GPSS World Tutorial Manual

Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Using GPSS World  

Lesson 1 - The GPSS World Program

Lesson 2 - Running a Simulation

Lesson 3 - Problems

Lesson 4 - The Text Editor

Lesson 5 - The GENERATE and TERMINATE Blocks   

Lesson 6 - The ADVANCE Block

Lesson 7 - The SEIZE and RELEASE Blocks

Lesson 8 - The QUEUE and DEPART Blocks

Lesson 9 - GPSS World Commands

Lesson 10 - Manual Simulation

Lesson 11 - The Graphics Windows  

Lesson 12 - External Files  

Lesson 13 - The ANOVA Window

Lesson 14 - Reports

Lesson 15 - Session Journaling

Lesson 16 - Continuous Modeling

Lesson 17 - PLUS

Lesson 18 - Debugging

Lesson 19 - Experiments

Lesson 20 - Generating A PLUS Screening Experiment

Chapter 2 - Applications  

1. TURNSTIL.GPS — Simulation of a turnstile at a football stadium  

2. TELEPHON.GPS — Simulation of a simple telephone system.

3. PERIODIC.GPS — Simulation of inventory with periodic review

4. TVREPAIR.GPS — Simulation of a television repair shop

5. QCONTROL.GPS — Simulation of a quality control system

6. ORDERPNT.GPS — Simulation of an order point inventory system

7. MANUFACT.GPS — Simulation of an electronics manufacturing system

8. TEXTILE.GPS — Simulation of a textile factory

9. OILDEPOT.GPS — Simulation of an oil storage depot

10. ASSEMBLY.GPS — Simulation of a pump assembly process

11. ROBOTFMS.GPS — Simulation of a robot operated FMS

12. BICYCLE.GPS — Simulation of a bicycle factory

13. STOCKCTL.GPS — Simulation of a warehouse and branch inventories

14. LOCKSIMN.GPS — Simulation of a canal and lock

15. FOUNDRY.GPS — Foundry simulation

16. TAPEPREP.GPS — Simulation of NC tape preparation

17. TRAFFIC.GPS — Simulation of traffic at a T-junction

18. POWDER.GPS — Simulation of customer brand loyalty

19. QTHEORY.GPS — Simulation of a solvable queuing network

20. SUPERMRK.GPS — Simulation of a supermarket

21. SHIPPORT.GPS — Simulation of a port  

22. EXCHANGE.GPS — Simulation of a PBX

23. FMSMODEL.GPS — Simulation of a flexible manufacturing system

24. ETHERNET.GPS — Simulation of a 10 Mbps Ethernet Network

25. PREDATOR.GPS — Simulation of Predator and Prey Populations


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