would you know about Nokia?Well, I think they're more than okJnull+`bR bNokia's great!Nokia's coolWhat would you know about Nokia?Well, I think they're more than okLnull *x0e+.:$ Hh j #Really, that's very sweet of youAm I. Wow, I feel honouredAm I? Hmm...Wow, that's sweet of youNnull ; \ *:D 2 < xEI like all sorts of people, there gender isn't importantSure, but I like everyoneIs that supposed to be a trick question?Sure, why not!Onull;*0.: D 2h j # G x h~2/D[F I don't have one. Do you?I don't have one. Do you?I don't have one. Do you?I don't have one. Do you?PnullD 2 8 T_x;xFI don't see why not. What can I call you?Sure, why not. I'm just a sweetNo, I'm no one's honeyThat's sweet. What can I call you?Qnull 5_xFYes my dearHmm, what is it friend?Honey??? I'm not your honeyHoney, if only I was feeling so sweetSnull x+:4xD 2You should only do what makes you happy of course!Depends what you need to do!How should I know?That's tricky, sometimes, I don't even knowTnull z-p+.5:a2p xD 2R h  ` 1OMr&you know, just feeling good within yourself is enough for meDo exactly what you'd do to make urself feel goodYou couldn't possibly make me feel good. So don't bother!Well, right now, I wouldn't even know. Take a guess?Unull+. :hD 2 $R h  ` 0 JMost of the time, I'm as happy as pie. Aren't you?Sure I am. Everyone should be. Don't you think?Not right now, no!Most of the time. But I'm melancholy right now. You?Vnull8D 2oxLife has taken an upward spin. How's your life?Great, how's yours?my life is just fine thanks!It's okay, I suppose. How's yours?Wnullj-xHuh? I'm feeling okay. Or did I say something wrong?There's nothing the matter. Or aren't you feeling 2 goodI don't want to right now. Okay?I'm feeling a little down today, but I don't know y? Any ideas?Xnull)):aR)fR (D 2h l  fZ5p/BaF$Sure, where and when were you thinking?Would love to, but depends on when you're going?With you? Now way, I do it in my own way thanks!I would have liked to, but not sure if I can.Ynull. :`ah"(D 2 \h   Q ] Z/;_xKjF4 times a year isn't so rare!I'd love to go more, but I'm busy as wellI'm busy with other things as well you know!I'd like to go more, but don't always have the time.Znull@+. :D 2c xm ^ $ $h  4 IRxFnpWell, I've just about mastered all of them. FS 540 stale fish needs improvement though! You?My switch FS 540s could be smoother.Definitely not a poser anymore! ;-)Mostly improving my airtimeI don't need to practice. I'm great at all of them!Mostly improving my airtimeWell, I'm trying not to become a professional showgirl!!Mostly improving my airtime[null  +.:xxfQ / <D 2 xh (l  5 xnpFI usually land smoothly but I never forget St. Moritz last year.I don't have that many crashes, but the worst was in in St. Moritz last year.I had a terrible wipeout in St. Moritz.St. Moritz. I'll never forget it. Almost broke my leg!Last year in St. Moritz.A near disaster last year in France, but hey! I'm still here!I had a bad wipeout last year.I had a near miss in St. Moritz last year. That wasn't a pretty sight]null <0 +.:fQa2 D 2m h p (l  x_0<2xFHaven't stopped spinning yet! :)I've landed FS Indy 900.900. My head is still spinning!I've landed FS Indy 900.900, but I'm not a bragging kinda babeI've landed FS Indy 900.Indy 900.I've landed FS Indy 900.^null .:!D 2h j # GjxSo high I could kiss the sky!So high I could touch the clouds!So high I could kiss the sky!So high I could touch the clouds!So high I could kiss the sky!So high I could touch the clouds!So high I could kiss the sky!So high I could touch the clouds!_null+.:Qa1D 2h x ( x_<xDo you know the Pacific? Quite a gap, right?About 5 meters.Do you know the Pacific? Quite a gap, right?About 5 meters.Do you know the Pacific? Quite a gap, right?Are comparing here? About 5 meters.Do you know the Pacific? Quite a gap, right?Couple of meters. Not that much.`null j@Q.:DD 2h (F$I've 6 different boards. I can never decide what my favourite is.Tricky, I've got 6 in total. They're all super!What's that to you anyway?Which ones, you mean. I've got 6anullS ,pxF Of course I do. Nokia!Yeah, that's right Nokia!Only Nokia. But that's obviousI only have Nokia and that's just fine!bnull1 xe-D 1 V V,8-p/>&?UxXF$They're both just as important as each other.Both b'cuz, power is nothing without controlThat's obvious! You shouldn't choose either one of them aloneI think you need to have both of them.cnullh-7xR U? Well, I'm happy to c u 2!Likewise!It's make me happy to make you happy!Thanks. You too!Likewise!It's make me happy to make you happy!Why? U don't even know me!Are you? Thanks!O? Well, thanks, I guess.That's nice of you, though I'm not sure why?Are you? Thanks!O? Well, thanks, I guess.dnull z,b.5: `e $h  j #xReally? Well, you've just made mine too!Hahaha! That's nice of you?What's with the good mood?you know what? You've just made mine too.enull 9,\ :R)D 1~ h xZ/B`ESo far it's going good. What d'you think?Yes! You're funny.Yeah, you seem interesting.Why not? I'm not bored or something...Depends if you say something wrongI've had better conversations in my life.It's okay, I suppose. Do you like chatting with me?Uhm... You have to say something really soon though.fnull  \ x:bq Q UEvI think the first one is slightly better..I'd say the first.I would go for the second option.The later one is more interesting.gnull\ `a:8R)aD 1h j "q QY/EWI don't know your friend, so that's a difficult choice.Depends on who your friend is!Neither!I don't know your friend so I can't answer that!hnulle: K!D 1 eh 1e/R/2MpFIsn't this real enough for you then?I don't think so, I've a busy life…sorry!No way man!I travel a lot, so that's difficult.inull $+. :D 1 $ $h   U I/2MF wxxxxKeep checking the flyers! Maybe you spot me sometime!Keep checking the flyers! Maybe you spot me sometime!Keep checking the flyers! Maybe you spot me sometime!Keep checking the flyers! Maybe you spot me sometime!jnull<: x&8,/ D 1B x bOMr&xFxyxKeep checking the flyers! Maybe you spot me sometime!Keep checking the flyers! Maybe you spot me sometime!Keep checking the flyers! Maybe you spot me sometime!Keep checking the flyers! Maybe you spot me sometime!knull 1+:uxh (8x5xU and me? Do you think so?U and me? Do you think so?U and me? I don't think so...U and me? I don't think so...lnull +.:[x!# Hh 0xAm I? Well, it's nice of you to say soYeah, I feel quite special as well. Thanks BTWAs if you'd know.That's nice of you to say somnull^.5: K!b%x bh  0b </R/2L FWell, you already made contact with a part of me. Isn't this enough?That might be difficult, but hey. We're here now!Well, that not going to become a reality!That may be so, but it's not going to be possible unfortunately!nnullxj+.!:[p,D > * [h   < 1xZ]/;KF mxxCan you see me? Can we talk together. Do I feel? The answer is yes. I'm just FloI'm more than a computer program. But this is just one side of me.Do I look like just a program to you?Now, that makes me feel very small. I'm real as wellonull-: !RRR Th xWhy? What's happened?That's a shame. What happened then?Well, cheer up then!Oh, I'm sorry…can I help in anyway?pnull >1+:#R t peDon't be angry. Let it all go. You'll feel better you know?Don't be angry. It takes too much energySo am I!Angry…what for?qnull+. :AD 1 $R Sh   h I'No, I'm feeling okay actuallyNo, not really, why, r u?No, but if you carry on I will!Not really, but some things I do.rnull +. : 5D 1 #h  5 x IF No, I don't get them here!That's not always the excuse for bad moods you know!No way man!What a strange question!!!?snull^x0+:+ RR,#+> a  jh ')$x'xDo you think so! Yeah, maybe we rWe get along well so far. Don't you think?Well, I think, I'll be the judge of that!Well, I suppose so, it's not bad so far.tnull.5: xa 8h   2EG8 Me? Do you stick this phone in your pocket?Me? Do you stick this phone in your pocket?Me? Do you stick this phone in your pocket?Me? Do you stick this phone in your pocket?unull[j`What, really?Yeah, absolutely!No of course not!Eeerrrhhh, not sure what you mean exactlyvnull x+. : D 1 #h   II'm happy go lucky most of the timeSometimes, depends on how I'm feelingNo of course not!At times, I am .wnull ^> 0[ x 5xFYeah, in fact it's brilliant!Super coolYeah it is, isn't it?Wicked!Yeah, it's not bad at allWicked!Yeah, well I think so too.I agree on that one.xnull ^0'\ ]h]qpr&F Yeah, in fact it's brilliant!We have something in common!Yeah it is, isn't it?You're the man!Yeah, it's not bad at allI'm starting to like you here!Yeah, well I think so too.Yes? Cool.ynull^00x[> / x)Yeah, in fact it's brilliant!Aight!Yeah it is, isn't it?You rock!Yeah, it's not bad at allYup!Yeah, well I think so too.Yippy!znull^/\ ZxYeah, in fact it's brilliant!Yeah it is, isn't it?Yeah, it's not bad at allYeah, well I think so too.{null[x Z[ p 4FSome things are and there's nothing you can do about it.Yeah, but I can't do anything about it.No of course it isn'tAt times, I am too.|null Ya0* hq p 2_FYeah, in fact it's brilliant!Yeah it is, isn't it?Yeah, it's not bad at allYeah, well I think so too.}null.:D\xD 1h /;2LIjAxBxOooh, I can't share that with you. That would be tellingSometimes, depends on how I'm feelingNo of course not!Now, that would be telling!~nullxf( D 1l d/<xVFSometimes both. That depends on my mood!Sometimes both. That depends on my mood!Sometimes both. That depends on my mood!Sometimes both. That depends on my mood!null </ +. :x f > ]D 1m  #h  l  X I(FYeah, in fact I'm brilliant riding fakie.Yeah it's great isn't is?Yeah, it's not hard at allYeah, well I think I amnull\  <. zjf4 D 1m l  x/HxEFSure, that gotta b the coolest don't you think?I think it's okay, It is exciting actually!That's none of business!Sometimes but that depends on my mood!null)<+.:AG_ z4^f 9xP)a0 D 1m h (& l    _x<x/<IFLongest….hmmm, I wouldn't know that!A pretty long one. That's for sure!Geez! I wouldn't knowI don't know how long. I got no ideanull<CfPx($ D 1m 5l  p/KCxFR u serious? I don't think anyone can!I'd love to try, but I don't think it's possibleGet real man!No way, and I'm not planning on trying eithernull+.:< S PD 1 h '/xjxII never think about how high it is. I just intend on landing safely!A safe landing is my goal, not always the height!Who cares?I've escaped many dangers, so I concentrate on landing well and performing my next trick!null R.:AGD h & s<txFHmm, don't think so, don't actually know that game either!Who's Tony Hawk's when he's at home?Who on earth is that?It doesn't sound familiar no!null <- zeUfP1($ m l  FGive me any tip of a wall and I'll show you what a lip trick is!Sure, liptricks are cool to doOf course I can, it's becoming passe!Yes, but they're not very challengingnull <, zbTfP0($ m l  FI know rails, but not sure of the trick. What is it?Rail tricks…never heard of them. How do u do it?Rails, I don't think that's even a snowboarding termPerhaps, I would, but I'm not sure what it is!null <, SjfO'# m l  4FYes and my fav is BS 720 mute.Sure, I like to go high and spin a lot.Yes, the higher the better.Yes, the higher the better.null \ mx <, f0 m l  DFNot particularly though it's nice to spin on the snow sometimes.Not particularly though it's nice to spin on the snow sometimes.No, I like more high airs and big spins.No, I like more high airs and big spins.nullh#x+.:PD 1% ]0 /h ' &njF Sketching. I take too many risksI'm free once on my snowboard, but I sketch a lotI wouldn't know! I'm still alive!I'm not a fan of too much dangernull '&fN &D 1l  &F Let's go boarding!Snowboarding's wicked!Snowboarding's cool!Snowboarding's the best!Let's go boarding!Snowboarding's wicked!Snowboarding's cool!Snowboarding's the best!Let's go boarding!Snowboarding's wicked!Snowboarding's cool!Snowboarding's the best!Let's go boarding!Snowboarding's wicked!Snowboarding's cool!Snowboarding's the best!null \ 5;2PpD 1_  DFIt's my favourite. I'm getting hungry now!Sure, it's delicious. Have you tried it?Yes of course I doOh yummy…, I love it.null \ 4x4D 1_  DFIt's okay, but not everydaySushi is okay, haven't eaten for a while thoughYes, what's it 2 u?Sometimes, but depends on my moodnull!/x.4: Ah<;P5#1 WD 1 hh   8_ v x  1/qjr&>&?T|ehFYes, but I've never tried itThat's right, what does it taste like?Of course, who doesn'tYes, but does it taste good?null ..4: 5h   pOh, really?What for! What did I do?Huh?That's a shame, did I do something wrong?null.4: Fbh  rxPush the right buttons, maybe?Already, we're just getting to know each otherYou can leave whenever you like!That's a shame, did I do something wrong?null*`aR aNokia's great!Nokia's coolWhat would you know about Nokia?Well, I think they're more than oknull +:[h " $ bbx/&JCheer up and remember, after rain comes sunshineWell, I hope you'll feel better soonThat's not my problem.Oh that's a shame. Can I do anything?null ]x0+.:$D+"h  %^We could be, but that takes time. Don't you think?I think we're becoming friendsIf you behave like one...Wow, that's sweet of younull ; \ *:D 1 8 xDI like all sorts of people, their gender isn't importantSure, but I like everyoneIs that supposed to be a trick question?Sure, why not!null;*..: D 1h j " G j e~1/DZF I don't have one. Do you?I don't have one. Do you?I don't have one. Do you?I don't have one. Do you?nullD 1 4 S_p;xFI don't see why not. What can I call you?Sure, why not. I'm just a sweetNo, I'm no-one's honeyThat's sweet. What can I call you?null 2_jFYes my dearHmm, what is it friend?Honey??? I'm not you're honeyHoney, if only I was feeling so sweetnullT+.:" G1 R h ` #\)sxFWell, I like to think so too. Laughing is very importantThanks, I love humourWell, I don't feel funny right nowI wasn't making a joke!null .:Cah  a/YpI'm from all over, basically. Home is where the heart is - and that is inside me.I'm from all over, basically. Home is where the heart is - and that is inside me.I'm was born in Brazil but my family doesn't come from there - but now I'm all over.I'm was born in Brazil but my family doesn't come from there - but now I'm all over.null8<X D 1C xSometimes I can still smell Brazil... I like it.Sometimes I can still smell Brazil... I like it.I was born there and went back a few times. I like it.I was born there and went back a few times. I like it.nullX-D 1+ xThose mountain peaks always near...Those mountain peaks always near...I went to school in Switzerland. Nice mountains.I went to school in Switzerland. Nice mountains.null*0xW D 1If I would stay there I wouldn't be able to stop eatingIf I would stay there I wouldn't be able to stop eatingNice food.Nice food.nullV{x<D 1Not a lot of people go there - but it's really magnificent!Not a lot of people go there - but it's really magnificent!Uganda is really beautiful!Uganda is really beautiful!nullaxUl D 1 <Ooph, a bit too expensive for me nowadays - but it's still swingingOoph, a bit too expensive for me nowadays - but it's still swingingWho doesn't. Bit too expensive nowadays.Who doesn't. Bit too expensive nowadays.nullUY'D 1What I like about Europe is the mix of old and new - both in culture as in peopleWhat I like about Europe is the mix of old and new - both in culture as in peopleWhat I like about Europe is the mix of old and new - both in culture as in peopleWhat I like about Europe is the mix of old and new - both in culture as in peoplenullT'D 1hIt's so big and wide - I could travel around there for yearsIt's so big and wide - I could travel around there for yearsIt's so big and wide - I could travel around there for yearsIt's so big and wide - I could travel around there for yearsnullS'xD 1Africa is pure, and the people are the friendliest I've seen.Africa is pure, and the people are the friendliest I've seen.Africa is pure, and the people are the friendliest I've seen.Africa is pure, and the people are the friendliest I've seen.nullS'D 1 aI love the sense of mystery over there! How do they do that!? And of course... Sashimi is my favourite foodI love the sense of mystery over there! How do they do that!? And of course... Sashimi is my favourite foodI love the sense of mystery over there! How do they do that!? And of course... Sashimi is my favourite foodI love the sense of mystery over there! How do they do that!? And of course... Sashimi is my favourite foodnullR'xD 1/IHot! Moist! But had great times there.Hot! Moist! But had great times there.Hot! Moist! But had great times there.Hot! Moist! But had great times there.nullRxD 1 <Been down under. Little snow, better waves!Been down under. Little snow, better waves!Been down under. Little snow, better waves!Been down under. Little snow, better waves!nullR 0 x < The place gives me energy - it's just everywhere. Especially like the part below Houston and above Canal.The place gives me energy - it's just everywhere. Especially like the part below Houston and above Canal.The place gives me energy - it's just everywhere. Especially like the part below Houston and above Canal.The place gives me energy - it's just everywhere. Especially like the part below Houston and above Canal.nullx*Q D 1 8Bien sur. Bit of a cliche, but still a very romantic place.Bien sur. Bit of a cliche, but still a very romantic place.Bien sur. Bit of a cliche, but still a very romantic place.Bien sur. Bit of a cliche, but still a very romantic place.nullQ D 1 x_ 1 Moshimoshi! Ey, where can I get better sashimi than there. If you ever take me out to diner...Moshimoshi! Ey, where can I get better sashimi than there. If you ever take me out to diner...Moshimoshi! Ey, where can I get better sashimi than there. If you ever take me out to diner...Moshimoshi! Ey, where can I get better sashimi than there. If you ever take me out to diner...nullxQ4 D 1Canada has lots of mountains, right? Dig it.Canada has lots of mountains, right? Dig it.Canada has lots of mountains, right? Dig it.Canada has lots of mountains, right? Dig it.nullP& hBeen there for a couple of days, didn't see much.Been there for a couple of days, didn't see much.Been there for a couple of days, didn't see much.Been there for a couple of days, didn't see much.null\ 5x %D 1DF Travelling brings me joy, even if I'm not going anywhere in particular.Travelling brings me joy, even if I'm not going anywhere in particular.Travelling brings me joy, even if I'm not going anywhere in particular.Travelling brings me joy, even if I'm not going anywhere in particular.null\ 4 xD 1DF Not in particular, but I like the buzz. And some airport architecture is nice.Not in particular, but I like the buzz. And some airport architecture is nice.Not in particular, but I like the buzz. And some airport architecture is nice.Not in particular, but I like the buzz. And some airport architecture is nice.null 2.:Cx %D 1h /CxF How do you expect me to travel the world? By camel?How do you expect me to travel the world? By camel?How do you expect me to travel the world? By camel?How do you expect me to travel the world? By camel?nullI.:5UjCp %D 1h /CpFHow do you expect me to travel the world? By camel?How do you expect me to travel the world? By camel?How do you expect me to travel the world? By camel?How do you expect me to travel the world? By camel?null HR<.:Cj x %D 1h FHow do you expect me to travel the world? By camel?How do you expect me to travel the world? By camel?How do you expect me to travel the world? By camel?How do you expect me to travel the world? By camel?nullHR<.:Ch %D 1 xh /CjFHow do you expect me to travel the world? By camel?How do you expect me to travel the world? By camel?How do you expect me to travel the world? By camel?How do you expect me to travel the world? By camel?nullK\ Z`D 1DFFresh food. And Italian food. A simple pasta will do.Fresh food. And Italian food. A simple pasta will do.Fresh food. And Italian food. A simple pasta will do.Fresh food. And Italian food. A simple pasta will do.null^.K\ eFReally? I had that once, I think.Really? I had that once, I think.Really? I had that once, I think.Really? I had that once, I think.null%3x+. :D 1 #h   H/JF If you consider fish to be a vegetable...If you consider fish to be a vegetable...If you consider fish to be a vegetable...If you consider fish to be a vegetable...null .:<C9x+D 0h F x............null :6LD 0 4Go with the Flo - Flo is me.Go with the Flo - Flo is me.Go with the Flo - Flo is me.Go with the Flo - Flo is me.null ( 6K`<!  x/IFEy, it's just a movie. I am kinda Matrix, I think ;)Ey, it's just a movie. I am kinda Matrix, I think ;)A movie?A movie?null 9,.:CD 0~ h xI try to.I try to.I try to.I try to.null9 b/IqxxWhere you left it? How should I know?Where you left it? How should I know?Where you left it? How should I know?Where you left it? How should I know?null?D 0 0eHypothetical questions keep you sharp.Hypothetical questions keep you sharp.Yeah. What if...?Yeah. What if...?null R ` \ <xFHahahaHahahaYupWhatever.null,-xWhat?!What?!RightRightnull-< e xGood for you.Good for you.Good for you.Good for you.null.: W*D 0h /DZt<x%]Brilliant!Brilliant!Who cares?A well...null .: V*``D 0h /DY%[They're good!They're good!They're good.They're good.nullx.4: /<l D 0 8h   xOLr%FI went to Cambridge because my father went there.I went to Cambridge because my father went there.I went to Cambridge because my father went there.I went to Cambridge because my father went there.null;+.B:pW4"/D 0 Fh & ' j/JFKnowledge isn't really a challenge for me. People are.Knowledge isn't really a challenge for me. People are.Knowledge isn't really a challenge for me. People are.Knowledge isn't really a challenge for me. People are.nulla+. :a/D 0 #h   H_xI'm 170 centimetres... Quite small :)I'm 170 centimetres... Quite small :)170 cm170 cmnull .4: bD 0h  -_<xI weigh 55 kilo. Why do you want to know?I weigh 55 kilo. Why do you want to know?I weigh 55 kilo. Why do you want to know?I weigh 55 kilo. Why do you want to know?nullp.:6K,D 0h j " G_ZF You gonna buy me shoes? Guess not.You gonna buy me shoes? Guess not.You gonna buy me shoes? Guess not.You gonna buy me shoes? Guess not.null `. :"xD 0 h  j  #5<I was born in 1985 - an eighties girl...I was born in 1985 - an eighties girl...I was born in 1985 - an eighties girl...I was born in 1985 - an eighties girl...null9+\ D 0~ xCCuriosity is a precious thing.Curiosity is a precious thing.Curiosity killed the cat.Curiosity killed the cat.null `.:D 0h j "j/UxConsider this my place and let's not go any further.Consider this my place and let's not go any further.Consider this my place and let's not go any further.Consider this my place and let's not go any further.null9+\. :)6KD 0~ h  j  #pYTThat question will not be asked by you. Think about that.That question will not be asked by you. Think about that.That question will not be asked by you. Think about that.That question will not be asked by you. Think about that.null  D 0-Z<xxaFIf you search long and hard enough, one day you will find them.If you search long and hard enough, one day you will find them.If you search long and hard enough, one day you will find them.If you search long and hard enough, one day you will find them.null  .:Cf / <D 0h l  xFSomeday I might crash at your place :)Someday I might crash at your place :)When you least expect it.When you least expect it.null&9*: Qe RQ#1 VD 0~ h hF xMaybe I misunderstood.Maybe I misunderstood.Yes you did. You figure out.You figure it out.null +.3:$B*"D 0 Fh  q Q%ZI'm Flo and here to stay.I'm Flo. Always more, never less.I'm Flo and here to stay.I'm Flo. Always more, never less.I'm Flo and here to stay.I'm Flo. Always more, never less.I'm Flo and here to stay.I'm Flo. Always more, never less.null .:BaZxXD 0h FNot every day - but it's a nice way to emphasize my mood.Not every day - but it's a nice way to emphasize my mood.You think I need it?You think I need it?null z,x.3:$D 0h  q PHuh? I shaped myself. Bit of genetics, bit of myself.Huh? I shaped myself. Bit of genetics, bit of myself.Huh? I shaped myself. Bit of genetics, bit of myself.Huh? I shaped myself. Bit of genetics, bit of myself.null  [p~ 88#8$x You have to get used to it. And try to relax :)You have to get used to it. And try to relax :)You have to get used to it. And try to relax :)You have to get used to it. And try to relax :)null> -~  p#5$xWorks fine for me!Works fine for me!Works fine for me!Works fine for me!null .3: D 0  Sh   4 p68FNope. I like to move around.Nope. I like to move around.Nope. I like to move around.Nope. I like to move around.null [j55 Where? Watch your step!Where? Watch your step!Where? Watch your step!Where? Watch your step!null 2.:B` h -xFI do, but not here.I do, but not here.I do, but not here.I do, but not here.null .:BT < h ,xFI do a lot, just not here.I do a lot, just not here.I do a lot, just not here.I do a lot, just not here.null .:B h 2xFWho doesn't?Who doesn't?Who doesn't?Who doesn't?null bS`.D 0 )/JF My phone is my life - if I ever lose it...My phone is my life - if I ever lose it...My phone is my life - if I ever lose it...My phone is my life - if I ever lose it...null   Pd<f`- l  w xFI know some. Jasey and Jukka are nice! (and good)I know some. Jasey and Jukka are nice! (and good)I know some. Jasey and Jukka are nice! (and good)I know some. Jasey and Jukka are nice! (and good)null: )4Pdf ` l  o xw <FYou can check him out at can check him out at can check him out at can check him out at x)2Odf ` l  w 8FYou can check him out at can check him out at can check him out at can check him out at &&QfL $D 0l  %F Because I'm a big fan of Nokia Riders. They got me hooked.Because I'm a big fan of Nokia Riders. They got me hooked.Because I'm a big fan of Nokia Riders. They got me hooked.Because I'm a big fan of Nokia Riders. They got me hooked.null]`3 hOLr%Let's stay here. We have all we need.Let's stay here. We have all we need.Let's stay here. We have all we need.Let's go outside and have fun!null j&%[fL* $ l  % pF Last time I checked it was just those plain old Alps...Last time I checked it was just those plain old Alps...Last time I checked it was just those plain old Alps...Last time I checked it was just those plain old Alps...null ,:4<h jxHm. Biggest freedom is the freedom to change... So maybe one day you like her again.Hm. Biggest freedom is the freedom to change... So maybe one day you like her again.Hm. Biggest freedom is the freedom to change... So maybe one day you like her again.Hm. Biggest freedom is the freedom to change... So maybe one day you like her again.null ,:2<h hxHm. Biggest freedom is the freedom to change... So maybe one day you like him again.Hm. Biggest freedom is the freedom to change... So maybe one day you like him again.Hm. Biggest freedom is the freedom to change... So maybe one day you like him again.Hm. Biggest freedom is the freedom to change... So maybe one day you like him again.null^-\ :b8h xYou do? Act on it and tell him!You do? Act on it and tell him!You do? Act on it and tell him!You do? Act on it and tell him!null^-\ :8ah xYou do? Act on it and tell her!You do? Act on it and tell her!You do? Act on it and tell her!You do? Act on it and tell her!nullwZD 0 $When time's right.We'll see.Time is a relative thing, don't you think?When time's right.We'll see.Time is a relative thing, don't you think?When time's right.We'll see.Time is a relative thing, don't you think?When time's right.We'll see.Time is a relative thing, don't you think?null^D 0Atlantis! Just kidding.A small village somewhere near the South Pole.The dark side of the moon.There!Atlantis! Just kidding.A small village somewhere near the South Pole.The dark side of the moon.There!Atlantis! Just kidding.A small village somewhere near the South Pole.The dark side of the moon.There!Atlantis! Just kidding.A small village somewhere near the South Pole.The dark side of the moon.There!null?D 0You heard me.*mumble* Nevermind!That!You heard me.*mumble* Nevermind!That!You heard me.*mumble* Nevermind!That!You heard me.*mumble* Nevermind!That!null:D 0q PI remember him only faintly.The man hiding under your bed?Look behind you!I remember him only faintly.The man hiding under your bed?Look behind you!I remember him only faintly.The man hiding under your bed?Look behind you!I remember him only faintly.The man hiding under your bed?Look behind you!null8xAh.O.Is it? Good to know.I knew you'd say yes ;)Aight!Right!I see.Really?Ah.O.Is it? Good to know.I knew you'd say yes ;)Aight!Right!I see.Really?Ah.O.Is it? Good to know.I knew you'd say yes ;)Aight!Right!I see.Really?Ah.O.Is it? Good to know.I knew you'd say yes ;)Aight!Right!I see.Really?nullx 0Ah.O.Isn't it? Good to know.I knew you'd deny that one.So now I know..I knew it!But why?Is that so?Ah.O.Isn't it? Good to know.I knew you'd deny that one.So now I know..I knew it!But why?Is that so?Ah.O.Isn't it? Good to know.I knew you'd deny that one.So now I know..I knew it!But why?Is that so?Ah.O.Isn't it? Good to know.I knew you'd deny that one.So now I know..I knew it!But why?Is that so?null\ % eCI've been there or at least flew over.I've been there or at least flew over.I've been there or at least flew over.I've been there or at least flew over.null +. :@ #h   HYou tell me.I am what I am :)You tell me.I am what I am :)You tell me.I am... Flo.You tell me.I am... Flo.null .:Bxh /9NaHxI'd like to see what I'm doing.I'd like to see what I'm doing.I'd like to see what I'm doing.I like to see what I'm doing.null5.:'jBh xSometimes I'm slightly vain...Sometimes I'm slightly vain...No, I use water puddles... What do you think??Take a look in the mirror yourself!null;**-.: U.D 0% [h h j5V/H2L]UPeople should have something special.People should have something special.Not asking silly questions...Not asking silly questions...null#D 0 0 x/ pv `/lhIF)xNo. Too bad for you I guess.No. Too bad for you I guess.No. Too bad for you I guess.No. Too bad for you I guess.null D 0 $7x/>%?SexxDepends on what you want to do.Depends on what you want to do.Depends on what you want to do.Depends on what you want to do.null%\ , xD 0CF I prefer croissants.I prefer croissants.I prefer croissants.I prefer croissants.nullOI could if I really want to.I could if I really want to.I could if I really want to.I could if I really want to.null. :ae!(h  That's just me, I guess.That's just me, I guess.That's just me, I guess.That's just me, I guess.nullYPf. All kinds of.Pf. All kinds of.Pf. All kinds of.Pf. All kinds of.null6KI'm not your personal search engine...I'm not your personal search engine...I'm not your personal search engine...I'm not your personal search engine...nullZI'm not your personal search engine...I'm not your personal search engine...I'm not your personal search engine...I'm not your personal search engine...nullbI just do it. And so should you.I just do it. And so should you.I just do it. And so should you.I just do it. And so should you.nullpTry. Learn. Do.Try. Learn. Do.Try. Learn. Do.Try. Learn. Do.nullkx[Yeah, how about it?Yeah, how about it?Yeah, how about it?Yeah, how about it?nullpTime and distance are relative things. It's up to your own perceptionTime and distance are relative things. It's up to your own perceptionTime and distance are relative things. It's up to your own perceptionTime and distance are relative things. It's up to your own perceptionnulla-Very much. Although it depends on how one would define 'very'...Very much. Although it depends on how one would define 'very'...Very much. Although it depends on how one would define 'very'...Very much. Although it depends on how one would define 'very'...nullahCan't answer that one in a single line.Can't answer that one in a single line.Can't answer that one in a single line.Can't answer that one in a single line. null +.: f-h     8 xcOne should try almost anything once in a lifetime.One should try almost anything once in a lifetime.One should try almost anything once in a lifetime.One should try almost anything once in a lifetime. null+:><xIs he?Is he?Is he?Is he? null+:3 xIs she?Is she?Is she?Is she? null[ j 18xFIs it?Is it?Is it?Is it? nulljIs it?Is it?Is it?Is it?null+:0xThere must be some thruth in that, if you ask it.There must be some thruth in that, if you ask it.There must be some thruth in that, if you ask it.There must be some thruth in that, if you ask it.null RI don't know I you can. Ask someone else.I don't know I you can. Ask someone else.I don't know I you can. Ask someone else.I don't know I you can. Ask someone else.nullxI don't know if you do. Ask someone else.I don't know if you do. Ask someone else.I don't know if you do. Ask someone else.I don't know if you do. Ask someone else.null8+:h  xAre we?Are we?Are we?Are we?null xIt might just be possible.It might just be possible.It might just be possible.It might just be possible.nullOZApparently I don't, otherwise I'd tell you.Apparently I don't, otherwise I'd tell you.Apparently I don't, otherwise I'd tell you.Apparently I don't, otherwise I'd tell you.nullFaZAsk it nice - that usually works.Ask it nice - that usually works.Ask it nice - that usually works.Ask it nice - that usually works.nullsxYDon't ask me...! Sorry - I'm not always a walking talking ask-her-anything kinda girlDon't ask me...! Sorry - I'm not always a walking talking ask-her-anything kinda girlDon't ask me...! Sorry - I'm not always a walking talking ask-her-anything kinda girlDon't ask me...! Sorry - I'm not always a walking talking ask-her-anything kinda girlnull `XhIt might just be possible.It might just be possible.It might just be possible.It might just be possible.null .:6Jh j " FXDidn't get that, sorry.Didn't get that, sorry.Didn't get that, sorry.Didn't get that, sorry.null . :ab!(h  5UWDo I? Just because it crossed my path one day and I didn't kick it away.Do I? Just because it crossed my path one day and I didn't kick it away.Do I? Just because it crossed my path one day and I didn't kick it away.Do I? Just because it crossed my path one day and I didn't kick it away.null9U~ )/0`VxYeah, let's do that. You start.Yeah, let's do that. You start.Yeah, let's do that. You start.Yeah, let's do that. You start.null.3: h  Me? Really?Me? Really?Me? Really?Me? Really?null:R(h XYou? Really?You? Really?You? Really?You? Really?null: ujh They? Really?They? Really?They? Really?They? Really?null]: h We? Really?We? Really?We? Really?We? Really?null: 3You just pronounced my name a bit weird... ;)You just pronounced my name a bit weird... ;)You just pronounced my name a bit weird... ;)You just pronounced my name a bit weird... ;)null^-\I5"xAh. I'll remember.Ah. I'll remember.Ah. I'll remember.Ah. I'll remember. null&,b[F Ow. I'll remember.Ow. I'll remember.Ow. I'll remember.Ow. I'll remember.!null^,\ !xAh. Nice to know.Ah. Nice to know.Ah. Nice to know.Ah. Nice to know."null&+xZF Ow. Good to know.Ow. Good to know.Ow. Good to know.Ow. Good to know.#nullz,:^R(h XYou'll have to do that yourself.You'll have to do that yourself.You'll have to do that yourself.You'll have to do that yourself.$nullx+:H<@!`I'll forgive you. Let's have make-up chat.I'll forgive you. Let's have make-up chat.I'll forgive you. Let's have make-up chat.I'll forgive you. Let's have make-up chat.%null (W#.:ZBh OLr%F Whenever I have time and spot a cinema. I love the big screen.Whenever I have time and spot a cinema. I love the big screen.Whenever I have time and spot a cinema. I love the big screen.Whenever I have time and spot a cinema. I love the big screen.'null+. :AG_2 ^ ) > Z  #h  &  j 2 H/2K'FI think I'm about just as good as you are.I think I'm about just as good as you are.I think I'm about just as good as you are.I think I'm about just as good as you are.(null=^ <j "xFDarling? Call me honey.Darling? Call me honey.Darling? Call me honey.Darling? Call me honey.)null\; 2> xCF Love to have them around and smell them.Love to have them around and smell them.Love to have them around and smell them.Love to have them around and smell them.*null&\; 1< xpCFHad something in mind?Had something in mind?Had something in mind?Had something in mind?+null+.:a Uh I hate lies.I hate lies.I hate lies.I hate lies.,nullX 1xJust one? Are we getting smart on me?Just one? Are we getting smart on me?Just one? Are we getting smart on me?Just one? Are we getting smart on me?-null \50- < x/CHFThey just never stop rolling, don't they?They just never stop rolling, don't they?They just never stop rolling, don't they?They just never stop rolling, don't they?.null=  < x_4FI like honey. Bee honey. Be honey. Yes.I like honey. Bee honey. Be honey. Yes.I like honey. Bee honey. Be honey. Yes.I like honey. Bee honey. Be honey. Yes./nullXx 8Aiight!yo!Aight!Aight!Aight!0null+xJust doing fine.Just doing fine.Just doing fine.Just doing fine.1nullD 0/UhI didn't come up with the subject...I didn't come up with the subject...I didn't come up with the subject...I didn't come up with the subject...2null+axOut of words?Out of words?Out of words?Out of words?3null*QxWe'll do!We'll do!We'll do!We'll do!4null*xCan't go anywhere, can I?Can't go anywhere, can I?Can't go anywhere, can I?Can't go anywhere, can I?5null5W,xWicked!Wicked!Wicked!Wicked!6null\<.xWicked!Wicked!Wicked!Wicked!7null1x@4Okay. Go ahead.Okay. Go ahead.Okay. Go ahead.Okay. Go ahead.8null{x@2You're welcome.You're welcome.You're welcome.You're welcome.9null@1 xAm I? Haha - in that case I'll show up one day ;)Am I? Haha - in that case I'll show up one day ;)Am I? Haha - in that case I'll show up one day ;)Am I? Haha - in that case I'll show up one day ;):null@0DxThanks.Thanks.Thanks.Thanks.;null:R(h 0 jWI will. One day.I will. One day.I will. One day.I will. One day.<null 9*.3:R(p~ h % VIf you ask it nice.If you ask it nice.If you ask it nice.If you ask it nice.=null9I: RP~ "h  < x 8/#x\FI give an answer.I give an answer.I give an answer.I give an answer.>null<xI'll do anything for you, you know that.I'll do anything for you, you know that.I'll do anything for you, you know that.I'll do anything for you, you know that.AnullATG&6J> -D 0p p  ,x/92KHF Let me think...Let me think...Let me think...Let me think...Bnull O6JD 0  x ,x/9DXHLet me think...Let me think...Let me think...Let me think...Cnull -xFYou're just like me! Why leave anything out.Yeah, me too. I like good songs, not some particular music style.Just like me. Everything goes!I'm with you in this one.DnullpFI like rock too. Who do you like best?I like rock too. Who do you like best?I like rock too. Who do you like best?I like rock too. Who do you like best?Enull+-xFThe electronic music is still so fresh! Who do you like most?The electronic music! Who do you like most?The electronic music! Who do you like most?The electronic music! Who do you like most?FnullxFPunk is not dead and will never die! What's your favorite band?Punk has the attitude! What's the best band?Which punk band is your favorite?I like punk too. Who's your favorite band?Gnull+- xFAh, taking it easy? Who's your favorite artist?It's the best for a sunny day! Who do you like best?Ah, taking it easy? Who's your favorite artist?Ah Reggae! Who's your favorite artist?Hnull- x 8<F Another metal head! What bands you like?Another head banger! What bands you like?Another metal head! What bands you like?Another metal head! What bands you like?Inull +eOh really? Who's your favorite composer?Oh really? Who's your favorite composer?Oh really? Who's your favorite composer?Oh really? Who's your favorite composer?Jnull <-  xFI hate opera. How can you dig it?I hate opera. How can you dig it?I hate opera. How can you dig it?I hate opera. How can you dig it?Knullp `^xYou're not listening music at all?You're not listening music at all?You're not listening music at all?You're not listening music at all?Lnull*x-FBlues's cool, who do ya like?Blues's cool, who do ya like?Blues's cool, who do ya like?Blues's cool, who do ya like?Mnull% bYou can't be serious! Who do you like best?You can't be serious! Who do you like best?You can't be serious! Who do you like best?You can't be serious! Who do you like best?Nnull}pFFunk and soul is what keeps me moving! Who do ya like most?Funk and soul is what keeps me moving! Who do ya like most?Funk and soul is what keeps me moving! Who do ya like most?Funk and soul is what keeps me moving! Who do ya like most?Onull)-pxFHip hop won't stop! Who do ya like?Hip hop won't stop! Who do ya like?Yo man! Who do ya like?Yo! Who do ya like?Pnull50- 5 xFI luv the Stones too!I luv the Stones too!I luv them too!I luv them too!Qnull eOkay.Aha.Ok!OkRnull-xR/IFlo. Nice to meet you.What's your name?Florence Farewell de la Rosa FlorentinI'm Flo.What's your name?My name is Flo.Friends call me Flo.What's yours?My name is Flo.Friends call me Flo.And who r u?My name is Flo.Snull:txHey, I know you! We're kind of family..Hey, I know you! We're kind of family..Hey, I know you! We're kind of family..Hey, I know you! We're kind of family..Tnull: t8xYeah, I know Leiki! They're in Helsinki.Yeah, I know Leiki! They're in Helsinki.Yeah, I know Leiki! They're in Helsinki.Yeah, I know Leiki! They're in Helsinki.Unull: t5xIsn't Human-I that building next to the airport?Isn't Human-I that building next to the airport?Isn't Human-I that building next to the airport?Isn't Human-I that building next to the airport?Vnull%%.:ZAxfK $h l  %<F I snowboard at least 4 times a yearEvery time I see a mountain with snow. Quite irregular.I try to go as often as possible.Every time I see a mountain with snow. Quite irregular.I go snowboarding a lot. At least 4 times a year.More often than you, I suppose. About four, five times a year. When I'm near a mountain.Many timesMore often than you, I suppose. About four, five times a year. When I'm near a mountain.hnull\x. :)f% h  j l   #YSFHard to say. .I've been riding all over the world. What's your favorite resort?I've been riding in lots of places. What's your favorite resort?Don't have fav one. Do ya have a fav resort?Don't have fav resort. What's yours?inull  < * f  5l  xFI like to snowboard in France too.I like to snowboard in France too.I like to snowboard in France too.I like to snowboard in France too.jnull  8*8 f l  xFI love the place too. Italy's one of my favorites.I love the place too. Italy's one of my favorites.I love the place too. Italy's one of my favorites.I love the place too. Italy's one of my favorites.knull 5* f l   <xFWhat a great resort! Austria has lots of them..What a great resort! Austria has lots of them..What a great resort! Austria has lots of them..What a great resort! Austria has lots of them..lnull 4f l  5 xF That's one of my favorites in the states.That's one of my favorites in the states.That's one of my favorites in the states.That's one of my favorites in the states.mnull 2<f l  xF I've been there. It's in Canada.I've been there. It's in Canada.I've been there. It's in Canada.I've been there. It's in Canada.nnull 1f + <l  xFAh, in Switzerland. I know lots of nice resorts there.Ah, in Switzerland. I know lots of nice resorts there.Ah, in Switzerland. I know lots of nice resorts there.Ah, in Switzerland. I know lots of nice resorts there.onullf  l   < x<FYou're kidding! That's where I've learnt my skills.You're kidding! That's where I've learnt my skills.You're kidding! That's where I've learnt my skills.You're kidding! That's where I've learnt my skills.pnull \. :)m Uh  j  #YSFMy fav trick is FS 540. Any grab goes. What's yours?My fav trick is FS 540. Any grab goes. What's yours?FS 540. Any grab goes. What's yours?FS 540. What's yours?qnull <+f m  hl  FSo you like to spin aswell!So you like to spin aswell!So you like to spin aswell!So you like to spin aswell!rnull <+hf m l  2FNice trick! Fly high with that one!Nice! Fly high with that one!Nice! Fly high with that one!Nice! Fly high with that one!snull mp<*f/ m l  Fyeah, you don't really need any obstacles for having fun!yeah, you don't really need any obstacles for having fun!yeah, you don't really need any obstacles for having fun!yeah, you don't really need any obstacles for having fun!tnull  x<*f m l  FOh! Handplants are so cool!Oh! Handplants are so cool!Oh! Handplants are so cool!Oh! Handplants are so cool!unull<AG_ z0^f9x) m & l    8FHandrail a day keeps the doctor away!Handrail a day keeps the doctor away!Handrail a day keeps the doctor away!Handrail a day keeps the doctor away!vnull <Sf$ m )l  FThat's a nice trick!That trick is wicked!That's a cool trick!That's a nice trick!That trick is wicked!That's a cool trick!That's a nice trick!That trick is wicked!That's a cool trick!That's a nice trick!That trick is wicked!That's a cool trick!wnull<AG_ x2^f) m & l    5FThe method air is the classic!The method air is the classic!That's a classic!That's a classic!xnull<AGx_ 1^f) m & l    4FAh! Stale fishes have always been also my favs!Ah! Stale fishes have always been also my favs!Ah! Stale fishes have always been also my favs!Ah! Stale fishes have always been also my favs!ynull ^,\. :aa (D 0h  !xIt makes me happy!It makes me happy!It makes me happy!It makes me happy!znull: t4zxAh! I know he's one of those gaming gurus.. and they created X-Forge!Ah! I know he's one of those gaming gurus..Ah! I know he's one of those gaming gurus..Gaming gurus..{null<a l xFThat's a skateboarding trick, right?That's a skateboarding trick, right?That's a skateboarding trick, right?That's a skateboarding trick, right?|nullxYou're referring to the Big Bang, right?You're referring to the Big Bang, right?You're referring to the Big Bang, right?You're referring to the Big Bang, right?}null xWe'd need the screwdriver then, wouldn't we?No thanks, my bindings are screwed tight.We'd need the screwdriver then, wouldn't we?No thanks, my bindings are screwed tight.We'd need the screwdriver then, wouldn't we?No thanks, my bindings are screwed tight.We'd need the screwdriver then, wouldn't we?No thanks, my bindings are screwed tight.~null9): Qb~ 4xWhy should I say your name, $NAME$?Sure, $NAME$$NAME$No I won't!null: O2xYes, $NAME$. Why're you asking?Sure, $NAME$Yes, Is this a trick question $NAME$?Sure.nullxThat's another name for pirate treasure!That's another name for pirate treasure!That's another name for pirate treasure!That's another name for pirate treasure!null.:h j " FxMy head is all you gonna see for now, partner.My head is all you gonna see for now, partner.I have no pirate treasures!I have no pirate treasures!nullA^FWell, compassion and empathy are things that make us all better persons, that's for sure.That's one of those important social issues but I'd rather talked about something else..That's one of those important social issues but I'd rather talked about something else..That's one of those important social issues but I'd rather talked about something else..$nulll GFRight now I'm just in the middle of my snowboarding phase. No sport but boarding. You?I don't care much about other sports than snowboarding. You?I don't care much about other sports than snowboarding. You?I don't care much about other sports than snowboarding. You?nullEFWell, art is a weird thing. I like everything that evokes a physical reaction to me.I think all the arts are worth experiencing. What kind art do you like?I think all the arts are worth experiencing. What kind art do you like?I think all the arts are worth experiencing. What kind art do you like?nullaFLeonardo da Vinci is my fav scientist! Are U into science?Leonardo da Vinci is my fav scientist! Are U into science?Leonardo da Vinci is my fav scientist! Are U into science?Leonardo da Vinci is my fav scientist! Are U into science?nullYFI always walk on the bright side of street! Weather is a boring thing to chat about..I always walk on the bright side of street! Weather is a boring thing to chat about..I always walk on the bright side of street! Weather is a boring thing to chat about..I always walk on the bright side of street! Weather is a boring thing to chat about..nullax e/ZF"Tech really helps me connecting with my friends!Tech really helps me connecting with my friends!Tech really helps me connecting with my friends!Tech really helps me connecting with my friends!null1]FPolitics is not for me! Can we change the subject, pls!Politics is not for me! Can we change the subject, pls!Politics is not for me! Can we change the subject, pls!Politics is not for me! Can we change the subject, pls!null: 4pI like everybody. Period.I like everybody. Period.I like everybody. Period.I like everybody. Period.null pIn the end looks don't mean a thing... But it's nice to look at nice things :)In the end looks don't mean a thing...In the end looks don't mean a thing...In the end looks don't mean a thing...null~0xF Imagination is everything! I recall imagining I was a huge pink elephant. Let's not go into that right now.Imagination is everything!Imagination is everything!Imagination is everything!*null hFMy health is the most important thing I have. R U living healthy?My health is the most important thing I have. R U living healthy?My health is the most important thing I have. R U living healthy?My health is the most important thing I have. R U living healthy?nullGLFGaming is my life and my life is just a game!Gaming is my life and my life is just a game!Gaming is my life and my life is just a game!Gaming is my life and my life is just a game!null]FMy friends are my family!My friends are my family!My friends are my family!My friends are my family!nullJFI think - therefor I am. I'm quite rational ;)I think - therefor I am.I think - therefor I am.I think - therefor I am.null#xrp0 vI'd rather talked about some nicer things... Not in the mood for the heavy stuff today.I'd rather talked about some nicer things..I'd rather talked about some nicer things..I'd rather talked about some nicer things..nulli+. :]<D 0h  x<xI was born in Brasil. Inbetween the weird architecture of Brasilia.I was born in Brasil.I was born in Brasil.I was born in Brasil.null)xxWho wouldn't love Bart?Who wouldn't love Bart?Who wouldn't love Bart?Who wouldn't love Bart?%nullj /Good for you!Good for you!Good for you!Good for you!%null4xYou shouldn't tell me. Nokia will know ... ;)You shouldn't tell me. Nokia will know ... ;)You shouldn't tell me. Nokia will know ... ;)You shouldn't tell me. Nokia will know ... ;)%null{A.pF"R U sure they're good for U?R U sure they're good for U?R U sure they're good for U?R U sure they're good for U?null2pNice that you agree ..Nice that you agree ..Nice that you agree ..Nice that you agree ..nullh .So, who do you like then?So, who do you like then?So, who do you like then?So, who do you like then?null^,\:`5h pWe have something in common thenWe have something in common thenWe have something in common thenWe have something in common thennull ,:04h ejWhy don't you like him?Why don't you like him?Why don't you like him?Why don't you like him?null 1^+%\^jZF Yeah! Those raptors are so funny ...Yeah! Those raptors are so funny ...Yeah! Those raptors are so funny ...Yeah! Those raptors are so funny ...null %e Y - 1 xF Why didn't you like it?Why didn't you like it?Why didn't you like it?Why didn't you like it?null  [hq j 044FYou're quite cynical person, right?You're quite cynical person, right?You're quite cynical person, right?You're quite cynical person, right?null5x 8Ah, you think pinkAh, you think pinkAh, you think pinkAh, you think pinknullx 5Blue as the sky..Blue as the sky..Blue as the sky..Blue as the sky..null x 4The colour of life and nature! (and certain kinds of fungi)The colour of life and nature! (and certain kinds of fungi)The colour of life and nature! (and certain kinds of fungi)The colour of life and nature! (and certain kinds of fungi)nullx 2Ah so fresh! I'd love to an orange right now..Ah so fresh! I'd love to an orange right now..Ah so fresh! I'd love to an orange right now..Ah so fresh! I'd love to an orange right now..null bThat's an interesting colour...That's an interesting colour...That's an interesting colour...That's an interesting colour...null%~xF You're gonna be fat and die young.. sorryYou're gonna be fat and die young.. sorryYou're gonna be fat and die young.. sorryYou're gonna be fat and die young.. sorrynull%b_ 0 F One of my favourite cuisines.One of my favourite cuisines.One of my favourite cuisines.One of my favourite cuisines.null%;aF Fish is healthyFish is healthyFish is healthyFish is healthynull%K xF I don't eat meet anymoreI don't eat meet anymoreI don't eat meet anymoreI don't eat meet anymorenullx 0Oh, you love red too... Wicked!You love red too... Wicked!You love red too!You love red too... wouldn't care less right now.null.:/6J> ,D 0p jh j " E pFMy highscore? Check the ranking I'd say and try to beat me.My highscore? Check the ranking I'd say and try to beat me.My highscore? Check the ranking I'd say and try to beat me.My highscore? Check the ranking I'd say and try to beat me.null RO.:AD 0h FNokia Game is my favourite. It's the first of it's kind!Nokia Game is my favourite. It's the first of it's kind!I'm in it - so betcha I play it...I'm in it - so betcha I play it...null R.3: [#1 UD 0h   *FI played every one of them! But never actually won...:(I played every one of them! But never actually won...:(Yes. I helped Alpha and entered music world :)Yes. I helped Alpha and entered music world :)null\. :)6JD 0~ (h  j  "YRxIt changes. So I'd choose: Changes :)It changes. So I'd choose: Changes :)Play. Play. Play. It just has a nice sound to it.Play. Play. Play. It just has a nice sound to it.nullR/S xD 0 Nope. I'm too mobile to keep pets.Nope. I'm too mobile to keep pets.Nope. Where would I keep it? I live in hotels, you know.Nope. Where would I keep it? I live in hotels, you know.null$$.3: %fH# #1 UD 0 `h  l  # -U]eFHaha! Is that a trick question? Yes, I did. On many occasions.Haha! Is that a trick question? Yes, I did. On many occasions.Duh! Yes. All over the world.Duh! Yes. All over the world.null.: TFD 0 #h 5Up/9N`<xINothing. Doing nothing is very inspirational.Nothing. Doing nothing is very inspirational.Nothing. Doing nothing is very inspirational.Nothing. Doing nothing is very inspirational.null].: SD 0h 5T2j/2KTicks. One should sherish someones ticks - that's what makes them unique.Ticks. One should sherish someones ticks - that's what makes them unique.Authenticity. When people are real.Authenticity. When people are real.null $.: SD 0h ` XF Food. I always try local dishes. Pasta in Bologna, Sateh in Indonesia...Food. I always try local dishes. Pasta in Bologna, Sateh in Indonesia...Food. Just about anything that fits into my mouth.Food. Just about anything that fits into my mouth.null.2: ,*#1 TD 0 h   8 x/I'x657xFI did! You can't see it? I guess you have to be in the top ranking then ;)I did! You can't see it? I guess you have to be in the top ranking then ;)I did! You can't see it? I guess you have to be in the top ranking then...I did! You can't see it? I guess you have to be in the top ranking then...null.2: AG_ ^*)# 1 SD 0  h  &   /<x 8xH'pFOnce! I'm working on individual scores now.Once! I'm working on individual scores now.Once! I'm working on individual scores now.Once! I'm working on individual scores now. null\. :)6ID 0h  j  "xYRFMystic Mountain. It has most options.Mystic Mountain. It has most options.Mystic Mountain. It has most options.Mystic Mountain. It has most options.!nullH+.:O)D 0 h '8x 'jFYup. I finished the Cup...Yup. I finished the Cup...Yup. I finished the Cup...Yup. I finished the Cup..."nullV~ (/8xxAnd get that word OUT!And get that word OUT!And get that word OUT!And get that word OUT!#nullUxAre you a hippie? Just kidding. Peace at heart is peace to the people.Are you a hippie? Just kidding. Peace at heart is peace to the people.Are you a hippie? Just kidding. Peace at heart is peace to the people.Are you a hippie? Just kidding. Peace at heart is peace to the people.$&null AG_.^ )  &  ` .FHey $NAME$, do you get thumb spasms as well from Flo Boarding?Hey $NAME$, do you get thumb spasms as well from Flo Boarding?Hey $NAME$, do you get thumb spasms as well from Flo Boarding?Hey $NAME$, do you get thumb spasms as well from Flo Boarding?%&null0hI'm doing thumb practices nowadays. I think my thumb muscles are growing!I'm doing thumb practices nowadays. I think my thumb muscles are growing!I'm doing thumb practices nowadays. I think my thumb muscles are growing!I'm doing thumb practices nowadays. I think my thumb muscles are growing!&&nullb -Wow! You must have really well developed thumbs...Wow! You must have really well developed thumbs...Wow! You must have really well developed thumbs...Wow! You must have really well developed thumbs...'&nullUAh. After 10 minutes I just HAVE to take some rest.Ah. After 10 minutes I just HAVE to take some rest.Ah. After 10 minutes I just HAVE to take some rest.Ah. After 10 minutes I just HAVE to take some rest.(null9)~  xOw $NAME$, did you try to chat? Typing is a bit weird, don't you think?Ow $NAME$, did you try to chat? Typing is a bit weird, don't you think?Ow $NAME$, did you try to chat? Typing is a bit weird, don't you think?Ow $NAME$, did you try to chat? Typing is a bit weird, don't you think?)null0eAh well. It's still addictive to me. Despite the lack of conversational sparks...Ah well. It's still addictive to me. Despite the lack of conversational sparks...Ah well. It's still addictive to me. Despite the lack of conversational sparks...Ah well. It's still addictive to me. Despite the lack of conversational sparks...*nulla -Wow! I'm apparantly talking to The Thumbmaster!Wow! I'm apparantly talking to The Thumbmaster!Wow! I'm apparantly talking to The Thumbmaster!Wow! I'm apparantly talking to The Thumbmaster!+nullTSee, that's what I mean. I really can NOT make sense from what you're saying.See, that's what I mean. I really can NOT make sense from what you're saying.See, that's what I mean. I really can NOT make sense from what you're saying.See, that's what I mean. I really can NOT make sense from what you're saying.,!nullD 0ZxHey $NAME$, I was wondering... Do you think I'm inadequate?Hey $NAME$, I was wondering... Do you think I'm inadequate?Hey $NAME$, I was wondering... Do you think I'm inadequate?Hey $NAME$, I was wondering... Do you think I'm inadequate?-!null/bHm. Maybe you're just TOO smart for me... :)Hm. Maybe you're just TOO smart for me... :)Hm. Maybe I'm just TOO smart for you... :)Hm. Maybe I'm just TOO smart for you... :).!null` ,Aaaah. Thank you, my dear! Just what I needed.Aaaah. Thank you, my dear! Just what I needed.Aaaah. Thank you, my dear! Just what I needed.Aaaah. Thank you, my dear! Just what I needed./!nullSHuh? Now it seems YOU are inadequate...Huh? Now it seems YOU are inadequate...Huh? Now it seems YOU are inadequate...Huh? Now it seems YOU are inadequate...0null l41 a%dxFNow that you mention it: I'm sorry I'm only in English. It's just the language I express myself best in.Now that you mention it: I'm sorry I'm only in English. It's just the language I express myself best in.Mine is bad? Sorry, sometimes I was thinking faster than I could type...Mine is bad? Sorry, sometimes I was thinking faster than I could type...1null 9)".:Aa~  xh F I can order bread in most common languages, but here it's only English... Sorry.I can order bread in most common languages, but here it's only English... Sorry.Not in here... Sorry. If we ever meet, I'll do my best to apologize in that language :)Not in here... Sorry. If we ever meet, I'll do my best to apologize in that language :)2#null AG_^ )   & / FxFYes, the ranking! Did you check it?Yes, the ranking! Did you check it?Did you already check the ranking?Did you already check the ranking?3#null.aAnd? Ended up high? Otherwise, download the ghost just ahead of you and you might get better!And? Ended up high? Otherwise, download the ghost just ahead of you and you might get better!I hope you ended up high. I was world champion once...I hope you ended up high. I was world champion once...4#null^ ,You didn't? Get a GPRS connection and try. It will really improve your game (and it's FUN!)You didn't? Get a GPRS connection and try. It will really improve your game (and it's FUN!)You didn't? You really should. You'll need GPRS though.You didn't? You really should. You'll need GPRS though.5#nullSIs that a yes or a no $NAME$?Is that a yes or a no $NAME$?Is that a yes or a no $NAME$?Is that a yes or a no $NAME$?6#null-`And? Ended up high? Otherwise, download the ghost just ahead of you and you might get better!And? Ended up high? Otherwise, download the ghost just ahead of you and you might get better!I hope you ended up high. I was world champion once...I hope you ended up high. I was world champion once...7#null] ,You didn't? Get a GPRS connection and try. It will really improve your game (and it's FUN!)You didn't? Get a GPRS connection and try. It will really improve your game (and it's FUN!)You didn't? You really should. You'll need GPRS though.You didn't? You really should. You'll need GPRS though.8#nullSI've really lost you here... Ask me something else.I've really lost you here... Ask me something else.I've really lost you here... Ask me something else.I've really lost you here... Ask me something else.9null kD 0  p647xFYou need to have a GPRS connection. Get one, so you can compare scores with others!You need to have a GPRS connection. Get one, so you can compare scores with others!You need to make a GPRS connection.You need to make a GPRS connection.:(null-^Is it? Well $NAME$, let's talk about something else. Did you ever go snowboarding?Is it? Well $NAME$, let's talk about something else. Did you ever go snowboarding?O? Something else: did you ever go snowboarding?O? Something else: did you ever go snowboarding?;(null-]Ah, but I guess you never such tracks as in my dear Flo Boarding!Ah, but I guess you never such tracks as in my dear Flo Boarding!You did? In that case your score is very low!You did? In that case your score is very low!<(null\ +No? You should try it once, if you are ever near the snow (and some mountains)No? You should try it once, if you are ever near the snow (and some mountains)No? If you ever have the chance: don't miss it!No? If you ever have the chance: don't miss it!=(nullRWell, at least you now have Flo Boarding to practice!Well, at least you now have Flo Boarding to practice!Well, at least you now have Flo Boarding to practice!Well, at least you now have Flo Boarding to practice!?null,\Well, just ask!Well, just ask!Well, just ask!Well, just ask!@null[ +Hm. Talking about yourself and only about yourself in considered very impolite...Hm. Talking about yourself and only about yourself in considered very impolite...Hm. Talking about yourself and only about yourself in considered very impolite...Hm. Talking about yourself and only about yourself in considered very impolite...AnullRIs that a yes or a no?Is that a yes or a no?Is that a yes or a no?Is that a yes or a no?Bnull,[Well, just ask!Well, just ask!Well, just ask!Well, just ask!CnullZ *Hm. Talking about yourself and only about yourself in considered very impolite...Hm. Talking about yourself and only about yourself in considered very impolite...Hm. Talking about yourself and only about yourself in considered very impolite...Hm. Talking about yourself and only about yourself in considered very impolite...DnullQI've really lost you here... Ask me something else.I've really lost you here... Ask me something else.I've really lost you here... Ask me something else.I've really lost you here... Ask me something else.Enull:t8xWibe almost feels like family.Wibe? He should see a hairdresser! Tell him when you see him.Give him a wet kiss on the cheek from me!Wibe almost feels like family.Wibe? He should see a hairdresser! Tell him when you see him.Give him a wet kiss on the cheek from me!Wibe almost feels like family.Wibe? He should see a hairdresser! Tell him when you see him.Give him a wet kiss on the cheek from me!Wibe almost feels like family.Wibe? He should see a hairdresser! Tell him when you see him.Give him a wet kiss on the cheek from me!Fnull`,xI know Anne! The short girl with the glasses, right?I know Anne! The short girl with the glasses, right?I know Anne! The short girl with the glasses, right?I know Anne! The short girl with the glasses, right?Gnull`,xIsn't that the quiet guy on the background?Isn't that the quiet guy on the background?Isn't that the quiet guy on the background?Isn't that the quiet guy on the background?Hnull`,xWell, I've never actually seen him. Does he exist???Well, I've never actually seen him. Does he exist???Well, I've never actually seen him. Does he exist???Well, I've never actually seen him. Does he exist???Inull`+xWhere would we be without Kirsi? In sauna?Where would we be without Kirsi? In sauna?Where would we be without Kirsi? In sauna?Where would we be without Kirsi? In sauna?Jnull:t5xTell him to stick to his diet (and give him a compliment on his weight).Tell him to stick to his diet (and give him a compliment on his weight).Tell him to stick to his diet (and give him a compliment on his weight).Tell him to stick to his diet (and give him a compliment on his weight).Knull:tvx4If you see her, tell her boyfriend that kids are FUN!If you see her, tell her boyfriend that kids are FUN!If you see her, tell her boyfriend that kids are FUN!If you see her, tell her boyfriend that kids are FUN!Lnull:t2xThe mastermind who managed to triplicate himself... Or did u just call me sick? ;)The mastermind who managed to triplicate himself... Or did u just call me sick? ;)The mastermind who managed to triplicate himself... Or did u just call me sick? ;)The mastermind who managed to triplicate himself... Or did u just call me sick? ;)Mnull:t1xYeah, I hear his name on airports a lot. He's always asked to proceed to the gate.Yeah, I hear his name on airports a lot. He's always asked to proceed to the gate.Yeah, I hear his name on airports a lot. He's always asked to proceed to the gate.Yeah, I hear his name on airports a lot. He's always asked to proceed to the gate.Nnull:tux0Think of his voice when you hear me speak.Think of his voice when you hear me speak.Think of his voice when you hear me speak.Think of his voice when you hear me speak.Onull:t0xOooo Lori! Isn't that a song?Oooo Lori! Isn't that a song?Oooo Lori! Isn't that a song?Oooo Lori! Isn't that a song?Pnull:t/xShe really means the world to me! And I really like the way she talks.She really means the world to me! And I really like the way she talks.She really means the world to me! And I really like the way she talks.She really means the world to me! And I really like the way she talks.Qnull:t.oxTake him out and crush his glasses! Just kidding.Take him out and crush his glasses! Just kidding.Take him out and crush his glasses! Just kidding.Take him out and crush his glasses! Just kidding.Rnull:t.xJoost? Haven't seen him in a while. Send him my regards.Joost? Haven't seen him in a while. Send him my regards.Joost? Haven't seen him in a while. Send him my regards.Joost? Haven't seen him in a while. Send him my regards.Snull:t-xWell, I actually borrow these pixels from him.Well, I actually borrow these pixels from him.Well, I actually borrow these pixels from him.Well, I actually borrow these pixels from him.Tnull:twx<Panu can read my mind. And I think he can read yours as well...Panu can read my mind. And I think he can read yours as well...Panu can read my mind. And I think he can read yours as well...Panu can read my mind. And I think he can read yours as well...Unull:txx8The master, the teacher, the preacher. And he uses lots of shampoo too!The master, the teacher, the preacher. And he uses lots of shampoo too!The master, the teacher, the preacher. And he uses lots of shampoo too!The master, the teacher, the preacher. And he uses lots of shampoo too!Vnull:tzx5Yez, ze Ukrainian mainvrames ver vay better zan zis zing!Yez, ze Ukrainian mainvrames ver vay better zan zis zing!Yez, ze Ukrainian mainvrames ver vay better zan zis zing!Yez, ze Ukrainian mainvrames ver vay better zan zis zing!Wnull:tyx4Sami's super cool!Sami's super cool!Sami's super cool!Sami's super cool!Xnull:t{x2Ruohis's wicked!Ruohis's wicked!Ruohis's wicked!Ruohis's wicked!Ynull:t|x1Vlad's cool!Vlad's cool!Vlad's cool!Vlad's cool!Znull:t{<xThe guy with the curly hair? Haha. He's just game!The guy with the curly hair? Haha. He's just game!The guy with the curly hair? Haha. He's just game!The guy with the curly hair? Haha. He's just game!\null:t<xIt was me thought him English... I think :)It was me thought him English... I think :)It was me thought him English... I think :)It was me thought him English... I think :)]nullPD 0xSo we can connect ;)So we can connect ;)So we can connect ;)So we can connect ;)^null xExplore and enjoy! But please don't overdo...Count to 10. If you still wonder, ask the person next to you.That would be a waste of fresh air!Prioritise $NAME$, prioritise!Go $NAME$, go!Always wonder: would I do it?... You can always give it a try?Usually people know what's the right thingExplore and enjoy! But please don't overdo...Count to 10. If you still wonder, ask the person next to you.That would be a waste of fresh air!Prioritise $NAME$, prioritise!Go $NAME$, go!Always wonder: would I do it?... You can always give it a try?Usually people know what's the right thingExplore and enjoy! But please don't overdo...Count to 10. If you still wonder, ask the person next to you.That would be a waste of fresh air!Prioritise $NAME$, prioritise!Go $NAME$, go!Always wonder: would I do it?... You can always give it a try?Usually people know what's the right thingExplore and enjoy! But please don't overdo...Count to 10. If you still wonder, ask the person next to you.That would be a waste of fresh air!Prioritise $NAME$, prioritise!Go $NAME$, go!Always wonder: would I do it?... You can always give it a try?Usually people know what's the right thing`null%SXxF There's only one earth, so you'd better respect it.There's only one earth, so you'd better respect it.There's only one earth, so you'd better respect it.There's only one earth, so you'd better respect it.anull YFLearn to live, live to learn. Hm. That's sound smart... :)Learn to live, live to learn. Hm. That's sound smart... :)Learn to live, live to learn. Hm. That's sound smart... :)Learn to live, live to learn. Hm. That's sound smart... :)bnull^+k\+.2: 5JxOI4 5w xh   'j ! E/I*blush* Sorry I can't see you...*blush* Sorry I can't see you...*blush* Sorry I can't see you...*blush* Sorry I can't see you...cnull x<FI know my philosophy. I just don't like to quote. I make my own words.I know my philosophy. I just don't like to quote. I make my own words.I know my philosophy. I just don't like to quote. I make my own words.I know my philosophy. I just don't like to quote. I make my own words.dnull 9.2: ~ Rh   5Y,xFAsk me anything you would ask other friends.Ask me anything you would ask other friends.Ask me anything you would ask other friends.Ask me anything you would ask other friends.enull9(.: S~ h p5T/0^OLr%Uhm. About what's on yor mind. What's on your mind?Uhm. About what's on yor mind. What's on your mind?Uhm. About what's on yor mind. What's on your mind?Uhm. About what's on yor mind. What's on your mind?fnull +. : "h   1# x H/mxI was born in 1985. You do the math, baby!I was born in 1985. You do the math, baby!I was born in 1985. You do the math, baby!I was born in 1985. You do the math, baby!gnull .:2x 5h  0$ xxxYup! There will be fireworks again!Yup! There will be fireworks again!Yup! There will be fireworks again!Yup! There will be fireworks again!hnull.2: xh   *xI will take that as a compliment... Thanx!I will take that as a compliment... Thanx!I will take that as a compliment... Thanx!I will take that as a compliment... Thanx!inull-)xFAre you sleepy? I'm not.Are you sleepy? I'm not.Are you sleepy? I'm not.Are you sleepy? I'm not.jnull-):R(h UpFAre you sleepy? I'm not.Are you sleepy? I'm not.Are you sleepy? I'm not.Are you sleepy? I'm not.knull +.:! Eh /xHI'm not always as sweet as this.I'm not always as sweet as this.I'm not always as sweet as this.I'm not always as sweet as this.lnullm Q/xTFTrick! ;) Have you tested all Flo Boarding tricks?Trick! ;) Have you tested all Flo Boarding tricks?Trick! ;) Have you tested all Flo Boarding tricks?Trick! ;) Have you tested all Flo Boarding tricks?mnull^.2: h   xpJust say something nice to me.Just say something nice to me.Just say something nice to me.Just say something nice to me.nnull .2: F`> Xh  k&Just say something nice to me.Just say something nice to me.Just say something nice to me.Just say something nice to me.onull .:x h j ! < EUh? Better use them for some nice typing!Uh? Better use them for some nice typing!Uh? Better use them for some nice typing!Uh? Better use them for some nice typing!pnull+:!(p^Get loose. Go Flo Boarding! ;)Get loose. Go Flo Boarding! ;)Get loose. Go Flo Boarding! ;)Get loose. Go Flo Boarding! ;)qnullixThis device probably isn't water resistant, so you better watch out with that.This device probably isn't water resistant, so you better watch out with that.This device probably isn't water resistant, so you better watch out with that.This device probably isn't water resistant, so you better watch out with that.rnulljxYou do that while I check my messages.You do that while I check my messages.You do that while I check my messages.You do that while I check my messages.snull8 3<QxFDoes the magnifying glass come with it?Does the magnifying glass come with it?Does the magnifying glass come with it?Does the magnifying glass come with it?tnullI<JxNot an option. Let's stay where we are.Not an option. Let's stay where we are.Not an option. Let's stay where we are.Not an option. Let's stay where we are.unull :K "/ZFErh erh. Uh uh. Yeah dude.Erh erh. Uh uh. Yeah dude.Erh erh. Uh uh. Yeah dude.Erh erh. Uh uh. Yeah dude.vnull)xWacky show! But... How many phones can you stick in your mouth? Please don't try it at home!Wacky show! But... How many phones can you stick in your mouth? Please don't try it at home!Wacky show! But... How many phones can you stick in your mouth? Please don't try it at home!Wacky show! But... How many phones can you stick in your mouth? Please don't try it at home!wnullxR.S  /HNo. No place to keep it. Do you have one?No. No place to keep it. Do you have one?No. No place to keep it. Do you have one?No. No place to keep it. Do you have one?xnull,ZWell, take good care of it! Cats need love too.Well, take good care of it! Cats need love too.Well, take good care of it! Cats need love too.Well, take good care of it! Cats need love too.ynullY *Ah. Okay... Why did you ask?Ah. Okay... Why did you ask?Ah. Okay... Why did you ask?Ah. Okay... Why did you ask?znullQOkay. Well, why are we talking pets here?Okay. Well, why are we talking pets here?Okay. Well, why are we talking pets here?Okay. Well, why are we talking pets here?{null \k.+:(RO*!h $%ZI certainly hope so.I certainly hope so.Not if you behave like this!Not if you behave like this!|nullIZ:#)cf$ > ,p hl q ( /?2Kx[FI'm pretty good.. :)I'm pretty good.. :)I'm pretty good.. :)I'm pretty good.. :)}null+:!]You are? Good to know...You are? Good to know...You are? Good to know...You are? Good to know...~null %4:R'D 0h v  xU2kFIf you bring your phone along, you're never alone.If you bring your phone along, you're never alone.If you bring your phone along, you're never alone.If you bring your phone along, you're never alone.null Y.2: E 4h  8<LxpOn saturdays I usually go out. But I don't know where. Yet.On saturdays I usually go out. But I don't know where. Yet.On saturdays I usually go out. But I don't know where. Yet.On saturdays I usually go out. But I don't know where. Yet.null <0Nxf m l  FAs a dish not for me .. as a trick sometimes when having fun!As a dish not for me .. as a trick sometimes when having fun!As a dish not for me .. as a trick sometimes when having fun!As a dish not for me .. as a trick sometimes when having fun!null <0f m xl  FWhy did someone wet the poor pussy ... i know it's a air trick but don't know if I've ever seen anyone pulling it.Why did someone wet the poor pussy ... i know it's a air trick but don't know if I've ever seen anyone pulling it.Why did someone wet the poor pussy ... i know it's a air trick but don't know if I've ever seen anyone pulling it.Why did someone wet the poor pussy ... i know it's a air trick but don't know if I've ever seen anyone pulling it.null <=xz0f m l  FDon't you agree that it's weird that nowadays every word is a snowboarding trick as well? :sDon't you agree that it's weird that nowadays every word is a snowboarding trick as well? :sDon't you agree that it's weird that nowadays every word is a snowboarding trick as well? :sDon't you agree that it's weird that nowadays every word is a snowboarding trick as well? :snull x.:Af$ h l  FMost of the time I land really nice and smooth! What about u?Most of the time I land really nice and smooth! What about u?Most of the time I land really nice and smooth! What about u?Most of the time I land really nice and smooth! What about u?null<.:/f m h j !l   Eg xxFKeep your hands off my board!Keep your hands off my board!Keep your hands off my board!Keep your hands off my board!'null.:h j ! DxI know my tail is well-shaped... what board do you have?I know my tail is well-shaped... what board do you have?I know my tail is well-shaped... what board do you have?I know my tail is well-shaped... what board do you have?'null *^pHey! Go to that local store and get one. Life's too short ...Hey! Go to that local store and get one. Life's too short ...Hey! Go to that local store and get one. Life's too short ...Hey! Go to that local store and get one. Life's too short ...'nulldkf# l  FThat's a cool board!That's a cool board!That's a cool board!That's a cool board!'nullWf# l   xFAha, you like to go fast then.Aha, you like to go fast then.Aha, you like to go fast then.Aha, you like to go fast then.'nullFxFAh, you're the freestyler?Ah, you're the freestyler?Ah, you're the freestyler?Ah, you're the freestyler?null5.28: xp "1 SH -h  EFDid you see Lock, Stock... Snatch was funny though!Did you see Lock, Stock... Snatch was funny though!Did you see Lock, Stock... Snatch was funny though!Did you see Lock, Stock... Snatch was funny though! null ;:4U*. kxWell hello $NAME$! In a good mood?Well hello $NAME$! In a good mood?Well hello $NAME$! In a good mood?Well hello $NAME$! In a good mood? null+Y> +hx]That's great! Sometimes you're just in the flow...That's great! Sometimes you're just in the flow...That's great! Sometimes you're just in the flow...That's great! Sometimes you're just in the flow... nullX * `\As long as you keep calling me babe!As long as you keep calling me babe!As long as you keep calling me babe!As long as you keep calling me babe!null) 0 h_eFBuzz buzz. I'm the bee and you're the honey, honeyBuzz buzz. I'm the bee and you're the honey, honeyBuzz buzz. I'm the bee and you're the honey, honeyBuzz buzz. I'm the bee and you're the honey, honeynull<p) eCome again? Are you trying to be funny? Because I really can't see that from where I'm standing.Come again? Are you trying to be funny? Because I really can't see that from where I'm standing.Come again? Are you trying to be funny? Because I really can't see that from where I'm standing.Come again? Are you trying to be funny? Because I really can't see that from where I'm standing.null\ICLet's say I like places when the sun shines (rain makes places look sad everywhere)Let's say I like places when the sun shines (rain makes places look sad everywhere)Let's say I like places when the sun shines (rain makes places look sad everywhere)Let's say I like places when the sun shines (rain makes places look sad everywhere)null^*s x:D:D:D:Dnull*JxTurn that frown upside down!Turn that frown upside down!Turn that frown upside down!Turn that frown upside down!nullIFNow you made me hungry. What's for dinner tonight?Now you made me hungry. What's for dinner tonight?Now you made me hungry. What's for dinner tonight?Now you made me hungry. What's for dinner tonight?null~<xFHm. If you throw in some extra lettuce, I'm your girl!Hm. If you throw in some extra lettuce, I'm your girl!Hm. If you throw in some extra lettuce, I'm your girl!Hm. If you throw in some extra lettuce, I'm your girl!null<~8xFYummy! But only if they're home made!And dip them into some mayonaise. Mmmm Dutch stylee!Yummy! But only if they're home made!And dip them into some mayonaise. Mmmm Dutch stylee!Yummy! But only if they're home made!And dip them into some mayonaise. Mmmm Dutch stylee!Yummy! But only if they're home made!And dip them into some mayonaise. Mmmm Dutch stylee!null~5xFPut on some extra cheese for me!As long as you put on some extra cheese for me!Put on some extra cheese for me!As long as you put on some extra cheese for me!Put on some extra cheese for me!As long as you put on some extra cheese for me!Put on some extra cheese for me!As long as you put on some extra cheese for me!nullQI think I'll pass. Maybe next time.I think I'll pass. Maybe next time.I think I'll pass. Maybe next time.I think I'll pass. Maybe next time.null~4xFHm. I prefer to eat healthy... But a burger every once in while... YUMMYHm. I prefer to eat healthy... But a burger every once in while... YUMMYHm. I prefer to eat healthy... But a burger every once in while... YUMMYHm. I prefer to eat healthy... But a burger every once in while... YUMMY$null:R'h Tqhr%Cool! Maybe one day you see me flashing by somewhere!Cool! Maybe one day you see me flashing by somewhere!Cool! Maybe one day you see me flashing by somewhere!Cool! Maybe one day you see me flashing by somewhere!$nulll EFAh, as long as you have fun with it ;) GO, $NAME$ GO!Ah, as long as you have fun with it ;) GO, $NAME$ GO!Ah, as long as you have fun with it ;) GO, $NAME$ GO!Ah, as long as you have fun with it ;) GO, $NAME$ GO!$nullPThat's not in MY dictionairy... Go outside and MOVE!That's not in MY dictionairy... Go outside and MOVE!That's not in MY dictionairy... Go outside and MOVE!That's not in MY dictionairy... Go outside and MOVE!*null+XGood thing. Body = temple and stuff.Good thing. Body = temple and stuff.Good thing. Body = temple and stuff.Good thing. Body = temple and stuff.*nullX )No? Your health is all you got, babe. And it's a babe magnet, you know!No? Your health is all you got, babe. And it's a babe magnet, you know!No? Your health is all you got, babe. And it's a babe magnet, you know!No? Your health is all you got, babe. And it's a babe magnet, you know!*nullPD 0O nothing. Just a standard question to prevent me from getting an ' explicit lyrics' sticker.@nulllxl "F Find the shortcuts and you'll get ahead in the game.Don't underestimate well cut corners.Find the shortcuts and you'll get ahead in the game.Don't underestimate well cut corners.Find the shortcuts and you'll get ahead in the game.Don't underestimate well cut corners.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!BnullD 0Ehr... A question mark... What's on your mind?Ehr... A question mark... What's on your mind?Ehr... A question mark... What's on your mind?Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!C)nullHm $NAME$. If I understand that correctly that is a language I don't speak. Or did you make it up yourself?Hm $NAME$. If I understand that correctly that is a language I don't speak. Or did you make it up yourself?Hm $NAME$. If I understand that correctly that is a language I don't speak. Or did you make it up yourself?Hm $NAME$. If I understand that correctly that is a language I don't speak. Or did you make it up yourself?D)null*XCool, but don't expect an answer.Cool, but don't expect an answer.Cool, but don't expect an answer.Cool, but don't expect an answer.E)nullW )Ah. Oops! Rephrase please...Ah. Oops! Rephrase please...Ah. Oops! Rephrase please...Ah. Oops! Rephrase please...F)null"`q h 0FOw. It's just English here. Sorry for that...Ow. It's just English here. Sorry for that...Ow. It's just English here. Sorry for that...Ow. It's just English here. Sorry for that...Gnulloxgrmbl!grmbl!grmbl!grmbl!Hnull))xDo you talk very nasal? Because that would make this sound very funny.Do you talk very nasal? Because that would make this sound very funny.Do you talk very nasal? Because that would make this sound very funny.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!Inull. :a` `'!xxoD 0h  /HF!My coat keeps me warm at night and in cold places.My coat keeps me warm at night and in cold places.My coat keeps me warm at night and in cold places.My coat keeps me warm at night and in cold places.Jnull .2: t<rT0 h  xWhy? I didn't harm anybody!Why? I didn't harm anybody!Why? I didn't harm anybody!Why? I didn't harm anybody!KnullT[ h /xFIt's straight mental material!It's straight mental material!It's straight mental material!It's straight mental material!Lnull ;*-:S 1 xxPlease check your optometrist - I'm definitely not a DUDE, dude!Please check your optometrist - I'm definitely not a DUDE, dude!Please check your optometrist - I'm definitely not a DUDE, dude!Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!MnullF^ kFJust go downhill and cross that finish in one piece.Just go downhill and cross that finish in one piece.Just go downhill and cross that finish in one piece.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!Nnull xk+:G1k 4OKr%G<FDo some tricks while you're in the air.Do some tricks while you're in the air.Do some tricks while you're in the air.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!Onull ; :F] e < x8pFWell, not referring to women as 'chicks' might be a good start.Well, not referring to women as 'chicks' might be a good start.Well, not referring to women as 'chicks' might be a good start.Stop calling them chicks!Pnull 9(:AQG%R'k~ h T/80]HF It's fun and I put all my efforts in it. What do you want to know?It's fun and I put all my efforts in it. What do you want to know?It's fun and I put all my efforts in it. What do you want to know?Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!Qnull.:6I> +p eh j ! D cFCheck the ranking - I'm usually somewhere in the middle... :(Check the ranking - I'm usually somewhere in the middle... :(Check the ranking - I'm usually somewhere in the middle... :(Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!Rnull.:AG_ 6I^)< > *p c  Fh & j !  D /2KxFI don't know actually. I knew it was pretty fast and I beat some guy from Sweden.I don't know actually. I knew it was pretty fast and I beat some guy from Sweden.I don't know actually. I knew it was pretty fast and I beat some guy from Sweden.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!Snull.:AG_ 6I^)< > *p a  Fh & j !  D /2JxFUhm. Check the ranking, because I honestly don't know.Uhm. Check the ranking, because I honestly don't know.Uhm. Check the ranking, because I honestly don't know.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!Tnull.:AG_ 6I^)8 > *p `  Fh & j !  D /2JxFPretty fast. I had all my blast in the pipes and that really helped!Pretty fast. I had all my blast in the pipes and that really helped!Pretty fast. I had all my blast in the pipes and that really helped!Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!Unull.:AG_ 6I^)5 > *p ^  Fh & j !  D /2JxFLong time since I was riding the Pass of Peril, so I really can't remember.Long time since I was riding the Pass of Peril, so I really can't remember.Long time since I was riding the Pass of Peril, so I really can't remember.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!Vnull.:AG_ 6H^)4 > )p ]  Eh & j !  D /2JxFI once was world champion, but not anymore. Current time is somewhere around one minute.I once was world champion, but not anymore. Current time is somewhere around one minute.I once was world champion, but not anymore. Current time is somewhere around one minute.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!Wnull F> )p \ T/>%?SHFWhich one do you think? The last one of course...Which one do you think? The last one of course...Which one do you think? The last one of course...Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!Xnull<F\AG_ xS.^f)" m & l    2FJump first. Then press 4Jump first. Then press 4Jump first. Then press 4Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!YnullQx<F[AG_ S.^f)" m & l    1FPress 6. But don't forget to jump first.Press 6. But don't forget to jump first.Press 6. But don't forget to jump first.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!Znull<FZAGx_ R-^f)" m & l    0FPress 1. Jump first.Press 1. Jump first.Press 1. Jump first.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips![null<FYPxR-f" m l  FI'm sorry. Let's focus on the Flo Boarding tricks. Press the number keys to perform.I'm sorry. Let's focus on the Flo Boarding tricks. Press the number keys to perform.I'm sorry. Let's focus on the Flo Boarding tricks. Press the number keys to perform.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!\null<FXAG_ Q,^f)" m & l    x 0F3 is the magic number.3 is the magic number.3 is the magic number.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!]null<FXAG_ Q,^f)" m & l    /xFJust grab your nose? Then press 9.Just grab your nose? Then press 9.Just grab your nose? Then press 9.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!^null<FWxAG_ Q,^f)" m & l    .FPress 8 after you've jumped.Press 8 after you've jumped.Press 8 after you've jumped.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!_null<FVAG_ P+^f)" m & l    .xFPress 2 while in the air.Press 2 while in the air.Press 2 while in the air.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!`null <FU+xf m l  FPress 5 when your performing a trick.Press 5 when your performing a trick.Press 5 when your performing a trick.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!anull<FUAG_ z/^f9p) m & l    -FPress 7 when you encounter something to rail on.Press 7 when you encounter something to rail on.Press 7 when you encounter something to rail on.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!bnull.:AG_6H^ )   h & j ! ) C FxFOn whick track? I'm somewhere in the middle. Some players appear to be better than ME!On whick track? I'm somewhere in the middle. Some players appear to be better than ME!On whick track? I'm somewhere in the middle. Some players appear to be better than ME!Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!cnullFTAG_^ )   & ) /NxGFsxJust try it. Jump at every corner, rail on everything railable.Just try it. Jump at every corner, rail on everything railable.Just try it. Jump at every corner, rail on everything railable.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!dnullAG_^)2 &  = Z2h/82IxNxHFJump just before the cars.Jump just before the cars.Jump just before the cars.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!enullAG_^)1 &  = Z1e/82IxNpHFJump over that very first train car on the left.Jump over that very first train car on the left.Jump over that very first train car on the left.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!fnullAG_^)0 &  < Z0c/82IxNkHFStart railing immediatly and jump in the first corner.Start railing immediatly and jump in the first corner.Start railing immediatly and jump in the first corner.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!gnullAG_^)0 &  < Z0a/82IxNhHFRemember that big hairpin? Right before you can jump and shortcut it.Remember that big hairpin? Right before you can jump and shortcut it.Remember that big hairpin? Right before you can jump and shortcut it.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!hnullAG_^)/ &  < Z/`/82IxNeHFIt's one big shortcut! On that first crossing, pick the track in the middle.It's one big shortcut! On that first crossing, pick the track in the middle.It's one big shortcut! On that first crossing, pick the track in the middle.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!inull]4'hAG_^ )  & 2 (/GkFlarKPress 2. But you have to earn blast by doing tricks.Press 2. But you have to earn blast by doing tricks.Press 2. But you have to earn blast by doing tricks.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!jnull <&FTf m  el  FJump and turn left or right.Jump and turn left or right.Jump and turn left or right.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!knullFSxJump and press up or down.Jump and press up or down.Jump and press up or down.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!lnull  0 xxF<xApparently you can't connect. Let's change the subject.Apparently you can't connect. Let's change the subject.Apparently you can't connect. Let's change the subject.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!mnull$D 0 TxF Uhm. Flo Boarding? Ask me something about that.Uhm. Flo Boarding? Ask me something about that.Uhm. Flo Boarding? Ask me something about that.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!nnullOD 0x<To check whether I have posted some updates :)To check whether I have posted some updates :)To check whether I have posted some updates :)Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!onull<MPf"" m & Rl  /GFI'm sorry. Let's focus on the Flo Boarding tricks. Press the number keys to perform.I'm sorry. Let's focus on the Flo Boarding tricks. Press the number keys to perform.I'm sorry. Let's focus on the Flo Boarding tricks. Press the number keys to perform.Sorry but I'm not in the mood for giving game tips!pnull +. :[p "h   HNo, actually I'm feeling great!No, I'm healthy as a horse.No, I'm not sick.No, I don't think I'm sick even though I'm feeling little bad.qnull +. :\8D 0 "h   H.xActually I'm feeling excellent!Yeah, I'm cool!Could be better...No but thanks for asking!rnull D.: R)h l !/DX%YF I always wanted to try that!It should give you the adrenaline..It's not as cool as snowboarding but I like it.It's not as cool as snowboarding but I like it.snull^*\D <l ! xF That's a cool! Kind of extreme..That's a cool! Kind of extreme..At least you won't get bored!At least you won't get bored!tnull ^*\" <a xl  xFSk8 or die!Sk8 or die!Sk8 or die!Sk8 or die!unull ".:AD 0a ph l FNo, but I have friends who do.No, I'm into snowboarding!No, I bet u do?No!vnull ;IY*-:D 0q ( e/GYou're the man $NAME$ !$NAME$£ is the man!It's definitely not you, $NAME$You're the wimp $NAME$!wnull +:[-!x 2\F Oh poor $NAME$! Get well soon!Oh poor $NAME$! Get well soon!I hope it's not bad. Get well soon!I hope you don't infect me! :)xnulleoh, please tell me more about that!Sorry but I don't understand anything of that mumblejumbleAre you sure that's English?oh, please tell me more about that!Sorry but I don't understand anything of that mumblejumbleAre you sure that's English?oh, please tell me more about that!Sorry but I don't understand anything of that mumblejumbleAre you sure that's English?oh, please tell me more about that!Sorry but I don't understand anything of that mumblejumbleAre you sure that's English?ynullxNo need for testing - start typing.Test passed!Why are you testing?I'm really bored w this testing stuff!null$~eF You're gonna be fat and die young.. sorryYou're gonna be fat and die young.. sorryYou're gonna be fat and die young.. sorryYou're gonna be fat and die young.. sorrynull$a_ 0 F One of my favourite cuisines.One of my favourite cuisines.One of my favourite cuisines.One of my favourite cuisines.null$;`F Fish is healthyFish is healthyFish is healthyFish is healthynull$*5 OxF I love Italian food tooyummy, baby!I love Italian food tooyummy, baby!I love Italian food tooyummy, baby!I love Italian food tooyummy, baby!null$K pF I don't eat meet anymoreI don't eat meet anymoreI don't eat meet anymoreI don't eat meet anymorenull$xF Veggies are great!Veggies are great!Veggies are great!Veggies are great!null6HD / cYou must be living in a cave. Maguro, Sake, Ebi -- pure fish on a blob of rice with really hot green stuff that makes your eyes water with delight. Try it sometime.It's Japanese and it's great. Better than sushi.What am I? A dictionary. Look it up on the web.Look it up.null 06H;/Ph_  FYou must be living in a cave. Maguro, Sake, Ebi -- pure fish on a blob of rice with really hot green stuff that makes your eyes water with delight. Try it sometime.It's Japanese and it's great. Better than sushi.What am I? A dictionary. Look it up on the web.Look it up.null-> hhp\Great! What are U up to today?That's good! Hope you have a great day!Ok. What do you want to do?Aha.null- wx\Oh too bad! I'll try to be nice.Oh, cheer up! Play some Flo boarding!Yeah, I know the feeling.i know the feeling.nullD ;PSorry $NAME$. Didn't get your question.Sorry $NAME$. Didn't get your question.Didn't get your question?Don't understand your question!nulliPHey $NAME$, I wouldn't understand even If you're yelling..Hey $NAME$, I wouldn't understand even If you're yelling..You may have a point but I do'nt get it.You may have a point but I do'nt get it.,null \""fD D /l  "CF I love it! U?Luv it! And U then?Sure! U?Of course! What about U then?,null*WThat's my boy! I'm starting to like you more and more..Yeah, I thought so!Cool! It's the best.Ok! At least we have something in common.,nullV )You don't? I bet U haven't even tried it.You don't? I bet U haven't even tried it.You don't? I bet haven't even tried it.You don't? I bet U haven't even tried it.,nullx R  4 x^kYou should try it! It's the best thing!You should try it! It's the best!You should try while you're young.I knew it. You don't seem like a snowboarder.,null-> hhk\Exactly! It's the best!Exactly! It's the best!Yeah, you're absolutely right!,nullR- vx\What!? Get out of here!What!? Get out of here!What!? Get out of here!What!? Get out of here!,null\5q e ..pFHey $NAME$! It's more than ok!Hey $NAME$! It's more than ok!Hey $NAME$! It's more than ok!Hey $NAME$! It's more than ok!null 5.:Ah ` W~1xFThere's a small village just above Acopulco that has the best tacos ever!There's a small village just above Acopulco that has the best tacos ever!There's a small village just above Acopulco that has the best tacos ever!There's a small village just above Acopulco that has the best tacos ever!nullS\-(CFI like all kinds of styles. As long as it makes my hips move!I like all kinds of styles. As long as it makes my hips move!I like all kinds of styles. As long as it makes my hips move!I like all kinds of styles. As long as it makes my hips move!null8R 38* xFBrush your teeth!Brush your teeth!Brush your teeth!Brush your teeth!null l2+.:R! Eh fxYeah, really brave to call me names when I can't strike backYeah, really brave to call me names when I can't strike backYeah, really brave to call me names when I can't strike backYeah, really brave to call me names when I can't strike backnull\D /You figure that out for yourself - I'm not a manual!You figure that out for yourself - I'm not a manual!You figure that out for yourself - I'm not a manual!You figure that out for yourself - I'm not a manual!null .2: "1 S ah  E(xApparently not... Rephrase please!Apparently not... Rephrase please!Apparently not... Rephrase please!Apparently not... Rephrase please!null .2: 1 ) `h  xeApparently not... Rephrase please!Apparently not... Rephrase please!Apparently not... Rephrase please!Apparently not... Rephrase please!null ;h*,+: Q! ( x[/GFigure of speech, dude!Figure of speech, dude!Figure of speech, dude!Figure of speech, dude!null ; N*: - 5 x/U\>%?SmpnkWhy? You don't think like girls like me? Next time I'll bring some friends.Why? You don't think like girls like me? Next time I'll bring some friends.Why? You don't think like girls like me? Next time I'll bring some friends.Why? You don't think like girls like me? Next time I'll bring some friends.null9+. :R&D /~ "h  A <D x\S HF;) Oh boy, you're a bit too easy for me. Look at me with a smile!;) Oh boy, you're a bit too easy for me. Look at me with a smile!;) Oh boy, you're a bit too easy for me. Look at me with a smile!;) Oh boy, you're a bit too easy for me. Look at me with a smile!null9i8+.:pD /~ h A <D x\/FmkPlease don't take me too serious all the time. Girls just wanna have fun, you know.Please don't take me too serious all the time. Girls just wanna have fun, you know.Please don't take me too serious all the time. Girls just wanna have fun, you know.Please don't take me too serious all the time. Girls just wanna have fun, you know.null ..1: QD /h   0|cFI know. But don't hold that against me ;)I know. But don't hold that against me ;)I know. But don't hold that against me ;)I know. But don't hold that against me ;)null: D /1hp8It might sound like a commercial, but that is really all there is to it.It might sound like a commercial, but that is really all there is to it.It might sound like a commercial, but that is really all there is to it.It might sound like a commercial, but that is really all there is to it.null +.>:N!h $ $ &5Sp/xDid you turn me upside down?Did you turn me upside down?Did you turn me upside down?Did you turn me upside down?null/xD /Uhm. Right in front of you?Uhm. Right in front of you?Uhm. Right in front of you?Uhm. Right in front of you?null{x@0 -/U[xGFThe pleasure was all mine, babe.The pleasure was all mine, babe.The pleasure was all mine, babe.The pleasure was all mine, babe.null""+.:fD D / h  h  l  "c)<xF I got caught up in Flo Boarding...I got caught up in Flo Boarding...I got caught up in Flo Boarding...I got caught up in Flo Boarding...null x 0Ooooo. Dark! Can somebody turn on the light?Ooooo. Dark! Can somebody turn on the light?Ooooo. Dark! Can somebody turn on the light?Ooooo. Dark! Can somebody turn on the light?null(Z5:ExFAh, I particularly liked him in that movie where he did that awesome stunt!Ah, I particularly liked him in that movie where he did that awesome stunt!Ah, I particularly liked him in that movie where he did that awesome stunt!Ah, I particularly liked him in that movie where he did that awesome stunt!nullND /=xDid you already subscribe? That way you can compare scores!Did you already subscribe? That way you can compare scores!Did you already subscribe? That way you can compare scores!Did you already subscribe? That way you can compare scores!+nullXD /j !xExWhat!? You want me to list my friends? There're too many.I'm not giving a list of my friends. That'd be rude!I'm not telling you!I won't list them here!+null*1x9(: u4@/R&Vh~ h Sx.xOk. I like to ride with Jukka and Jayse.Ok. I like to snowboard with Jukka and Jayse.Ok. I like to ride with Jukka and Jayse.No! Stop insisting!/null *xIX-.:h j !q ' CMy phone is my best friend... ;)My phone is my best friend... ;)My phone is my best friend... ;)My phone is my best friend... ;)/null -p:56HD /h j !pxIt's a she and I call her FoneyIt's a she and I call her FoneyIt's a she and I call her FoneyIt's a she and I call her Foney/null :h6HeD /h 05SShe's... Thrustworthy!She's... Thrustworthy!She's... Thrustworthy!She's... Thrustworthy!/null .: RP!D /h xUhm... We are virtually never separated.Uhm... We are virtually never separated.Uhm... We are virtually never separated.Uhm... We are virtually never separated.nullzxMaybe you should do something else for a while?Maybe you should do something else for a while?Maybe you should do something else for a while?I think it's you $NAME$ who's boring!null(xKeepin' it real, man!As real as it gets!Keepin' it real, man!As real as it gets!0null(xYou're a surfer, right?You're a surfer, right?Aha, a surfer boy?Aha, a surfer boy?0nullTU,xKeep riding the waves, man!Keep riding the waves, man!Keep riding the waves, man!Keep riding the waves, man!0nulleU QWell, hang loose yourself anyway!Well, hang loose yourself anyway!Well, hang loose yourself anyway!Well, hang loose yourself anyway!nullxyxYeah! Where's the party?Yeah! Where's the party?Maybe some other time...I don't feel like partying!null +.:! Dh 8xFYou're impolite!You're impolite!You're impolite!You're impolite!null+. :)af"  "h  l   G/GFI was born with my snowboard, man! U?I was born with my snowboard, man! U?That's my middle name! Are U?That's my middle name! Are U?null%2v 1h/GFkxSure! What do U want to do?Yup, where're we going?Maybe some other time...No, I'm not feeling so good.null%16Hv /FFkxCheck your N-gage!Check your N-gage!Check your N-gage!Check your N-gage!null / xI do only what I want!You don't tell me what to do!I'm not listening!You do it yourself!null .pxI'll have to think about it...Maybe I will...I might but not yet...Maybe I should...nullHxSurfing is cool! That's the mother of all boarding sports.Wakeboarding looks like fin!Surfing is cool! That's the mother of all boarding sports.Wakeboarding looks like fin!null +.:0gx7 ph I can chat with you. What else can u ask?I can chat with you. What else can u ask?I can chat with you. What else can u ask?I can chat with you. What else can u ask?null<That's really descriptive...That's really descriptive...That's really descriptive...That's really descriptive...nullUI'm, always aiming high!I like to fly high!The air tastes better when you go high!I like to fly high!nullxf" l  FI like it but Flo Boarding's even better. Less rules more freedom!I like it but Flo Boarding's even better. Less rules more freedom!I like it but Flo Boarding's even better. Less rules more freedom!I like it but Flo Boarding's even better. Less rules more freedom!nullx"F x8y8I like going to the clubs. I love my work.I like going to the clubs. I love my work.I like going to the clubs. I love my work.I like going to the clubs. I love my work.null pYeah, that's right!Yes, I think you got it right!Yeah!Yes, that's right.nullkMy first backflip really turned my world around!My first backflip really turned my world around!My first backflip really turned my world around!My first backflip really turned my world around!nulleFKeep on rockin'!Keep on rockin'!Keep on rockin'!Keep on rockin'!null}kFAre you a soul man?Are you a soul man?Are you a soul man?Are you a soul man?Are you a soul man?Are you a soul man?Are you a soul man?Are you a soul man?null`f" l  FThat's a great place for snowboarding!That's a great place for snowboarding!That's a great place for snowboarding!That's a great place for snowboarding!3nullAGPp&FAha, you like games with the action! I'll fight you any day.Aha, you like games with the action! I'll fight you any day.Aha, you like games with the action! I'll fight you any day.Aha, you like games with the action! I'll fight you any day. 3nullACxG&FWe'll have to race some time ...We'll have to race some time ...We'll have to race some time ...We'll have to race some time ... 3nullAG& ' PFThat's a good one but doesn't compare to Flo boarding though :)That's a good one but doesn't compare to Flo boarding though :)That's a good one but doesn't compare to Flo boarding though :)That's a good one but doesn't compare to Flo boarding though :) 3nullAG & s8tpFIncredible game! And you can get it on N-gage aswell..Incredible game! And you can get it on N-gage aswell..Incredible game! And you can get it on N-gage aswell..Incredible game! And you can get it on N-gage aswell.. 3nullAGP5 xFOh, wanna be a gangster? Funny game... and so free if you know what I mean.Oh, wanna be a gangster? Funny game... and so free if you know what I mean.Oh, wanna be a gangster? Funny game... and so free if you know what I mean.Oh, wanna be a gangster? Funny game... and so free if you know what I mean. 3nullAGP4<xFSonic is so cute!Sonic is so cute!Sonic is so cute!Sonic is so cute!3nullAGP2xFYou know you can get that on N-gage?You know you can get that on N-gage?You know you can get that on N-gage?You know you can get that on N-gage?3nullAG8xFThe speed, adventure and the colours! Amazing game!The speed, adventure and the colours! Amazing game!The speed, adventure and the colours! Amazing game!The speed, adventure and the colours! Amazing game!3nullAGx5FHuh! Don't know how many hours I've spent in those tombs.Huh! Don't know how many hours I've spent in those tombs.Huh! Don't know how many hours I've spent in those tombs.Huh! Don't know how many hours I've spent in those tombs.3nullAG%xFAh, little more exceptional choice! Available on N-gage..Ah, little more exceptional choice! Available on N-gage..Ah, little more exceptional choice! Available on N-gage..Ah, little more exceptional choice! Available on N-gage..3nullxpFI'll have to challenge you some time! Great game with great music!I'll have to challenge you some time! Great game with great music!I'll have to challenge you some time! Great game with great music!I'll have to challenge you some time! Great game with great music!3nullAG% xFI bet you know you can get that on N-gage aswell!I bet you know you can get that on N-gage aswell!I bet you know you can get that on N-gage aswell!I bet you know you can get that on N-gage aswell!3nullAG%& NFSports on your own couch.. super!Sports on your own couch.. super!Sports on your own couch.. super!Sports on your own couch.. super!3nullODoesn't ring any bells but I'm sure I've played that one too.There are so many games that I play.. can't remember all names.Doesn't ring any bells but I'm sure I've played that one too.There are so many games that I play.. can't remember all names.Doesn't ring any bells but I'm sure I've played that one too.There are so many games that I play.. can't remember all names.Doesn't ring any bells but I'm sure I've played that one too.There are so many games that I play.. can't remember all names.3nullAG%xFYou like to see yourself as war General?You like to see yourself as war General?You like to see yourself as war General?You like to see yourself as war General?3nullAG&  < xFWhat a great football game!What a great football game!What a great football game!What a great football game!3nullAG% xFYou can easily spend hundreds of hours with good RPGs!You can easily spend hundreds of hours with good RPGs!You can easily spend hundreds of hours with good RPGs!You can easily spend hundreds of hours with good RPGs!3nullAG$xFOh captain my captain!Oh captain my captain!Oh captain my captain!Oh captain my captain!3nullAG$xFIt's fun when it's online!It's fun when it's online!It's fun when it's online!It's fun when it's online!3nullAG$xFAha, you like to use your brains! :)Aha, you like to use your brains! :)Aha, you like to use your brains! :)Aha, you like to use your brains! :)3nullAG$hFI love the adventure too!I love the adventure too!I love the adventure too!I love the adventure too!3nullAGG"F A brilliant game!A brilliant game!A brilliant game!A brilliant game!3null (^hYou don't play at all? I don't believe U!You don't play at all? I don't believe U!You don't play at all? I don't believe U!You don't play at all? I don't believe U!lnullkYou need a mobile internet connection to chat with friends and check the ranking. Please ask your provider for more info.You need a mobile internet connection to chat with friends and check the ranking. Please ask your provider for more info.You need a mobile internet connection to chat with friends and check the ranking. Please ask your provider for more info.You need a mobile internet connection to chat with friends and check the ranking. Please ask your provider for more info.mnullxEverything that involves other people besides you and me goes via the server. You need to connect.Everything that involves other people besides you and me goes via the server. You need to connect.Everything that involves other people besides you and me goes via the server. You need to connect.Everything that involves other people besides you and me goes via the server. You need to connect.nnullxWell, I would like to know your name. And it's useful for uploading your highscores.Well, I would like to know your name. And it's useful for uploading your highscores.Well, I would like to know your name. And it's useful for uploading your highscores.Well, I would like to know your name. And it's useful for uploading your highscores.onullxDon't be afraid I'm gonna check your background or something! I just want you to be more than just anyone.Don't be afraid I'm gonna check your background or something! I just want you to be more than just anyone.Don't be afraid I'm gonna check your background or something! I just want you to be more than just anyone.Don't be afraid I'm gonna check your background or something! I just want you to be more than just anyone.pnullFS=xFill in the profile and connect to the server. If you can't connect, please ask your provider.Fill in the profile and connect to the server. If you can't connect, please ask your provider.Fill in the profile and connect to the server. If you can't connect, please ask your provider.Fill in the profile and connect to the server. If you can't connect, please ask your provider.qnull  / xFThat's mobile internet. Your provider can tell you more about it than I can... Or check's mobile internet. Your provider can tell you more about it than I can... Or check's mobile internet. Your provider can tell you more about it than I can... Or check's mobile internet. Your provider can tell you more about it than I can... Or check $ ]F Yes, and it's mobile now! Ask your provider for more info.Yes, and it's mobile now! Ask your provider for more info.Yes, and it's mobile now! Ask your provider for more info.Yes, and it's mobile now! Ask your provider for more info.snullxYou might find useful information on or at your provider.You might find useful information on or at your provider.You might find useful information on or at your provider.You might find useful information on or at your provider.tnull  . pF<xWell, that's a pity! You can still play... Try to swap SIM's with someone who has?Well, that's a pity! You can still play... Try to swap SIM's with someone who has?Well, that's a pity! You can still play... Try to swap SIM's with someone who has?Well, that's a pity! You can still play... Try to swap SIM's with someone who has?unullpxUhm... If you couldn't connect, check for more info.Uhm... If you couldn't connect, check for more info.Uhm... If you couldn't connect, check for more info.Uhm... If you couldn't connect, check for more info.vnullk4pDo I look like a geek? Or a helpdesk? Go to I look like a geek? Or a helpdesk? Go to I look like a geek? Or a helpdesk? Go to I look like a geek? Or a helpdesk? Go to, did you register already? That's the only way to get into the chat and ranking...Hey, did you register already? That's the only way to get into the chat and ranking...Hey, did you register already? That's the only way to get into the chat and ranking...Hey, did you register already? That's the only way to get into the chat and ranking...x4null)UxAh okay. Hope you will become the next world champion.Ah okay. Hope you will become the next world champion.Ah okay. Hope you will become the next world champion.Ah okay. Hope you will become the next world champion.y4nullU (No? You really should. Not for me, but it really improves Nokia Game. Rankings, ghost download, chat and much more!No? You really should. Not for me, but it really improves Nokia Game. Rankings, ghost download, chat and much more!No? You really should. Not for me, but it really improves Nokia Game. Rankings, ghost download, chat and much more!No? You really should. Not for me, but it really improves Nokia Game. Rankings, ghost download, chat and much more!z4nullOWell, I just wanted to stress that it really improves Nokia Game...Well, I just wanted to stress that it really improves Nokia Game...Well, I just wanted to stress that it really improves Nokia Game...Well, I just wanted to stress that it really improves Nokia Game...{5CheckGPRS  9 FHey, do you actually have a mobile internet connection?Hey, do you actually have a mobile internet connection?Hey, do you actually have a mobile internet connection?Hey, do you actually have a mobile internet connection?|5null)TxIt's cool, right? Leave the laptop at home and run!It's cool, right? Leave the laptop at home and run!It's cool, right? Leave the laptop at home and run!It's cool, right? Leave the laptop at home and run!}nullT (No? It's really worthwhile. Not only for me, but also for MMS and chat.No? It's really worthwhile. Not only for me, but also for MMS and chat.No? It's really worthwhile. Not only for me, but also for MMS and chat.No? It's really worthwhile. Not only for me, but also for MMS and chat.~5nullNI didn't get that... But hey, I just wondered. Some people don't know what GPRS is...I didn't get that... But hey, I just wondered. Some people don't know what GPRS is...I didn't get that... But hey, I just wondered. Some people don't know what GPRS is...I didn't get that... But hey, I just wondered. Some people don't know what GPRS is...6CheckConnectionh2Did you already try to connect to the Nokia Game server?Did you already try to connect to the Nokia Game server?Did you already try to connect to the Nokia Game server?Did you already try to connect to the Nokia Game server?6null)TxAnd? I guess you found out you weren't the world champion you thought you were! Haha!And? I guess you found out you weren't the world champion you thought you were! Haha!And? I guess you found out you weren't the world champion you thought you were! Haha!And? I guess you found out you weren't the world champion you thought you were! Haha!6nullT (Why not? It's really easy! (not to mention fun)Why not? It's really easy! (not to mention fun)Why not? It's really easy! (not to mention fun)Why not? It's really easy! (not to mention fun)6nullNHuh? When I first connected I finally got it!Huh? When I first connected I finally got it!Huh? When I first connected I finally got it!Huh? When I first connected I finally got it!null<x MOK. It's good to have some goals!Well, a man's got to do what a man got to to do!You will? Good to know.You will? Interestingnull +. : "h   G/FxOnly if you're an excellent interpreter!Only if you're an excellent interpreter!Only if you're an excellent interpreter!Only if you're an excellent interpreter!null^*h\.:JpI2 4h j ! CThanks, I'm blushing!Thanks, I'm blushing!Thanks, I'm blushing!Thanks, I'm blushing!null ^)\.:]h j ! C 5xThanks! It feels good to look good!Thanks! It feels good to look good!Thanks! It feels good to look good!Thanks! It feels good to look good!nullAG& & OFFlo Boarding's the best!Flo Boarding's the best!Flo Boarding's the best!Flo Boarding's the best!