kJ gatjKOpera"Could not connect to remote server"Connection closed by remote server_Repeated attempts failed to load this page completely. There may be a problem on the server."Could not connect to remote serverCould not locate remote server.The address is not available from this machineInternal communication error8Network not available. Contact your system administratorInvalid addressNetwork problemeThe server tried redirecting to an invalid address. Please report this to the Webmaster of the site.!Could not connect to proxy serverCould not find proxy server6Could not access proxy server. Server is not available0Could not connect to proxy server. Access deniedNetwork socket blocking;Network socket problems. Please check your network drivers.0Remote server timed out. Please try again later.+Network socket resource problems. Try againInternal program error.5Please wait until the current print job has completed9Could not generate new window. Out of memory or resources*The address type is unknown or unsupported(No home page defined. Please define one.QThe remote server refuses to perform the request. This address is not available.Address not foundRemote server or file not found/The remote server lacks necessary functionalityHProblem encountered while decoding data. Possibly due to corrupted data.6The HTTP request method was not accepted by the server-The server was unable to send acceptable dataThe server timed out)Conflict with existing resource on server"The address is no longer available HTTP content length was requiredHTTP preconditions failedHTTP request data was too longThe HTTP address is too long-The server did not recognize the content type8The server could not send the requested part of the fileHTTP expectation failedHTTP gateway failed Webpage




	Links Forms text field single-lineForms text field multi-lineForms button textCSS font-family serifCSS font-family sans-serifCSS font-family cursiveCSS font-family fantasyCSS font-family monospaceThe address is too long.Out of memory.Find resultsPersonal bar
Blank pageClose all windows?#Request queued for sending to %s...Looking up hostname %s...Connecting to remote host %s...Sending request to %s...Receiving data from %s...Connecting to network/modem...%Searching for complete server name...Setting up secure connection...Connecting to proxy..."Waiting (#%2) for connection to %1Completed request to %s0Activated 40 second timeout. Waiting for data...There seems to be a problem on this server.

If loading does not finish properly, please stop the request and re-submit the form.-Waiting for user-confirmation of cookie(s)...3Waiting for DNS confirmation of cookie domain(s)...5Access to this port is disabled for security reasons.The server tried to use cookies for exploitative purposes. The server's hostname does not match the domain attribute, and the cookie has been rejected

This Web site may not be considered trustworthy.The server tried to set a cookie for a domain with no registered IP address. For security reasons this is not acceptable, and the cookie has therefore been rejected

You might want to ask the site's Webmaster to create an IP address for the domain specified in the cookie., this plug-in is disabledNo registered viewer for %s-files, you need to define an application to open the file type with.
Press the [Advanced]-button and specify which application to use.No application found$Choose a sound file to play on eventpWindows is getting low on resources. It would be wise to close some windows or an application to avoid problems.pWindows is getting low on resources. It would be wise to close some windows or an application to avoid problems.AThe saved session file appears to be corrupt and can not be used.This form is being submitted via e-mail. If you want to reveal your name and e-mail address to the recipient, press [Yes]. If you want to use an anonymous e-mail address, press [No].IThis form is being submitted without encryption. Do you want to continue?The server wants to redirect your form.

Press [Yes] to rePOST the form to the new destination

Press [No] to GET the new destination without resending the form.

Press [Cancel] if you do not wish to continue.The server wants to redirect your form.

Press [Yes] to rePOST the form to the new destination

Press [No] to GET the new destination without resending the form.NoneLowMediumHighNo security on serverLow security on serverMedium security on serverHigh security on server*Low security on server. Unencrypted images-Medium security on server. Unencrypted images+High security on server. Unencrypted imagesCertificate authoritiesPersonal certificatesPlease enter master password$Please enter the old master password$Please enter the new master password'Please re-enter the new master password8Wrong password, please enter the correct master password$Changing the master password failed.nYour password should have at least 6 characters, consisting of at least one digit and one alphabetic characterIPlease set a master password to protect your client certificates in Opera?These are the personal certificates registered in the database.AThese are the certificate authorities registered in the database.GInstall this certificate authority's certificate chain in the database?8Install this personal certificate chain in the database?;Install this PEM encoded certificate chain in the database?9You are about to send a request to this server. Continue?This cookie will only be sent to secure servers in the domain.4This cookie can be sent to any server in the domain.4This cookie will only be sent to this secure server.-This cookie will only be sent to this server..This cookie will be deleted from the database.	TransfersUser defined6Your history list file is corrupt and will be cleared.JavaScript execution failedExecution of script failed.Compilation of script failed.5javascript: URLs can only be run with HTML documents.MCould not load the system file ES262-32.DLL. JavaScript will not be executed.Executing JavaScript...#Stop executing scripts on this pageJavaScript security warningoA script wants to read the password(s) in the form.

Do you want to give the script access to your password(s)?-Failed closing dial-up connections (time out)Close dial-up connections?MYou are connected to %sDo you want to close these open dial-up connection(s)?Wrong PIN codeCould not verify signature The cardreader is already in use'There may be some problem with the cardQYour card number did not match that of any of the recipients listed in the e-mail#Could not encrypt (undefined error)This page wishes to set the cookie

This value will %sbe sent to %sdocuments on %s%s%s%s, and paths that are starting in /%s.

secure pages the server all servers in the domain 
, port(s) 
Upgrade Opera0The cookie will be deleted when Opera is closed.L, but, unless you override, the cookie will be deleted when Opera is closed."The cookie is valid until %s%s

iThe cookie is valid until %s and has expired, any existing cookie with the same name will be deleted.

RThe service has sent the following message about the purpose of the cookie: "%s"
Further information may be found at <%s>

BThe service provides information about its cookies at <%s>

You may view this page by clicking the "View Comment" button below.
.Accept, including updates before closing OperaAccept without changes%Accept, but delete when closing Opera#Accept, but save when closing OperaAccept cookies from this serverRefuse cookies from this serverAccept cookies from this domainRefuse cookies from this domain2
Full cookie request:

+Accept third-party cookies from this server+Refuse third-party cookies from this server+Accept third-party cookies from this domain+Refuse third-party cookies from this domain
None foundError sending e-mail)No external e-mail application specified.Error sending e-mail/Unable to start the external e-mail applicationE-mailnYour Opera e-mail account properties are not properly set up.
Do you want to edit your e-mail preferences now?fThe selected external e-mail client is not specified.
Do you want to edit your e-mail preferences now?dThere is no default e-mail client on your computer.
Do you want to edit your e-mail preferences now?WarningpThe selected external e-mail client either does not exist
or has no valid account set up.

Apply changes anyway?SubmitResetButtonXML parsing failedThe input is not valid.About OperaRegistration information
RegisteredNameOrganization
EvaluationPathsSystemPreferencesOpera directory
Saved session	BookmarksPlug-in pathCacheHelp documentsJava
Third partiesWOpera Software is grateful to the groups and individuals above for their contributions.XThe Java Runtime Environment version installed is not supported by this version of Opera%No Java Runtime Environment installedYesNoN/A
Error messageFile not found.Invalid file name.6Please verify that the path and file name are correct.byteBKBMBGBTB/sJava not installedChoose folder to save filesVersionBuildPlatformVersion informationSystemPartnerA problem occurred when Opera tried to connect to your printer. Please check your printer settings. If you use a network printer, please check your network connection.Printer problemPrinterGThe source code in this window has been edited. Do you want to save it?	(edited) QOffline mode is enabled. Can not open


Do you want to switch to on-line mode?minuteminutessecondseconds	last usediYou have entered an illegal reload value.

Only numbers can be used, and the reload value cannot be zero.
out of memorysyntax errorno element foundnot well-formedunclosed tokenmismatched tagduplicate attributejunk after document element"illegal parameter entity referenceundefined entityrecursive entity referenceasynchronous entity%reference to invalid character numberreference to binary entity)reference to external entity in attribute:xml processing instruction not at start of external entityunknown encoding2encoding specified in XML declaration is incorrectunclosed CDATA section-error in processing external entity referencedocument is not standalone
unknown errorLine:
Character:Security warning:

You are about to go to an address containing a username.

    Username: %s 
    Server: %s

Are you sure you want to go to this address?	Not foundCould not find the text Display all headersDateFromSubjectToCCBCCImages only	Text onlyImages and text belowImages and text on rightOpen all pop-upsBlock all pop-upsOpen pop-ups in backgroundBlock unwanted pop-upsConfirm deletion4Please confirm to delete this panel permanently.

%sAdd Hotlist panel?,Please enter the password protecting the key;Please enter a password to protect the exported private keyPlease re-enter the passwordImport private keyImport key and certificateHDo you want to import the private key and these attached certificate(s)?:Do you want to import the private key stored in this file?-The private key and certificate import failed$There was no private key in the fileXThe imported private key did not match the attached certificate's key. Operation failed.fAutomatic Proxy Configuration failed. 
Proxy Configuration is automatically disabled for this session.Valid to Starting Java virtual machine...Mail directory3The server attempted to perform an invalid redirectOrganization
NewsgroupsFollowup-ToReply-toResent-From+Secure connection could not be established.?The presented certificate has an unknown Certificate Authority.,Handshake failed due to export restrictions.bHandshake failed because the server does not want to accept the enabled SSL/TLS protocol versions._Handshake failed because the server requires encryption methods more secure than those enabled.The server wants to  negotiate a connection that does *not* encrypt the data, but only verifies integrity. If you continue, the data can be read by anyone, but not modified.No matches foundThe server requested an ANONYMOUS connection, it is therefore impossible to verify the identify of the server. Is this a service that would normally be anonymous, and are you willing to send data to this anonymous server?This site is using an outdated encryption method currently classified as insecure. It cannot sufficiently protect sensitive data. Do you wish to continue?Low encryption levelSettings saved"No changes to save in this sectionEncoding

Redirection Status

The URL was redirected to %s. Please click the link to go there.

You can enable the automatic redirection in the settings.

Generated by Opera (C) Access deniedcYou have been denied access to this WML deck. You have not reached this deck in the correct order.Redirect%Unable to complete secure transactionfProblem encountered while decoding data. Possibly due to corrupted data or an out of memory condition.hThe server tried to redirect Opera to the alternative proxy. For security reasons this is not supported.3Welcome to live!cast. You'll see new messages here. Latest NewsrYou need to enable JavaScript to access this content. Press F12, select "Enable JavaScript", then reload the page. Invalid URLThe URLFcontains characters that are not valid in the location they are found.The reason for their presence may be a mistyped URL, but the URL may also be an attempt to trick you into visiting a website which you might mistakenly think is a site you trust.Validated Servername Issued to Issued By5This site specifies an insecure level of encryption. You have manually disabled some of the strongest encryption methods, and this may have forced the server to select the current level. We recommend that you re-enable strong encryption before proceeding. Do you wish to continue using a low encryption level?User JavaScript file=The loading of the URL has been blocked for security reasons.DefaultIYou need to enable JavaScript to use this document. Then reload the page.Show all2Some changes may require a restart to take effect.Preferences editorLinked script not loadedFolder ListingUnsuited phone.Re-install OperaSend form without encryption?3Loading aborted because the memory limit is reached,Server failed to respond within setting timeConnection was interruptedAccept Channel Update? Live!CastYThe %s plug-in is not installed. Click on the plug-in content area for more information.&Channel Update rejected-Not authorized Call %s ?;BCC recipients not supported. Send to BCC recipients as CC?RZ`)HwSuM~2] :'Jk(@T4Mj" : I p 9 r   9 N v } [ q & w ek.=GOV]c~+ B97{+bs} (DVl1Uo'>ay-[dyz:?CJOe| 3 K a ~ )!N!!"G""" #F###!$$$$$$ %$%8%S%%%$&&H'P't'''(g((()S)z))))* *V**!+=+~+++++F,L,U,_,j,s,{,,,,-6-k-----.2.N.l.../,/H///0O0^0y0001811111222N222(3{33394h44444 5)5I5|5556,676L6v666617778v8}88888888889999+999C9P9V9e9j9x99):O:S:V:Z:h:x:::::::::::;;;;2;9;A;;;%>K>f>>>>?&?T?o?}???+@5@N@b@g@l@t@w@z@~@@@@@@@AA)A^AqAAAA B%BnBBBBUCCCCC)D6DADMDVDbDDDD^EEmF~F]GGHH@HIHIIrI{IIJqJJJ$K0K8KK3LHLRL\LMMMM8NANtNNNNNNN"OOOjOOOO PPRP