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Please consider protecting your phone with a PIN code or turning on "Password protected" in the Password manager settings.Security alert!+Do you wish to delete all stored passwords?у@ Kџџџџ, Save imageџџџџ+ Load imageџџџџQ Send as MMSџџџџ Load image Save imageloc_opera_image_modeImage saved to Galleryщ@ Kџџџџ JLog inџџџџISubmitџџџџ?у@ KImageџџџџ"ь@ KOpenџџџџ/ы@ KWindowsџџџџё@ K Navigationџџџџ№@ KDisplayџџџџю@ KToolsџџџџ$Settingsџџџџ Exit OperaџџџџSMSџџџџMMSџџџџE-mailџџџџ" Web page (1)џџџџ>э@ KTyped addressesџџџџ Web searchџџџџ Bookmarks (2)џџџџ Home page (4)џџџџ# History listџџџџ  Downloadsџџџџъ@ KSend address asџџџџ@я@ K Private dataџџџџ Page infoџџџџHelpџџџџAboutџџџџA Delete cacheџџџџBDelete historyџџџџCDelete cookiesџџџџL Manage loginsџџџџOZoomџџџџFull screen: Off (*)џџџџFit to screen: On (#)џџџџBackџџџџForwardsџџџџ Stop loadingџџџџMђ@ KTagsџџџџ  Add bookmarkџџџџ  Find in pageџџџџD Set tag (6)џџџџEGo to next (3)џџџџFClear all tagsџџџџ Reload page Stop loadingFit to screen: Off (#)Full screen: On (*)loc_opera_select_images_on Close windowSwitch windowsMore...Deleting cacheDeleting cookiesDeleting historyTag set Tags cleared Cached images Show images Processing...!loc_opera_infoprint_render_simpleloc_opera_infoprint_render_optLoading more contentPage-specific shortcutDMax. number of connections in use. 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