kJʸDb|cEU*K OsmClientKK KAppKView Select LaunchDetailsPreview Get Buy KBuy&KActionsKChange catalogK K KApp KViewSelectDetails&KActionsKAboutSettingsHelpExitCancel More info DisclaimerCatalogs on Web Set as wallpaperSet as ringing tone Set as theme Info page#Hide$Show all%RemoveRefreshRefreshShare CatalogsUpgrade CatalogsKKViewChange( Clear cacheHelpExit K0 0 0 Catalogs%S is already running!Catalogs6'%S' costs %S. Payment will be done via SMS. Continue?'%S' costs %S. Continue?'%S' costs %S. Continue?'%S' costs %S. Continue?Loading '%S'...Loading dependency '%S'...Loading rights '%S'...preminet_ni_buy_transfer_error*Catalog list needs to be loaded. Continue?Updating catalog list...1No catalogs. Select Options/Refresh to download.Updating '%S' category...Updating '%S' catalog...2Preview for '%S' needs to be downloaded. Continue?Buy item '%S'?Error loading catalog list! Catalog list download cancelled!Catalog update failed!Catalog update cancelled!Item download cancelled!Item download failed!Item preview cancelled!Item preview failed!Loading '%S' preview...%An error has occurred while browsing!Browsing cancelled!Updating price information...Requesting content...1This item depends on %S. Please install it first.Share Catalogs ApplicationJava applicationAudioImageVideo Ringing toneUnknownItem launch failed!Item installation failed!)Item installation failed, invalid format!!Failed to create data connection!?No access point defined, please define one from phone settings!5An unrecoverable error has occurred, shutting down...Loading upgrade...Error while transferring!Upgrade cancelled!9After upgrading the application will shut down. Continue?NoticeThis is the first run of the application. You should now check the settings and adjust them if required. You can access the settings later from the Options menu. The settings list will now be opened.GeneralNetworkThis application has expired..The transfer was interrupted, try to continue?Wallpaper set!Setting wallpaper failed!Ringing tone set!Setting ringing tone failed! Theme set!Setting theme failed!Server messageActivate theme?Set as ringing tone?Set as wallpaper?CatalogsVersion 1.17%S%S DisclaimerCopyright (C) 2005 Nokia, All rights reserved.Please note, that this application is provided "as is" and therefore Nokia disclaims any responsibility for any damage, cost or expenses that may arise as a result of the usage of this application. You have the option to subscribe, purchase and retrieve content items and services from multiple sources from the content providers directly.Nokia disclaims any responsibility to the content and availability of said services. By using this application, you understand and accept that some personal information about your operator, location and device may be sent to the service providers while accessing those services.preminet_ni_formatted_helpCatalogs8Catalog list should be updated from the server. Proceed?Multiple)Warning! All data will be lost, continue?*Error trying to display preview animation!,Error trying to play the preview sound clip!&preminet_ni_payment_authorization_info1preminet_ni_payment_authorization_info_creditcard2Application already running. Close it to continue? Invalid item!%S missing or invalid!Password User namePIN Card ownerStreet addressCity Post code Card numberVerification codeExpiration yearExpiration monthEmailTelephone numberText 1Text 2 Numeric 1 Numeric 2 Credit cardPIN20051130:000000.000000?Database has been corrupted! Reinstalling the program may help. Network errorFile not found error.Unexpected end of file.%Connection to server needed. Connect?(Error processing the configuration file! DisclaimerError;Security detailsConnection:%SAddress:%SSecureNormal!Adding an external catalogName%SAddress%S@Loading theme...Theme loading cancelled!Theme loading failed!3A new application theme is available. Download now?<1 KB$The connection could not be created.Test selected access point?#Testing access point suitability...Try another access point?Selected access point ok....Functionality disabled!=Some catalogs are missing due to a download error. Try again?-Warning! Catalog data will be lost, continue?$'%S' will be downloaded in %d parts.Name DescriptionSizePricePurposeAuthorTypeFpsLengthYear ScreenshotAlbumIcon ResolutionArtist%S: %S B"KhA"$iA"iB"hz:\system\data\avkon.mbm@@@B"hz:\system\data\avkon.mbm@@@B"hB"hA"i< `` `` ``K SelectPreview Launch Get Buy KBuy Set as wallpaperSet as ringing tone Set as themeCancelPOptions BackP Launch Back`  Access PointĠK̠KDownload progressĠKʠKTemporary filesĠKΠKAutomatic launchĠKϠKPreview confirmationĠKҠKBuy confirmationĠKԠKxǠKȠKɠK Other ... No options @ ˠKEstimated timeTransfer counter͠KРKѠKDeviceMMCYesNoӠKYesNoՠKYesNoCrנKP Options Cancel٠K"Confirm!Change'Security detailsHelp Cancel!!preminet_va_payment_settings_list*username* ۠K*password* ݠK*pincode* ߠK*cardowner* ᠌K*streetaddress* K*city* K*zipcode* K*cardnumber* 㠌K *verificationcode* K *expirationyear* 堌K砌K *expirationmonth* 頌K렌K*creditcardtype* KK*email* K *msisdn* K*text1* K*text2* K*numeric1* K*numeric2* K*pinimage* KܠK @ޠK@wࠌK@⠌K @䠌K @x栌K Other ... No options 蠌K 200420052006200720082009201020112012xꠌK Other ... No options 젌K; 123456789 10 11 12xK Other ... No options KK @K @K @K @K @K @K @K @K @K @wK@&A"tTxKPayment method 123A"tT K 15=G_eq%1Q%\u3L~0Gaz - C u B 2 o  3 F Y ,[j5#\e@s.5<FP\`wBMS7:>c1_+Z/f 5 M !!! "#9#S#m#######$$$3$E$S$e$s$$$$$%)*)J)d)f)))))))*9*G*****:+T+}++++++,,;,U,u,,,,,-#-=-]-w------9.H...