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Use the Keypad

All of Opera's functions are accessible by way of the menus. Most of the essentials can, however, be reached more efficiently using keypad shortcuts. This page will refer to keypad shortcuts where they are available.

Open Web pages

Press 1, enter a Web address or the nickname of a previously saved bookmark, and push in the joystick or select "OK".

Tip: Press joystick up for a list of previously entered addresses, or press joystick down to choose between prefixes and suffixes.

Display modes

Press "Options" and select "Display" to get access to Opera's different display modes.

Full-screen mode

Activate this mode to use the entire screen for browsing. Full-screen mode is off by default, but is easily activated from the menu or toggled by pressing *.

Fit to screen

Opera's Small-Screen Rendering (SSR) technology reformats Web pages intended for desktop browsing to fit the screen of your device. This display mode is on by default.

Pressing # toggles "Fit to screen" on/off. If you switch it off, Opera will show Web pages without changing them.

The blue indicator on the right side of the screen is your scroll bar. These are the basic functions you need to navigate:

Jump to text

If you want Opera to automatically skip the headers and graphics on top of Web pages and go directly to the text of the page, press 8 to access display settings, and set this feature to "Automatic".


Tags are temporary bookmarks you can set at specific points in the Web page you are viewing, to easily get back to those points. Set a tag by pressing 6, jump to the next tag in page by pressing 3. The tag will be visible as a small, grey indicator on the right side of the screen.

When the page is reloaded, your tags are erased. Note that if "Jump to text" is set to "Manual", you will see the point where the page text starts as a pre-set tag that you can jump to.

Tip: Use tags to mark links you would like to follow, for example articles on a news site. Going back to this page after following links will not reload the page, and you can jump to the next tag.

Filling in forms

Use the joystick to move between form elements, and push it in to mark tick boxes and radio buttons or activate "Submit" buttons and text fields. Then use the keypad to enter text.

Password manager

When you first log in to a Web site, Opera will ask you if you want to save the username and password. If you accept, the log-in form will be pre-filled the next time you visit the page, and you can simply select "Log in" from the "Options" menu to submit the form. The password manager can be deactivated or protected with a master password in the settings.


Bookmark your current Web page by pressing 7. To manage saved bookmarks:

  1. Press 2 to display your bookmarks
  2. Press joystick up/down to highlight a bookmark
  3. Select "Options > Manage bookmarks > Properties/edit"

Read about managing bookmarks for a list of more options.

Multiple Windows

Opera can have two windows open at any one time. When a second window is launched, "Windows" is added to the menus. Go to the Windows menu to close the current window or switch to the other window.


Opera offers a customisable newsfeeds service. Use it to get the latest headlines from your favourite Web sites directly to your phone.

Private data

If you have concerns about browsing data being stored on your phone, for example if you share your phone with others, use the "Tools > Delete private data" option.