àà à0àáThe Roots (N-Gage)àà à0àáàà à0àáInteligenceàà à0àáVitalityàà à0àáAttackàà à0àáDefenseàà à0àáActual HPàà à0àáActual APàà à0àáActual SPàà à0àáResist Fireàà à0àáAttack Fireàà à0àáResist Wateràà à0àáAttack Wateràà à0àáResist Airàà à0àáAttack Airàà à0àáResist Earthàà à0àáAttack Earthàà à0àáResist Lifeàà à0àáAttack Lifeàà à0àáResist Deathàà à0àáAttack Deathàà à0àáCommonàà à0àáUncommonàà à0àáRareàà à0àáUniqueàà à0àáWeaponàà à0àáArmoràà à0àáJewelàà à0àáMiscàà à0àáOne-handed swordàà à0àáOne-handed hammeràà à0àáTwo-handed swordàà à0àáTwo-handed Hammeràà à0àáBowàà à0àáSpearàà à0àáShieldàà à0àáArmoràà à0àáBootsàà à0àáGlovesàà à0àáHelmetàà à0àáRingàà à0àáNecklaceàà à0àáBraceletàà à0àáFire Gemàà à0àáWater Gemàà à0àáAir Gemàà à0àáEarth Gemàà à0àáDeath Gemàà à0àáLife Gemàà à0àáWeaponàà à0àáArmoràà à0àáJewelleryàà à0àáMiscàà à0àáOne-handed slushingàà à0àáOne-handed bluntàà à0àáTwo-handed slashingàà à0àáTwo-handed bluntàà à0àáBow (two-handed)àà à0àáThrowing (two-handed)àà à0àáHelmetàà à0àáArmoràà à0àáBootsàà à0àáGauntletsàà à0àáShieldàà à0àáRingàà à0àáNecklaceàà à0àáBranceletàà à0àáPoition HPàà à0àáPoition APàà à0àáGemàà à0àáRuneàà à0àáTeleportationàà à0àáOne-handed swordàà à0àáOne-handed sabreàà à0àáOne-handed axeàà à0àáOne-handed hammeràà à0àáOne-handed clubàà à0àáOne-handed maceàà à0àáTwo-handed great swordàà à0àáTwo-handed halberdàà à0àáTwo-handed katanaàà à0àáTwo-handed sledge hammeràà à0àáTwo-handed staffàà à0àáBowàà à0àáSpearàà à0àáJavelinàà à0àáHelmetàà à0àáArmoràà à0àáBootsàà à0àáGauntletsàà à0àáShieldàà à0àáRingàà à0àáNecklaceàà à0àáBraceletàà à0àáHP poition smallàà à0àáHP poition mediumàà à0àáHP poition greatàà à0àáAP poition smallàà à0àáAP poition mediumàà à0àáAP poition greatàà à0àáGem Fireàà à0àáGem Wateràà à0àáGem Airàà à0àáGem Earthàà à0àáGem Lifeàà à0àáGem Deathàà à0àáRune Strengthàà à0àáRune Constitutionàà à0àáRune Abilityàà à0àáRune Vitalityàà à0àáRune Mana Drainàà à0àáRune Life Drainàà à0àáGem Teleportationàà à0àáLoading shopàà à0àáLoading mapàà à0àáLoading arenaàà à0àáSince the creatures of chaos settled in the forest, nobody dares to go there. Find the dwarf who manipulate animals and destroy him.àà à0àáThe heroes of Howling Moor have risen from the grave. They are enraged and hunger for blood. Face their General and send him back to hell.àà à0àáYou have to purge your soul from sins of the past if you wish to meet Keeper of the Gate. Wash your face in the spring of Time that gushes in the abandoned temple far in Marshes. àà à0àáThe knowledge of the Keeper of the Gate is immeasurable, so is his dislike of mortals. Show him your strength and valor. Find him and demand his wisdom. àà à0àáKobolds have kept their secrets well for generations. They have never let humans into their domain. It will change! Enter the Kobold Underground Fortifications.àà à0àáKobolds have always avoided humans. Now, they openly attack settlements, plunder and kill. Find out what caused these changes and destroy it. àà à0àáThe long abandoned monastery has new inhabitants. Their presence threatens villages in the valley. Search and destroy the High Leader of the sect. àà à0àáThe Demon Lord has enchained Titan, the Keeper of Change. You are in need of his power to manipulate primal matter. Free him from his mountain prison.àà à0àáThe Pirates rule the skies of Lorath. That s exactly why you will face them at the ground, on your terms. Find the Pirates Hold and put an end to their reigns.àà à0àáThe people of Islands fear fierce Orcs, but even Orcs are afraid of the terror that lurks in the Caves. Remove both threats. àà à0àáThe strength of goblins lies in their inventions. Do not allow any machines to support Demon Lord in his battle. Find the main workshop and destroy its power sources.àà à0àáThe Great Blacksmith, one of the Sentinels, is said to posses the ability to forge matter and soul alike. You need his help. Find him. àà à0àáThe road to Oasis leads through endless desert. Natives use the system of landmarks to navigate trough the fields of sand. Find the stone landmark. àà à0àáNomads live to kill and plunder. Brute force is the language of their world. Show them your might, challenge their leader. Let him crawl under your feet.àà à0àáFind the tomb of Ancient Lords of the desert. Earn their favor and blessing. Speak to the Mouth of Desert, The mighty oracle. àà à0àáThe Orb of Chaos walks throughout the desert in heavy protected caravan. Kill guards, take Orb and send it to Lady of Life. àà à0àáOnly mad men enter the Stone Forest. This is, however, the only way to the Outworld. Find the entrance, destroy guards, descend into the very domain of Demon Lord. àà à0àáThe huge army of Demon Lord awaits orders to attack. Demonic beasts are getting restless. Cut through their ranks and cross the Gate of Dead.àà à0àáThe Dead gathered on the bank of River of Oblivion. They are enraged. They have been rejected their rest. Face them. Find the ferryman and get into Outworld. àà à0àáStop Demon Lord before chaos overcomes Him completely. Destroy Demon Lord and seize his power. Your gods have abandoned you but can it change the inevitable?àà à0àáThe forest suffers. Spirits, who protected sacred places have disappeared. Woods and ruins are silent, abandoned by their rightful masters. There was a time, the forest was dreaming with those who were sleeping under his trees. He was sending prophetical visions, warnings. Now there is only silence. Believe me, whatever lives there now, does not belong to this place. àà à0àáIt is believed, when a great hero dies, The Keeper of the Gate himself appears to accompany him in his final journey. They travel together, until the soul finds the place she loves. We all live here at the edge of the worlds, but only few can see what lies behind the shrouds of illusion.àà à0àáThe Keeper of the Gate is older than gods. They say, all gods entered the world through his domain. Somewhere, In a place where reality meets illusion, in an ancient forest, behind the gate of stone the secrets of Immortals rest, waiting for brave soul to posess them. àà à0àáTen years ago two pilgrims arrived in the village. They asked the way to the monastery. Soon they left, and the storm started so heavy, some people died in the ruins of their own houses. Mountains were trembling for weeks, folks were seeing their dead walking and many other signs were given. Since then we have not seen any monk in the valley. àà à0àáThe air tastes differently up there in mountains. The elders say it is the breath of god. Those, who have never been there, do not believe the stories. They do not believe the sky can be as red as blood, mountains sing and ghosts dance in the gorges. I do not criticize them. Rejection is better than madness when you hear birds singing your death. àà à0àáThe legends say, Gods feared the Titan so much they took away his voice and banished him. His angry screams bring avalanches. Be careful when in high mountains. So many disappear under rocks and snow without a trace. àà à0àáNeed flying machines, automatic guards, unordinary weapon? There is no other place in entire Lorath to find better and more skilled craftsmen than goblins. Sure, they are mad, but isn t madness a sister of genius?àà à0àáWhen you create the masterpiece of your life, you enclose there a part of your soul. It changes you. People say, the soul of Great Blacksmith is hidden in his inventions. It makes him immortal. People are so naïve. àà à0àáThe Islands have always attracted men of genius, poets and crazies. There is something utterly magical in place, where spirit and matter bend under the blow of hammer and holy fire temper them to perfection. This is the true Forge of Gods.àà à0àáThe Valley of Kings is a haunted place. Nomads say, when you lose your way and get too close, when there is no more water and your eyes trick you, you can see the true masters of the desert. Armies march, dead warriors pull siege machines, the rattle of chariots accompany the howl of storm which follow them. àà à0àáYou will soon notice, everybody here talk about forgotten ruins and cities, of treasures and adventures. Nomads love those tales. They invent them for their purposes. What can be easier than robbing lost adventurer who would give anything for a sip of water. If you look for the gold, the chests of Nomads are best direction. àà à0àáThe desert has many secrets. We find animal bones as big as houses. If this world ever comes to end nothing will change here. Those vast sandy fields must be chaos itself. àà à0àáSometimes, when fall is ripe and cold winds start to blow, one can hear the dead wailing in the Outworld. It is said, those who cannot pay the Ferryman, must wait at the bank of the Oblivion for eternity. I fear such fate more than death. àà à0àáThere is a secret behind beverages we are famous for. When the Lord of Outworld leaves his domain, it is better to stay home. His voice calls you so strong that nothing can stop you. Those who listen, never return. Hangover is better than death.àà à0àáThe tale of Outworld speaks of the river of Oblivion. It has no beginning and no end. Only Blind Ferryman can take you further to the land beyond time, but there is a price. Do you have anything of value to satisfy his greed?àà à0àáMASKED HERO: Do not try to scare me with this tale. How much of this is true.àà à0àáSAGE: Almost everything. The dead are bored with our fferings. They ask for more and they take it.àà à0àáMASKED HERO: In my land, prayers are luxury. àà à0àáSAGE: They are relentless souls, eternal warriors banished from hell. Their crusade will last forever. àà à0àáMASKED HERO: Then I will do it, if there is no other way. How many of them did you see?àà à0àáSAGE: You will face an army, but armies rely on their leaders. Remember that.àà à0àáMASKED HERO: I will.àà à0àáHUNTER: I had rather choose another way.àà à0àáMASKED HERO: My time is precious and this one seems to be the shortest.àà à0àáHUNTER: And the worst of all. The forest itself has fallen to chaos. Do you really think you are a match for it?àà à0àáMASKED HERO: I do not mean to. The Keeper of Gate is my only goal.àà à0àáHUNTER: You will not get across. The forest may be dead, but his shadow walks among trees. He can be anybody, a wind, a wolf, sometimes little old man. àà à0àáMASKED HERO: The dwarf who controls animal minds. I thought it was a legend.àà à0àáHUNTER: This legend kills. I have saw him once, leading a pack of dire wolves. He is a harbinger of death.àà à0àáMASKED HERO: I wonder, how hard is killing a legend?àà à0àáMASKED HERO: How long do you want to keep me here, Witch.àà à0àáWITCH: Until you speak truth.àà à0àáMASKED HERO: I lost my way, strayed off the track. àà à0àáWITCH: Your way? Ways usually lead somewhere, where does your way lead?àà à0àáMASKED HERO: Hard question. I wish I could answer you.àà à0àáWITCH: So you are smart. So smart you think you will find the Keeper, but you know nothing. Just tales and rumors. You don't even know why you are here.àà à0àáMASKED HERO: So you know the answer. Tell me.àà à0àáWITCH: Because only here you can prepare to meet Him, to purge your soul from sins. The source of redemption gushes in the heart of decay. àà à0àáMASKED HERO: How?àà à0àáWITCH: Find the fountain in the ruins at North. I will show you the way. Wash your eyes, but do not allow the water to touch your lips.àà à0àáMASKED HERO: Thank you for warning. Let us go.àà à0àáNARRATOR - V.O.: One of the paradoxes of human perception is deep and absolute reliance on their senses. àà à0àáNARRATOR - V.O.:People would die for what they see, for what they hear.àà à0àáNARRATOR - V.O.: Yet, they cannot help feeling that something is wrong with reality. Something is missing. àà à0àáNARRATOR - V.O.: They may believe there can be something else, but they also reject any evidence of invisible. àà à0àáNARRATOR - V.O.: It is an ultimate lie, a prefect disguise to tell truth mixed with false.àà à0àáNARRATOR - V.O.: The Keeper of the Gate smiles. It is his creation. He knows it is goodàà à0àáMASKED HERO: What do we know?àà à0àáTORTURER: Not much. The avalanche was not an accident. You will not pass.àà à0àáMASKED HERO: Any other way?àà à0àáTORTURER: Kobolds know tracks in mountains but they keep their knowledge in secret.àà à0àáMASKED HERO: How is it possible nobody has found their caves yet?àà à0àáTORTURER: You know they hunt us, but it wasn't this way all the time. Kobolds used to avoid humans. They were myths, little folk from tales. Many things have changed lately. We hunt them now, too.àà à0àáMASKED HERO: So you know nothing.àà à0àáTORTURER: If you asked me yesterday, I would say so, but today... My patient speaks, and it is worth listening.àà à0àáMASKED HERO: Tell me...àà à0àáTORTURER: You will not get into their caves but through the secret passage.àà à0àáMASKED HERO: How well is it disguised?àà à0àáTORTURER: Very well.àà à0àáMASKED HERO: This obsession is a bit tiresome. àà à0àáTORTURER: Nobody said it would be easy. The caves are the net of corridors and halls. When inside, head north for the exit onto the track.àà à0àáMASKED HERO: Sounds like a trap?àà à0àáTORTURER: It is a trap. The question is, who will fall in it. àà à0àáMASKED HERO: Tell me about monastery.àà à0àáTORTURER: When my father was attacked by a the bear, monks found him in high mountains and brought to the village. Everybody was in the street then, asking for help or advice. Many miracles happened that day.àà à0àáMASKED HERO: Phew, another holy place.àà à0àáTORTURER: I wish it was. No monk has come to the village for year. We do not go to the monastery either. àà à0àáMASKED HERO: What are you afraid of?àà à0àáTORTURER: You said this is a holy place. We respect our sanctuaries, but someone did not. There are no monks in the mountains anymore.àà à0àáMASKED HERO: So what lives there now?àà à0àáTORTURER: Something we do not want here.àà à0àáNARRATOR - V.O.: Humans have always feared volcanos.àà à0àáNARRATOR - V.O.: The unpredictability, the fearsome might fascinated and terrified.àà à0àáNARRATOR - V.O.: There is something special in waves of lava devouring trees, animals and humans in one short burst of anger.àà à0àáNARRATOR - V.O.: Lava means death, but people always come back to their burned settlements and start to rebuild them. For lava means also new life, which grow in reborn fields.àà à0àáNARRATOR - V.O.: Lava is chaos, it brings death and restores life, it has no purpose.àà à0àáNARRATOR - V.O.: Legends say, Titans used to form lava at their will. They did not fear its heat. They formed chaos with purpose.àà à0àáNARRATOR - V.O.: That was enough to banish them, such power threatened gods themselves.àà à0àáMERCHANT: Sure, I can sell you a boat, but it will not help you.àà à0àáMASKED HERO: How is that?àà à0àáMERCHANT: Never heard of pirates, didn't you?àà à0àáMASKED HERO: No, who are they?àà à0àáMERCHANT: Pirates are pirates. They kill, plunder and burn. Air pirates are most vicious of all. They say, it is because of air, flying too high damages your mind, you know.àà à0àáMASKED HERO: How do I get out of here. My time is precious. àà à0àáMERCHANT: You can walk or you can negotiate. Not that it will help much, unless you negotiate with a blade.àà à0àáMASKED HERO: That is an option.àà à0àáGOBLIN GUARD: Go away.àà à0àáMASKED HERO: Impossible, my way leads here.àà à0àáGOBLIN GUARD: I said go away. No pass.àà à0àáMASKED HERO: I said step aside.àà à0àáGOBLIN GUARD: Pathetic human, you know nothing what lays ahead. Save your life, go away.àà à0àáMASKED HERO: I do not care.àà à0àáGOBLIN GUARD: You don't? Hmm, what is so important to value it more than life?àà à0àáMASKED HERO: I want to see Great Blacksmith.àà à0àáGOBLIN GUARD: Arrrrrgh, die human... àà à0àáMASKED HERO: How much will it take to get there?àà à0àáVILLAGER: Three days, maybe more, sir.àà à0àáMASKED HERO: Too long, any other way?àà à0àáVILLAGER: There is one, but nobody goes there. Orcs, sir.àà à0àáMASKED HERO: I am not afraid of Orcs.àà à0àáVILLAGER: But we are, sir. And even if you survive their wrath, the monster in caves will have you.àà à0àáMASKED HERO: Monster in caves, usually a bat, rat or mad hermit. I am sick of those superstitions.àà à0àáVILLAGER: It is your life, sir.àà à0àáNARRATOR - V.O.: There is a dream old as humankind. Old as life itelf.àà à0àáNARRATOR - V.O.: People live this dream, unconsciously seek its fulfillment. Its power cannot be measured.àà à0àáNARRATOR - V.O.: Every generation, every civilisation pursue it, in vain hope to reach impossible. At the end, they all crumble to dust.àà à0àáNARRATOR - V.O.: But even if there is immortality. If a man can cross the ultimate boundary of death and return to life, who knows what sacrifice must be made?àà à0àáNARRATOR - V.O.: That summer a group of strangers came to Islands seeking for knowledge, and they found it.àà à0àáNARRATOR - V.O.: They should have known that some dreams are better unfulfilled, some sacrifies too big to pay.àà à0àáAKASH, LIBRARY AUTOMATON: Great Desert, hundreds of thousands acres of sand and dunes.àà à0àáAKASH, LIBRARY AUTOMATON: The most hostile and unforgiving place in Lorath where sun is your only companion and wicked mirages dance in the shimmering horizon.àà à0àáAKASH, LIBRARY AUTOMATON: If the most beautiful thing on earth is life, then the life in Great Desert must be excluded from that definition, and for good reason.àà à0àáAKASH, LIBRARY AUTOMATON: Creatures that long ago accustomed to severe conditions must have been cruel and wicked as desert itself. And then they evolved.àà à0àáAKASH, LIBRARY AUTOMATON: There is a rumor, Nomads find their way using landmarks which are unrecognizable by strangers. No evidence of any landmarks have been reported so far though.àà à0àáAKASH, LIBRARY AUTOMATON: Wise adventurers avoid Great Desert at all costs. Gathered evidence shows, those who venture there, must be extremely carefull to even hope to save their life.àà à0àáAKASH, LIBRARY AUTOMATON: Gathered evidence also shows, hope does not help much there.àà à0àáAKASH, LIBRARY AUTOMATON: Nomads play a vital role in Great Desert economy.àà à0àáAKASH, LIBRARY AUTOMATON: Merchants quickly learn that traveling without experienced guard is a deadly mistake.àà à0àáAKASH, LIBRARY AUTOMATON: Which in turn rise the demand for skilled mercenaries, who come from all over the continent.àà à0àáAKASH, LIBRARY AUTOMATON: And there is no better customer than a mercenary: first in combat, first in entertainment.àà à0àáAKASH, LIBRARY AUTOMATON: Wide torrent of gold flows through desert towns and settlements, which pay Nomads for so called 'protection'.àà à0àáAKASH, LIBRARY AUTOMATON: Truly, Nomads play a vital role in Great Desert economy.àà à0àáAKASH, LIBRARY AUTOMATON: Of all the wonders of Great Desert of Lorath, a Valley of Kings is the most amazing view.àà à0àáAKASH, LIBRARY AUTOMATON: Erected by unknown civilisation, half burried in sand, presents the ultimate achievement of ancient architects and masons.àà à0àáAKASH, LIBRARY AUTOMATON: The folklore has it that the Valley is a graveyard of gods who descend from heavens when their time is over. Others say, wise and powerful kings have choosen to rest here, away from human greed.àà à0àáAKASH, LIBRARY AUTOMATON: Setting apart those fancy superstitions, a true historician cannot overlook plenty of evidence that the place must have been a sort of burial ground.àà à0àáAKASH, LIBRARY AUTOMATON: An ominous one, to be precise. Even the most logical mind cannot help feeling, there is somenting disturbing within cracked walls and black monoliths.àà à0àáAKASH, LIBRARY AUTOMATON: Natives say, the kings of Valley sleep in hide, waiting for something terrible to come. Undoubtly, whatever its purpose, the place seems to keep its secrets well.àà à0àáBODYGUARD: Master, scouts reported travelers on our path. We have been followed.àà à0àáBLACK KNIGHT: How many?àà à0àáBODYGUARD: We do not know but they are moving fast. Is it possible someone knows our position?àà à0àáBLACK KNIGHT: No, it is not. That is why we set out immediately.àà à0àáBODYGUARD: Anything worries you, Master?àà à0àáBLACK KNIGHT: Worries? no. I forgot what fear is long before HE entered my castle and ordered to serve HIM. No, I am simply curious.àà à0àáBODYGUARD: Curious, my Master?àà à0àáBLACK KNIGHT: If gods have choosen their tools, will they pass the test of fire?àà à0àáHOODED MAN: It was then, when they entered Stone Forrest that I hesitated for the first time.àà à0àáHOODED MAN: I do not suppose you realize what Stone Forrest is. The trees, the bushes, even the air is still like a stone.àà à0àáHOODED MAN: And the feeling of being watched. No, not by something hidden in shadow or under a fallen tree. No creature can watch you like that. It was like an eye of god rested on you.àà à0àáHOODED MAN: I felt like running away. Panic overcame me. Then I saw them, shadows in the shadow of forest.àà à0àáHOODED MAN: I cannot say why I followed them. If I had to choose again I would have turn back and flee, but then, well... I wanted to know what would happen next.àà à0àáHOODED MAN: I did not have to wait for long.àà à0àáHOODED MAN: Tales speak of an army of beasts, demons and undeads Demon Lord gathered in his domain.àà à0àáHOODED MAN: They speak of thousands of warriors, serving their master without hesitation.àà à0àáHOODED MAN: They say: no army could match that power. No force would stop them.àà à0àáHOODED MAN: I have seen it with my own eyes. There is no lie in tales, but one thing.àà à0àáHOODED MAN: There was a force that could stop Demon Lord's army. I was there to bear withess to the truth, lest we forget.àà à0àáHOODED MAN: The army of undead warriors awaited us at the bank of Oblivion.àà à0àáHOODED MAN: First, I thought they were monuments so still and silent they were, waiting.àà à0àáHOODED MAN: They did not move until we approached. I could swear they were curious. Like they could not believe someone wanted to enter the land of Death.àà à0àáHOODED MAN: When they attacked, without sound. I saw anger in their grinning faces, and despair.àà à0àáHOODED MAN: They seemed to know that whatever happened, nothing would change their miserable fate.àà à0àáNARRATOR - V.O.: One of the most powerful legends of Lorath speaks of the gods, who lost their faith and huMAN:s who dared to oppose them.àà à0àáNARRATOR - V.O.: Both things are impossible. Both never happened. This is why the legend will last forever.àà à0àáNARRATOR - V.O.: For people want to believe that when gods fall and very existence of world is at stake a simple mortal can alter inevitable.àà à0àáNARRATOR - V.O.: The need for miracle is imprinted in huMAN: nature. The less hope, the more they dream. They dream of heroes, saviours, of power beyond imagination.àà à0àáNARRATOR - V.O.: This is the story of mortals who reached beyond imagination. It is a legend, it never happenedàà à0àáNARRATOR - V.O.: A mortal cannot kill the God.àà à0àáArmoràà à0àáWeaponàà à0àáMiscellaneousàà à0àáKnowledgeàà à0àáMini mapàà à0àáStatisticsàà à0àáassignationàà à0àáNick:àà à0àáSkill 1 nameàà à0àáSkill 2 nameàà à0àáSkill 3 nameàà à0àáSkill 4 nameàà à0àáSkill 5 nameàà à0àáSkill 6 nameàà à0àáSkill 7 nameàà à0àáSkill 8 nameàà à0àá^i=1^^i=1^ i^f=0^font0 ^f=1^font1 ^i=2^image2 ^c^center^/c^ image^i=3^image31à0à line line long line, longer then usual. im^i=4^image4àà à0àáSkill 2 desàà à0àáS kill 3 desBasic Statistics: Attack ^i=0,1^  determines how much injury your character inflicts. Defense ^i=2,3^  determines the reduction in damage when your character is hit. HP ^i=4,5^  your maximum Life Points which determine how much damage your character can sustain before dying. AP ^i=6,7^  your maximum Action Points spent to use skills. àà à0àáSet bonus:àà à0àáfor skill àà à0àáfor talent àà à0àáSummon Anima Level Summon hideous lizard to ride it into battle. Next levels bring magical attacks and ability to restore HP and AP of the caster. Lev. 01 - Physical Attack, Knock, Stun. Lev. 06  Magical Attack (Death). Lev. 11  Area Magical Attack (Death). Lev. 16  HP and AP Restoration. Physical Attack Power: Now: Next: Magical Attack Power:Now: Next: àà à0àáPlague Kiss Level Cast tracking magical missiles to harm your opponents. Next levels bring better chance to disease opponents and drain life and energy from them. Lev. 01  Tracking Magical Missile (Death). Lev. 06  Chance to Disease. Lev. 11  Chance to Drain HP. Lev. 16  Chance to Drain AP. Damage:Now: Next: àà à0àáAura of Terror Level Cast to temporarily weaken combat statistics of your opponents. Next levels bring greater radius, reduction of Attack, Defense and Magic Resistance of opponents. Lev. 01  Opponent s Defense Reduction. Lev. 06  Greater Effect Radius. Lev. 11  Attack Reduction. Lev. 16  Magic Resistance Reduction. Aura Duration:Now: Next: àà à0àáFace of Nosferatu Level Use to cut through when surrounded by numerous opponents. Next levels bring more efficiency and better chance to disease, knock and drain life from opponents. Lev. 01 - Physical Attack. Lev. 06  Disease. Lev. 11  Chance to Drain AP. Lev. 16  Chance to Knock. Physical Attack Power: Now: Next: àà à0àáScream Level Attack your opponents with waves of painful noise. Next levels bring more damage, greater radius of effect, better chance to knock opponents and ability to drain life from them. Lev. 01  Magical Attack (Death). Lev. 06  Greater Effect Radius. Lev. 11  Chance to Knock. Lev. 16  Drain HP. Magical Attack Power: Now: Next: àà à0àáSecond Nature Level Change into Grim Reaper. Next levels bring magical damage, resistance bonus and better chance to and stun opponents. Lev. 01 - Physical Attack. Lev. 06  Magical Attack (Death). Lev. 11  Magic Resistance Boost. Lev. 16  Chance to Stun. Physical Attack Power: Now: Next: Magical Attack Power: Now: Next: àà à0àáLeech Level Enslave your enemy with the ray of negative energy. Next levels bring ability to drain life from opponents, chance to slow them, area effect and effect of implosion which affect all opponents in small range. Lev. 01  Drain HP. Lev. 06  Chance to Slow. Lev. 11  Area Effect. Lev. 16  Implosion. Important: This effect must be loaded. The more you load it, the longer it lasts. When cast, keep button pressed to spend as much AP as you want, then release it. Power of Implosion depends on AP spent this way. àà à0àáDoom Level àà à0àáSummon Anima Level Summon feline hunter to ride it into battle. Next levels bring magical attacks and ability to entangle opponents. Lev. 01 - Physical Attack, Knock, Stun. Lev. 06  Magical Attack (Earth). Lev. 11  Area Magical Attack (Earth). Lev. 16  Entangle opponents. Physical Attack Power:Now: Next: Magical Attack Power:Now: Next: àà à0àáRoots Level Entangle your opponents with poisonous roots. Nest levels bring poison attack, area effect and explosion. Lev. 01  Single Target Magical Attack. Lev. 06  Area Magical Attack (Earth). Lev. 11  Poison. Lev. 16  Explosion. Effect Duration:Now: Next: àà à0àáLycanthropy Level Change into ferocious animal. Next levels bring stronger animals, magical damage and better chance to and knock and critically hit opponents. Lev. 01 - Physical Attack. Lev. 06  Magical Attack (Earth). Lev. 11  Chance to Knock. Lev. 16  Chance to Critical Hit. Physical Attack Power:Now: Next: Magical Attack Power:Now: Next: àà à0àáWar Trance Level Strike your opponent with multiple attacks. Next levels bring stronger attacks, magical damage and better chance to stun and entangle opponents. Lev. 01 - Physical Attack. Lev. 06  Magical Attack (Earth). Lev. 11  Chance to Knock. Lev. 16  Chance to Entangle. Physical Attack Power: Now: Next: Magical Attack Power: Now: Next: àà à0àáWhirlwind Level Use to cut through when surrounded by numerous opponents. Next levels bring more efficiency, magical damage and better chance to poison and knock opponents. Lev. 01 - Physical Attack. Lev. 06  Magical Attack (Earth). Lev. 11  Chance to Poison Lev. 16  Chance to Knock. Physical Attack Power:Now: Next: Magical Attack Power:Now: Next: àà à0àáTears of Gaia Level àà à0àáSeeds Level Attack your opponents with continuous waves of organic missiles. Next levels bring chance to knock, entangle and blow entangled opponents. Lev. 01  Magical Attack (Earth). Lev. 06  Chance to Knock. Lev. 11  Chance to Entangle. Lev. 16  Blow Up Entangled. Important: This effect must be loaded. The more you load it, the longer it lasts. When cast, keep button pressed to spend as much AP as you want, then release it. Power of Blow Up Entangled depends on AP spent this way. àà à0àáStoneheart Level Change into furious incarnation of Gaia s wrath. Next levels bring stronger creatures, magical attacks and chance to entangle opponents with ranged attack. Lev. 01 - Physical Attack. Lev. 06  Magical Attack (Earth). Lev. 11  Area Ranged Attack. Lev. 16  Chance to Entangle with Ranged. Physical Attack Power: Now: Next: Magical Attack Power:Now: Next: àà à0àáSummon Anima Level ^d=skilllevel(0)^ Summon powerful spiritual steed to ride it into battle. Next levels bring magical attacks and ability to heal entire party. Lev. 01 - Physical Attack, Knock, Stun. Lev. 06  Magical Attack. (Life) Lev. 11  Area Magical Attack (Life). Lev. 16  Mass Heal. Physical Attack Power: Now: Next: Magical Attack Power: Now: Next: àà à0àáFocused Blow Level Strike your opponent with powerful, focused attack. Next levels bring more powerful blows, magical damage and ability to stun. Lev. 01 - Physical Attack. Lev. 06  Defense Pass-Through. Lev. 11  Magical Attack (Life). Lev. 16  Chance to Stun. Physical Attack Power: Now: Next: Magical Attack Power: Now: Next: àà à0àáAura of Might Level Cast to temporarily strengthen your combat statistics. Next levels bring party effects and better chance to stun and hit critically. Lev. 01  Statistics Boost. Lev. 06  Area Effect. Lev. 11  Chance to Stun. Lev. 16  Chance to Critical Hit. Aura Duration: Now: Next: Statistics Boost:Now: Next: àà à0àáBlind Fury Level Use to cut through when surrounded by numerous opponents. Next levels bring more efficiency, magical damage and better chance to knock opponents. Lev. 01 - Physical Attack. Lev. 06  Defense Pass-Through. Lev. 11  Magical Attack (Life). Lev. 16  Chance to Knock. Physical Attack Power:Now: Next: Magical Attack Power:Now: Next: àà à0àáSanctuary Level Cast to temporarily strengthen your defensive statistics. Next levels bring party effects, more HP and better magic resistance. Lev. 01  Statistics Boost. Lev. 06  Area Effect. Lev. 11  HP Boost. Lev. 16  Magic Resistance Boost (All). Aura Duration: Now: Next: Statistics Boost:Now: Next: àà à0àáSmile of Goddess Level Temporarily strengthen your weapon. Next levels bring magical damage, better chance to stun and critically hit opponents. Lev. 01  Physical Attack. Lev. 06  Magical Attack (Life). Lev. 11  Additional Chance to Stun. Lev. 16  Additional Chance to Critical Hit. Important: This effect must be loaded. The more you load it, the longer it lasts. When cast, keep button pressed to spend as much AP as you want, then release it. àà à0àáDazzling Light Level Cast to punish your enemies with dazzling light of purity. Next levels bring greater radius, party effect and chance to stun opponents. Lev. 01  Area Magical Attack (Life). Lev. 06  Greater Effect Radius. Lev. 11  Party Effect. Lev. 16  Chance to Stun. Aura Duration: Now: Next: àà à0àáHoly Wrath Level Use to deal damage to all opponents in the area. Next levels bring greater radius, better efficiency and chance to knock opponents. Lev. 01  Area Physical Attack. Lev. 06  Defense Pass-Through. Lev. 11  Double Defense Pass-Through. Lev. 16  Chance to Knock. Physical Attack Power:Now: Next: Defense Reduction:Now: Next: àà à0àáStrength of Anima Summon lasts longer and deals more damage. Each level of this Talent gives +X seconds and +X% damage boost àà à0àáBody Health Better Health Regeneration speed. Each level of this Talent gives +10% to initial HP regeneration speed. àà à0àáOne Handed Mastery Mastery in One Handed Weapon school of fighting: Precision. Each level of this Talent significantly rises a chance for stronger hit while wielding One Handed Weapon. àà à0àáTwo Handed Mastery Mastery in Two Handed Weapon school of fighting: Precision. Each level of this Talent significantly rises a chance for stronger hit while wielding Two Handed Weapon. àà à0àáSpiritual Health Better Energy Regeneration speed. Each level of this Talent gives +10% to initial AP regeneration speed. àà à0àáLife Power Proficiency in casting spells from Life Magic school. Each level of this Talent gives +10% to initial strength of any Life Magic spell. àà à0àáOne Handed Speed Mastery in One Handed Weapon school of fighting: Speed. Each level of this Talent significantly rises combat speed while wielding One Handed Weapon. àà à0àáAura Mastery Proficiency in casting Aura spells. Each level of this Talent gives +20% to initial time of any Aura spell persistence.àà à0àáLife Talent Efficiency in casting spells from Life Magic school. Each level of this Talent gives -3% to initial cost of any Life Magic spell and +3% to Life Magic Resistance. àà à0àáTwo Handed Speed Mastery in Two Handed Weapon school of fighting: Speed. Each level of this Talent significantly rises combat speed while wielding Two Handed Weapon. àà à0àáOne Handed Critical Hit Mastery in One Handed Weapon school of fighting: Critical Hit. Each level of this Talent rises a chance to critically hit opponents while wielding One Handed Weapon by 3%. àà à0àáTwo Handed Critical Hit Mastery in Two Handed Weapon school of fighting: Critical Hit. Each level of this Talent rises a chance to critically hit opponents while wielding Two Handed Weapon by 3%.àà à0àáCritical Hit Talent Specialization in Critical Hit. Each level of this Talent give +20% to Critical Hit damage.àà à0àáBlind Fury Talent Specialization in Blind Fury attack. Each level of this Talent give +20% to Blind Fury attack damage and rises a chance to critically hit opponents while using Blind Fury attack by 3%. àà à0àáShield Talent Specialization in using Shield in combat. Each level of this Talent give +100% to the initial Armor parameter of Shield in use. àà à0àáSuperb Protection Excellent protection from physical attacks. Each level of this Talent give +10% to the initial Armor parameter of any Armor piece in use. àà à0àáStrength of Anima àà à0àáBody Health àà à0àáOne Handed Masteryàà à0àáTwo Handed Mastery àà à0àáSpiritual Healthàà à0àáLife Poweràà à0àáOne Handed Speedàà à0àáAura Masteryàà à0àáLife Talent àà à0àáTwo Handed Speed àà à0àáOne Handed Critical Hit àà à0àáTwo Handed Critical Hitàà à0àáCritical Hit Talentàà à0àáBlind Fury Talentàà à0àáShield Talent àà à0àáSuperb Protectionàà à0àáTake armoràà à0àáTake weaponàà à0àáTake miscellanousàà à0àáStore armoràà à0àáStore weaponàà à0àáStore miscellanousàà à0àáBuy armoràà à0àáBuy weaponàà à0àáBuy miscellanousàà à0àáSell armoràà à0àáSell weaponàà à0àáSell miscellanousàà à0àáSkills assignationàà à0àáStatistics assignationàà à0àáTalents assignationàà à0àáSkillsàà à0àáQuestsàà à0àáSentinels Forest Help the people of Bark. Find Master of Wolves and eliminate him! àà à0àáThe Old Battleground Challenge the army of enraged undead warriors. Face their General and send him back to hell! àà à0àáMarshes Purge your soul before you meet Keeper of the Gate. Wash your face in the in the fountain of abandoned temple! àà à0àáThe Gate You must prove worthy before Keeper of the Gate. Show him your strength and valor. Find him and demand his wisdom! àà à0àáForbidden Forest Vicious Kobolds feel protected in their shelters in mountains. Find the entrance to the Kobold Underground Fortifications! àà à0àáKobold Caves Kobolds attack human settlements! Infiltrate Kobold Caves and destroy their leader!àà à0àáMonastery New inhabitants of the Monastery threaten villagers from the valley. Search and destroy the High Leader of the sect! àà à0àáHigh Mountains Demon Lord has imprisoned Titan, the weaver of chaos. Free him from his mountain prison. àà à0àáPirates Hold The Pirates who rule the skies of Lorhat stand in your way. Find the Pirates Hold and put an end to their reigns. àà à0àáOrcs Lands The people of Islands fear fierce Orcs, but even Orcs are afraid of the terror that lurks in the Caves. Remove both threats! àà à0àáGoblin Workshops The army of Demon Lord relies on goblins war machines. Find the main workshop and destroy its power sources. àà à0àáGreat Blacksmith Workshop The Great Blacksmith is said to posses the ability to forge matter and soul together. You need his help. Find him! àà à0àáOpen Desert The road to Oasis leads through endless desert. Find the stone landmark!àà à0àáDunes Nomads speak the language of force and brutality. Show them your might. Let their leader crawl under your feet!àà à0àáThe Valley of Kings Find the tomb of Ancient Lords of the desert. To earn their favor speak to the Mouth of Desert, the mighty oracle.àà à0àáThe Caravan The Orb of Chaos travels throughout the desert in heavy protected caravan. Kill guards, take Orb and send it to Lady of Life!àà à0àáThe Stone Forest You must enter the Outworld. Find the entrance, destroy guards, descend into the domain of Demon Lord.àà à0àáUnderground City The huge army of Demon Lord awaits orders to attack. Cut through their ranks and enter the Gate of Dead.àà à0àáThe Catacombs The Dead gathered on the bank of River of Oblivion. Face them. Find the Boat Man and sail to Outworld.àà à0àáThe Outworld Stop Demon Lord before chaos overcomes Him completely. Seize His power. Your gods have abandoned you, but your victory will eclipse anything in this world! àà à0àáChapter1nameàà à0àáChapter2àà à0àáChapter3àà à0àáChapter4àà à0àáChapter5àà à0àáHomeàà à0àáChestàà à0àáBackàà à0àáWorld mapThe forest is suffering; spirits no longer protect its sacred places, woods and shrines are silent, abandoned by their rightful masters. I remember the forest from the past; a living entity. Did you know the forest was sending prophetic visions and warnings to those who respected it? Now only silence remains. Believe me; whatever lives there now does not belong to this place. It is believed that when a great hero dies, the Keeper of the Gate accompanies him on his final journey. They travel together until the hero s soul finds its final resting place. We all live here as if at the edge of the worlds, yet only a few have seen what lies behind the shrouds of illusion.The Keeper of the Gate is older than the Gods and it is said that all the Gods entered the world through his domain. Somewhere deep in an ancient forest, behind the Gate of Stone, rest the secrets of the Immortals, but only a brave soul can possess them. Ten years ago, two pilgrims arrived in the village asking the way to the monastery. When they left, a violent storm erupted and nobody dared leave their shelters that day. Mountains trembled for weeks after and folks saw dead people walking the land and witnessed many other strange signs. No monks have been seen in the valley since. The air tastes different up there in the high mountains; the elders say this is the breath of God. Those who have never been there do not believe the stories. They do not believe the sky can be as red as blood and ghosts dance in the gorges. I don't blame them; rejection of the truth is better than madness. The legends say the Gods feared the Titan so much that they cut off his tongue before they banished him. His enraged screams create avalanches, so travel carefully through the high mountains; so many have vanished without trace under the rocks and snow. Do you need flying machines, automaton guards and magnificent weapons? Nowhere in the whole of Lorath can you find better and more skilled craftsmen than the Goblins. Sure, they're mad, but isn t madness close to genius?When you create the masterpiece of a lifetime you enclose part of your soul in it; it changes you. People say the soul of the Great Blacksmith is woven into his inventions and this makes him immortal. Folks will believe anything! The Islands have always attracted men of genius, poets and madmen. There is something utterly magical in the place, where spirit and matter yield to hammer blows while holy fire tempers them to perfection; this is the true Forge of the Gods.The Valley of the Kings is a haunted place. Nomads say that when you lose your way, the water dries up and your eyes play tricks on you; you can see the true masters of the Desert. Armies march, dead warriors haul siege machines and the clatter of chariots accompanies the howling storm that follows them. You will soon notice that everybody here talks of the forgotten ruins, treasures and adventures. Nomads love these tales and keep inventing new ones. What could be easier than robbing a lost adventurer, who would give anything for one sip of water? If you re looking for treasure, the Nomads' chests are brimming with it! The Desert hides many secrets; there are bones of prehistoric animals as big as houses! The world could end and nothing would change here; Chaos itself dwells in those vast sandy wastes. There are days when you can hear the dead wailing in the Outworld. It is said that those who cannot pay the Boatman must wait on the bank of the River of Oblivion for eternity; I fear such fate more than death. A secret lies in our famous brews. When the Lord of the Outworld leaves his domain it is wise to stay at home; his hypnotic voice beckons you to join him and those who hear it never return. Deep sleep is your salvation!The tale of the Outworld speaks of the River of Oblivion which has no beginning and no end. Only a blind Boatman can take you on a journey to a land beyond time, but at a price; have you anything of value to satisfy his greed?On the first day of spring floods, in the year 681, the second era, the Demon Lord bowed to Chaos. Breaking the eternal rules of the universe.At the same time a meteor fell in the Arazath Mountains, causing a series of massive earthquakes. It was the last of the old days and the beginning of the War of the Immortals.Many Gods died in those days, slain by the Demon Lord s minions. The survivors united under the leadership of the Lady of Life. Armies of light and darkness gathered at the fields of Lorath, ready for the final battle. But battle never commenced; what happened in the Underworld before the Demon Lord s sudden disappearance is Lorath's greatest mystery.Only a few know that the Demon Lord never sought world domination. It was later revealed that his motives were far more gruesome. Throughout Lorath legend also recounts that the Demon Lord had been thwarted not by Gods, but by mortals. Five humans, driven by hatred, pride, envy, greed and fear.This is their story.At the Lady s behest, you travel south to find the Keeper of the Gate, the all-seeing master of wisdom and illusion. Serious doubts start to creep in on your arrival at the town of Bark.Chaos is everywhere; at first sight it is clear that the village is doomed. There is no guide as the Lady had promised. They say the old Witch was banished from the town for her evil deeds.You suspect they are lying; in these times evil is just another meaningless word. People say that Chaos corrupted the land; horror dwells in the forest and the army of the undead march towards the town. Lies and fear; heralds of a new era.When the world was emerging from the waters of Chaos, the Titans watched it in silence. Then they plunged their hands into the boiling sphere of chaotic matter. Chaos writhed in their arms for six days and, on the seventh, the world was formed.That very day the Gods arrived and claimed the world. Many Titans rebelled and were punished; the Gods spared very few.The first of them was a Blacksmith with exceptional skills.Another one was wisdom, far beyond the understanding of the Gods themselves. He soon became the Keeper of the Gate; a living wisdom who both enlightens and deceives.He is said to live at the edge of the world, in the land shrouded in clouds of illusion. Neither Gods nor mortals are welcome there; wisdom cannot be bought. A week later some hunters from Bark found you lying unconscious on the river bank. They saved you from certain death; this was an adventure like no other. The Keeper of the Gate tested your patience, almost breaking your will.You spent three days in a violent storm, surrounded by evil creatures and ghosts of unlucky adventurers. Then wisdom suddenly flooded into your brain.You now know what is stopping the Demon Lord. You know of his curse, a Chaos that stains his soul. Soon he will change; his powers will increase as never before; but something is still missing.A heavily guarded caravan travels through Lorath carrying an Orb of chaotic matter. It is the gift of Chaos. Nothing will stop an apocalypse when it reaches the Lord's domain and joins with his soul.Your way leads to the High Mountains, where the Gods imprisoned the four-handed Titan, fearful of his power. Power to manipulate pure Chaos. He alone can render the Orb harmless; but you must stop the caravan first!Humans have always feared volcanoes. Their awesome might and unpredictable nature has terrified and fascinated humankind for aeons.The sight is mesmerizing; a sea of lava devouring trees, animals and humans in a burst of fury. Lava carries death with it, but people always return to rebuild their devastated settlements.For lava also brings new life, which grows in the reborn fields. Lava is Chaos; it takes and restores life; it has no purpose.Legends speak of Titans who formed lava at their will. They feared not the heat and enjoyed forming Chaos. That is why they were banished; such power threatened the Gods themselves.You had plenty of time to dwell on the Titan's story on your way to the Flying Islands. He did not utter a word when his shackles were broken. You both knew you were destined to meet again when the time was right. You signed a pact when breaking his bonds; Immortals do not forget such things.The cold breeze makes you shiver; you feel it will not be easy to find the Great Workshop, the domain of the Smith of the Gods.The Islands are rebelling; the Goblins awaken; they are renowned for being fanatical and totally unpredictable.Besides, Pirates and Orcs have always pillaged the land. You hope your skills and determination will help you; this is just another test like all the others. This is your destiny.There is one dream shared by all generations. The dream behind every achievement, every civilisation and heroic deed. The dream of immortality.Great myths speak of those who fulfilled their dreams. But what is not recounted is the price they paid.For some dreams are better unfulfilled, some sacrifices too heavy to bear.You have not slept for days. It is not because of the perils of the Great Desert; physical harm means nothing to you now.The presence of the Orb fills the air; you hear it pounding like a human heart. It does not frighten you either; you will soon have the Orb and pay homage to the Gods.It is the bronze coin in your hand that troubles you more than anything else. People bury their dead with such coins to catch the souls within. The Boatman accepts no other fee.This coin has your soul. The Blacksmith laughed when you asked to forge the pass to the Outworld. You're almost sure he felt sorry for you.On the day of the battle for the Seven Mines, the King of Arazath saw his death in the scrying glass in the Alchemist's tower. The execution was swift; the old Alchemist paid dearly for his talents.The King was not afraid of death; his people meant nothing to him. The battle had to be lost and the whole country reduced to ashes.But the old Alchemist had to die; he saw the future of the world; the day it would end. And the King would initiate the doom himself.Now, after years of faithful service to the Demon Lord, the King of Arazath awaits his death in the sands of the Great Desert. But even then his mission will continue. He will embrace it.At last! Today you have thwarted the plans of the Demon Lord. He lost the Orb; he will soon confront its powers ranged against him.The Titan brought the Orb before the throne of the Lady of Life. There it will be forged into a sword in the Gods' Chambers.Your last mission takes you to the Outworld; you must stop the Demon Lord. The Titans promised to bring you the Sword of Chaos to aid you in your quest. Do they really care, or is it simply revenge?In the advent of the summer solstice, the four-handed Titan was standing on the bank of the River of Oblivion. He was quietly watching the boat disappear into the darkness.The Lady of Life was dying in her throne room, boiling Chaos burning her throat. The five mortals in the boat knew nothing; they were part of the plan of revenge. If it were not for them, the Titan would have never faced the Goddess alone.Now they carry a weapon to kill yet another God. A weapon made of pure Chaos. Blind tools. The Demon Lord was slain in his throne room. The Gods buried him and planted a tree.They enslaved his soul in the roots. Lorath entered a new era in its history after the Demon Lord's death.The Gods abandoned their domains and left Lorath to the mortals. Before they left they planted more trees; these were symbols of power. The trees which will guard humankind in the years to come.The Lady of Life did not follow the other Gods. She chose to be buried alive to prevent Chaos devouring her soul.The heroes who killed the Demon Lord were greatly rewarded. Their legend will endure for ever!Help the people of Bark. Find the evil Redcap and eliminate him!Save the town of Bark. Face the Zombie General and send him back to Hell!Find the mystical fountain in the abandoned temple and kill the guard!Defeat the stone guardian that protects the Keeper of the Gate!Find the entrance to the Kobolds' underground fortifications and kill the guards!Infiltrate the caves and kill the leader of the mountain Kobolds! Save the mountain villages from destruction. Kill the high leader of the evil monks!The Gods have imprisoned Titan, the Weaver of Chaos. Free him from his mountain prison!The Sky Pirates stand in your way. Infiltrate their hold and put an end to this threat!Infiltrate an Orc camp, find out what lives in the caverns and eliminate it!The Demon Lord needs Goblin war machines. Kill the guards to the Workshop's main power source. The Great Blacksmith has the skill to fuse matter and soul; eliminate his guards!The road to the Oasis passes through a desert; kill the enemies you encounter on your way!Nomads respect brutality only; show them your might and make their leader beg for mercy!Find the tomb of the Ancient Lords of the Desert and kill the guard of the Stone Oracle!The Orb of Chaos travels through the Desert in a heavily guarded caravan. Stop it!You must enter the Outworld. Find the entrance and get past the guards!The Demon Lord's army is ready to attack; kill all who stand in your way!The dead gather on the bank of the underground river to stop you. Kill the demonic Skeletal Dragon!Stop the Demon Lord before Chaos overwhelms him!The WoodlandsThe green forests of Lorath are famous for their superb wood. The best dockyards in the land rely on regular shipments from Bark, the main river port in the area.Town of BarkThe Sentinels ForestThe Old BattlefieldThe MarshesThe GateThe Arazath MountainsRich in gold and iron ore resources, the Arazath Mountains play a very important role in Lorath s economy. However, harsh living conditions and dangerous creatures hamper human expansion and the Arazath High Mountains have yet to be fully explored.Town of RoarForbidden LandsKobolds CavesThe MonasteryThe High MountainsThe Flying IslandsThe Flying Islands of Lorath were a sanctuary in pre-human history for culture and craftsmanship. Humans quickly acclimatized to this wonderful place and joined the societies of artists and craftsmen.Town of DriftPirates HoldGoblin WorkshopsOrc LandsThe Great WorkshopThe Great DesertThe Great Desert is one of the Lorath's age-old and deepest mysteries. It still conceals countless surprises for the inexperienced travelers and adventurers lured here by tales of treasures beyond their wildest dreams. Town of BreezeThe DesertThe OasisThe Valley of the KingsAbandoned CityThe BarrowsSeparated from the rest of the land by the Great Desert, the Barrows is the most inhospitable region, despite its natural resources and rich soil. Even so, this area still produces the best brews! Town of MournThe Stone ForestUnderground CityThe CatacombsThe OutworldThe KeepThe Keep is where you can store your goods.Town of BarkThe Sentinels Forest: IThe Sentinels Forest: IIThe Old Battlefield: IThe Old Battlefield: IIThe Marshes: IThe Marshes: IIThe Gate: IThe Gate: IITown of RoarForbidden Lands: IForbidden Lands: IIKobolds Caves: IKobolds Caves: II The Monastery: IThe Monastery: II The High Mountains: IThe High Mountains: II Town of DriftPirates Hold: IPirates Hold: II Goblin Workshops: IGoblin Workshops: II Orc Lands: IOrc Lands: II The Great Workshop: IThe Great Workshop: II Town of BreezeThe Desert: IThe Desert: II The Oasis: IThe Oasis: II The Valley of the Kings: IThe Valley of the Kings: II Abandoned City: IAbandoned City: II Town of MournThe Stone Forest: IThe Stone Forest: II Underground City: IUnderground City: II The Catacombs: IThe Catacombs: II The Outworld: IThe Outworld: II WeaponBronzeIronSteelMithrilAdamantiteShortLongCompositeRecurvedMarksmanSwordSabreAxeHammerClubMaceGreat SwordHalberdKatanaSledgehammerStaffBowSpearJavelinArmorBronzeIronSteelMithrilAdamantineHelmetArmorBootsGauntletsShieldCopperIronSilverGoldPlatinumRingBraceletNecklaceJewelrySmall Healing PotionHealing PotionGreat Healing PotionSmall Energy PotionEnergy PotionGreat Energy PotionGem of TeleportationGem of FireGem of WaterGem of EarthGem of AirGem of DeathGem of LifeRune of StrengthRune of Const.Rune of AbilityRune of VitalityRune of AP DrainRune of HP DrainBeechChestnutMapleAspenBirchOak WalnutWillowHemlockPineCedarSpruceAshMothSilkwormFireflyDragonflyLocustMantisButterflyLevel One: NormalReq: -Beginners start here to gain experience and learn skills.Level Two: AdvancedReq: completing Normal difficulty level.Advanced characters will find new challenges and better equipment here.Level Three: HardReq: completing Advanced difficulty level.Seasoned characters test their skills against powerful foes and obtain excellent equipment.Level Four: ExpertReq: completing Hard difficulty level.Veteran characters face the most dangerous opponents and collect the remaining items.Level Five: ImpossibleReq: completing Expert difficulty level.Only the most skilled characters can enter this level and obtain unique equipment. Death cost: random items from the equipment and all the cash. The Roots: Gates of Chaos TeamExecutive Producer Artur Jaskólski Producer Piotr Krzywonosiuk Production Assistant Krzysztof 'Filip' Michalak Programmers Konrad  Kondzior Piorunek Arkadiusz  Zoomee Zachert Aukasz Matuszek Art Director Waldemar Strzelczyk Concept Artists Bartosz Zamarek 2D Artists Mateusz Manes MichaB  DzicioB Dzicielski Dorota Olachowska Przemyslaw Chojnacki3D Artists MichaB  Grynio Gryn Arkadiusz JarmuBa BartBomiej  Bart Roch Character Animators MichaB Hrydziuszko Andrzej Zawada Tomasz  Toma Zawada GFX Artists Feargal  Fungle Plant Lead QA RafaB Kruczek Sound Designer Marcin CzartyDskiWebsite Sebastian Ciastoch PICKED UPBUYSELLUSEEQUIPTAKE OFFCOMBINE WITHUPGRADEGIVESENDDROPCANCELSTATISTICS ASSIGNMENTSKILLS ASSIGNMENTTALENTS ASSIGNMENTThere is no space. You have completed a level.You have been killed.Player %S has gained a level.Player has accepted your item.Player has rejected your item.Player has accepted your gift.Player challenges you.Player %S joined a game.Player %S has been disconnected.You have been disconnected.The server has found and removed unauthorized copies of certain items.Connection lostGame terminated by the hostThe Bluetooth connection is off. Do you want to activate it?Bluetooth connection busySearching for host& Connecting to host& Connection successfulConnection lostQUICK SKILLSCharacter SheetARMSARMORMISCELLANEOUSSTATISTICSSTATISTICS ASSIGNMENTSKILLSSKILLS ASSIGNMENTTALENTSTALENTS ASSIGNMENTJOURNALMAPCHATQUESTSBESTIARYSHOPBUY ARMSSELL ARMSBUY ARMORSELL ARMORBUY MISCELLANEOUSSELL MISCELLANEOUSPAWN SHOPBUY ARMSSELL ARMSBUY ARMORSELL ARMORBUY MISCELLANEOUSSELL MISCELLANEOUSARENATHE WOODLANDSTHE ARAZATH MOUNTAINSTHE FLYING ISLANDSTHE GREAT DESERTTHE BARROWSTHE KEEPTHE KEEPCHESTSTORE ARMSSTORE ARMORSTORE MISCELLANEOUSTAKE ARMSTAKE ARMORTAKE MISCELLANEOUSTRAVEL BACKWORLD MAPWORKSHOPPLACE GEMSUPGRADE ARMSUPGRADE ARMORUPGRADE JEWELRYControlsTravellingUse the ^k=2^Teleport Gems^/k^ for fast travel. To use a Teleport Gem, enter the Quick Skills menu and select the Teleport icon. This Teleport system quickly transports you to different locations and adjacent villages.Alternatively, use the Waypoints scattered throughout the maps. To use a Waypoint, stand on it, press the Action Key and choose your destination in the chapter. Visit the Ferryman in the village to move between the chapters. CombatEffective combat is crucial for survival in The Roots: Gates of Chaos. It is wise to remember a few basic rules: Always wear the best equipment to maximize your character s Attack and Defense abilities. If your opponents use magical attacks, find the equipment that provides resistance to that type of magic. Use ^k=2^Quick Skills^/k^! Change skills during combat using the Quick Skills menu. Always keep some HP and AP Potions in your inventory and use them to restore your health and energy. Press the HP Key to use the HP Potion to restore your health. Press the AP Key to use the AP Potion and restore the energy needed to use your skills. The VillageYou can meet the following characters in each village: ^k=2^Vendor^/k^  her shop is usually well supplied with basic equipment at reasonable prices. ^k=2^Hunter^/k^  check the Bounty Hunters' Guild for special missions. ^k=2^Gladiator^/k^  enter the Arena, where illegal fights for money and fame are staged. ^k=2^Herald^/k^  listen to her news and stories to learn more about the world and your quests. ^k=2^Ferryman^/k^  he can help you in your travels through Lorath. Primary Statistics^i=0,1^ Attack  your attack power. ^i=2,3^ Defense  your protection against physical attacks. ^i=4,5^ HP  your maximum number of Life Points. ^i=6,7^ AP  your maximum number of Action Points that are spent when using skills.Secondary StatisticsExtent to which your character is protected against magical attacks (shown as a %): ^i=10,11^ Death Magic ^i=12,13^ Life Magic ^i=14,15^ Air Magic ^i=16,17^ Earth Magic ^i=18,19^ Water Magic ^i=20,21^ Fire Magic Managing Skills^k=2^Skills^/k^ are actions your character can learn and perform and which use up energy (Action Points: AP). To master a skill, your character must be on an appropriate level and have at least one Skill Point. Skill efficiency depends on various factors, but mainly on the level of the character's Attack, Defense, AP and HP. Remember: Attack, Defense, AP and HP change depending on the equipment used and the character s level, which also influences the power of the skills. Improving SkillsSkills can be improved up to 20x. Improved skills are more efficient, but usually cost more AP. Upgraded skills cost more to increase (up to 4 points per level). Skills gain more effects as they improve. Select any skill in the Character menu and press the Help Key for more info. Some skills can be ^k=2^loaded^/k^; hold the Skills Key down (Key 8 or 9) to spend AP to load the skill power and release the Key to start the effect. The power of the loaded skill depends on the number of AP used.Quick SkillsYou can assign Skill 1 or Skill 2 (Key 8 or 9) Keys to various skills and use them quickly in combat. To do this, go to the Quick Skills menu. Select and hold the skill you wish to assign and while selected, press either the Skill 1 or Skill 2 Key to confirm. The relevant skill will be triggered the next time you press the Key assigned to it. Playing multiplayer sessions is easy. If your character is allowed to play on certain DIFFICULTY LEVEL, it is possible to play on any chapter and map on this level, even if you have never been there. You just need to be invited to play by someone who already visited those maps.You cannot join sessions created on higher DIFFICULTY LEVELS than your character is allowed to play on. Experience points for all slain creatures are divided among all players on the map. The more experienced characters always get better share. VendorHunterGladiatorHeraldFerrymanWolfGoblinGoblin BowmanSpider WarriorMagic SpiderBatKobold WarriorKobold ThrowerBearKobold EliteKobold ShamanLarvaCultist MageCultist ThrowerZombieMinotaurGigantHarpy MagePirate WarriorPirate CanoneerBeastPumaOrc RiderOrc ShamanGoblin MechanistGoblin MageTrollGolemKobold Elite ThrowerKobold SpiritchaserVultureScorpionWormVultureman WarriorVultureman WizzardVultureman RiderMummy WarriorMummy MageGhostCultist ArchmageElite GuardCrusaderHarpy ArchmageStone GolemStone SpiderCultist SouleaterElite KnightHorrorSkeleton EliteSkeleton ArchmageZombie LordDemon WarriorDark DemonDemonic Beast RedcapZombie GeneralGreat ViperStone GargoyleKobold Elite GuardGigantic CocoonIce DemonDragonSiege MachineCave SpiderTroll MasterSteam MachineGigantic ScorpionCobra RiderSphinxCrimson KnightStone SnakeFire DemonSkeletal DragonUnable to connect to hostWaitCancelPLAYDELETECANCELDELETE CHARACTER?YESNOSTARTARENAOPTIONSHELPCREDITSEXITCHARACTER LISTCreate New CharacterBackOPTIONSMUSICSFXLANGUAGECONTROLSACCEPTCHOOSE CHARACTERPaladinWarlockWarrioressSorceressThiefENTER YOUR CHARACTER'S NAMEENTER GAMENEW GAMEJOIN GAMEARENACANCELENTER GAMECONTINUENEW GAMEJOIN GAMEARENACANCELGAME MODESINGLE-PLAYERMULTIPLAYERCANCELJOIN GAMECHOOSE DIFFICULTYLevel One: NormalLevel Two: AdvancedLevel Three: HardLevel Four: ExpertLevel Five: ImpossibleTUTORIALPLAY GAMECANCELActionAttackSkill 1Skill 2Quick SkillsEquipmentMapDrink HP PotionDrink AP PotionControlsTravellingCombatThe VillagePrimary StatisticsSecondary StatisticsManaging SkillsImproving SkillsQuick SkillsManaging TalentsRETURNARENAMAKE SCREENSHOT/ MOVIEOPTIONSHELPHOST OPTIONSSAVE AND QUITPaladinThe Paladin is the strongest warrior in the group; he handles various melee weapons with great skill. He can also use various kinds of protective magic and numerous auras, which make him a valuable companion.WarlockThe Warlock wields the magic of death. He can inflict significant magical damage from a distance and drain vital energy from his opponents. His powerful auras weaken even the strongest adversaries, who are powerless against this deadly skill. The Warlock can also transform himself into a bloodthirsty and savage demon. WarrioressThe Warrioress specializes in throwing weapons. She is agile and strong enough to engage most enemies in close combat. One of her unique skills is her ability to transform herself into a beast or a golem. Overall, she is a superbly balanced and skilled heroine. SorceressThe Sorceress specializes in fire and water magic. She can summon great snowstorms and showers of fiery meteors. She is the weakest in the group at hand-to-hand combat, but no one equals the devastating powers she can unleash in a second, causing death and destruction. ThiefThief is expert at wielding both bow and cold steel; he is extremely skilled and agile. Abilities such as dexterity, mastery in long-range and hand-to-hand combat and his ability to use powerful air magic, make him the most versatile character in the group.Summon AnimaSummon a powerful spiritual steed.Focused Blow Strike your opponent with a powerful attack.Aura of MightThis aura temporarily strengthens offensive statistics.Blind FuryUse this attack to cut through when surrounded by opponents.Aura of SanctuaryThis aura temporarily strengthens defensive statistics.Smile of the GoddessThis skill temporarily boosts your weapon.Aura of Dazzling LightEvoke it to punish your enemies with a dazzling, pure light.Holy WrathThis mighty attack inflicts damage on all enemies nearby.Summon AnimaSummon a hideous lizard.Plague KissCast tracking magical missiles to harm your opponents.Aura of TerrorThis aura temporarily weakens the offensive statistics of your opponents.Face of NosferatuUse this attack to cut through when surrounded by opponents.ScreamAttack your opponents with piercing soundwaves.Second NatureChange into the Grim Reaper.LeechEnslave your enemies with a ray of negative energy.DoomUnleash apocalyptic forces of evil.Summon AnimaSummon a feline hunter.RootsEntangle your opponents in poisonous roots.LycanthropyChange into a ferocious animal.War TranceStrike your opponent with multiple attacks.WhirlwindUse this attack to cut through when surrounded by opponents.Tear of GaiaSummon a healing wind. SeedsAttack your opponents with waves of organic missiles. StoneheartChange into a furious incarnation of Gaia s wrath.Summon AnimaSummon a powerful dragon.Bolt of FireCast magical missiles to burn your opponents.Rain of FireEvoke a magical rain of fire.Ice ShardCast magical missiles to freeze your opponents.Blizzard Evoke a magical storm of snow and ice.Maelstrom Use this attack to cut through when surrounded by opponents.Field of FrostHarm your enemies with a field of frost around the Sorceress.Wave of LavaBurn your enemies with a moving wall of fire.Summon AnimaSummon a deadly arachnid.Multiple StrikeStrike your opponent with multiple attacks.Burst of ArrowsAttack your opponents with arrows.Haste Use this skill to speed up movements.Energy LeashTrap your enemy in a ray of pure energy.Barrage FireAttack your opponents with continuous waves of arrows.Whirling GraceUse this attack to cut through when surrounded by opponents.ThunderstormEvoke a magical storm.This effect is loaded with AP. Attack Boost: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%% HPMagic Att. (Life): %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%% APRadius: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^) m.Knock Down Ability: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%%Stun Ability: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%%Total Heal: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)Defense Reduction: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%%Duration: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^) sec.Attack Boost: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%%Critical Hit Ability: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%%Defense Boost: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%%All Resistance Boost: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%%Attack Boost: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%% AP usedMagic Att. (Life): %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%% AP usedStun Ability Boost: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%% AP usedCrit. Hit Ability Boost: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%% AP used Damage Frequency: each %d(^k=1^%d^/k^) sec.Magic Att. (Death): %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%% APFull Regeneration: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)Inflict Disease Ability: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%%Drain HP Ability: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%%Drain HP Power: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%% dam.Drain AP Ability: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%%Drain AP Power: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%% dam.Attack Reduction: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%%All Resistance Reduction: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%% Slow Down Ability: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%%Explosion Power: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%% AP used Magic Att. (Earth): %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%% APPoison Ability: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%%Explosion Power: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%% AP Magic Att. (Fire): %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%% AP Explosion Ability: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%%Magic Att. (Water): %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%% APNumber of Shards: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)Damage Frequency: each %d(^k=1^%d^/k^) sec. Wave Width: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^) m.Distance: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^) m.Magic Att. (Air): %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%% APEnergy Wave (Air): %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)Number of Arrows: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^) Time: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^) sec.Electrocute: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%% AP usedStrengthConstitutionAbilityVitalityHit Points Action Points Summon Points AttackDefenseFire ResistanceWater ResistanceAir ResistanceEarth ResistanceDeath ResistanceLife ResistanceFire DamageWater DamageAir DamageEarth DamageDeath DamageLife DamageLevelExperience ClassNameTitle:GoldExperience RequiredStrength of AnimaThe summon lasts longer and inflicts more damage. Each level of this Talent adds +5 seconds and a +10% attack boost.Body HealthBetter use of Healing Potions.Each level of this Talent makes Healing Potions more effective.One-Handed MasterySkill in the One-Handed Weapon School of Fighting: Precision.Each level of this Talent significantly increases the ability to inflict a heavier blow with a One-Handed Weapon.Two-Handed MasteryMastery in the Two-Handed Weapon School of Fighting: Precision.Each level of this Talent significantly increases the ability to inflict a heavier blow with a Two-Handed Weapon.Spiritual HealthBetter use of Energy Potions.Each level of this Talent makes Energy Potions more effective.Life PowerSkill in casting spells from the Life Magic School.Each level of this Talent adds +5% to the initial strength of any Life Magic spell. One-Handed SpeedMastery in the One-Handed Weapon School of Fighting: Speed.Each level of this Talent significantly increases combat speed with a One-Handed Weapon.Aura MasterySkill in casting Aura spells.Each level of this Talent adds +20% to the initial duration of any Aura spell. Life TalentSkill in casting spells from the Life Magic School.Each level of this Talent takes -10% from the initial cost of any Life Magic spell and adds +3 to Life Magic resistance. Two-Handed SpeedMastery in the Two-Handed Weapon School of Fighting: Speed.Each level of this Talent significantly increases combat speed with a Two-Handed Weapon.One-Handed CriticalMastery in the One-Handed Weapon School of Fighting: Critical Hit.Each level of this Talent increases the ability to inflict a critical hit on opponents with a One-Handed Weapon by 3. Two-Handed CriticalMastery in the Two-Handed Weapon School of Fighting: Critical Hit.Each level of this Talent increases the ability to inflict a critical hit on opponents with a Two-Handed Weapon by 3. Critical Hit TalentSpecialization in Critical Hit.Each level of this Talent adds +10% to Critical Hit damage. Blind Fury Attack TalentSpecialization in Blind Fury Attacks.Each level of this Talent adds +10% to Blind Fury attack damage and increases the ability to inflict a critical hit on opponents with a Blind Fury attack by 3. Shield TalentSpecialization in using a Shield in combat.Each level of this Talent adds +50% to the Shield's initial Armor parameters. Superb ProtectionEnhanced protection against physical attacks.Each level of this Talent adds +8% to the Armor s initial parameters. Strength of AnimaThe summon lasts longer and inflicts more damage.Each level of this Talent adds +5 seconds and a +10% attack boost. Death TalentSkill in casting spells from the Death Magic School.Each level of this Talent takes -10% from the initial cost of any Death Magic spell and adds +3 to Death Magic resistance. Spiritual HealthBetter use of Energy Potions.Each level of this Talent makes Energy Potions more effective.Two-Hand. Bl. MasteryMastery in the Two-Handed Blunt Weapon School of Fighting: Precision.Each level of this Talent significantly increases the ability to inflict a heavier blow with a Two-Handed Blunt Weapon.Disease TalentSkill in inflicting a disease.Each level of this Talent adds +2 sek to the initial duration of the effect of the Disease. Two-Hand. Bl. SpeedMastery in the Two-Handed Blunt Weapon School of Fighting: Speed.Each level of this Talent significantly increases combat speed with a Two-Handed Blunt Weapon.Death PowerSkill in casting spells from the Death Magic School.Each level of this Talent adds +7% to the initial strength of any Death Magic spell. Aura MasterySkill in casting Aura spells.Each level of this Talent adds +20% to the initial duration of any Aura spell. Body HealthBetter use of Healing Potions.Each level of this Talent makes Healing Potions more effective.Energy EfficiencyEfficient energy management.Each level of this Talent significantly reduces use of AP when casting loaded spells.Two-Handed CriticalMastery in the Two-Handed Weapon School of Fighting: Critical Hit.Each level of this Talent increases the ability to inflict a critical hit on opponents with a Two-Handed Weapon by 3. Total ResistanceEnhanced protection against magical attacks.Each level of this Talent adds +5 to the initial resistance parameter of any magic. Constant ChangeSkill in shapeshifting.Each level of this Talent adds +30% to the initial duration of the demonic shape. Drain Life TalentSkill in the Drain Life effect.Each level of this Talent adds +5% to the initial value of the enemy HP absorbed while casting draining spells. Slow Down ImmunityImmunity to slowing down.Character cannot be slowed down.FocusFaster spellcasting.This Talent significantly reduces the initial recovery time between spells.Strength of AnimaThe summon lasts longer and inflicts more damage.Each level of this Talent adds +5 seconds and a +10% attack boost. Body HealthBetter use of Healing Potions.Each level of this Talent makes Healing Potions more effective.Earth TalentEfficiency in casting spells from the Earth Magic School.Each level of this Talent takes -10% from the initial cost of any Earth Magic spell and adds +3 to Earth Magic resistance. Throwing Mastery Mastery in the Throwing Weapon School of Fighting: Precision.Each level of this Talent significantly increases the ability to inflict a heavier blow with a Throwing Weapon.Two-Handed Mastery Mastery in the Two-Handed Weapon School of Fighting: Precision.Each level of this Talent significantly increases the ability to inflict a heavier blow with a Two-Handed Weapon.ShapeshifterMastery in shapeshifting.Each level of this Talent adds +25% to the initial duration of the altered shape. Throwing SpeedMastery in the Throwing Weapon School of Fighting: Speed.Each level of this Talent significantly increases combat speed with a Throwing Weapon.Earth PowerSkill in casting spells from the Earth Magic School.Each level of this Talent adds +7% to the initial strength of any Earth Magic spell. Spiritual HealthBetter use of Energy Potions.Each level of this Talent makes Energy Potions more effective.Two-Handed SpeedMastery in the Two-Handed Weapon School of Fighting: Speed.Each level of this Talent significantly increases combat speed with a Two-Handed Weapon.Roots TalentSkill in casting a Roots spell.Each level of this Talent adds +30% to the initial duration of the Roots spell.Throwing Critical HitMastery in the Throwing Weapon School of Fighting: Critical Hit.Each level of this Talent increases the ability to inflict a critical hit on opponents with a Throwing Weapon by 3. Total ResistanceEnhanced protection against magical attacks.Each level of this Talent adds +3 to the initial Resistance parameter of any magic. Destructive FocusBetter use of energy for explosions.Each level of this Talent significantly increases damage inflicted by the spells' explosion effects.Poison ImmunityImmunity to poison.The character is immune to poison. Throwing TalentMastery in the Throwing Weapon School of Fighting: Ultimate Mastery.Each level of this Talent significantly increases damage inflicted with a Throwing Weapon.Spiritual HealthBetter use of Energy Potions.Each level of this Talent makes Energy Potions more effective.Fire TalentSkill in casting spells from the Fire Magic School.Each level of this Talent adds -10% to the initial cost of any Fire Magic spell and +3 to Fire Magic resistance. Water TalentSkill in casting spells from the Water Magic School.Each level of this Talent takes -10% from the initial cost of a Water Magic spell and adds +3 to Water Magic resistance. IntelligenceSkill in learning from experience.Each level of this Talent increases the total amount of experience gained by 5%.Fire PowerSkill in casting spells from the Fire Magic School.Each level of this Talent adds +7% to the initial strength of any Fire Magic spell. Water PowerSkill in casting spells from the Water Magic School.Each level of this Talent adds +7% to the initial strength of any Water Magic spell. One-Hand. Bl. MasteryMastery in the One-Handed Blunt Weapon School of Fighting: Precision.Each level of this Talent significantly increases the ability to inflict a heavier blow with a One-Handed Blunt Weapon.Strength of AnimaThe Summon lasts longer and inflicts more damage.Each level of this Talent adds +5 seconds and a +10% attack boost. Destructive FocusBetter use of energy for explosions.Each level of this Talent significantly increases damage inflicted by explosion effects from spells.One-Hand. Bl. SpeedMastery in the One-Handed Blunt Weapon School of Fighting: Speed.Each level of this Talent significantly increases combat speed with a One-Handed Blunt Weapon.Body HealthBetter use of Healing Potions.Each level of this Talent makes Healing Potions more effective.Slow Down Talent Mastery in producing a slowing down effect.Each level of this Talent adds +3 sec. to the initial duration of the slowing down effect. Disease ImmunityImmunity to disease.The character is immune to disease.Defense Talent Enhanced protection against physical attacks.Each level of this Talent adds +10% to the character s defense value. Summon Talent Mastery in taming dragons.Each level of this Talent adds +50% to the strength of the dragon explosion effect.FocusFaster spellcasting.This Talent significantly reduces the initial recovery time between spells.Strength of AnimaThe summon lasts longer and inflicts more damage.Each level of this Talent adds +5 seconds and a +10% attack boost. Missile Mastery Mastery in the Missile Weapon School of Fighting: Precision.Each level of this Talent significantly increases the ability to inflict a heavier blow when using a Missile Weapon.Body HealthBetter use of Healing Potions.Each level of this Talent makes Healing Potions more effective.One-Handed MasteryMastery in the One-Handed Weapon School of Fighting: Precision.Each level of this Talent significantly increases the ability to inflict a heavier blow with a One-Handed Weapon.Air TalentSkill in casting spells from the Air Magic School.Each level of this Talent takes -10% from the initial cost of any Air Magic spell and adds +3 to Air Magic resistance.One-Handed SpeedMastery in the One-Handed Weapon School of Fighting: Speed.Each level of this Talent significantly increases combat speed with a One-Handed Weapon.Spiritual HealthBetter use of Energy Potions.Each level of this Talent makes Energy Potions more effective.Missile SpeedMastery in the Missile Weapon School of Fighting: Speed.Each level of this Talent significantly increases combat speed with a Missile Weapon.Air PowerMastery in casting spells from the Air Magic School.Each level of this Talent adds +5% to the initial strength of any Air Magic spell. One-Handed CriticalMastery in the One-Handed Weapon School of Fighting: Critical Hit.Each level of this Talent increases the ability to inflict a critical hit on opponents with a One-Handed Weapon by 3. Missile Critical HitMastery in the Missile Weapon School of Fighting: Critical Hit.Each level of this Talent increases the ability to inflict a critical hit on opponents with a Missile Weapon by 3. Energy EfficiencyEfficient energy management.Each level of this Talent significantly reduces use of AP when casting loaded spells.Critical Missile Talent Mastery in the Missile Weapon School of Fighting: Critical Hit Power.Each level of this Talent increases Missile Weapon Critical Hit Power by 10% of its initial value. Anima TalentReduced cost of summoning.This Talent reduces the cost of summoning to 40 SP. Fast MovementConsiderably faster movements.Each level of this Talent increases the speed of movement, but does not increase combat speed.Missile TalentMastery in the Missile Weapon School of Fighting: Ultimate Mastery.Each level of this Talent significantly increases damage inflicted with a Missile Weapon.Your journey led you to the Woodlands in the southern regions of Lorath. You can go north to the river port and learn some useful skills. You can also take shortcuts as indicated by signposts to skip the lesson! Choose wisely.You must first learn how to fight. To attack, select your target (a red field must appear under the creature). Use the Attack button (7) to strike.Congratulations! The creature dropped the item. Use the Action button (5) to collect it.Now equip yourself with a helmet. Open the Inventory (2). Use the Controller Key (Left and Right) to access the ARMOR window. Your protection has increased!Close your inventory. Press (7).Do you want to try again? (Yes/No)Now fight two creatures. It is wise to concentrate on one at a time rather than fighting both together. Congratulations! You have gained enough Experience Points (Exp) to access a new level. Now open the Inventory (2).You have 3 Statistics Points. Press Action (5) to enter the Assignation menu. Use the Controller Key (Up and Down) to choose the statistics you want to increase and use Action (5) to confirm. Well done. Your character is now significantly enhanced. Use the Controller Key (Left and Right) to access the SKILLS window. You have 1 Skill Point. Use the Controller Key (Up and Down) to choose the Skill you want to learn. Use Action (5) to confirm. Well done. Now you can use your skill to quickly dispose of your enemies. Later in the game you will learn new skills and master old ones. Now use the Controller Key (Left and Right) to access the TALENTS window. You have 1 Talent Point. Use the Controller Key (Up and Down) to choose the Talent you want to learn. Use Action (5) to confirm.Well done. Your powers have increased; later in the game you will learn more talents.Remember. You can use the Help button (1) when you see ^i=1^ to learn more about your Skills, Talents, equipment and other aspects of the game.To close your inventory, press (7).Do you want to try again? (Yes/No)Now Press the Quick Skills button (0).In exploration mode press Skill 1 (8) or Skill 2 (9), depending on your last choice, to use the chosen skill.Skills use AP (Action Points). You can replenish your AP using AP Potions. Press (6) to use an AP Potion whenever you want.a. Press (4) to use an HP Potion whenever you want; it will partly restore your health. Now move on!Test yourself against a more demanding foe. You may use the skill you have just learned; it will be a great help. Congratulations! Now you are ready for your journey. Go to the signpost to the north and press the Action button (5) to travel to the village. Do you want to try again? (Yes/No) SmallGreaterWaypointUnexplored START GAMELvl:LANGUAGEENGLISHFRANÇAISDEUTSCHITALIANOESPAÑOLRESTORERESTOREYESNOACCEPTBACKPRESS KEYAdventurerHeroChampionLordDemigod DEFAULTSIs this your final decision?YESNOBest kill:Time in game:Defeated enemies: SEARCHING FOR HOSTS& AWAITING CLIENTS& LIST OF HOSTSLIST OF PLAYERSAMOUNTOKCANCELALLWay toSpecial thanks to Damian  Kulasty Adamowicz Marcin Baryski Krzysztof  Machel Machelski MichaB  Bibbit Nowak Marcin  Piachu Piaskiewicz Jakub {uralski MiBosz JaskólskiThe Roots Gates of Chaos website: www.theroots-game.com All work Copyright © 2004 by P.S. ASSA - Tannhauser Gate www.thgate.com Looking for gameWaiting for players to join gameWaiting for the game to start^k=2^%S^/k^ has paused the game. Waiting for the game to resume.%S has quit the gameWaiting for the game to resumeDATA CORRUPTED. INCORRECT SAVES DELETED.GAME DECK MEMORY FULLTOO MANY SAVES. DELETE SOME SAVES.Lead Designer Ziemowit Poniewierski PLAYERCharacter DevelopmentUsing EquipmentCooperative MultiplayerThe ^k=2^Summon Points^/k^ gauge indicates how many points you require to summon a powerful ally. ^k=2^Exp^/k^  Experience Points your character has gained during the game. ^i=26^  Experience Points required to gain the next level. Managing Talents^k=2^Talents^/k^ are abilities which define your character and work automatically once they are mastered. To learn a Talent, your character must be at an appropriate level and have at least one Talent Point. Talents can also be improved to increase their effectiveness. Your character must have at least one Talent Point to improve a Talent. Character DevelopmentYour character automatically gains a level once they obtain enough Experience Points (Exp). They also gain special Development Points which you can use to develop your character. There are three kinds of Development Points: Statistic Points, Skill Points and Talent Points.When the ^i=60^ icon appears, enter Character Menu, press the Action Key and distribute your Development Points. Use the Statistic Points to raise any of the Primary Statistics. Use the Skill and Talent Points to increase the power of your character s skills and talents (see also: Improving Skills and Managing Talents in this Help section).Using EquipmentYou can collect, buy, sell, use and upgrade various items which generally serve one purpose: to enhance your character in combat. Armor, weapons, shields and jewelry alter the combat statistics of your character, i.e. weapons usually increase Attack statistics. You can combine ^k=2^gems^/k^ and ^k=2^runes^/k^ with other equipment to boost various weapon, shield, armor and jewelry parameters. Items take up space in your backpack. If it is full, store extra equipment in the chest in your Keep (accessed via the ferryman in any village). Cooperative MultiplayerPlaying multiplayer sessions is easy. If your character is able to play at a particular difficulty level, you can play in any chapter and on any map at this difficulty level, even though you have not yet visited those maps; you just have to be invited by another player who has already visited them.You cannot join sessions created at higher difficulty levels than your character is allowed to play. Experience Points for all slain creatures are divided among all the players on the map. The more experienced characters always get a bigger share. STARTSOUNDMUTE WHEN IN CALLONOFFBLUETOOTHCHANGEBLUETOOTHVIBR.HP:AP:WAYPOINTSExp:Lvl:^k=2^Controller Key^/k^  moves the character. ^k=2^Attack (Key 7)^/k^  triggers physical attacks. ^k=2^Action (Key 5)^/k^  triggers shops and teleports, picks up objects. ^k=2^Skill 1 (Key 8)^/k^  triggers first skill. ^k=2^Skill 2 (Key 9)^/k^  triggers second skill. ^k=2^HP Potion (Key 4)^/k^  uses HP Potion. ^k=2^AP Potion (Key 6)^/k^  uses AP Potion. ^k=2^Character Menu (Key 2)^/k^  opens the Character Menu. ^k=2^Map (Key 3)^/k^  opens the Map, Quests and Chat menus. ^k=2^Help (Key 1)^/k^  triggers context-sensitive help. ^k=2^Quick Skills (Key 0)^/k^  opens the Skill Assignment menu. Activating Bluetooth.Your level is too low to join this game.YOU HAVE %d POINTS TO DISTRIBUTEYou must complete the other quests to enter here.BATTLE CONDITIONSBETCash:Random ItemNoneENERGYLimitedUnlimitedKILLSMAPPress the Action key (5) to accept.JOIN BATTLECHOOSE PARTYBLUEPINKGREENYELLOWPress the Action key (5) to commence battle.BATTLE RESULTS: kills.Press the Action key (5) to continue.REWARDSLOSSEntangle: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^) Number of Attacks: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)Entangle Ability: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%%Heal: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%% APNo host has been foundMega Explosion: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)To learn this skill you have to be at levelYou have not yet mastered this skill.You cannot perform this action!TutorialLEVEL UP!QUEST COMPLETED!You have reached title:You are dead!You cannot enter here now. Return after completing the other missions. IntroductionWelcome to The Roots: Gates of Chaos. Choose your character from five different heroes and embark on an epic quest to save the world from apocalypse. Play a Sorceress, Thief, Warlock, Paladin or Warrioress and face many perils on your journey to the Outworld, where the Demon Lord prepares his chaotic hordes for the final assault.Competitive MultiplayerYou can play with up to three friends on the special arenas in the village. Talk to the Gladiator to enter the arena and set the combat conditions: ^k=2^BET^/k^ - the prize. ^k=2^ARENA LOCATION^/k^ - fight location. ^k=2^COMBAT MODE^/k^ - rules of the game. ^k=2^ENERGY^/k^ - conditions for energy restoration. %S challenges you to a duel!Death cost: none.Death cost: 1/3 of cash carried.Death cost: all Experience Points obtained on the current level.Death cost: a random item from your equipment.ItemsThe best items are very rare, but they boost your character significantly. The more unique the item, the more statistics it alters. An item's rarity is shown by its icon color. The first line of the item description indicates its name, the second its modifiers, i.e. a boost to the attack power or the ability to inflict magical damage. The next line shows the level required to use the item; the item cannot be used if this requirement is not met. The remaining lines are reserved for additional modifiers; unique items have many different modifiers. ^k=2^Sets^/k^ are special groups of unique items, that work best when used together. There are many different sets in the game. The more items from one set are equipped, the more modifiers from each item are unlocked, therefore giving more benefits to the character. You will have to collect and equip the whole set to activate the most powerful modifiers.These are the modifiers in the game: ^i=0^ - Attack ^i=2^ - Defense ^k=2^HP^/k^  Life Points ^k=2^AP^/k^  Energy Points ^i=35^ - Ability to Stun ^i=27^ - Ability to Critically Hit ^i=29^ - Ability to Knock Down ^i=31^ - Ability to Poison ^i=33^ - Ability to Inflict a DiseaseMore modifiers: ^i=37^ - Ability to Slow Down ^i=39^ - Fast Attack ^i=41^ - Magical Attack  Life ^i=43^ - Magical Attack  Death ^i=45^ - Magical Attack  Water ^i=47^ - Magical Attack  Fire ^i=49^ - Magical Attack  Air ^i=51^ - Magical Attack  Earth ^i=57^ - Ability to Drain HP Disease Damage: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%% HPPoison Damage: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)%% HPNumber of Thunderstorms: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^) Cost AP: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)Game pausedFirst deathTriple victoryLast man standingDominationDefend your territoryForestAnother player is currently creating an Arena session; try again later.Arena session in progress& You cannot join now. Try again later.MonasteryWorkshopDunesDungeonsACCEPTSTARTJOINBACKPLAYDUEL SETTINGSWaiting...IntroductionItemsCompetitive MultiplayerDescend to the MinesDescend to the Mines Lvl IIDescend to the Mines Lvl IIIDescend to the DungeonsDescend to the Dungeons Lvl IIDescend to the Dungeons Lvl IIIEnter the CavesEnter the Caves Lvl IIEnter the Caves Lvl IIIThe Way UpExitVendor  her shop is usually well supplied with basic equipment at reasonable prices.Hunter  check the Bounty Hunters' Guild for special missions.Gladiator  he guards the Arena, where illegal fights for money and fame are staged.Herald  listen to her news and stories to learn more about your journey.Ferryman  he can help you in your travels through Lorath.BETChoose the bet: Money  each player bets an amount of money; the higher the character's level, the larger the total sum of money in the pool. Item  a random item is taken from each character s inventory and placed in the pool. BATTLE CONDITIONSChoose the winning conditions for the battle: Triple Victory  kill three times to win. Last Man Standing  the last player alive wins. Domination  fight for five minutes and score the highest number of kills to win. Defend Your Territory  be quick and be the first to collect three flags to win. LOCATIONChoose the battleground.ENERGYChoose the rules for energy regeneration. During Arena battles, neither HP nor AP bottles can be used. Replenish energy and Health Points at special fields. Energy Fields can be: Unlimited  Energy Fields never run out of energy. Limited  Energy Fields can be drained, but are automatically replenished after a few seconds. CHOOSE YOUR TEAMChoose the color of the team you want to join. At least two teams must be selected before battle can commence. Player %S has been killed.EXIT Choose your teamNEXTVICTORY!DEFEATGETTAKEPUT IN CHESTDo you want to play again?AP Regeneration FieldHP Regeneration FieldThe spoils have been assigned to the leader of your team.LEGEND: this Lvl value (^k=1^next Lvl value^/k^)Your character inflicts damage using different magic: ^i=43^ Death Magic ^i=41^ Life Magic ^i=49^ Air Magic ^i=51^ Earth Magic ^i=45^ Water Magic ^i=47^ Fire MagicMore modifiers: ^i=12^ - Resistance to Life Magic ^i=10^ - Resistance to Death Magic ^i=18^ - Resistance to Water Magic ^i=20^ - Resistance to Fire Magic ^i=14^ - Resistance Air Magic ^i=16^ - Resistance to Earth Magic + 1 to a particular Skill + 2 to a particular Skill The next step is the team selection. Choose your team, check if the other players have joined the game and commenced combat. The winner receives a reward and if a team wins, the first player in the team (the leader) receives the prize. TAKE ONETAKE ALLNOCHOOSE PLAYERTAKEA proud Paladin of exceptional strength.A Warrioress seeking revenge.A possessed Warlock, haunted by his past.A powerful Sorceress wielding dangerous magic.And a mysterious Thief; a master assassin with a bounty on his head.This forest belongs to me. Be gone! Soon you will join my army! Ssssssss. Warm blood! Run human, and I might spare your life! A human spy! I cannot let you escape! At last. I am so hungry. How dare you disturb my meditation, mortal! I am the guard of the Gods; you are no match for me! What a pity; you should have joined us! Another tiny fly; should I change my hunting grounds? Ah, they have sent us a new toy; let's play! Hold still; it won't hurt. Food! Prove your skills and fight me! Desert Lords are enraged; I must punish you! You are a tool of the Gods; I will free your soul! Pathetic creature! Your persistence is annoying. Feel the wrath of the Demon Lord's army! I can smell your fear. I will devour your soul! Your gift was accepted.Your gift was rejected!Player ^k=2^%S^/k^ gives you: Demon LordMines Level IMines Level IIMines Level IIIDungeons Level IDungeons Level IIDungeons Level IIICaves Level ICaves Level IICaves Level IIIYou have completed this mission. Return to the village.You have completed all the quests in this chapter. Continue on your journey.Congratulations! Your have completed your journey. Do you want to play at a higher difficulty level?ForestMonasteryCavesDesertDungeonsMusic Bartosz Idzi Wolf's EarGoblin's ClawGoblin Bowman's ClawSpider Warrior's GlandMagic Spider's GlandBat's WingKobold Warrior's FingerKobold Thrower's FingerBear's PawKobold Elite's RingKobold Shaman's TotemLarvae's StingCultist Mage's MedallionCultist Thrower's GloveZombie's FingerMinotaur's RingGiant's ToothHarpy Mage's FeatherPirate Warrior's RingPirate Cannoneer's RingBeast's FangPuma's PawOrc Rider's WhipOrc Shaman's SymbolGoblin's WrenchGoblin Mage's DustTroll's EarGolem's EyeElite Thrower's EarSpirit Chaser's TotemVulture FeatherScorpion's StingWorm's FangVulture Warrior's BeakVulture Wizard's BeakVulture Rider's WhipMummy Warrior's FingerMummy Mage's FingerGhost EssenceCultist's SymbolElite Guard's MedallionCrusader's RingHarpy FeatherStone Golem's EyeStone Spider's LegSoul Eater's BraceletElite Knight's PlumeEssence of HorrorSkeleton Elite's BoneSkeleton Archmage's BoneZombie Lord's BannerDemon Warrior's FangDark Demon's ClawDemonic Beast's EarRedcap HatZombie General's SwordGreat Viper's VenomStone Gargoyle's GemElite Kobold Guard's DaggerGigantic Cocoon's OozeIce Demon's WingDragon's ScaleSiege Machine WheelCave Spider's GlandTroll Master's CollarSteam Machine RivetGigantic Scorpion's ClawCobra Rider's BandSphinx's CollarCrimson Knight's PendantStone Snake's TongueFire Demon's ScaleSkeletal Dragon's FangDemon Lord's Ring Old forests know how to protect their borders against intruders.But they lose their powers as they die. And fall victim to the most vicious creatures.Buried warriors have no memory.Death puts an end to all human desires.Malice and sadistic delight are all that remain.It was once a flourishing civilisation.But the Lizardmen had to abandon their cities.In their absence the marshes became a hostile place.Some people are driven by powerful emotions.It is unwise to toy with their feelings.Their wrath cannot be calmed.The ice-cold and merciless Mountains of Arazath.Life in all its forms thrives under the frozen sheet of ice.But most of them are forms of darkness.There are many holy places and sanctuaries in Lorath.Hidden away in the most isolated places, they are the last havens of freedom.But sometimes the line between sanctity and sacrilege is very thin.The Orcs' code of honor forbids them to seek help from outside the tribe.In many ways this helps the society remain strong and self-sufficient.Yet it can sometimes prove to be their downfall.Years of pirates wars ended when all the sides declared an armistice and entered into a covenant.The stronghold of Olsborg was founded during this time.Never before had the Sky Pirates wielded so much power.After centuries of low life on the fringes of civilisation, the Goblins mended their ways.Their great technical skills made them respected mechanists and craftsmen. Harsh conditions wiped out almost all the life forms in the Great Desert.The times of Chaos proved their character hadn't changed over the years.Only the most ferocious and well-adapted creatures survived.No one knows what horrors dwell in the vast Desert territories.It is very dangerous to offend a Nomad.Sand People never forgive. They are indeed true children of the Desert.Those who live in the Great Desert speak of many miracles there.But nothing stirs more excitement than the legend of The Valley.The mysterious City of Tombs, ruled by ghosts and other fearsome creatures.There are three gateways to Hell known to men.All of them are subjects of countless gruesome myths.The cursed Stone Forest has gained the most feared reputation.The right bank of the River of Oblivion is never deserted.The dead walk aimlessly, deprived of eternal peace.Poor wretches who could not pay the Boatman's fee. Chaos has turned the land of Lorath into a deserted and dangerous place.Legends speak of demonic hordes ravaging the land.But the true terror was always hidden deep in the bowels of the world.BountiesThe ^k=2^Bounty Hunter s Guild^/k^ offers valuable rewards for completing special missions. Talk to the Hunter in the village and find out if there are any missions available, what the rewards and requirements are, and how long you have to accomplish them. To complete a mission, you must check what kind of trophies you must bring back to the Guild. Each ^k=2^trophy^/k^ is linked to a certain creature in the game. Slain monsters often drop trophies; collect these and, when you have all the trophies you require, return to the Guild and deliver them in exchange for the reward. Any uninteresting or very difficult missions can be skipped. Use this feature to free space for new and more exciting missions. COLLECT BOUNTY!An anonymous customer is awaiting delivery of:In return he is offering:The magistrate is offering a new bounty. Collect:And you will be rewarded with:We have a new mission for you. Bring us:We can offer you:A distinguished wizard is looking for:Find it, and your reward will be:The Alchemists' Guild urgently needs:Find it quickly and we will pay you in:We are offering you a deal. Go and find:The payment will be no less than:This mission expires in: min.sec.Choose 1 to 3 PlayersReconnecting to server...You have been disconnected from server.Cost SP: %d(^k=1^%d^/k^)Kill creatures to collect Summon Points (SP).QUEST COMPLETEDAt Lvl 16 Anima gains a special finishing effect: EntangleFull RegenerationTotal HealMega ExplosionEnergy WaveCost:Melee Weapon Only.Missile Weapon Only.Throwing Weapon Only.Teleport toYour inventory is full!Not enough money! Do you want to collect your reward?Press the Quick Skills button (0) to enter the Skill Assignation menu.Use the Controller Key (Up and Down) to highlight the helmet, then press Action (5) twice.Use the Controller Key (Left and Right) to access the STATISTICS window. á é í ñ ó ú Á É Í Ñ Ó Ú à â ç è é ê ë î ï ô ù û ü ä ë ö ß ü Ä Ë Ö Ü à è é í î ò ó ô ù úHere you can quickly assign the skills you have learned. Use the Controller Key to highlight the chosen skill. Press Skill 1 (8) or Skill 2 (9) to confirm your choice. You can close this menu either by assigning the skill or by pressing (7).To start a multiplayer session, select the MULTIPLAYER option in the Start menu and wait for other players to connect to your device. Choose the players you want to join the game, confirm your decision and play. Other players must first choose the JOIN option, then select your device as a host and wait for the game to start. BountiesNo itemsHelpKey LeftKey RightKey UpKey DownNOKIA CORPORATION: Producer Samuli Huuhtanen Print coordinator Ali Pitkänen Title Marketing Tiina Suvanto QA manager Dean Bent Special thanks to Susanna Ahovaara Jason Blundell Vesa-Pekka Kirsi Craig Turner Thorsten FroehlichCENEGA PUBLISHING S.R.O International Producer Wayne Meazza Business Development Manager Krzysztof Cyluk Lead Testers Marek Stastny Karel Ruzarovsky Petr Stary Jakub Hovorka Localisation Manager Jan Hnatek Production Director Jiri Jakubec Marketing & PR Product Managers Andrea Sladkova Natalia Ciula You can return to the village now.You may now continue your journeyUse Waypoints to teleport to different locations.A quick way to another location.Required level:OTHERERASE ALL GAME DATAMARKUNMARKRestore defaultsSkeleton MageSkeleton ThrowerSkeleton WarriorDrownedSnake MageSpecterRestores %d HPRestores %d APSkeleton Mage BoneSkeleton Thrower SkullSkeleton Warrior SkullDrowned FingerSnake Mage ScaleSpecter EssenceQuest ItemNo itemsUndefinedQUEST REJECTEDREJECTCHECKCOMPLETEAll saved games will be deleted. Are you sure?Restore default controls?LeftRightUpDownYou have:You still need:Bring us:Let the battle begin !!(cost:%d)Not enough space for this item!Not enough gold!Return to the village.Given item rejectedGiven item acceptedGiven items acceptedYour journey led you to the Woodlands in the southern regions of Lorath. You can go north to the river port, and learn some useful skills. You can also take shortcuts indicated by signposts to skip learning. Choose well.First, you should learn how to fight. You must select a target to attack. Use Attack (Key 7) to strike.Go north and kill the wolf. Use Attack (Key 7) to strike.Congratulations! The wolf has dropped an item. To collect it, use Action (Key 5).Pick up the item. Stand close to it and use Action (Key 5).Great! You have found a helmet. Equip it now. Open Inventory (Key 2). Open Inventory (Key 2).Use Controller Key to switch to the ARMOR window. Use Controller Key to switch to the ARMOR window.The helmet is now selected. Use Action (Key 5) twice to equip it.Use Action (Key 5) to equip the helmet.Your protection has increased!Close your Inventory. Use (Key 7).Close your Inventory. Use (Key 7).Do you want to try again? Now go north to fight more creatures.Kill the wolves!Congratulations! You have earned enough Experience Points to gain a new Level. Open Inventory (Key 2).Open Inventory (Key 2).Now you see the STATISTICS window. Use Action (Key 5) to enter the Points Assignment Screen. Use Action (Key 5) to enter the Points Assignment Screen.Use Controller Key to choose the statistics you want to increase then use Action (Key 5) to confirm. Spend all the available Statistics Points this way.Distribute all Statistics Points. Use Action (Key 5).Well done! Move right to switch to SKILLS window. Move right to switch to SKILLS window. Your character knows two skills now. Select one of them and use Action (Key 5) to upgrade it. Select one of available skills and use Action (Key 5) to upgrade it. Well done! Now you can use your skill to quickly dispose of your enemies. Later in the game you will learn new skills and improve the old ones.Move right to switch to the TALENTS window. Select one of the available talents and use Action (Key 5) to learn it.Select one of the available talents and use Action (Key 5) to learn it.Well done! Your powers have increased. Later in the game you will learn more talents.Remember. When you see this icon: ^i=1^, use Help (Key 1) to learn more about your Skills, Talents, equipment and other aspects of the game.Close your Inventory. Use (Key 7) twice.Close your Inventory. Use (Key 7).You can select skills quickly during combat. Use the Quick Skills (Key 0).Open the Quick Skills Menu. Use (Key 0).Use Controller Key to highlight any learned skill. Then press Skill Key (Key 8 or 9) to accept your choice. In combat press the assigned Skill Key (Key 8 or 9), depending on your last choice, to use the chosen skill.You can close this menu either by assigning the skill or by using (Key 7).Exit the Quick Skills Menu. Use (Key 7).Remember! Skills use Action Points (AP). You need blue potions to replenish your AP. Use the AP Key (Key 6) to drink blue potions anytime you want.Drink red potions to restore your Health (HP). Use the HP Key (Key 4) to drink red potions.Now move north and fight a more demanding foe. You may use the skill you have just learned. It will help you greatly. Move north and kill the goblin. Congratulations! You are prepared for your journey now. Go to the teleport next to the signpost north of here and use Action (Key 5) to travel to the village. Move north to the teleport and use Action (Key 5) to travel to the village. SummaryCreatures killed:left:Chests found:Map explored:Boss killed:Extra locations visited:ofRating:Bad!Poor!Nice!Good!Excellent!Req:Move right to switch to TALENTS window. YesNoSave FileConfig FileGift offered to %SGift offered by %SGift accepted by %SYou have accepted the giftGift rejected by %SYou have rejected the giftKey 1Key 2Key 3Key 4Key 5Key 6Key 7Key 8Key 9Key 0Game cancelled due to lack of playersConnection request failedDifficulty:to the new land.Bluetooth NameOut of memoryThe arena is closed. You can enter here only in Multiplayer mode.The EndThe Boss has been killed!To finish distribution of points press (Key 7) and confirm your decisions.Finish distribution of points. Press (Key 7).Do you wish to leave the battle and go to the village?The player %S has left the battle.Enter the teleport to finishThe EndTHE ENDthe game.DemoNot available in demoYou have reached the level limitDemo mode:Fast paced gameplay and dynamic combat.Cooperative and competitive multiplayer gaming for 4 players via Bluetooth.Five characters, 40 unique skills, a few dozen of talents; unlimited character development.Over 20 unique lands and 60 underground locations to explore.Hundreds of thousands of items to find, including powerful sets.60 unique monsters and 20 bosses to defeat.Special arenas for competitive multiplayer gaming.