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These terms and conditions are subject to change periodically at Nokia's sole discretion; you are responsible for checking for updates and/or modifications.N-Gage Arena RegisterRegisterSend your data to Arena serverUsernameSelect a usernamePasswordSelect a passwordIMEIDayEnter your birthdayMonthEnter your birthdayYearEnter your birthdayRegistering account...Successfully registered.Registration failed.That username is taken or invalid. Choose another.This N-Gage is already linked to a valid Arena name.You are below the age of consent for this territory.Username must be at least 4 characters in length.Password must be at least 4 characters in length.Please enter a valid date of birth.Registration failedAn Arena account is already associated with this device. You can only register one Arena account per device. If you are receiving this message in error, please contact customer service at http://n-gage.com/support.Registation failed. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact customer service at http://n-gage.com/support.Confirm PasswordEnter same passwordPasswords must matchDate of birthArena WelcomeTo take full advantage of the N-Gage Arena membership, including official community news and events, please complete your Profile at http://arena.n-gage.com.Arena LoginUsernamePasswordLog InNew AccountLogin failed. The username is linked to a different device.Login failed. This user name and password are not correct.You are already logged in.Login failed. The password was incorrect.Login failed. The username was not recognized.Login failed for unknown reasons at the server.Login failed. This username and password are not correct.For more info. on N-Gage Arena go to http://n-gage.com/support.Save PasswordRankingsBest Time...Ock's LabDaily BugleTheaterPress ConferenceOck's DocksHigh ScoresHigh score tablePost StatsSend Stats to ArenaPost StatsStats from career:Post as user:...Ock's LabDaily BugleTheaterPress ConferenceOck's DocksHigh ScoresPost StatsPosting failed.Stats posted.User InfoUser InfoGathering infoChart ToppersYour NeighborsReading topFinding youReading neighbors...Ock's Lab TimeDaily Bugle TimeTheater TimePress Conference TimeOck's Docks TimeHigh ScoresWarningGame deck memory full.Options and careers will not be saved.Control Options2D ControlsControls for 2D game3D ControlsControls for swinging in 3D2D Controls3D ControlsRestore DefaultsReset all controls to defaults.Reset Controls?Reset control options to default settings?UpDownLeftRightClearShiftCenterMove upMove downMove leftMove rightJumpPunchWeb attackGrab webStartPhotoWebslingComboDefaultsCreditsCreative DirectorSenior Producer2D Lead Programming3D Lead ProgrammingTechnical DirectorArt Directors3D Programming3D Levels Art and Animation2D Levels3D Modeling3D Animation2D Texture MappingLevel DesignAudioAssociate ProducerExecutive ProducerPresidentChief Executive OfficerChairmanSpecial ThanksProducerProduction AssistantTitle Marketing ManagerBusiness Development ManagerTesting ManagerTest TeamLocalizationSpecial ThanksEmptyQuery failedLogin setupReg setupLogged in$%$The explosion of Doctor Octavius failed experiment has caused a panic around the city. Stop looters and thugs, while rescuing people from burning buildings before its too late. Take out the thugs and get down to the lower level before the deadly gas spreads and kills everything in its path.The bad guys are planning to use hazardous waste to poison the citys water supply. Destroy all of the green poison containers before they can be used.Following the trail of hazardous waste leads you deeper into the sewer system. Destroy the rest of the green poison containers and find out who is behind this dastardly deed.Shocker's going to shake the subway to pieces unless you stop him! Find him before he destroys the place!Shocker and his lackeys have taken hostages. Free the hostages before taking on Shocker.The Rhino's henchmen have planted time bombs throughout the oil refinery. Defuse the bombs to save all innocent bystanders.Someone has placed barrels of dynamite throughout the main complex. Destroy the dynamite and make sure everyone is safe.Doc Ock is somewhere on the docks. Find his secret lab to rescue Mary Jane.Doc Ock has created a horde of robots to slow you down while he sets his big plan in motion. Get through the level intact so you can rescue Mary Jane.This is the final battle of the game against Doc Ock. Save Mary Jane and the whole city from total annihilation.Use your web to swing above the city streets. Pick up as many Spider tokens as you can and get to Dr. Octavius' lab as fast as possible.Get back to the Daily Bugle as fast as possible.Get back to the theater in time for Mary Janes play.Get to the oil refinery in time for the mayors press conference.Get to the docks as soon as possible to rescue Mary Jane.Hint: Press right or left then to make spider-man turn 90 degrees.Hint: Press up then down then to make Spider-Man reverse direction.Hint: Press down then down again then to do a fast dive.Hint: To speed up, press  at the end of Spider-Man's swing to shoot your web at the optimal time.Hint: Pick up blue arrows to get a short speed burstHint: Pick up tokens for extra points and to unlock surprisesHint: Get to the next spiderweb waypoint before the countdown clock runs out.Hint: Pick up all the photographs in the level to unlock pictures in the Secrets menu.Hint: The speed meter at the bottom flashes green when you shoot your web at the optimal time.Hint: The speed meter at the bottom tells you how fast you are goingHint: If the speet meter flashes red, you missed your web shot and your speed dropped.High above the sprawling city clings a silent costumed figure.What a great break to get to cover the unveilingof this new invention. An alternate energy source for the whole world.They say it could change the way we live forever.It is truly surprising to see such enthusiasm for science from a young man.You must be a reporter from one of the science journals.I wish! Im actually just a freelance photographer for the Daily Bugle. Im also a science student at the local university. Im really excited about your invention and heard it will improve life as we know it.You remind me of myself when I was young. Whats your name?Peter Parker, sir.Well Peter, it is minds like yours that make dreams like mine come true. Now, if you would excuse me, it is time for my presentation.Wow! Doctor Octavius is truly an inspiration!Ladies and Gentlemen. May I have your attention please?Feast your eyes on my new inventiona limitless power sourceI can control these arms through mere thought using a cerebral link. Behold!I have a bad feeling about this.Noooooooooo!Ive got to get everyone out of here. I can do this a lot faster as Spider-Man!What have I done???Doctor Octavius! We must leave now!What? Who? Spider-Man?Y...You caused this explosion. You will pay for thismy alternative power source will be a success. Even with your untimely appearance Spider-man!So whats up?I dont have to tell you nuthin!Well, they do say silence is golden, but in your case, Ill make an exception. Now where is the egg-headed leader of your brigade of outpatients?Youd better stay away from him, man. Hell kill you if he sees you.Kill me? Now who would want to do a thing like that?I wonder why my spider-sense is suddenly tingling.It only happens when danger is near.The only other witnesses to my crimes are in this building, Spider-Man. But they will never live to tell the tale!Arent you surprised to see me, Mysterio? Not half as surprised as you will be if you get through this building! I've got some muscle to make sure no one will get out of this building alive. Oh some of your bullies, huh? This ought to be easy.We'll see about that. Maybe a little bit of toxic magic. If they don't stop you, the poisonous gas will do the trick. Good luck BUG-aboo!I guess this last party favor is for you!What an ingrate! Last time I throw him a surprise party.Guess I better cut out before Jameson thinks Im playing hooky for the rest of the day.Perhaps we should attempt to remove those things from himThey are too close to his vital organs. If we try, we may kill him.But he looks like some sort of monster Like some sort of octopus.We did as much as we could to save him. The rest will be up to himParker, Im not interested in news thats happened. Im interested in news thats happening. What do I pay you for?!To takeCrimes are being committed as we speak and weve got no pictures! I want you to get down to the water treatment center immediately.I got a tip that someones been moving hazardous material through the sewer system. Not sure whos behind it, but it probably involves Spider-Man. Now I know my readers want to see that!Spider-Man wouldnt do such aPARKER! Until you move up the ranks to be a columnist for this great newspaper, keep your opinions to yourself and get me some pictures!Yes sirWell, Jameson said one thing right: Spider-Man will be involved,but only to stop the crime from happening.Oh geez a walking suitcase! I should have known it was you.Ssssspider-man!Mock me NOT!!Hey buddy, youre the one trying to spike the punch around here. Who wants to trust an irresponsible party animal like yourself around the beverages and snacks?SSSSSS!!!No poissssssson for ccccccity, then poisssssson for YOU!!Curssssssse you, Ssssssspider-ManPweh! All that time, I thought it was the sewer that stunk.No mouthwash in the world can save that breath!Say hello to Mysterio for me. Bye! Yikes! In all the commotion, I almost forgot about Mary Janes play. Its about to start in a couple of minutes! Well, theres no time for me to catch a cab. Better take to the sky and travel Air Spider-Man.NO! Whats happened to me!What has happened to my dream!Please Doctor Octavius, you must calm down. This is not doing you a bit of good. You must relax. I dont remember much. Just the explosion and now here I am with these mechanical arms attached to me.Why is this happening? WHY!Perhaps some music or, better yet, some television will set your mind at ease.Tomorrow, the mayor will holda press conference to announce the reopening of the old oil refinery. Although environmentalists areopposed to the idea, the mayor and his commission believe this is the quickest way to relieve the citys power shortage until an alternate power source can be found. In other newsAARRGGHH! So this is the price I pay for trying to aid mankind! Now I must live with this deformation. And I have Spider-man to blame. I will have my revenge! D-Doctor Ock..Octopus? Isnt that what you said when I was in surgery?Save me your fake pity!I have work to doJust my luck, the one day I need to be somewhere for Mary Jane, and I have to run into trouble with the local talent.Now what?!Oh no! The stampede will make the building collapse! I have no time to lose.Ill catch up to him later. I havent got time to switch clothes. Now if only I can move fast enough.Good thing no one saw me do that.Now to find out what Shocker is up to.Well if it isnt the web-slinging freak come to save the day, or, so you hope. You think you can stop me?Oh I plan on it! But tell mewhats your beef, Shocker? Tired of not being voted homecoming queen by friends and family?Laugh it up, bug brain! When Im through with you, the morgue will have nothing left but your dental records to ID you.Ooo, good one! To bad wit doesnt come with class. But, let me give you a lesson, free of charge.You dont scare me. Bring it on, web head!No sudden movements sport or you will split that melon of yours andit will be no ones fault, but your own! Here endeth the lessonEven for personal engagements, it looks like I can never avoid being Spider-Man!Make me into a public spectacle and then have the people of this city scorn me?How dare you! With the very invention, in which I had hoped would help mankind, now I will destroy it just so I can bring down Spider-Man once and for all!Its a proud day for us all. I remember the energy blackouts as a boy and I vowed to do somethingto help. With the reopening of this oil refinery, we will not only be able to fulfill our current energyshortage, but also research new ways of generating energy for the future, not to mention provide new jobs to the people of this great city!Now, without further ado, lets cut the ceremonial ribbon to re-open the oil refinery.Where are MJ and Harry? It seems the whole city is here for this occasion.Alright, everybody remember your roles. The mayor is our target. He ought to fetch a pretty penny!You guys plant the bombs around the refinery, while I get into position to nab the mayor. The crowd should keep the cops busy. Now get going!Now what?Note to self: Take a vacation in 2024!What was that sound? It sounded like an explosion. I dont know, but I think we should get out of here as soon as possible!But what about the people stuck inside the oil refinery?Its out of our hands! There is no way to get to them. Let the police and fire department handle it. Cmon MJ, lets go! Who invited us to this event anyway?John Jameson, the astronaut. You know J. Jonah Jamesons son? Weve been kinda getting to know one another andLet's head to the car before we run into trouble!My spider-sense tells me there may be more trouble of the explosive kind! I better give the entire complex a good once over to make sure no one else is stuck.If only Spider-Man was here Gotcha!Just dropping in Rhino. Hope you don't mind.This must be my lucky day! Not only do I get the mayor, but a new pet spider to squash! I'll savor the pleasure of crushing you!That's some big talk for such a hard head. Let's see what you've got.Well, the bigger they are, the harder theythe harder they are to move I guess, especially when their knocked unconscious!Thank you, Spider-Man! No problem, mayor. All in the line of duty.Spider-Man! Hi MJ. Just making sure you are okay?Still stalking me I see? Get away from her, you freak!Harry, dont be rude!Its okay, MJ. Anyway, its time for me toWell well well. How touching!There is one thing in the world that you will come running for after allIm warning you, Doctor Octavious. Dont you hurt her?One step closer and I will do more than that!Meet me at the docks on the other side of town if you want to see her alive again!Thanks Spider-Man. Thanks for NOTHING! First, my father and now MJ, I curse the day we ever crossed paths!A simple thank you would suffice, and now if you would excuse me, I have to rescue MJ.Let go of me youyou horrible creature!Tsk tsk, now that's no way to speak to a gentleman. I have plans for you, dear! Plans that will not give me back my life, but certainly at least satisfy my thirst for revenge.I dont know what I will do ifDoc Ock even hurts a hair on Mary Janes head! Okay. Deep breath, Spidey! Keep cool. Doc Ock is the maniac here and we dont need to add another one to the equation. Stay focused.Just let MJ go Doc, so we can avoid any unpleasantness.You can have your girlfriend AFTER I show you the limitless power of my invention!When I am done here, there will be no doubt from anyone in this city that my genius is infinite!You did this once before and almost incinerated an entire neighborhood. The technology is unstable Doc. Its time to go back to the drawing boardWe certainly have time to kill.Dont you see what you are doing, Doctor Octavius?Science is not used to attain power, but instead give power to those in need. What is more honorable and respected than forgiveness and mercy?That is true power: the power to be human and not the power of science, which is only a tool for knowledge. Please help us shutdown your invention.Spider-Man, I cant I hard-wired the switch so that the machine will explode if it gets overloaded or if there is any attempt to disarm it. Im so sorryGet as far as possible from this place.All along, I should have been salvaging my dream and not this cursed inventionDoctor Octavius saved not only our lives, but the lives of everyone in the city. He certainly fulfilled his promise to himself in the end.And what was that?To make his dreams come true.Armor upgrade. Complete the game and collect all Silver spiders.Strength Enhancement. Complete the game with over 150,000 points.Level Cheat. Complete the game.Photo. Secret will be unlocked for photographing Ock's Lab.Photo. Secret will be unlocked for photographing downtown.Photo. Secret will be unlocked for photographing business building.Photo. Secret will be unlocked for photographing Daily Bugle.Photo. Secret will be unlocked for photographing sewers.Photo. Secret will be unlocked for photographing sewer depths.Photo. Secret will be unlocked for photographing theater.Photo. Secret will be unlocked for photographing subway.Photo. Secret will be unlocked for photographing subway station.Photo. Secret will be unlocked for photographing press conference.Photo. Secret will be unlocked for photographing oil refinery.Photo. Secret will be unlocked for photographing Ock's docks.Photo. Secret will be unlocked for photographing Main complex.Photo. Secret will be unlocked for photographing dock.Photo. Secret will be unlocked for photographing Ock's Lab.Photo. Secret will be unlocked for photographing everything.Ock's Lab. Unlocked when completed.Daily Bugle. Unlocked when completed.Theater. Unlocked when completed.Press Conference. Unlocked when completed.Ock's Docks. Unlocked when completed.Ock's Lab. Unlocked when completed quickly.Daily Bugle. Unlocked when completed quickly.Theater. Unlocked when completed quickly.Press Conference. Unlocked when completed quickly.Ock's Docks. Unlocked when completed quickly.Armor upgrade. For completing the game and collect all Silver spiders.Strength Enhancement. For completing the game with over 150,000 points.Level Cheat. For completing the game.Photo. Secret has been unlocked for photographing Ock's Lab.Photo. Secret has been unlocked for photographing downtown.Photo. Secret has been unlocked for photographing business building.Photo. Secret has been unlocked for photographing Daily Bugle.Photo. Secret has been unlocked for photographing sewers.Photo. Secret has been unlocked for photographing sewer depths.Photo. Secret has been unlocked for photographing theater.Photo. Secret has been unlocked for photographing subway.Photo. Secret has been unlocked for photographing subway station.Photo. Secret has been unlocked for photographing press conference.Photo. Secret has been unlocked for photographing oil refinery.Photo. Secret has been unlocked for photographing Ock's docks.Photo. Secret has been unlocked for photographing Main complex.Photo. Secret has been unlocked for photographing dock.Photo. Secret has been unlocked for photographing Ock's Lab.Photo. Secret has been unlocked for photographing everything.Ock's Lab. Unlocked because completed.Daily Bugle. Unlocked because completed.Theater. Unlocked because completed.Press Conference. Unlocked because completed.Ock's Docks. Unlocked because completed.Ock's Lab. Unlocked because completed quickly.Daily Bugle. Unlocked because completed quickly.Theater. Unlocked because completed quickly.Press Conference. Unlocked because completed quickly.Ock's Docks. Unlocked because completed quickly.N-Gage ArenaBackConfig KeysSound OffSound LowSound MediumSound HighMusic OffMusic LowMusic MediumMusic HighMOREPress  to jump. While in the air press  again to begin web swinging.To attack an enemy press . Press  to use a web attack on an enemy.To use your web line press . Use  and d to web line in any direction.Your Spider Sense warns you of hidden danger, secrets, or mission objectives.Press  to web line to the spin point nearby. Adjust the length of your web line while on Spin Points by pressing up or down on d.TimeTime leftDoneLockedSecret unlockedSecret lockedSecret not unlockedCheatBonus awardedfor collecting all spidersSuperweb powerupTallyBonusScoreScoreSecretsYou winGame overPress  to take pictureContinueQuitPress  to continue.Select slot to loadSelect slot to startEmptyCopy to?Erase game?Name gameName copyReplace game?Replace gamePicture missedPictures missedStartLoad gameNew gameOptionsSound onSound offMusicSound EffectsMusic onMusic offExitCheatsView photosBonus completeBonus incompleteBalloons leftBalloon bonusTime bonusPhoto bonusPhotosPicture neededPictures neededPhotoMissed photoNo photoPhoto soldPhotos soldAre you sure you want to quit?Game pausedOut of timeAwardedAwardedLevel completeLevels completeOffOnSecrets pageLoadingSavingSave errorCancelLoadNo save to copyNo save to eraseTo begin, canceland then select startDowntownOffice BuildingMysterioSewerDocksSewer DepthsLizardFinal ShowdownSubwaysubway StationShockerOil RefineryRhinoOck's Lab 2Main ComplexPower webBlind webSticky webBomb webShield webNet blastInvulnerableArachnid strengthSuper webCharge leftCharges leftNo charges leftShot leftShots leftNo shots leftSecret foundFound blue key cardFound red key cardFound green key cardFound yellow key cardFound purple key cardNeed blue key cardNeed red key cardNeed green key cardNeed yellow key cardNeed purple key cardBomb remainsBombs remainHostage remainsHostages remainHostage rescuedHostages rescuedGreen gas barrel destroyedGreen gas barrels destroyedGreen gas barrel remainsGreen gas barrels remainPress startSecret will be unlockedSecrets clearedSecrets will be clearedGame already completeExit the buildingCollected spidersElectricity disabledCreditsLife awardedLives awarded3D scoreOck's LabDaily BugleTheaterPress ConferenceOck's DocksInfinite lives onInfinite lives offInvulnerability onInvulnerability offUnlimited web onUnlimited web offBonus awarded for collecting all spiders. Superweb powerup.Level cheat onLevel cheat offLanguageHigh ScoresReset All DataSpidersSecretsPhotosLevelsCompleteConfirm ResetGame will exitDefaultEnglishFranaisDeutschItalianoEspaolEraseCopyArmor upgradeStrengthLevel CheatPhotoPhotoPhotoPhotoPhotoPhotoPhotoPhotoPhotoPhotoPhotoPhotoPhotoPhotoPhotoPhotoOck's LabDaily BugleTheaterPress ConferenceOck's DocksOck's Lab IIDaily Bugle IITheater IIPress Conference IIOck's Docks IIPowerupsSelectSpider-Man and all related Marvel characters, TM & 2004 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Game code 2004 Activision, Inc. and its affiliates. Published and distributed by Activision Publishing, Inc. Activision is a registered trademark of Activision, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights Reserved. Developed by Backbone Entertainment. The ratings icon is a registered trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of their respective owners. LICENSED BY NOKIA.No saved game in this slot.Insufficient storageKey CheatAre you sure you want to quit?