

Pages are reformatted

Web pages designed for computer screens do not normally fit on a phone. Opera therefore reformats pages when necessary. This function can be toggled on/off by pressing #.

Read more about display modes.

Out of memory

Make sure you have enough memory available for installing and browsing with Opera.

Clear your phone of all unnecessary images, applications, other large files and messages.

During installation or upgrade

You may get an out-of-memory message during installation if there is very little memory left on your phone.

When starting Opera

If necessary your phone will attempt to close open applications when Opera starts.

If you still get an out-of-memory message, try closing other applications manually; you may also try restarting your phone.

While browsing

If a Web page is heavily loaded with images or other content, your phone may not be able to handle the entire page.

Turn off JavaScript. You should also set Opera to not download images. Setting render mode to "Speed" will also normally contribute to reducing download size.

More information

For more information about memory usage, please read the article "What is memory" from Opera's on-line knowledge base.

Selecting a new APN

If you select a different Access Point Name (APN) than the one used when you last established a connection, your phone may sometimes not respond.

Reopen the Web address, and your phone will connect. You can also set Opera to connect automatically.

Upgrade difficulties

If you already have Opera installed on your phone and you experience problems while attempting to upgrade, open the "Tools > Manager" application and remove the old version of Opera before attempting a fresh install.

For more information, please consult the help documentation for your phone or the software you are using.

On-line support

If you did not find the answer to your problem in this section, please visit Opera's Web pages for more information: