[GENERAL] #Langfile for VNavigator Siemens Flex Explorer Lang=English Autor=Kibab Copyright=Kibab URL=http://kibab.com EMail=webmaster@kibab.com Version=1.0beta [Locale] 0=Unable to init OBEX!: AT^SQWE=0 1=Unable to init OBEX!: AT^SQWE=3 2=Unable to enter OBEX! 3=Author: %s%sFile version: %s%sURL: %s%se-Mail: %s 4=Unable to connect to mobile!%sProbably port settings are incorrect! 5=Opening hidden disks succeeded! %s Press "Refresh" to see them. 6=Launch 7=Transmitting... 8=File 9=Copy 10=Move 11=Delete 12=Create folder 13=Go to disk root 14=Exit 15=Service 16=AT Enabler 17=Open hidden disks 18=Settings 19=Help 20=About 21=Name 22=Size 23=Type 24=Changed 25=Attributes 26=Connection-> Port:%s. Baudrate:%s. DTR:%d. RTS:%d. 27=Unable to init mobile. 28=Removable drive 29=Local drive 30=CD-ROM 31=Network drive 32=RAMdrive 33=Copying... 34=Moving... 35=Deleting... 36=From "%s" to "%s" 37=From "%s" 38=Plugins 39=Error while executing plugin function! 40=Rename 41=Do you really want to delete selected file(s)/folder(s)? 42=New folder 43=Preparing data... 44=Folder "%s" is marked as "Read-Only". Do you really want to delete it? 45=Aknowledgement... 46=Yes 47=No 48=Yes to all 49=No to all 50=Cancel 51=File or folder "%s" has "System" attribute. Do you really want to delete it? 52=Go to parent folder 53=File properties 54=Folder properties 55=%s (%.0f Bytes) 56=Unable to change attributes. File or folder "%s" is system protected. 57=Marked %s 58=Preparing data... 59=Opening... 60=Properties 61=Common 62=Type: 63=Location: 64=Size: 65=Changed: 66=Opened: 67=Attributes 68=Archieve 69=System 70=Hidden 71=Read-only 72=OK 73=Apply 74=Cancel 75=Drive properties 76=File system 77=Occuipped: 78=Free: 79=Size: 80=Common properties 81=Settings 82=UI language 83=Dual-panel view (as TC) 84=Remember position of panels delimiter 85=Show hidden files/folders 86=Remember last opened folder 87=Connection 88=Port 89=Baudrate 90=Folder "%s" already exists on the target drive. Replace files with the same names? 91=File "%s" has "Read-Only" attribute. Do you reaaly want to delete it? 92=Unable to rename file/folder "%s". Possible access denied!!! 93=Open 94=Open with... 95=%s from %s 96=Clipboard 97=Copy 98=Cut 99=Paste 100=File "%s" already exists on the target drive. Replace it? 101=Cannot be copied/moved into itself! 102=Moving/Copying 103=Phone model 104=Not enough space for copying. Please free some space on the phone. 105=Refresh 106=Favorites... 107=Name 108=Path 109=Edit "Favorites" list 110=New 111=Edit 112=Delete 113=Move position upward 114=Move to position downward 115=Favorites 116=Add current folder... 117=Edit list... 118=Confirm of copy/move/delete operations 119=Copying of the chosen folders/files will be produced now. To continue? 120=Moving of the chosen folders/files will be produced now. To continue? 121=Create folder 122=Please input folder name 123=Connect to phone on programm start 124=Possible to carry out connecting and disconnecting through a menu "Service" 125=Connect 126=Disconnect 127=Completion OBEX session. Please wait... 128=[%s] %s of %s free 129=KMGT 130=Font 131=Address book 132=# 133=Last name 134=First name 135=Phone number 136=Phone no./mobile 137=Phone no./office 138=Fax 139=Fax 2 140=Email 141=Email 2 142=URL 143=Nickname 144=WV user ID 145=ICQ number 146=AIM screen name 147=Company 148=Street 149=Post code 150=City 151=Country 152=Birthday 153=Reminder 154=Picture 155=Group 156=Bus. Card 157=VIP 158=Office 159=Family 160=Individual 161=Leisure 162=Private 163=Business 164=Received 165=No group 166=Unknown 167=Save file attributes