Nokia Game Chat is the service to exchange text messages with connected people. You need a profile and a GPRS connection to be able to chat. When you start up Nokia Game Chat it immediatly makes a server connection and opens with the Contacts list. CONTACTS - Displays your username, Flo's name and the list of contacts. Select a contact and press the left soft key to see the various options available. Scroll right and select the ADD tab to add new contacts. ADD CONTACT - After selecting ADD, type contact's name in the NAME input field and the nickname you give that contact. You can only add contacts who have a Nokia Game profile. A maximum of 18 characters is permitted for each. Select either SAVE or CANCEL and return to your Contacts list. You can have 30 contact's maximum in your Contacts list. EDIT CONTACT - Select the contact you want to change in the EDIT CONTACT window. You can only change the contact's name as it appears in your Contacts list. Select either SAVE or CANCEL and return to your Contacts list. CHAT TO CONTACT - Highlight a contact and select Chat from the Options menu. The chat window will appear. You can read text in the DIALOGUE field. Scroll vertically to view more dialogue. Select Create Message from the Options menu to type a message. Type your text in the Message input field. Press SEND or CANCEL to return to the previous window. GROUP CHAT - Although simultaneous group chats are currently not possible, you can have multiple chat windows open. After selecting the contacts you want to chat with, scroll horizontally in the contact pane to pick the one you want. INVITE TO POSSE - Highlight a contact and select Invite to Posse from the Options Menu. A new window appears. A menu drops down with a list of the user's available posses: scroll up or down to select one. An invitation is prepared for the contact you have chosen. Press SEND to send the invite or CANCEL to return to the Contacts list. CHANGE STATUS - The default status is "online". To change your status, select yourself in your Contact list and select Edit Status from the Options menu to see which statuses are available. Each status has a different icon displayed, except MAKE ONE UP that displays the "online" icon. MAKE ONE UP allows you to customize your status message. Press either SAVE or CANCEL and return to your Contacts list. PREFERENCES - You can change the host you want to connect to with the Nokia Game chat. However, it is not advised to change the host name. ALERTS - One of the following alerts may pop up over the active window when the user is online: - Posse invitation: someone wants you in their posse; - Contact invitation: someone wants you on their Contacts list. You have the option to accept or decline. Selecting ACCEPT for these alerts will make the next window appear. Selecting DECLINE will make it disappear immediately. Alert pop-ups are only displayed in Nokia Game Chat. In FLO or RANKING, alerts will only come as sounds; the user must first go to CHAT to see or respond to them. While in CHAT, you might also see the following alerts pop up: - Contact 'x' has come online: displays a window - Chat message: displays a window with a contact's text. If you are in the other parts of Nokia Game, an alert sound will indicate that you have an alert. When you're playing FLO BOARDING, some alerts and messages will be stored offline with a maximum of 30 days.