Selecting FLO BOARDING from the Nokia Game Menu opens the game's main menu with options to play the various Flo Boarding modes. Select Help in the Flo Boarding Options menu for more instructions on how to play the game. CONTROLS - Manoeuvring is done in three modes: riding, railing and air. RIDING - Use the Rocker key to increase speed, brake, turn right & left. Hold the '5' key to increase jumping power, release to jump. Press '2' to boost speed. Press '7' to rail. RAILING - Use the left and right rocker to control balance, '2' to boost speed, hold the '5'' key to increase jumping power, release to jump. AIR - Rocker up and down to do forward and backward flips. Rocker left and right for clockwise and counter-clockwise spinning. The number keys all perform different tricks for bonus points. Select Help in the Flo Boarding Options menu for more details. TRICKS - Perform tricks to gain bonus points for an extra boost of speed. Your boost power will increase if you perform tricks and is indicated by the yellow bar in the left down corner of the screen. Select Help in the Flo Boarding Options menu for more details. SCORE - The faster you finish a race the higher is your score. The highest score on each track will be stored as a ghost on your device's MMC. Your own scores are kept in your device's Top 10 list. The names you enter in this list do not effect the nickname in the ranking. GHOST - A ghost is a recording of your best game. You create ghosts in Time Attack and Champion Challenge. In Time Attack you race against your own ghosts. In Champion Challenge you race against other players' ghosts to improve your own time. You can download a ghost from RANKING. UPLOAD SCORES - If you want to upload your score and ghost into the ranking, go to RANKING from the Nokia Game Menu and choose Upload Scores there. Only scores and ghosts that are created in Time Attack and Champion Challenge will be uploaded. If you play the Flo Boarding Cup, your Cup Time will be uploaded as well. DOWNLOAD GHOSTS - Other players scores can be downloaded as ghosts from RANKING or Champion Challenge into your MMC to race against. Your device can only store one ghost of another player! Unlike device controlled riders, ghosts are not obstacles while racing. Downloading a ghost from the ranking will automatically start up Champion Challenge. You can't download a Cup Time. Select Help in the Flo Boarding Options menu for more details. UNLOCKING LEVELS - Flo Boarding has 5 tracks, which will be unlocked if you ride well. Gain access to the next track by qualifying and racing in the Flo Boarding Cup. You race against three other device controlled riders and must beat at least one of them to qualify. Select Help in the Flo Boarding Options menu for more details. BLUETOOTH - If you want to race real-time against one of your friend over Bluetooth, you should first activate Bluetooth and connect to your friend's device.