UnMakeSIS - Analyse and Extract EPOC SIS Files Version 0.2b (c) atzplzw 2003-2004 ---- I programmed this little tool because I needed to extract sis files on my PC. It's simple to use... ---- Know Issues: - won't work with options (if...else) sis files - all language files are extracted - maybe more ---- Version History: v0.2b 31.12.03 rls'ed to the public v0.2b 07.12.03 fixed: Settings dialog layout v0.2 05.12.03 fixed: crash error on some machines new features: can choose a dir where to extract sort files overwrite Files ask on Exit displays used languages v0.1 14.11.03 first private version ---- You may contact me at atzplzw@hotmail.com (c) atzplzw 2003-2004